MOORE COUNTY’S leading news weekly A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 11. NO. 14. W. Southern Pines Taken Over by City Annexation Bill Sponsored by Town Commissioners Passes General Assembly CHARTER IS REVOKED Citizens There Deserve Advantages in Way of Police Protection, Public Improvements and Sanitation, Says Southern Pines Official. MANLEY Plt1L3 VI PILOT FIRST IN NEWS AND ADVERTISING of the Sandhill Territory of Norl'i Carolina Aberdeen, North Carolina Now It’s “Judge” Poate Municipal Recorder’s Court for Southern Pines Created by Gen eral A^embly and Mayor Names Author—Doctor Lawyer as Presiding Justice Friday, March 6, 1931. Southern Pines is to have its own Recorder's Court. A bill providing for its establishment was passed by the General Assembly on Tuesday, and Mayor D. G. Stutz immediately appointed Dr. E. M. Poate as judge. The Mayor and Commissioners decided to establish the court at once, to take the place of the Mayor’s Court w^hich is now in operation. Nex t "fuesday, March 10th, at 10 o’clock in the morning, the City Recorder’s Court will be formally opened and will hold its first term in the new Court room on the second floor of the Municipal Building. Judge Poate will be sworn in by Mayor Stutz at that time. Howard Burns, Town Clerk, is expected to act as Clerk of Court. The court will have the same jurisdiction as the County Recorder’s Court, except that it will be limited in jurisdiction to the Town of Southern Pines and the district w’ithin two miles outside the town limits. All misdemeanors committed within this territory will be tried before Pr. Poate—author, doctor, lawyer, psychiatrist and now a judge. MANNING TO PLAN IMPROVEMENT OF MIDLAND SECTION To Lay Out Development Be tween Souihiem Pines, Knoll- wood and Pinehurst -= \ ^ FIVE CENTS NEW ROADS UNDER WAY The bill to abolish West Southern pines as a corporate village and an nex it to Southern Pines, introduced in the State Legislature by Senator Murdoch Johnson at the request of | Woman of Commun Was One of Earliest Settlers of ihe Town Commissioners of Southern i ity Passed Away Tuesday af- Blue’s Crossing, Now Pines, was passed by the General | ter Family Reunion Sunday City of Aberdeen Mrs. McNeill Dies . Mrs. Maggie Blue, Suddenly at Vass 111 Two Years, Dies Assembly yesterday. West Southern r Pines, familiarlly known as “Jim- j community was shocked on Mrs. Maggie Blue, member of a becomes a part of the City ot \ Tuesday as it had not been in a long prominent Aberdeen family, died at iouthern Pines> its ovrn charter re- | time when it became known that Mrs. iher home here about 4:30 o’clock Mon- voked and its present administration i g McNeill, one of the best loved ' day afternoon after an illness of al- antomatically suspended. I Tl' measure has been the chief ‘^ community, had passed ; most two years during which time topi, f fireside and street corner I she suffered three strokes of paraly- fonversation in Southern Pines since ! Mrs. McNeill was able to be about sis. She had been in a coma for sev-1 it was introduced in the State Senate her usual duties on Sunday and had eral days and her death was not un- j expected. She was 71 years od. j She was the widow of the late Mai- j colm Blue, who, died 40 years ago i Plans for the improvement of the territory lying between Southern Pines, Knoll wood and Pinehurst have j been shaping for some time. Thi-5 week j they are about to climax in the an- I nouncement that Warren Manning has : been engaged to survey the situation I and furnish a design for the work. Mr. j Manning has been supplied with maps and information from which he will begin a preliminary study. As he has already worked out the projects for the two separate developments of Pinehurst and Knollwood, with much work on Midland Farms territory^ he has the ground work for the job in hand now. As soon as the prelimi- County Commissiow Five Members Provided in BiU Before Assembly Moore County Divided into Five Districts with One Commissioner To Be Elected From Each Subdivision CAMERON AND SEYMOUR ADDED NOW A bill to increase the Moore County * qualified voters of Moore County, and Board of Commissioners from three the candidate from each respective to five members was introduced in | district who shall receive the largest the State Senate by Senator Mur-; number of votes shall be declared to doch M. Johnson of Aberdeen on Wed- ^ the nominee of his party, duly noni- nesday and is understood to be in inated as the candidate from said dis- line for prompt action. Introduction ' trict for the general election, and came as the result of a growing sen- i said candidates shall be voted on in timent in the county that owing to the general election by all of the the varied interests of this commun- | qualified voters of said Moore County, ity each section of the county should ! Section 4. That in addition to the have direct representation on the board and also because of the enact ment of the new State highway law naries are laid out he will be down | doing away with county highway boards, thus throwing additional work on the county commissions. Under the bill as introduced, t.»ie a short time ago. There have been i greatly enjoyed having her entire those who saw great danger in the ' family with her, the three daughters, annexation of the colored commun- i and little grandson who reside else- ity as well as those who believe it to where being at home until the late be the only solution of government * afternoon. On Monday morning she this way to go over the field in a detail way, when the real work will commence. Mr. Manning has long had a bold conception of this section. When the Midland Road was first talked he ar gued for a 200-foot road. That look ed too visionary at the time, but he finally won with 120 feet, which is now seen to be too narrow. His pre present Board of County Commission ers consisting of three members, Frank Cameron, of Greenwood Town ship (District number four), and G. C. Seymour, of Sandhills Township (District number five), be and they are hereby appointed commissioners at Valdosta, Ga. She is survived bv i that, time was for her two daughters, Misses Berta and ’ “ four-way road. A one-way road was fertile colony. The citizens of V/est I suffered an attack of gall-stone eolic, j Ila Blue, who have been devoted at-: ^ f southern Pines themselves are said ! but members of the family were en- tendants at her bedside all through |f ,.have been in favor of annexation “if i tirely unprepared for her passing, her last illness. Henry McCoy Blue, «>f™ately , Uve districts, but not exclusively by county is divided into five districts, | to serve until the first Monday in as follows: No. 1—Carthage Town- | December, one thousand nine hundred ship; No. 2—Bensalem and Sheffield ' and thirty-tw'o. Townships; No. 3—Deep River and j Section 5. That the laws govern- Ritters Townships; No. 4—Green- j ing the election of County Commis- wood and McNeills Townships, and j sioners not in conflict with this act No. 5, Sandhills and Mineral Springs ' shall be as provided by statute. Townships. | Section 6. That all laws and It is the purpose of the measure to , clauses of laws in conflict with the County provisions of this act are hereby re pealed. ikv could afford it,” but they qnes- which came most unexpectedly ac Mayor of Aberdeen, Will Blue, Halbert tked their ability to do their share eleven o’clock Tuesday morning from J. Blue, Mrs, John Graham and Miss ;>3>ui)por of any program of improve- acute dilation of the heart. Louise Blue are nephews and nieces .neni. The opponents of the measure! Funeral services were held at 3:30 | of the deceased. f i in Southein Pines itself feared the Wednesday afternoon at the Vass | She was a member of the Metho- in iitional tax burden of taking over Presbyterian Church conducted by the dist church since early childhood and fhe suburb if it meant improvem.ents pastor, the Rev. Charles A. Lawrence, a consecrated Christian woman, in *^he w'ay of sewers, proper water assisted by the Rev, M. D. McNeill Mrs. Blue was one of the settlei s upply, proper policing, etc. of Cameron, a former pastor and of the town, coming to Aberdeen to Proponents of the bill maintained friend of the family. Comforting pas- ' live about 1888 and it was for a me)*- tluj self-government had not proved sages of Scripture were read and the ber of her family that Aberdeen Avas pastor pair a high tribute to the life first called Blue’s Crossing, of the deceased. “Nearer My God to * The funeral was conducted at her Thee” and “Jesus Lover of My Soul” ; home here on Tuesday afternoon at were sung by the choir, and “Some- 3 o’clock, the Rev, W. C. Ball, pastor time We’ll Understand’ was sweetly ' of the Aberdeen Methodist church, point of health and peace, and that rendered by Mrs. Dan S, Ray and Mrs. officiating, with interment at Old he only solution was to bring the W. H. McNeill of Lakeview. ; Bethesda cemetery by the side of h(?r ■own under the government of South- Friends and relatives in numbers ' son, James Blue, who preceded her crn Pines. greater than the church auditorium | to the grave about 10 years ago. A member of the city government, could acommodate were present, and j in erviewed by The Pilo^ immediately the floral offerings bore testimony a^’ter passage of the bill yesterday, of the great love which the neighbors made ihe following statement: | felt for the deceased. The body was , I inteired in the Johnsons Grov^ cem- •No Public Improvements etery. Geneial Assembly has passed pi'evail. But to relieve this the pro jected 100-foot road in the exten sion of Pennsylvania avenue from Southern ^ Pines to Pinehurst is now contemplated. This roid has been op ened to the west line of West South- i the electorate of that district. The entire county votes for all five can didates, but one nominee must come from each of the five districts. ^ Cameron and Seymour Provision is made for the immediate Section 7, That this act shall be in full force and effect from and af ter its ratification. ern Pines, Judge Way, Knollwood au'l increase of the present board, the bill Denny and Johnson New Kiwanis Members Midland Farms own the frontage from West Southern Pines to Pinehnrst, They have been discussing the advis ability of clearing out the right of providing for the adding of Frank Cameion of Greenwood Township and G. C. Seymour of Aberdeen, represeni- ing Sandhills Township, to the com- Club Hears Good Reports from Committec^s at Monthly. Business Meeting i n uf'cess in West Southern Pines, ha conditions were not as they hould be, that existing conditions so r-ar t; a lesort town weie an evji- P'L-pnt threat both from the stand way and disclosing on the pround the- mission to serve from the passage of outlook that will follow the final con- the measure until December, 1932, sti-uction of the road through thei^. The present Board of County Commls- The plan is for 100 fe?t the whole distance. The loute is straight from Broad street in Southern Pines to the tuin in the old trolley I'oute neai* tho Rountree house on Midland Road, but sioners, comprising Messrs, Mathe- son, Cuirie ard Shaw, all come from the noithern section of the county, Robert E. Denny and Raymond Johnson, both of Pinehurst, were greeted as new members of the Ki wanis Club of Aberdeen at the Week ly meeting held on Wednesday in the Community Church at Pinehurst, and TYSON GETS TWO YEARS ON LIQUOR CHARGES keeping on the trolley route back of ed during a time when new state leg- , the Midland block of five-acie lots, islation effecting the county and gen- parallel with the Midland road. eral business conditions require the On the north side of the Midland , most careful consideration of all towm- Road Rassie Wicker is making a sur- ships, vey of another broad road which wiil The bill introduced by Senator John- mark the line between Midland lots ' son appears to have county-wide sup leaving the more populous end of welcoming speeches were made by the county only indirectly represent- Paul Dana, Herbert Vail, the Rev. Murdoch McLeod and the Rev. J. Fred Stimson. Good work was reported by the Ki wanis Educational Committer^, through its chairman, Elsie Keith; by the Music committee, Jerry Healy, chairman, and the Publicity comrriit- Ralph Tyson, former resident Southern Pines where he lesided on ' Midland Farms just as Penn- port, and is expected to weather the tee, of which Howard Burns is cha:i- ■,;il a ivocated by the Town Com- i ;ntj.< abolishing the charter of Southein Pines and including Active pall bearers were Jesse Gara- Bennett street, near Wisconsin avp- , gylvania avenue will on the south side, legislative mill before the General As- man, at this week’s meeting, which ?r, Fred L, Taylor, Eugene Keith, J. drew a sentence of two years | This wi" Please turn to page 10 ner, r red l,, la^ioi, HtUgene rs.eitn, drew a sentence of two years | ^his will go to the Barber and Bur-' sembly adjourns in the course of tb'‘ was the monthly business meeting. R, Auman, John McCinimmen and N". ^nd a $500 fine in Federal Court at I ^ell White lands, opening the north , next few weeks. The Pilot has heard. The club w^as visited by a delegfi- N. McLean. Honoiary pall beaiers Rockingham this week on charges of j side in similar manner to Pennsyl- no objections raised to its enactment, tion from the Trenton, X. J. Kiw’anis the South. This is the public generally considering the Club, which ertertained the local Ki- vania avenue on Robert N. Page Again Heads Country Club w'ere S, R, Smith, W. B. Graham, A. fjjj^pensing liquor from his home, lie D. McLauchlin, J. A. Keith, J. ; was arrested some time ago by Chief primary feature of the work, Wha son, W D, Smith, W. D, Matthews , Police Beasley of Southern Pines, and W, C, Leslie, Mrs, McNeill, befoie her marrlMge, was Miss Elizabeth McLellan, daught- Dire<-tors and Officers of South-1 er of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McLelbTKl Sentense will be served in the Federal Industrial Reformatory for men at Chillic^othe, Ohio. ni Pines Corporation Hold Annual Meeting of the Godwin section of Cumberland county. She Avas from a prominent | , family, her father having at one tim-i X. Page was elected pi-esi- . represented hi? county in the State | ■■■( the Southern Pines Country ' Legislature. j measure as one for th' benefit of the Mr. Manning will do with the whclj county as a whole, job remains to be seen. It looks as : Xhe bill as introduced reads as fol- if the scheme will unfold quickly i ]qws: THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY! OF NORTH CAROLINA DO ENACT: MISS MARY LEACH BRIDE OF NEILL A. GRAHAM Lived Here 34 Years On December 22, 1897, her twen tieth birthday anniversary, she was happily married to E. L. McNeill nnd as a bride came to a plantation on Little River to make her home. To this (Please turn to page ten) B l! L JMci: C. T MILITARY TRAINING CAMP at the annual meeting of the offipp;; and directors of the organi- zatiiVri . hich was held last Saturday Jii.y'br ■>! the Country Club at 8:00 ocliMk, The business meeting was by a banquet. !)fficers chosen are: vice-pres- M. G. Nichols; second vice- Frank Shamburger; third; Vicr.-v,.evident, Dr. J. W. Dickie, and l MANY HERE APPLY FOR ■ ''Cta' v and treasurer F. F. Travis. Th v.'oard of directors for the en- :ar was chosen as follows: . Adams, J. C, Barron, Dr. A. Blair, J. H. Boyd, Stiuthers A. I. Creamer, Dr. J. W. Hunter Eckert, H. W. Gag-, Hayes, J. J. Harrington, Ern- lorrell, Nelson C. Hyde, Dr. W. li-gett, George C. Moore, Dr. J. Iilliken, M. G. Nichols, R. N. F. B. Pottle, J. N. Powell, ^*'rark Shamburger, J. B. Swett, M. urner, F. F. Travis, i]. C. Stevens, . Kelly. ^0 other impoi*tant business was l^^nsacted, the remainder of the tinie given over to a reading of i*e- ^^•^8 of the various officers. Announcments were received iin t Aberdeen during the week of the mar riage last Thursday of Miss Mary Elizabeth Leach, daughter of Mrs, Ralph Leach of Aberdeen, to Neil Archibald Graham of Durham. The wedding was quietly solemnized at the Leach home here. The bride is one of the most popular and attrae- now and cover the whole region down to the Watson property. $95,000 Allotted for New Postoffice Here Southern Pines, Included on Ten- Year Buildin^^ Program Awaits Appropriation Vv'anisns with mouth organs and zo- boes. W, L, Blackman of the Tronton club made a few lemarks, win'^’in'i’ up with the improvised quotatio*^, “All work and no play makes J?.ck—and lots of it.” The Kiwanis Ladies Night and Section 1. That there shall be, and held the .econ ' the sameJs hereby cieated, five dis- annou-icexl. James McNab of Pinehurst is ch?i’r- of the committee on ai-range- tricts in Moore County for the nomi nation and. election of County Com missioners, Section 2. That at the next gen eral primary and the next general election in one thousand nine hundre