MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS- WEEKLY THE A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 11, NO. 16. £ACUE SPAINCS - kLAKEVl£W MANI.CY SOUTHERN JACKSOH SPRIMOS PINIEBUJPP PILOT FIRST IN NEWS AND ADVERTISING ) of the Sandhill Territo^ of North Carolina Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, March 20, 1931. DORMITORIES AT §AMARCAND BURN; 16 GIRLS ARRESTED Two BuiMings of State Institu tion Totally Destroyed and Inmates Face Charges - FIVE CENTS Salvation Army Buys “Broadacres,” | WRECK LEADS TO 5,000-Acre Tract in the Sandhills | Qp 3 pQ|^ NEW YORK THEFT ALL ADMIT COMPLICITY Two buildings at the State Insti- ution for Delinquent Girls at Sam- arcand were totally destroyed by fire last Thursday afternoon, and as a re sult sixteen girls ranging in age from 15 to 20 are in jail on charges cf ar* son. According to Sheriff Charles J. McDonald, each one of the girls has admitted some part in firing the buildings, Chamberlin Hall and Bick- ett Hall, both dormitories. The girls were all inmates of the institution. The girls were given a preliminary hearing before Judge George R. Humber at Carthage on Monday and bound over to the May term of Mcore County Superior Court on charges of first degree arson, a capital felony in North Carolina. Moore county’s jail being too small to hold the prisoners, arrangements were made Monday for their transfer I to the other nearby institutions . to aw’ait trial. The arrests were made I promptly after the fire, the girls bs- ! ing held temporarily in the jails at ' Carthage and Troy. Hospital Has Baby Eight Months Old Girl, Found on Doorstep, Turned Over To Institution The Moore County Hospital has become the proud parent of an eight months old baby girl. Many babies have been born in the new hospital since its O’pening a year and a half ago, but they all be longed to someone else. Now the institution has one of its own— unless someone claims her. A w'hite baby girl w’^as found on the doorstep of the John M. Jam ison cottage last week, w^ell dress ed and with smiling blue eyes. No ore knows how the little one carne to be there. She was taken to the hospital, and no one has claimed her. If you want to adopt a nice eight-months old daughter, the hospital authorities will consider your application. Old Gates Home and Orchard Sold to National Organization by H. A. Page, Jr. Broadacres Orchard, comprising the Frederick T. Gates home, and con taining more than 5,000 acres, has been sold by H. A. Page, Jr., to the Salvation Army, according to an nouncement made this week. The of fices of the Southern Division of the Salvation Army, comprising territory of around 15 Southern states and the District of Columbia, is in Atlanta, and is in charge of Commissioner Alexander M. Damon, the legal department being in charge of Ensign J. R. Curran. The full scope of the operation of the Army is lit tle appreciated, they having in all principal cities of the country hotels, rooming houses, hospitals, stores, etc. All of their men’s hotels are called Argonne, and their women’s hotels are called Evangeline, after its com mander in chief, Evangeline Booth. The policy of the Army is to give aid to all needy persons applying for it. Stolen Auto Faite To Take Vass Curve at 75 Miles an Hour CAUGHT AT ROCKINGHAM A trip that, if reports are true, began with a sensational take-off from New York in a Packard car obtain ed in a hold-up at the point of a pistol ended most abruptly in Vass on Thursday night about twelve o’clock when the car failed to make the dangerous curve oil Federal highway No. 1 near the railroad un-! derpass and did a flip-flop that left I it wholly incapacitated. | Clifford A. Schwab, 28, admits | holding up the night watchman of a garage with a 45 Colt pistol, gagging and binding him, robbing him of $38 and then stealing the new Packard VAN WIE ORCUTT ENTER SOUTHERN PINES TOURNEY , . , . . . , straight 8 sedan. With Schwab was but to obtain such assistance^^ jjeed, Jr., aged 27. At Tren- ton the two picked up Alfred Storms, j fixed rule, unless the needy is physi- ! cally unable, to require that some I sort of w’ork be done in exchange for assistance. The Army owns and j maintains all of its units, and it has a I large corps of most efficient workers jto carry on the varied activities of one of the largest charitable organiza-— tions in the world. The record made 18. But he had nothing to do with the crime. News of the accident was not gen erally known here until Friday morn ing, and then nothing could be learn ed except that a car was wrecked. No occupants w'ere aground. It was la- "W alter Siler, of the attorney sen-i bv the Salvation Armv durino- the that Alton Shaw, a v-^ung eral’s office .n, was ,n Car- Noted Women Golfers To Comp-: t J L man of the Cameron communitv had 100 Per Cent Town ■V Aberdeen Only Place of Any Size in State Which Had No Fire Loss in 1930 Aberdeen was the only town of any size in North Carolina which had no fire damage in 1930. The North Carolina Fire Preven tion Bulletin published by the Stats Insurance Department is just out and has some interesting fig ures. The fire loss in the state for 1930 was $6,308,552, as compared with $4,992,412 for 1929. The number of fires in the state in 1930 was 2,822 as compared with 2 423 for 1929. Though it would seem from the above that fires are on the increase, the per capita loss this past year was $1.98 as compared with $3.21 back in 1922. Aberdeen alone attained the honor roll for the year among towns of any size. Of the towns hoving 15,000 or more population, Rocky Mount leads the list for smallest damage, only $12,312 loss for the year. Asheville was a.close second. ^RE WIDESPREAD .^‘/ORT OF NEW HOSPITAL SOUGHT Riclmrd Tufts Tells of Problems in Meeting Institution’s Annual Deficit INTERESTING FIGURES MUSIC, SPEECHES, FUN TO OPEN NEW thage Monday to handle the prosecu tion of the cases against the girls, and G. W. McNeill of Carthage was assigned to their defense. Those Arrested The sixteen held are: pete in Annual Mid-South Event Starting Next Week MANY PRIZES OFFERED World War stands out as one of the ^ctiueiun community bright spots of that terrific conflict. haPPened along around twelve o’clor-k. Just what disposition is to be made after the wieck had occun'ed, of the property just acquired is notthree men there, (n-e- definitely known, the new owners not' sumably gathering up articles scat- vet having decided on what procedure : ^e stopped they will take. A rest camp, somewhat' ‘>®ked if the party needed any like those maintained by the Wood-' h'S'P answered in the nega- of the World or the Shriners G. C. Seymour To Christen Aber deen Meetin’ House at 8:00 O’clock Tonight EVERYONE IS INVITED The W^omen’s Mid-South Josephine French, of Haw River, . championship, an invitation tourna- Delois Seawell, of Cove City; Mary. . . x. j „ ’ ^ i. A/r ment inaugurated three years ago and Branson, of Rocky Mount; Margar-' ^ & men et Pridgen, of Wilmington; Margar- annually since then, will be for members of their organizations et Abeinethy, of Kinston; Wilma held next w^eek, Thursday and Friday in locations like Denver, might be one " at the Southern Pines Countiy Club., "se to which it could be put. A more general hospital for the live in a way that caused him to think that he had better move alonp. Music, speeches, fun—that’s the program for the official opening of Aberdeen’s new Community House, which will be chrisfened at a good old , for financial aid would meet w^ith a That the great need being by the Moore County Hospital and the tremendous amount of good being ac complished by the institution is not fully realized throughout the county and therefore not fully appreciated was the gist of a talk made by Rich ard Tufts before the directors of the Southern Pines Chamber of Com merce. ‘‘The work of a hospital is of such a nature that it is difficult to give it proper publicity,” he said, and told of some of the problems con fronted by the directors of the insti tution in the management o| its af fairs. The hospital’s normal expectancy for last year was 20 patients per day. It averaged over 30, Mr. Tufts stated. Less than one-third were full paying patients, less than a third partial pay ing, the balance free or charity cases. More than 50 per cent of the patients come from the vicinity of Carthage, the Vass-Cameron section, and the Hemp section. Aberdeen comes second in numbers sent to the institution, Pinehurst third. Southern Pines fourth, the Eagle Spring area fifth. Like all hospitals, there is a goodly- sized deficit in the operations account at the end of a year. The problem is to arrange financing to meet these annual deficits. Mr, Tufts believes that if the public generally understood what the hospital is accomplishing, its value to the community, the appeal (Please turn to page ten) Seek Vote on Express And Mail Delivery their suspicions aroused w’hen they leai-ned that the wrecked car, a prac- Miss Maureen Orcutt of New York, from other hospitals | tically new convertible sedan, had several times Metropolitan woman’s Army might also be w’orked out. | been abandoned after the accident, champion and well knowm nationally, , However, with the backing Southern Pines Chamber of Com merce to Conduct Referen dum Among Citizens w’ho won the tournament last year, will be here to defend her title, as will Miss Virginia Van Wie of Chic ago, winner of the Mid-South cham pionship in 1929. Other golf stars, nationally known. Southern Pines Passers-by on Friday morning had i fashioned house warming starting at more widespread and generous re sponse. Support of the institution at present is cOoicent rated in a vary small area of the county. Asked what the county government was doing by w^ay of support, Mr. Tufts stated that the sum of $1,200 had been appropriated for the hospi tal, but had not been paid as yet. Manv members of the ChaniT-tr of of the later, three men, one scratched up 8 o’clock tonight, Friday, in the re modeled Neill McKeithen house on South street. Don’t miss it. The program committee for the oc- walked southw^ard along the highway. Chief Beasley was notified, but when he came upon the men, they w^ere al ready over the boundary into Rich mond county, so he notified Rocking ham officers, who arrested the trio Bowman, Mrs. G. L. Burney, Mrs. W. T. Batchelor and Mrs. Barber, They Salvation Armv which through nu- somewhat and another with tc*’ii casion is headed by the Rev, E. L. merous bequests is one of the largest clothing, attracted attention as thi;y Barber and comprises Mrs. H. E. property owners of charitable insti tutions in the world, it is only a ques tion of what plan is best suited for the development of the property. This property is located only three miles from the Mossgiel Club, and a have a lot up their sleeves for the Commerce diiectorate thought this entertainment of. Aberdeen, but they amount insufficient, that the insti- aren’t telling all they know. W^e tution should receive in the neighbor- ■have found out in an underhand sort , $5^000 annually. One pointed Residents of Southern Pines are going to be asked to vote on wheth- who will come to • . , . . , er or not they want free mail and i early next week include Miss Bernie ' like distance from the large estate of j on suspicion, and they w^ere held m ; of wa> that G. C. Seymoui, newly ap- ^h^t the hospital probably saved express delivery in the town. On mo-i Wall, Wisconsin champion and a mem- Eldridge Johnson just on this side of j the county jail. pointed menibei of the Board of the county that much in charity tion of Dr. L. B. McBrayer, it was ber of the American team accompany- Lumbee River. It is also close to the I On Sunday ,the Richmond county oounty Commissioners, is going to j which w^ould fall upon it were voted at the meeting of the Board ing Miss Collett to England last year, property reported sold last week to : sheriff and a United States Deputy ! present the plans and purposes of the i j^ot for the hospital. There has also cf Directors of the Chamber of I Miss Edith Quier who played sucn Glenn McKinney of New York. Commerce, held Tuesday noon at the ; fine golf last year in many important Southern Pines Country Club, to sub- * tournaments and a player enjoying mit the question to a referendum. ! great popularity with golf galleries. Secretary Shields Cameron will send 1 Mrs. O. S. Hill, w'estern champion •ut postal cards in the near future. ; ^nd a former North and South cham- j This is not a new subject of con- ; pion, Mrs. David Gaut, former South- j Visiting Ladies Entertain Mem- troversy in Southern Pines. For sev- | grn champion and a member of the j bers—Show to Aid Educa- eral years there have been many who ' vv-oman’s committee of the United tional Fund Announced 'hought the town had become of suf- ! states Golf Association, Mrs. Mar- ficient size to warrant the delivery | jon Turpie Lake, also former South- of express parcels to their homes, and i champion, Mrs. Melvin Jones a Marshal accompanied one of the pris- | Community House Association and oners to the scene of the WTeck and | figuratively break the proverbial bot- I on into Vass where the car had been i tie of wine over the prow of the new Kiwanis Club Hears I brought for safe keeping. He is said i ship. There will be other speakers. QllSrtct From RRCfordi I have admitted being in the ?ar The music program is in charge I and to Tiave said that it was being , of Mrs, Grady Burney, who has se- driven at a speed of 75 miles an hour ; cured the services of a colored quar- | the public generally in when the accident occurred. | tet which is said to be good. Then ' tution, he said. j ■ Mr. Tufts also spoke a few words been some talk of a membership cam- paigTi, whereby memberships of var ious classifications and annual dues could be established, a plan which would serve the double puipose of producing revenue and interesting the insti- A ladies’ quartet from Raeford en tertained the members of the Kiwanis A poclketbook was found near the scene of the wreck which contained a card bearing what is supposed to be the name of the owner of the car. river, but a search failed to ]-evcal others who sought delivery of mail | former western champion, and Mrs. | Club of Aberdeen at , their weekly j The P^^oner claimed that tne party *y carrier. Those against the plan for Harry V. Maxwell well known Pine- | meeting held Wednesday in the Civic hidden four suit cases near ..e express deliveries base their opposi- burst star. I Club at Southern Pines. With Mrs. tion on the fact that they would pre- I program calls for eighteen I Clyde Upchurch at the piano Mrs. f< r to go to the express office and ad- W. E. Farrington, Mrs. W. M. Thom- Please turn to page 10 Burns Prove Fatal to Evelyn Austin, Aged 8 about Knolhvood, stating that he look ed with the utmo.‘^t confideTice on the future of that section of .the Sand hills, “ I believe the return of bus- I iness conditions to normal will mean a real boom for Knollw'ood,” he stated, them. He is also said to have told Little Pinebluff Girl Playing and told of the splendid season which get their parcels when they arrire j ^j^jonal contests on the side lose valuable time in waiting than for them to be delivered. Some of the larger merchants are numbered among the opponents. Those who do not want mail de livered hold that the present box system gets people downtown at least mce a day, is therefore good for business, and besides, the postoffice serves as a congenial morning meet ing place for all and breeds a neigh borly spirit. A motion was passed at Tuesday’s meeting to send a delegation to see State Highway Commissioner J. El- wood Cox before he retires—if he does from the commission and make one more appeal for the paving of U. S. Highway No. 1 from Aberdeen to Drowning Creek. The stretch from Drowning Creek to the junction of the Rockingham and Hamlet roads slated for paving, leaving the Al^r- deen stretch the worst of the^ unim proved parts of No. 1 in. this vinicity. President S. B. Richardson of the Chamber of Commerce will appoint a committee this week. Final contracts for this summer’s work are to be let hy the commission on March 27th, it is stated. Trophies will be awarded to the winner of the tournament and to the 2nd., 3rd., and 4th.; low gross scores, to the 1st., 2nd., 3rd., and 4th,; low scores, to the low gross 18 holes, to the best selected 18 holes and to the winners of the special events. The committee requests that tour nament entries be sent to Mr.?. E. Ellsworth Giles, Southern Pines, to be received not later than Tuesday, March 24th. J. C. BARRON FINDS $2.50 r.s, Mrs. Ina B. Bethune and Mrs. H. C, McLaughlin sang a number of se- Santa Claus When Clothing Catches Fire that the car was obtained after a man in New York had been held up at a garage at the point of a pistol, lections, Mrs. Farring1:on delighted I tied upstairs in the build- Evelyn Austin, six-year old daugh- her audience with two solos, “Wild I . . . I Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Austin of Irish Rose” and “When I Dream of i is said that officers are mclin-^ pinebluff, died Sunday in the Moore Old Erin” ^ discredit a part of the story ' County hospital w’here she was taken Richard Tufts told the club mem- told, but the fact that the men were : hurriedly on Saturday after severe bers of the need for more general i heavily armed was enough to in- bums suffered when her clothes be- support of the new County Hospital j York headquarters to^ send came ignited. Evelyn was playing San- throughout the county. Edwin Me the Pine Needles this year. Inn was enjoying IXXES HURT WHEN AUTOS COLLIDE NEAR ABERDEEN detective here. They suspect the ta Claus with a number of the neigh Keitherannounc^'d" the dates for the i ™ay be wanted for other crimes borhood children. She was drtssed in play to be held for the benefit of the j >" ^ew York’s underworld. | her mother’s clothes and having a Moore County Educational Founda-1 ’ time around a tree out in the ^ breaking glass and rushed to tion as March 31st at the Southern I SOUTHERN PINES TOURNEY ; yard. Someone had produced a candle I ^ . Pines Country Club and April 2 at the Albert Innes, employed by the Pow ell peach orchard near Pinehurst, was painfully injui'ed late Sunday af ternoon when the car which he was driving hit another car on the curve near the Aberdeen baseball field, on the Pinehurst road. Innes was badly Carolina Theatre, Pinehurst. He stat- IN HIS 25 CENT APPLE j ed that the cream of local talent had been secured to entertain the popu lace on those evenings. J. C. Barron, golfer, deserted the links long enough last Saturday morn ing to buy an apple from the bar rel auctioned off by Frank Buchan for the unemployment fund. He only gave a quarter for the fruit, and it proved a good investment. When he bit into it his teeth struck something hard. Investigation revealed the $2.50 gold piece which Claude Hayes had donated for the worthy cause. J. C. is still trying to figure what interest he made on his twenty-five cent in vestment. RED CROSS $10,000,000 CAMPAIGN OVER THE TOP Local members of the American Red Cross expressed keen pleasure yester day at the news that the campaign to raise $10,000,000 in the country for drought relief had “gone over the top.” The Moore County chapter did its fair share in the campaign fop funds. North Carolina raised $32,- 008. DWINDLES DOWN TO FOUR j to add a Christmas touch, and another ' Moore County hospital "here I youngster had found a match. Eve- repoited yesterday that he was - -..T ’ 1 > on the road to recovery. The driver of Paul Carter, University of North lyns clothes caught fire, and by the i,,.t Carolina golfer, Tom Kelley, L. E Adams and Alec Brown survive the championship flight in the annual tournament fo rthe golf championship ^ the little one was so severely burned of the Southern Pines Country Club, j that all efforts to save her proved being played there this week, and the j vain, semi-final round will be played to day, Friday, with the finals tomor row. Surviving in the Second flight are Harry Pethick, F. Froeb^ T. M. Adams and Robert Skinner, and in the third, W. S. Rutherford, W. A. Growney, J. C. Mallalien and Joseph Clapham. time two colored men who were pass-1 ‘he other car escaped unhurt, but ing were able to reach her and hoth cars were badly damaged, smother the flames with their coats. ASSEMBLY PASSES BILL TO INCREASE COMMISSION Pinebluff was overcome witii the shock of little Evelyn’s death. The funeral was held Tuesday at th^ Baptist church there and the church was filled to overflowing with grief-stricken friends of the popular youngster. The Rev. A. W^ade Thomp son, the Rev. C. L. Jackson and Dr. Gibson officiated. The bill increasing the number of members of the Moore County Board of Commissioners from three to five, naming Frank Cameron of near Cam eron and G. C. Seymour of Aberdeen as the two new members from this end of the county, was passed early in the week by the General Assem bly.

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