Pajre Six ♦♦ n H ♦♦ n ♦♦ u n ♦♦ n n n » ♦♦ ♦♦ s ♦♦ » ATTENTION! Lower Prices! p BEASLEY’S DEPARTMENT STORE | VASS, N. C. I New Spring Goods Arriving Daily | Millinery—Beautiful new spring, hats for all—Ready- « to-Wear—Dresses—Newest styles—Big stock of New Dress Goods— Borden Prints, lOc Yard Big Stock new spring Slippers for the whole family— Quality at low prices. Men and Boys buy here and save. Hats, Caps, Slipped, Shoes, Under wear, Sweaters, Ties, Socks, Overalls, Shirts. BEASLEY’S DEPARTMENT STORE In the Heart of Vass THE PILOT, a Paper With Character. Aberdeen, North Carolina THE WEEK IN VASS and WELL CLEANED Now Open for the Season ELITE CLEANERS Telephone 6301 Elberta Hotel Southen Pines $ 1)^1 lii m U±UTWa tttr: 1SM AVil IN « M] I JlJ.} •11 f n I i«ii l'H s fa i m 4 > Fashioned-Newesf Shades iaL^6Rs^FT«sii>to Met«i &^’Shel [a ssu^ e B r'6wn, Bta ck mSECJ-ETlAAlM T(7 vmr jmrrF WE PAY~~priJrsT15T7E p acCQLQH Vlli BENTJLTT B L'D'C US ^ES^ARRE.PA. An ANNOUNCEMENT by yOUT Fertilizer Dealer No. 2 % I It' I % in a Series appearing in this newspaper My purpose in being here in business is to supply at a fair price what you need to make successful crops. This year I am in better position than ever be fore to help you. I have contracted for my supply of Chilean Nitrate at the lowest price in years. I can pass this saving on to you. I recommend Chilean Nitrate..,the nitrogen the South relies on for real money-making crops. CHILEAN Nitrate is the natural nitrate fertilizer. For more than 100 years it has been used to improve American crops. A little under the crop is important but a liberal top or side dressing is your insurance of profitable results. There is just one thing to think of when you buy your nitrate. Say CHILEAN to your dealer. That one word is your protection and his too. Insist on Chilean and you get the one best nitrogen for your crops. Remember the two kinds—Original Chilean (Crystalline) and Champion Brand (Granulated) both natural nitrate. PHILEAN NITRATt OF SODA THi NATURAL nitrate I LOWEST PRICE in years ^ NEW 100-lb. BAG The bag without a backache Chilean Nitrate of Soda EDUCAllONAL BUREAU 403 Professional Bldg., Raleigh, N. C. fit writing for literature or information, please refer to Ad No. 68 Methodist Auxiliary Meets Mrs. W. D. Matthews was hostess the the Methodist Auxiliary at its monthly business and social meetinj? at her home on Wednesday evening. Early spring flowers effectively ar- the reception hall and living room, ranged added to the attractiveness ol where the guests were recei\^. Th business session was presided over by the chairman, Mrs. H. A. Borst, and in response to the roll call by Mrs. C. L. Tyson, Scripture verses were given. A goodly sum of talent money was turned in, and plans for future work discussed. A report of funds expended on curtains for the parsonage and clothing for needy chil dren was given. A delightful social hour followed. Mrs. W. H. Keith, Mrs. R. H. Cox and Mrs. L. C. Crabtree won highest hon ors in a Bible contest, and Mrs. Emma Laubscher excelled in naming flower cut-outs. Each member was then ask ed to v'rite a poem about George Washington, and the reading of these disclosed that there are some near- Elizabeth Barrett Brownings in the community. The serving of delicious refreshments by the hostess and her little daughter, Sara Edith, brought the evening to a close. year were chosen. Mr. McDonald was succeeded as president by Herbert Bost of Eagle Springs; Mrs. Rosella McCallum McLeod of Carthage was elected vice-president to succeed C. L. Tyson of Vass, and Miss Estelle Tillman of Carthage was reelected sec- retary-treasurer. I Prominent Visitor Here I I R. B. Etheridge of Manteo, Dare County Representative, came down I from Raleigh recently for a look at I the Sandhills and called to see Mrs. I D. A. Smith of Vass. Representative j Etheridge found this ipart of the coun- j try even prettier than he had antici- 1 pated. I Miss Keith Is Hostess Miss Elizabeth Keith entertained a j number of her high school friends at I an infoiTnal party on Friday evening. , Various games were played, after j which the young people enjoyed sing- I ing popular songs and Negro spiri tuals. Miss Keith’s guests were Geor gia Belle Morgan, Elizabeth McNeill, Eva Callahan, Myrtle and Catharine McMillan, Alton Matthews, Douglass Gardner, Atlas Eastwood, M. B. Clay ton, Jr., A. G. Edwards, Jr., Ray Griffin, Herman Parker, Johnnie Morgan and Vick Keith. Fletcher Johnson Passes Funeral services were held for Fletcher Johnson, young man of the Cypress community, at 4 o’clock Fri day afternoon at the Cypress Presby terian church, conducted by the pas- I tor. Rev. Charles A. LawTence, and j interment was in the cemetery nearby. Mr. Johnson passed away at his home on Thursday after an illness of two years of tuberculosis. His wife, the former Miss Ethel McMillian, died of the same disease slightly less than a year ago. The young man is sur vived by a small daughter, his moth er, Mrs. Peggj^ Johnson, and two brothers, James and Dan Johnson, all of the Cypress community out from Vass. Woman’s Club Meets The regular meeting of the Vass Woman’s Club will be held at 7*30 o’clock on Friday evening of next week, March 6, and a full attendance is desired as this is the time for the annual election of officers. Vass Baptist Church Calls Pastor The Vass Baptist church, which has been without a pastor for some time, has extended a call to the Rev. A. H. Porter of Bonlee for the remain der of this year. Mr. Porter has ac cepted and will assume his duties next month. Services ' will be held at 11 o’clock each fourth Sunday morn ing. Mr. Porter preached a trial ser mon here last month and was invited to fill the pulpit again on last Sun day and it was following this service that the call was given. The Rev. Mr. Porter impressed his hearers 'by his deep spirituality and sincerity. During the time that the Baptists have been without a pastor they have by no means been idle. They have erected and furnished a commodious church building and are conducting a wide-awake Sunday School. Personals Mrs. J. Lee Johnson and children, Dwight and Mary Ina, of Raleigh, spent last week-end visiting their rel atives in and near Vass. Mrs. G. W. Griffin and Miss Rosa j Giles were shopping in Southern Pine?! I Saturday morning. I Miss Eloise Brooks of Meredith College spent Saturday night and Sun- I day with her mother, Mrs. G. W. I Brooks. Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Bertie L. Matthews and Wilbur Edwards accom- 1 panied her as far as Sanford on the I return trip and visited at the home ! of Mr. and Mrs. G. 0. Barnhardt. I W. B. Graham was a business vis- I itor to Richmond, Va., last week. I Mr. and Mr.s. Will Klingenschmidt I and family visited friends in Southern I Pines Sunday afternoon. Friends of i Mr. Klingenschmidt will be glad to 1 learn that he was a'ble to resume his I duties as head of the market depart- ! ment of Pender’s in Southern Pines I on Monday, after being unable to I work for the past three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Tyson were San ford visitors Thursday afternoon. Ernest Rivenbark, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Griffin and children and Miss Si^e Galloway of Hamlet visited Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Griffin Sunday. Miss Rosa Giles and Misses Eliza beth and Jeannette Baggett, were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Mary E. Edwards. I Mrs. Walter C. Byrd and little ; daughter, Mary Lou, of Albemarle I came last week to spend a few days i with Mrs. Byrd’s parents, Mr. and i Mrs. J. A. Keith. I ! Mrs. A. M. Cameron had as her guests on Thursday her mother and ! brother, Mrs. J. F. McKay and Lister I McKay, of Buie’s Creek. Mrs. Lizzie Borst, Mrs. W. M. Park er and Miss Annie Borst of Cameron j called on Mrs. Charles J. Temple Mon- I day afternoon. i Mrs. Charles A. Lawrence, who has been ill for the past eleven weeks is now making satisfactory improvement and is able to sit up some, her friends will be glad to learn. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davis and chil dren, Billy, Helen and Marcha, of Badin, spent the week-end with Mrs. Mattie J. Davis of route 1. Friday, February 27, 193i ♦♦ J. T M H Drop in and See our new display of fresh vegetables g I and fruits. Our line is large and complete. | I fresh and cured meats 2 I SANITARY CASH MARKET I I Aberdeen, South Street E. B. Maynard. Mgr. 5 ^ n race Ninth Annual Daffodil Trot, Ninth Annual Sandhill Class First Annual Holly Inn Class I ♦♦ n ♦♦ 3 » Farm Life Alumni Enjoy Banquet Alumni of Sandhills Farm Life School which is located six miles west of Vass enjoyed their annual get-to gether, the chief feature of which is a banquet, on Friday evening of last week. Alumni and guests to the num ber 0^ sixty-nine were present to en joy the delicious four course dinner which was prepared and served by members of the Eureka Woman’s Club. Charles J. McDonald, president of the alumni association, was master of ceremonies and in his gracious man ner introduced the speakers of the evening, County Superintendent H. Lee Thomas, A. B. Cameron, and the Rev. Vv . S. Golden, all of Carthage. A short business session was held, during which officers for the coming Full Program of Equestrian Specialties Good Music Good Sports AT PINEHURST WEDNESDAY,M ARCH 4th, 1931 At 2:45 P. M. Box Seats on Sale at the Carolina Hotel Livery Desk. tt FORD COMFORT ABERDEEN I Little Miss Myrtle Alice Shamburger j is recovering nicely from a tonsil op- ! eration at the Moore County Hospital j on last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Atwater and Mr. and Mrs. Ray White of Durham, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Gunter. Mrs. Jones Macon, and her sister. Miss Josephine Adams, and Mrs. H. E. Bowman motored over to Fayette ville on last Saturday afternoon for some shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Sammie Matthews of Vienna, Ga., are spending some time in Aberdeen visiting relatives before going on to Sanford, where Mr. Mat thews will accept a position. Mr. and Mrs. Purvis Ferree are moving into the J. W. Bowman resi dence in Lakeside Heights this week. Mrs. Melvn Creel, Mrs. Fred Henry and Mrs. Herman Spooner spent last Saturday n Rockingham with rela tives. Mrs. Hardee and little son, who have been occupying the J. W. Bow man residence in Lakeside He,sitgh man residence in Lakeside Heightfi. have moved into the bungalow o’! Rush Street next door to Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Frink. Tom Lewis, who has been seriously ill with erysipelas, is reported to be improving. Mrs. Osborne of High Point, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. V. Miller, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Windham and family spent last week in Richmond, Va., with relatives. They were accom panied home by Mrs. S. M. Ingram who will be their guest for some time. lIJLiH Everjf new Pord ia equipped with four Boudaitte doubte-acting hydruutic shoeh absorbers One of the fine things about driving the new Ford is the way it takes you over the miles without strain or fatigue. No matter how long the trip, you know it will bring you eafely, quickly, comfortably to the joumey^s end. The seats are generously wide, deeply cushioned and carefully designed to conform to the curves of the body. Every new Ford has specially designed springs and four Houdaille doublc'^icting hydraulic shock absorbers. These work both ways — up and down. They absorb the fotce of road shocks and also provide a cushion against the rebound of the springs. Other features that make the new Ford a value far above the price are the Triplex shatter-proof glass wind shield, silent, fully enclosed four-wheel brakes, more than twenty ball and roller bearings, extensive use of fine steel forgings, aluminum pistons, chrome silicon alloy valves, torque-tube drive. Rustless Steel and unusual accuracy in manufacturing. In addition, you save many dollars because of the low first cost of the new Ford, low cost of operation and up-keep, and low yearly depreciation., The New Fordor Sedan ENDORSES SCOUTING In a recent statement the Hon. 0. Max Gardner, Governor of North Carolina, endorsed the Boy Scout Movement. He said: “I heartily endorse and approve the Boy Scout Movement. By teaching in itiative, self reliance, courtesy and the value of life and exercise in the great out-of-doors, the organization has become a potent influence world wide in its character and laying the foundation for a wholesome and rug ged manhood.” LOW PRICES OF FORD CARS $430 to.$630 F. O. B. Detroit, plus freight and delivery. Bumpers and tpare tire extra at $mall eo$t. You can purcheue a Ford on economical termg through thm Authoriaed Ford Finance Plans of tha Univeraal Credit Company, Is It