Page Four THE PILOT, a Paper With rharactcr. Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, Mar::li 27, 1931. Hot Lunches Improve Health of Children Court House News Many Gain Weigrht, Says Dr. Symington.—Dental Clinics Continued The hot lunches in the schools are steadily improving the health of many of th^ children, says Dr. J. Symington, Public Health Officer of Moore county. One boy has gained twenty pounds in weight in one of the schools since the beginning of the hot lunches, and one girl who was much below par has gained eighteen pounds in weight. Many of the children who were underweight have been brought up to normal. Those who have made thes« lunches possible by contribution arid those ■who have given their time and work ed hard during these winter months to make these hot lunches a success are due much appreciation, and we know that their valued gifts and dili gent labor are very much appreciated by the parents of the children and by the children themselves. Diseases such as tuberculosis, rickets and pel lagra have undoubtedly been warded off by these lunches during the win ter months, and children enabled to do better work in school. Mrs. Francis T. Keating of Pine- hurst has been able to raise more money for the dental clinic, and the State dentist will continue his work in the county until the end of the present school season. The State den tists found the condition of the teeth of the children in Moore county as bad as in any of the worst counties in the state, and this show's the nec essity of such a clinic. It is hoped training for the children to continue going to their dentist at least once a year so that their teeth may be kept in a healthy condition. Money has also been raised by Mrs. Keating to enable the state to send Dr. Holli day to work on the children attend ing the Pinehurst New Settlement School, and a clinic there will com mence on Monday the 23rd inst. The kind of food the children are given is very important in the pre vention of pellagra and in maintain ing teeth in a healthier condition. So much depends on good feeding. The public health officer is continuing the examination of children in schools throughout the county and is con ducting a campaigrn against pella gra. Real Estate Transfers The following transfers of real es tate have been recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore county: J. A. Kennedy and wife to Daniel C. Hamer and wife: property in Sheffield township. F. R. Brown and wife, Ida M. Brown to W. H. Kennedy: land in Sheffield township. H. J. Betterly and wife to Willie McLean and wife: property in South ern Pines. J. Vance Rowe and wife to Edna Pearl Muse, property in McNeill township. Rosa Lee Hendrick to Lide Sineath: property in Carthage township. What’s In A Name? Some folks may think there is not very much in a name, but June Har rington, son of W. J. Harrington, Moore county’s Register of Deeds, thinks its pretty poor business to have the same name that some other folks carry around with them. In last week^s Recorder’s Court “June Har rington” was up, charged with pos session and transporting. However, the June Harrington in question was a colored man, but few people in the county are aware of the' existence of a June Harrington except the Regis trars son, so there you are. However, we introduce to the public June Har rington Number 2, and state that it was he and not the well-known Mr. Harrington who was reported in last week’s Pilot. APRIL lOTH THE DATE OF ANNUAL KIWANIS BALL The Eighth Annual Ball of the Aberdeen Kiwanis Club will be held at the Pinehurst Country Club on Fri day, April 10th. The dance committee has announced the engagement of the North Carolina State College orches tra, one of the best dance orchestras in the south. The proceeds of this dance will go to the Moore County Educational Foundation, which is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club and is doing won derful work in helping worthy boys and girls to continue their education. Tickets for the dance will be on sale April 1st and May be purchased from any Kiwanian. The price is only $3.00 for each gentleman, who may bring one or more ladies. There ought to be a big sale of tickets, even to those who do not dance, as the cause is a worthy one. MRS. JACKSON DIES AT HOM EIN WEST END Civil Court Convenes The March term of Civil Court convened on Tuesday morning with Judge G. V. Cowper of Kinston pre siding. Judge Cowper, of the 14th Ju dicial District, has exchanged districts Mrs. Marfgaret J. Jackson of West End passed away Saturday evening at her home after an illness of several weeks. She was born in Clover, S. C„ and had been making her home in West End for the past twenty years, where she made scores of friends. She was 54 years of age. The funeral ser vices were held at the Presbyterian Church Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock, and interment was in the West End cemetery. Funeral services were conducted by the Rev. R. G. Matherson. Mrs. Jackson is survived by her husband, J. E. Jackson, four daught ers and one son. Mrs. W. Y. Nisbit of Charlotte, Mrs. Clyde Gaddy of San ford, Miss Geneva Jackson of Aber deen, Miss Kathryne and William Jackson of West End. Also four grandchildren, Mary Jane Nisbet of Charlotte, Hattie Belle, Frank and $35,000 Ask Loans More Than $3,000,000 Already Paid to Veterans by Char lotte Bureau Office North Carolina veterans have re ceived more than $3,000,000 in loans under the new bonus legis lation and applications are still be ing received at the rate of 1,000 a day, J. S. Pittman, manager of the Charlotte office of the U. S. Veterans Bureau said this week. More than 35,000 applications for loans have been received, he said. Although they are not coming as rapidly as during the first two veeks, there are still plenty to keep the office force busy, he added. Pittman said that information re ceived at the office indicated the veterans were using their money to a good advantage. Some of them, he explained, paying bills w ith the loans, while others ^re using the funds in their business enterprises. EXTEND SEASON THROUGH MAY, IS MOVE LAUNCHED (Continued from page 1) golf tournament that she is planning for the Southern Fines Country club the latter part of May. It is said that many things of that sort, drawing people from this state as well as from farther away, could be carried through if we just get it into our heads that such might as well be undertaken as to allow the big investment in hotels, stores, theatres and other facilities to lie idle. Southern Pines and Pine hurst have a fame for attractiveness that inclines people thia w^y j^s^. see the neighborhood. A welcome and something for them to do to be er- tertained and an open house the ad vocates of a longer season think would make that longer season. Five lettermen and ten other can didates weighing 175 pounds or bet ter are backfield aspirants on the Oklahoma grid squad. H WE" HAVE THAT EASTER SUIT for you—at special prices $12.50 UP BRIDGES-BOONE COMPANY ABERDEEN, N. C. » n s H n HOLY WEEK SERVICES AT EMMANUEL CHURCH Holy Week services at the Emman uel Episcopal Church in Southern Pines hav'e been announced by the Rev. F. Craighill Brown, rector, as follows: Palm Sunday, March 29th— Holy Communion at 8 o’clock. Church at 9:30 and Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11 o’clock. Sermon: “The 1 Forgiveness of Sins.” Monday, Tues day, Wednesday and Thursday, Morn ing Prayer at 10 oclock. On Wednes day, Evening Prayer at 4:45. On Thursday Holy Communion and Ad dress at 8 o’clock in the evening, and on Friday, Devotions and Meditations from 12 noon to 3 p. m. for the spring term with Judge Cam- eron F. McRae of Asheville, who was Roland Gaddy of Sanford. Two sisters, scheduled to preside in this district, p jj. Ford of Bowling Green, Judge Cowper was tied up in a case in Asheville until Monday and was un able to open court in Carthage before Tuesday. LAKEVIEW S. C., and M|s. Sam Smith of York, S. C.; two brothers, J. P. and J. H. Adams of Clover, S. C. FEBRUARY FIRE LOSS WELL UNDER YEAR AGO D. I, McKEITHEN, JR., ILL Dan I. McKeithen, Jr., son of the treasurer of the Page Trust Com pany, is suffering from pneumonia at his home in Aberdeen. The youngster contracted the disease early this week and his condition is reported as caus ing considerable concern. Mr. and Mrs. Clement Wells, who have been the guests of Mrs. L. M. Seward for a week left Thursday for their home at Norwalk, Conn. Leonard Gill of Rockingham and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Day of South ern Pines were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Buck of Char lotte are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. N L. Gibbon this week S. J. Gardner has returned from a week’s visit with his son, Joe Gard ner at Angier. Mrs. Worth Miller and little Miss Valeria went to New Bern Friday and returned on Sunday with Mr. Mil ler. Mrs. A. H. Williams, Mrs. Ethel Howe and Mr. and Mrs. Clement Wells motored to Greensboro Mon day and had dinner at “Sedgefield Inn.” Miss Lou Ricker who is spending some time with friends in Southern Pines was the dinner guest of Mrs. Nichols Gibbon on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton McCrossan »;f Rocky Mount, Miss Helene Doughei*ty Fire loss in North Carolina during . February was $594,948 from • 271 fires, according to the monthly re port issued yesterday from Insurance Commissioner Dan C. Boney’s office. The February fire loss shows a ma terial reduction from that of Febru ary 1930, when 266 fires caused dam age reported at $880,212. Last month’s loss brings that of the year to $973,884, a decrease of $678,495 over that of the same two- month period last year, which was $1,652,374. Only 36 of the fires listed in last month’s total were in the country, causing a loss of $36,006.25, while the remaining 215 town fires account- | ed for $558,942. Pines is seriously contemplating hold ing the Inn open into June, and is making prelijninary preparation now that they may be ready up there on the hill if they carry out the idea. He says he believes profitable business can be done several weeks after the period on which the folks have been sent away in past years. Mr. Cream er has been studying the tpossibilities of a move of this kind for several years, and is pretty well convinced that if the folks of the community will make an earnest effort to have a longer season it can be accomplish ed. It is believed that many more North Carolina people can be attract ed to the golf courses and the tennis and archery games, and other things that are here. Good roads make it so easy to come from any place in the state, or from the states farther south as well as from the North, that ad vocates of a longer season are confi dent that success will follow' a deter mined effort to make this a summer resort in the early summer and a fall resort in the fall. Accommodations Needed Thousands of folks went to make a vacation automobile journey in the early summer months when it is yet too cold and unpleasant to go to the New England and northern boundary country. The good roads down through Maryland, Virginia and North Caro lina, reaching mountain and seashore down this direction provide the out let. But as Mr. Creamer says trav elers can’t come this way and put up unless they have a place to stay, and they don’t know that we have such places unless we tell them. Mrs. Giles is making a good ON WEYMOUTH HEIGHTS SOUTHERN PINES :: n U ♦♦ n u Has it occurred to you that the Andrews home on Weymouth took out of the available building room up there nearly 40 acres, and cleaned up all the territory between Massachusetts and Connecticut avenues, that as much land as that taken this year would move the frontier of development down to the Bethesda road, and that one or two more such purchase totals in a season would make Connecticut avenue, Indiana avenue and Bethesda road the outskirts of Weymouth? There is the choice section of Southern Pines. Not an objectionable place in the boundary, and none pos sible. The fine homes of the community, and more build ing. The Paddock, growing daily, Webster Knight, I^b- insons, and others just beyond, and Fort Bragg guard ing the frontier a mile beyond the Paddock. The moral is to get your home site while there are some to get. A year or two more and you will have to go farther. s. B. RfCHARDSON Real Estate PATCH BUILDING Southern Pines. North Carolina LOCAL AUDITORS SECURE ASSIGNMENT IN TENN. E. H. Lorenson of the firm of Lorenson & Lorenson, local account ants, left Wednesday morning for Nashville, Tennessee, to commence an audit assignment recently secured by this firm. It is estimated that this css work will requixe the major portion of Sanford and Mrs. Charles McCar-' summer to complete, but Mr. thy of Philadelphia spent the week- : Lorenson will be absent only about end in Lakeview. i two weeks at this time. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Odell, v/ho Lorenson & Lorenson have been have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. j practicing in Southern Pines, only Frank Briscoe left Friday for their i about two years but have already ex home in Detroit. tended their field of operations not Holt Gardner came up from Pa- ; only throughout this section, but into trick, S. C., Sunday for a short visit nearby states. R. K. Footman of Pine- with his people here. j burst, will be in charge of the of- Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McQueen made ^ Lorenson’s absence, a trip to Newton and Lincolnton Tues- I — day. Mrs. James Ballard, Miss Ruth Mc- Innis^and Melvin Gardner motored to Fayetteville Monday. Cooperative hog and poultry' sales in Beaufort County last week netted the growers $2,336.81, reports county I farm agent E. P. Wekh. Let’s Talk About GOOD LUMBER Right along we’ve been telling you that our lum ber is of the finest obtain able. Probably you have some small construction job. If so, let us help you by offering this quality lumber. We are certain that you’ll come back to us for more important work. FOLLEY’S LUMBER YARDS Aberdeen, N. C. FERTILIZER IN STOCK All Grades at Market Prices We deliver right to your place Also Lawn and Garden Fertilizer Let us serve you BURNEY HARDWARE CO. Aberdeen, Phone 30 North Carolina move r LI T«ne In on our radio progrmin. Famous sports celebrities talk...An ail-string 31-piece dance orchestra. . . . Every Wednesday night . . . FOR you . FOR ME .. that refreshing pause It’s just a drink but—what a drink! Sealed up in it is that tingling, delicious taste—with a cool after-sense of - refreshment. Every bottle is sterilized — keeping it pure as sunlight. Pause a minute for it—and you find your self refreshed for a fresh start. COCA-COLA BOrfLlNG COMPANY ABERDEEN, N. C. OVER NINE MILLION A DAY—IT HAD TO BE GOOD TO GET WHERE IT IS

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