Page 2 wmiwiE THE PILOT, a Paper With rharacter. Aberdeen, North Caroljna Friday, March 27 1931. public welfare. Perhaps the fear that the papers carry more or less weight in election seasons makes the legislature more willing to play favorites with the newspaper men than with NELSON C. HVDE. THE PILOT Published every Friday by THE PILOT, Incorporated. Aberdeen, North Carolina BION H. BUTLER, Editor JAMES BOYD STRUTHERS BURT RALPH PAGE Contributing iEditors Subscription Rates: ier;-b™*s.Wese,;„toh.;;ir^ibu,». .t war ti™ prices j , duced the people of other lands again. These things are not ^ } to take to depending on them- pleasant, but it is hard to see I selves instead of on us, which in- any other solution of ^he | ! dicates per*haps a little more endously grave problem that I misery in permanent form. We confronts the entire globe. | i seem to have soaked ourselves I a solid one. GAMMACK & CO. Members of us, newspaper men and all other men, come clean and con sent to pay a fair proportion of taxes, newspaper men, poor men, rich men, farmers, labor- e very body, man fashion, THE ONLY COURSE POSSIBLE EXCEEDING THE SPEED LIMIT Last Sunday night at the Bap tist church in Southern Pines § the Rev. Mr. Stinison gave his congregation something to think „ $2 00 i ers, $1 00' then we will be at the end of this xLe Months'::;::;;;::::::;; ;5o| babyish squabble of every two — years trying to dodge our hon- Address all communications to The | est share of the public burden Pilot, Inc., Aberdeen, N. C. | of paying the public bills and the burden will not be very big. Our New York Stock Exchange Pittsburgh Stock Exchange Main Office 39 Broadway, New York City SOUTHERN PINES—^NEW HAMPSHIRE AVENUE Telephones: Southern Pines 6751—Pinehurst 3821 Entered at the Postoffice at Aber deen, N. C., as second-class mail mat ter. whole tax difficulty is that we are all trying to put the load on everybody else, and under no I possibility can that be done. ! Natural business economics and conditions make it imperative THE LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM While the Legislature has ^ that the final buy(een made public, but' mighty little comfort in this^'e- I probably like all the rest of the port from the Federal Depart-1 prudent rx^cup ^tion.s the news- ment of Commerce. Cotton has ' paper nien have- figured that j been murdered, wheat is in the| somebody else should pay the ; dump heap, tobacco is a beggar, I taxes. The Pilot has not com- the farmer in a general way isj mitted itself on this thing, for ! chanting the dirge of sorrow and j unfortunately for an open mind- humiliation. i adviser it has been advising! If misery loves company a bit the folks to come across and ac-, of pleasure may come to the! c<^pt their honest share man to | farmer in knowing that-the val-1 man in the burden of taxes, ue of automobiles exported in I That being the case it could January was just a shade above I hardly without some embarrass-j half the value of those exported I ment refuse to stand up and be in the same month a year ago, I counted when the proposition to ^ Fifty per cent of a cut in indus- | make every fellow pungle ac-' trial exports is plenty. Yet there ' cording to his share is suggest-1 is also this possibility that if the ed. But if the newspapers are automobile trade has been held refusing to take their end of the up to its level of a year ago the single tree aloner with every- | demand for some types of farm : I SAVE ON GOOD FOOD I If you’re accustomed to quality Food—then this is i your Store. If extremely low price interests you, this, 3 too, is your Store. S See our window display every day for fresh vegeta- H bles and fruits. The finest that can be bought! H SANITARY CASH MARKET Aberdeen, South Street E. B. Maynard, Mgr. i The farm relief board has not ; ified the w^heat farmers that it about, lie introduced a clipping! I will not buy wheat from the f^om a newspaper whidh told coming crop, which is about what i^^at at the Mt. Wilson observa- j observing men anticipated. The tory the astronomers had fig-|| j board bought a vast amount of y^ed that light* from some of » I grain at a dollar and a half a ^^e distant stars had been I bushel, cannot sell it at half that -tihousands of years in reaching I price, and would break the mar- ^he earth, and that the sun, with !ket inconceivably if it did sell the earth, is traveling several the grain at any price. It can- millions of miles a day on their not hold the grain indefinitely various orbits and paths, and for millers and others will not that the other stars of the uni- ! pay high prices for grain with verse are beating that excessive I that relief board grain hanging speed. ' H iover them. The relief surplus Stimson was not trying § I kills the market whether sold to frighten those of us who are g or held, and to buy and accum- making this rapid journey, nor,« I ulate more grain would be only to encourage those mundane « I to save up more trouble for the drivers who think sixty miles, 8 I days ahead. a quart on each hip is pok- I Buying grain and taking it off ing along the road, but to show ''the market does not take it off the wonderful traffic manage- I at all. It merely piles up to ment of the universe which runs I threaten the whole grain mar- on such a marvelous schedule i ket as long as it is held like a that with all the many stars 1 I big dam terrorizing everything afloat, and the speed they make,' , STARVED ! below it when it breaks. This no one ever hears of a collision,, Editor, The Pilot: I country already had its suffi- ' and no one fears an accident. He ! ^ cabm six miles from here, i cient example in the fate of the noted that Sunday morning at | ^ young woman died last week of i rubber accumulation, the coffee 9:24 o’clock the sun started on starvation. I fiasco in Brazil, the absolute his annual pilgrimage from his the world a legacy valua- I failure of trying to bolster up position in the constellation of, ^le only in her own eyes and, we are I the sugar market in Cuba, and Aries, and that so exact is that i assured, One other’s. Nine pickanin- I every other attempt to artificil- schedule over millions of miles ' the oldest eleven and the baby, I ly control prices at an unnat- that next March he will be at the | that is “the least one,” four months I ural height. We have arrived at same spot at a time the astron-1 old. The husband, injured last fall . a point that could not be pre- omer has already scheduled in j a road tractor, is faithful and in- j’vent, and the wheat farmers the Nautical Almanac. The ap-i ^ustrious. But discharged by his not'uncle, Col. E. J. Mclver of Alabama, ;must now take their drastic med- plication of his talk was that the ' unkindly, indifferent “boss” with one | and the noted and beloved Prof. ' icine. gigantic plan of creation is be- ®f those two dollar bills, and anyway i John E. Kelly of Moore county. For High wheat stimulated every yond the power of man to com- due to his injury, unable to work if four years he was recognized at the * country in the world to try to prehend, and that the skill of . there had been great need, instead I University of North Carolina as one I raise the biggest crops of wheat management which laid down a ■ of almost no need at all, for laborers, possible, and the result was a schedule so precise that men can' They are nearly bare, this family , supply that people would not calculate ahead for years where i remnant, a few rags flapping in the buy and pay for at prices arti- every heavenly body will be at feelable wind their only covering. I ficially made. Now wheat has any second of time on any day, | The mother has just starved to ' gone to the bottom of the cel- is such that the inconceivable death. To her, the rest came first in lar, and no relief seems possi- attributes of Jehovah are entit- need, but the rest must all have been; lessons learned from real life or na- ble until the crop is reduced and led to the admiration and appre- decidedly hungry. Where were the i ture. He was winner of the Greek prices made low enough to move ciation of mankind. j crumbs fallen from the rich men’s ^ medal, which the “boys” called the the enormous accumulation. The Mr. Stimson mentioned the re- ^ tables? i “Mclver” medal—because it had been Farm Board notifies farmers markable work of the telescope, • (^s this a socialistic story? Well, if, won by a Mclver four times in suc- that they must stop piling up and said that when ‘Kepler, socialism is Red, emphatically NO, it ^ cession) and the Essayist medal, a big surpluses, and the end is in three hundred years ago turn- j isn’t. But if socialism is the burning member of the Dialectic Society a/id sight. The present season may ed his primitive telescope against white light which attends Christ, then of the S. A. E. fraternity. Upon grad- be one of grave difficulty, but the stars he not only magnified ^ YES, it is.) * | uation, Dr. Kemp P. Battle, president I this thing had to come, for all everything in the heaven, but For all of us others who have of the University, said to hini: “You ' factors were set to coax disas-' likewise magnified in the knowl- j enough are that rich man. All of us can reach any height in the literary ter. Cotton is not much differ- , edge of mankind the greatness with a home, food, a united family world, if you only desire it; find you ent from wheat. Too much has! of the Creator and of creation.! are RICH. an ambitious wife and fame is yours.’ been made to sell at the high The preacher broadened human I Yet we, grumbling because of the But he was content to be the modest, prices that prevailed and every | conception of life Sunday night' threat to our sylph-like carcasses, ris- literary violet—blushing unseen (?) nation that can make cotton has and gave his audience something ing late after last night’s heaviness, in his quiet, little corner. He was a been making it in the hope of to carry home with them. | are eating daily our three over-cal- teacher first of all, and for thirty- the high prices. The result is ! ored meals. Between these three five years taught in the schools of big product and a v/orld unwill- CARD OF THANKS | meals, we are very “busy” with our Fayetteville, N. C., Goldsboro, N. C., ing to pay the higli prices for • i crowding parties. At these we cram and Cheraw, S. C. His life work was the big yield. Now cotton is be- We wish to express our apprecia- our already bulging bellies with rich ing shaken out. For years cot- tion to our many friends for the kind- tidbits—fluffy sand^wiches, cakes, al grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Chandler, in Granville county, N. C. Berry Chandler Mclver was bom. It is worthy of note that the county where he had his birth has produced many eminent statesmen, lawyers and doctors. His parents were persons who stood for the higher, purer things of life, and he was ear new lines in- wider territory. Cars in | tal wealth with $6,318. Mississippi the village streets give a meti’opoli- brings up the rear with only $1,242 tan air at all hours of the day. | to the individual. New Yorkers are I worth $3,276 each; South Carolinians $1,593. and for the headache we “sure” feel regard for truth and beauty in word out of luck. And we go right on and and act, thus winning their deep love pack it down with a new round of and genuine admiration. So well ucie tidbits, more roast beef, ^‘cakes and his pu-pils prepared, that it was only necessary for them, when entering' college to bring recommendation from Prof. Mclver. Mr. Mclver was never married, but lavished his affection upon the chil dren of his family, particularly those of his sister, with whom he made his home for the last thirty years. Per sonally he was one of the most mod est and unassuming of men, of pleas- ; ant address, keen intellect and social disposition. He was not only a teach er of teachers, but a man among men. —SUBSCRIBER. ale.” But over here in the sticks, almost near enough to smell our foods cook ing, nine innocents under twelve years old are crying for the only mother they will ever have, who starved to death the other day. —MRS. FRANCIS T. KEATING. Pinehurst, March 26, 1931. BERRY CHANDLER McIVER Editor, The Pilot: In 1861, at the outbreak of the Civil war, at the home of his matem- The Pinehurst Outlook this week has an interesting story of the career of Donald Ross. Excerpts; There are forty-one counties ini remembers well his first sight North Carolina which have no hospi- j Richard Tufts, who was at home then and aljout two-thirds the size of a mashie-niblick.” tal. Moore is to be thankful it is no longer in the list. It not only has a hospital, but one of the finest in the state—one of the finest for its size in the country. Moore county has one hospital bed f origina ed his profession.” per 715 inhabitants, not counting tu- uring this season (1900) Mr. berculosis hospitals. For all hospitals procured a steam roller which FROM THE STATE PRESS THE DRIVERS LICENSE the fact that in the licensing State? the increase in automobile registra- We do not know at this writing the tion during the 10 years has b^en , exact status of the driver's license substantially greater than in the re?t “I I'll T. chitect is not that he stands at the head of his profession—but the fact is not going to be lost in the shuffle, suiting, has encouraged auton-obilo for the Legislature ought to realize ownership and registration, its importance—and shape a law ac- The answer among all of the man- the State, but the hope might be on- suggest, that . , . J ^ . . the licensing system, through the tertained that this important matter better and safer traffic conditions re body else then The Pilot offers its services to the whole body politic and advises that they as a whole refuse to pay tax and to let the blooming business of carrying on govenment be laid stuff might have been niore ex tensive, which indicates that th^ farmer perhaps may not find, so much comfort in the company of misery as the proverb sug gests. Possibly the further fact it has one hospital bed f^'r each 263 excitement as it charg- j cording to the plan that has proved ifold aspects and details of the que? ed about the course.” j effective, which is examination undcT tion is clear and unequivocal. It is “Imagine, if you can, a contractor i driver’s test. It is of record that only restriction of the driving privilege to employed to build a house who can ' 84 States today have complete rec- competent and capable drivers. This ords of fatal traffic accidents for the on any fellow who can be caught j that the foreign * nations are and made to take up the cross. ^ making more cotton, and more No reason appears why the, wheat, and more automobiles newspapers or any one else: and more of other commodities should be exempted from any, for themselves will add some inhabitants. The county ranks 39th in the state for beds per population. The state as a whole had 5,438 gen eral hospital beds, averaged 1.7 gen eral hospital beds per 1,000 inhabi tants, and ranked 45th among states at the end of 1929. Total beds in all hospitals, state and private including state tubercular and orthopedic, 7,- 756, or 2.5 beds per 1,000 inhabitants. find no workmen who have ever work ed on a house before, and you will have sQme idea of what it meant to be the first golf architect in Amer ica. The House killed the drivers’ license bill, so drivers can continue to kill . ^ upwards of 1,000 persons in North The Highland Pines Inn at South- Carolina annually. On with the ein Pines has been full to overflow^ing slaughter. Let everyone drive a car, for four or five weeks. At the Car- fit or unfit, drunk or sober, sane or measure that 'has to do with the ^ more of the company that mis-, olina at Pinehurst the same full con-. insane. means the licensing of drivers, with last 10 years, but it is notable that examination of fitness and reasonable the seven States among the 34 that driving ability before the license i? show' the lowest rate of fatality in- sued. crease in this period* are States which Furthermore, it means the ?usper- require that motor vehicle operators sion of revocation of a license oft^ be licensed, and provide for an ex- it is issued, if the privilege of driv- amination and driving test as pre- ing that is granted by the State i^ requisite to granting such license. The | abused, or a person in the actual op- remaining three States which have i eration of his vehicle demonstrates this provision during this time are i that he is unfitted and unqualified to also well up on the list. This differ- drive with safety to himself and to ence is the more striking in view of , others.—Charlotte Observer Editorial.