MOORE COUNTY’S leading news weekly I T'U'IC^ JL HJCf A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 11, NO. 17. WILMINGTON GIRL TAKES BLAME FOR SAMARCAND HRE Says She Touched Off Chamber- lain Hall and Would Do It Again >^:arthaoe 9^ #LAKEViEW HANUEY c PILOT FIRST IN NEWS AND ADVERTISING of the Sandhill TerritQ< ^ North Carolina Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, March 27, 1931. o* o ^ FIVE CENTS Uniform Development of Sandhills Aim of Landowners in Enlisting Services of Warren H. Manning Landscaping Authority To Chart Future Growth of Pinehurst- Knollwood- So. Pinefe Section 16 HELD AT LUMBERTON Margaret Pridg’en of Wilmington, nc of the 16 girls held in the Rob eson county jail in Lumberton await ing trial at the May term of Moore ounty Superior court on a charge of •urning two buildings at Samarcand, state institution for delinquent girls, :akes entire responsibility for start ing the fire. The Pridgen girl talked freely about the matter in the Lumberton prison, stating that she set fire to one of the buildings and would do it again. She e*ave as the reason that she was tired HAS PRELIMINARY SURVEY By Bion H. Butler The coming of Warren H. Manning to the Sandhills to undertake the work of planning the uniform devel opment of the large area of ground between Pinehurst, Knollwood and Southern Pines is one of the great events of the year. This move awak ens in me a most enthusiastic de gree of optimism, for its signifies a breadth of vision that is of vital con sequence to the Sandhills. In the past much good work has been done in planning the scheme on which development could go for ward, but some horrible examples of botchery have been allowed to slip that will Exhibition Match Misses Van Wie, Orcutt, Wall and Wattles to Play for Benefit of Hospital EXTEND SEASON THROUGH MAY, IS MOVE LAUNCHED No Reason Why Sandhills Should Not Attract Visitors Over Longer Period HOTELS MAY EXPERIMENT »f the place and thought she might be moved if the building burned. She ! through here and there says she set fire to Chamberlain hall I leave stains on the community indefi- pital while you are following this after other girls had failed in their attempt to commit the same offense. While Chamberlain hall was burning, other girls set another building afire, :hinking officials would believe it •aught from the first. The fire began about 8 p. m. At that time some of the girls were un- nitely. Olmstead started Pinehurst right. Manning later got a hand in and helped to continue the work on a basis reaching farther out. Yeomans added to Manning’s work in the Southern Pines section and built a monument to his skill. Judge Way dro>pped into the neighborhood and Golf lovers have a treat in store for ^ important move- them tomorrow, Saturday afternoon, | at 2 o’clock when four of the coun- i ^ront in recent days,, try’s leading women golfers will tee activity in time to off at the Southern Pines Country | elective for the spring. This Club in an exhibition match for the I>e"^t’’eningr of the season far- benefit of the Moore County Hospital ' summer months. The The match is under the auspices of ® *‘"’® the Sandhills Activities. ' occasional efforts to keep opor, Tr, ^ Ml t. i»;r- XT- longer have resulted in considerable In the foursome will be Miss Vir- rn. o t x t.- i. nr- -n success. The Carolina at Pinehurst a ginia Van Wie of Chicago, Miss Ber- ^ ^ nice Wall of Oshgosh, Wis., Miss Maureen Orcutt of New York and Miss Peggy Wattles of Buffalo. nr i. ^ n i. ju-n • i , year program. Much talk has sprung Sandhills society girls will be on • , ... years ago extended its days from October to May. Some of the South ern Pines hotels ventured on an all 4.^ i. j i.” ^ 1 up in many quarters. Now it seems hand to accept donations for the hos- 4./ ^ • a. i, j that an attempt is to be made on a fair and famous foursome about the links. There they are: Misses Catherine Wiley, \ Dorothy Stutz, Lucille Mudgett, Emilie May dressed and in bed, others were un- I to his territory the benefit of dressing. They lost about everything | experience as a creator around they had. Indictments charging first | Pittsburgh. Others have been join- degree arson, which is punishable by ^^g in the movement, and now it is death, were drawn against 16 of the capped by the coming of Manning grirls, and 10 of them were placed in +he Moore county jail at Carthage and six in the Montgomery county jail at Troy. They were taken to and a definite attempt to make use of his intelligence and experience in putting the whole §andhills on a proper course. Lumberton March 18 in a school bus j This is said with due consideration, ^ Sheriff McDonald of Moore j for while Manning’s immediate work county. j will be confined personally to the tri- Clothing Scarce j angle between Pinehurst, Southern The girls are almost minus cloth- Pines and Knollwood, the enlighten ing, but the modesty of most of them ment that.will be shed in this work seems not affected. As the Pridgen , will influence the whole Sandhill re girl, scantily clad, told of her part gion as far as the settlement of the in the affair, a cigarette rolled out ; community by Northern people is oo.i (Please turn to page 5) HOUSE KELS Ml FOR LICENSING OF AUTO OPERATION broader basis to put May, June and September, Iperhaps, on the resort dates in the Sandhills. One of the proposals that is re garded as essential is to make the cottage leases expire in June or la ter, rather than May 1. Sam Rich ardson says fixing dates of lease ex piration at May 1 is to serve notice on winter residents that May 1 closes up activities. He argues that that is a mistake, and advocates extending the lease period with the assurance that May and June are two of the most attractive months in the year in this part of the state. “Instead of Broadacres By The Salvation Army For New Sandhill Sanitarium Heads Horse Show Dr. J. Rush Shull Acquires 5,- 000-Acre Tract for Home For CimTalescents BEGIN WORK AT ONCE LEONARD TUFTS HORSE SHOW WITH RECORD ENTRY TO OPEN ON TUESDAY Impassioned* Plea of Representa- shooing the people off home in four tive Spence of No Avail to Curb Deaths NO INCREASE IN PATROL or five weeks by closing their houses we should encourage them to stay when everything is green and out door life shading int<# summer, for the North is far from cordiality to Golf’s Threat For Sports Su premacy in Sandhills Has Inning Next Week HOSPITAL TO BENEFIT After owning the 5,000-acre tract of Broadacres near Hoffman, for about a week the Salvation Army furnishes another sensation by selling the big property to Dr. J. Rush Shull and wife, Mrs. Eulah Haynes Shull, a transaction that begins the creation of a big sanatorium and recuperative establishment in the Sandhills. Shull is one of the fore most specialists and research men in North Carolina, with a prominent in stitution in Charlotte where he is recognized as one of the leading phy sicians of the South. Mrs. Shull is of the Cliffside family of Haynes, those manufacturers who have made that section one of the big industrial spots of the South. Their mill inter ests are big among the cotton indus tries of the country. Dr. Shull, who has a large practice all over the state, is well acquainted with the Sandhills country, and for some time he has ibeen watching this section. With some other associates he has developed plans for establishing at Broadacres an institution which they believe has advantages possess ed by hardly anything else in the United States. The peculiar softness of the air, partly because of the sandy soil which absorbs surplus moisture and which exercises an in fluence on the temperature at all seasons, the purity of the atmosphere rru t. - which is uncontaminated by industrial The horse, golf s threat for sports 1 , , , . . „ . „ supremacy in the Sandhills, walks, I that could be objectmn- Desp.te a strong and impassioned them when they go back up there un-^ trots and canters into the limelight I «ie character of the water sup- piea by Moore county’s representa- til at least after Memorial day.” ' next week. The 14th annual Pinehurst ! favorable altitude, the ease tive, Union L. Spence of Carthage, the Frank Buchan mentions the excel- Horse Show opens on Tuesday morn-1 ° ^ j main me o e State Assembly on Monday voted ,ent roads that put the North Caro-, ing. ! Seaboard railroad and by H.'f-hway down the bill to require operators of Sandhills within a day’s drive i The gaily bedecked showring has ^ ^ on the floor from the bed on which cerned. It will reach for miles into j motor vehicles to be licensed by the mnph nf tViP Nnvth wii-Vi vnripd ^ i ^ j many other features, have appeal- she was sitting. About her other girls the surrounding region, for example state. The measure, which passed the routes for coni’ne- and *e-oine* and ^ doctors. The new institu- ... .. 1 . Mar.r.iT.0. n ^ and going, and of passersby with its festive new listened or took part in the conserva- i is always i^ifectious. Manning has tion, some wearing only raincoats or j begun to T«’^ork for the whole com- a couple of pieces of clothing. Of the munity, although he is employed by visitors they begged matches, cig- a small group of leaders and will Senate, was defeated in the lower house by 57 to 33 after an hour of passersby pleasant weather for an outing of a p^int, its boxes, judges’ stand, its car few days or two or three weeks with | g^een on which for two days debate. The bill was sponsored by the fjj conditions along the different; „ext week the equestrian elite of this aro ina otor C ub and had the sup- stopping at the many | section will submit themselves to the ©rettes, magazines or stationery. One, make his start on their acreage. Ine port of most of the state press, arous- points of historic inter-^st at a time ^ . A ■ ^ ^ I 1 _ i* ^ Vv»T fill • i 1 •*! 1 _ J 1 pulled out a copy of the Gospel ac- ■ rest of the folks will follow by imita- •ording to St. John and reminded ; tion, which is of great importance that they took time sometimes to read it. Under the fatherly guidance Work from Air Photos skilled eye of well know^n judges. ed y the growing automobile death points can be examined hoping for blue ribbons but satisfied rate in the state. ^^^st enjoyable weather con- ^jth anything but the gate. The en- , Wrote the correspondent of the ditions, long days, warmth enough to , try list is the largest i4i the 14 ' years Francis ea on, | Greensboro Daily News to his pa- make the out-door journey a contin-1 ,,ears history of local horse show- of ! Rassie Wicker and James Swe t in , per: ^ed joy, and room enoogh here to , ^om There will be more entries and Jailer Austin Smith ,the girls hare j their surveys have been accumulating beamed to like the Robeson county material which is now joining togeth- jail and Lumberton. They prefer to remain here, many of them say, and er in the production of one big and accurate map of the country that would like to have Jailer Smith as i Manning will cover. This is the basis iheir keeper always. Carefree and | of his work. In the same peiiod of happy most of them seem to be, lit- time John Hemmer has been mak- “Fear of any additions to the state give everybody plenty of accommo-i-rnore riders than ever. Trotters hunt- highvvay patrol and inability to recov- dation and attention. | jumpers, polo ponies and saddle er from the passionate assault of Andrew Creamer at the Highland ; horses will be on exhibition. ! And as usual the occasion will be (Please turn to page 5) (Please turn to page 4) tie realizing the seriousness of the offense with which they are charged. A.sked what punishment they expect, niost of them reply, From three to ground to be covered five years in the pen.” i photographs made by ing photot-raphs of the landscape from the air above, giving fair topo- | graphic and perspective views of the I Other air ! others at I See You at The Follies! Big Show Twice Next Week Introduces Siaiidhills Talent Vaudevillainous Variety of This and That for Benefit of Educational Fund in the society event of the winter. Boxes have all been sold. During the show, on both Tuesday and Wednes day, luncheon will be served from (Please turn to Page 8) a Local talent is busy rehearsing for . will be able to prevent it :n view of Those held in jail here are Vir-, fmes are also available, Mr. j ?inia Hayes, Leaksville, Marion Mer- , Manning enters on h.s job with an ■ cer, .\yden Wilma Owen, Waynes-j abundance of information from which ®™"®°."’„f°'''^J|’^°,™a|hLdsTroni w^^ the big show, the Foundation Follies,' which fact the piano has been in-, Members Unaccusto^med to Pub r^stelle v\ ilson, L.exington j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^twice next week for the sured against fire, accident and sud- ! Gr»£HQlrinor Pui Tn+Ar- benefit of the Moore County Educa- den death; Nelson Hyde, who has tional Foundation. The opening night wi itten a song about Ralph Page will be at the Southern Pines Coun- which, if sung before they let Ralph try Club on Tuesday, the 31st, and on the stage will insure Ralph’s not telle Wilson, i^exingxon incima. ^ , uncil, Tarhoro Allie Harding, comprehensive hasis, and he has bnen Washington Margaret Abernathy, Kinston Losie Mull, Rutherford Ber- ha Hall, Norfolk, Va. Edna Clark, Halifax Delorise Sewell, Cove City; Pearl Stiles, Canton; Margaret Prid- ^■en, Wilmington; Choel Stillwell, Kinston; Josephine French, Haw River. directed to prepare preliminary pians that may be elaborated to any extent as desired. He commenced his task by a rather careful reconnoissance of the lands of Judge Way and Donald Ross, Amateur Day” at Kiwanis Luncheon iic Speaking Put on Inter esting Program tion will not be for tubercular cases, but for convalescents, restoration of tires nerves and ailments that re quire rest and care. It will be in line with the big scheme of play and rest that characterizes the Sandhills resorts, $500,000 Deal Dr. Shull has been giving some timie to looking over the ^Sandhills with the intention of establishing such an institution, and w'hen he found that a tract of over 5,000 acres w^as to be had in the favorable location Broad acres occupies he lost no time in closing the deal. This suits the Sal vation Army, as the doctor had in Washington soni9 property which has been taken by the Army and it will be made to serve the purpose of bar racks and #retreats that the organi zation is constantly needing in that big city. Both are better served by L the transaction. The price involved I as near as The Pilot can gather is ! approximately half a million dollars. [ Work will begin next week to carry I out the plans. For the stai't the big I manor house on the place will be I remodeled so that it can be ocfu- Something happened at the weekly, sanatorium as quickly Kiwanis luncheon Wednesday. 1 -1, V . ,1 . A i.1 XT , 1 1 • j-j. J? ?s possible. The other buildings will the cast and scenery will then be car- appearing on the stage; Arthur New- i member of the club w'ho is editor oi 1 j j ^ i ..i. • ^ I be overhauled and adapted for their and thus a nucleus for the two men who are familiar enough j ried over to Pinehurst for a perform-. comb, who claims to be a magician a newspaper in Aberdeen was suppos-, with outdoor engineering to have ! ance at the Carolina Theatre on but all we know about it is that he j ed to provide a speaker for <*ay | ^^ile proper value of what Manniiip has Thursday night, April 2d. ° failed to | the more elaborate plans are matur To Nominate Aberdeen- Mayor, Commissioners Mass Meeting Called for Mon day Nigb< to Name Ticket for Election May 5 A mass meeting has been called for next Monday nighty March 30th at 8 o’clock at the School Auditorium in Aberdeen for the purpose of nominat ing a ticket for Mayor and Commis sioners of the Town of Aberdeen for the next two years. The election will be held on Tuesday, May 5th. J. A. Lineberry has been appointed register for the election and registra tion books will be open at his store each Saturday until May 1st, Hardin Gunter, village clerk, announced yes terday. on hand. With Rassie Wicker he h.^s been following the surveys over wider area, and catching the idea on 'he ground. He will go back to his lab oratory in Massachusetts and work is usually up to tricks, and other and failed to produce, so a catch-as- Edwin McKeithen has been acting talent (?) well worth the price of one catch-can program was hatched up as stage manager of the Follies, and dollar “and up” as the tickets read. \ on the spur of the moment and those ing and in process. New roads from the Federal highway will be built into Ed'^yin is the kind of a press agent The tickets, by the way, are on sale caught were three club members who , tant points about the prop- who likes to keep the folks guessing, at the Broad Street Pharmacy m ' are not in the habit of making | ^ ^ , m He won’t say much about his pro- Southern Pines ,the Carolina Phar-1 speeches. Each crashed through hril-1 liantly. John Hemmer, news photographer par excellence, after his blushing sur prise at being called upon, told how gard to the harmony of the natural conditions. No More Atrocities Pennsylvania avenue has been ex tended from Southern Pines to the western boundary of the Fifteenth amendment, which on Christmas was the village of West Southern Pines, but it now, evidently, the second ward or something of Southern Pines. (Please turn to Insert B) today’s Sandhills photographs are , a. i lOQciy mer, and that this big- sale means able to appear in tomorrows’ New:. : . York, Chicago and Boston papers, and out the projects and submit them to j gram, except that il will be in the na- macy in Pinehurst, “Sam’s” desk at his clients, who are enthusiastic over i ture of a vau'deville show, wnth skits | the Carolina hotel, and by numerous what he is ,proposing, for they j and songs and minstrels and magi-' people interested in the Foundation, realize as he does that the dans and dances and all the usual the purpose of which is to send tractiveness of this section depends | vaudevillainous stuff. He has an- worthy young boys and girls of the very largely on the way the funda-| nounced some of the cast, among them , Sandhills to colloge who could not mental plans are developed with re- Struthers Burt who, we understand, otherwise afford to go. . ^ ^ will sing some songs of the w estern j Tuesday night, at Southern Pnies , recounted some of his experience m plains in his own inimitable fash-' Country Club, 8:15 o’clock; Thursday scoring “beats” for his papers. Pete j ion; Mrs. Henry A. Page, Jr., who ■ night, Carolina Theatre, Pinehurst, ! Pender told of his recent tnp to v/ill sing some old fashioned songs ! same time. Pinehurst seats reserved, with dance accompaniment by Mrs. | We forgot to mention the piece de Walter Gilkyson of Southern Pines; | resistance of the evening. The Min- “the Rev.” Frank Buchan, who will strel number! The bunch has been re- preach a sermon in negro dialect as | hearsing for days and nights. All only Frank Buchan can preach a ser- j the barbershop chords are true and mon in negro dialect; Ralph Page, one or two of the jokes are new, and who insists upon playing the piano j some of them may be about you. and the stage manager isn’t sure he Don’t be late. and minor details will receive attention. Meanwhile plans will be outlined for the bigger institution that is to follow as fast as it can be created. It is evident that things are to move around Hoffrnan this sum- a lot in every way to tlie Sandhills as a factor in North Carolina progress and usefulness. Yucatan and Mexico, painting a color- ^ The_ House of Representatives at ful picture of the scenes and condi tions he found there. Sheriff Charlie McDonald told why Moore county has no crime wave. The program wound up with £ soprano solo by the afore mentioned editor whose singing is about on a par with his editing. No better and no worse. Raleigh accepted the general sales tax of the revenue bill last night by a vote of 54 to 58. The vote came at 10:10 o’clock af ter nearly 12 hours debate on the sales tax question, during which the Hinsdale luxury tax plan was re jected by a 48 to 60 vote.