/ Frid^ay, March 27, 1931. THK PILOT, a Paper With Character^ Aberdeen, North C^aronna mmtt tt « ** n *4 Securing Pinedale Home Sites V John G. Hemmer, the Pinehurst photographer, knows a good thing when he sees it. He has been accumulating Pinedale building sites until some time ago he had acquired four desirable locations. A few days ago he came in to pick out two more, and now he has six. He expects to build shortly. Mr. Hemmer says there is nothing extraordinary about the transaction. He simply figures that at the price Pinedale is a good, investment. And speaking of price, these building sites, of about three-fourths of an acre each are selling at from $600 to $700, owing to location. Everybody says these prices are'low, and they are considering that each location sold is about the size' that would make four ordinary lots of 50 by 160 or six lots of 50 by 100, but this price is to stand for a while. Later it will advance as the number grows less and the demand becomes more imperative, but for the present remember $600 to $700, and nothing like them for the money any place in the Sandhills. On the eastern edge of Pinehurst, in the triangle between the Midland road and the Seals road, and the land now developing under Mr, Manning just to the east. Every advantage worth having, and close to all centers. PINEflURST INVESTMENT CORFORATION, Pinehurst, North Carolina or Any Accredited Real Estate Agents Cameron and Community F^inelwirst Paragraphs At the meeting of the Woman’s Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church last week, the following officers were elected. Mrs. W. G. Parker, presi dent; Miss Thurla Cole, vice presi dent; Mrs. M. D. Mclver, secretary and treasurer. Delegates to the Pres- byterial which meets in Pinehijrst in May are Mrs. Jewell Hemphill, Mrs. G. Parker and Miss Effie Gil- rhrist. A fitting tribute was paid the late M. McL. McKeithen by Mrs. Hemphill, closing with James Whit comb Riley’s “He Is Just Away.” Mr. McKeithen was an honorary member of the auxiliary almost from its be ginning, and to him its members look ed for wise counsel and religious in struction. Miss Katie Harrington was charm- ^ ing hostess Sunday at dinner at 6:00 j o’clock, complimenting Misses Jack- | sie Muse, Lillian and Thurla Cole, j Annie Borst and Mrs. L. B. McKeith- | en. i Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Turnley were j hosts at dinner last Monday at 7:00 j o’clock. The table was centered with i a bowl of spring flowers and covers j were laid for Supt. and Mrs. E. S. , Temple, Misses Lola Thomasson and j Margaret Thomas and Ira Thomas, j Miss Louise Ransdale of Varina and i Roscoe Reed of Route 1 were mar ried last Sunday at Varina. They will have rooms in town in the home of j J. C. Collins. Miss Mildred Talloy of East San- , ford and Phil Seltars of Route 1 were ; married Sunday in Bennetsville, S. • i Amon g those here last week at tending the funeral services of Prof. | B. C. Mclver, were Mr. and Mrs. E. j K. Proctor, V/hitevjlle Mrs. J. A. j Browii, Miss Frances Land, Chad- j bourn; Dr. John D. Muse, Henderson; | Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Muse, R. C. Jr., , Mrs. Gertrude Ellis, Miss Louise Ho gan, Hamlet;- Mesdames Lizzie Mc lver Weatherspoon, T. A. Hunter, Jim Scott, Jack Andi^raon, Greensboro; Hoger Mclver Watts, J. Raley, R. S. James and Dr. A. H. McAnn, Che- law, S. C.; Mesdames Charlie Hatch, Charlie Watson, Miss Maggie Wick er, Dr. and Mrs. A. L. O’Brient, John C. Muse, Dr. Lynn Mclver, Dr. Mc Cracken, Don St. Clair, Sanford; Mes dames Flora Black, Johnnie William son, R. L. Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ^luse, Miss Sara Burns, Mrs. H. F. Seawell, Miss Meade Seawell, Mes dames John McRae Theodore Cotting- and P'rank Cottingham of Car thage, J. B. Mclver of the University. J- M. Guthrie was in Richmond on ^'Usiness last week. A meeting of the Tobacco Growers <^ameron was held last Tuesday evening? in the school building. E. H. Garrison, county agent, was present and gave an interesting talk impart- needful information. Mrs. H. P. McPherson and Mrs. J- M. Guthrie were shopping in San ford Wednesday. H. P. McPherson and Mrs. J. Guthrie were shopping in San- ford Wednesday. John C. Ferguson, tutor at State Collejiie, spent the week-end with his parents on Route 1. The Rev. and Mrs. Hare were sup- guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J* P. Turnley. Mrs. L. F. Ritchie of Clarkton, who l^as been visiting her daughter, Mrs. B. McKeithen, returned home Wed nesday Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lewis, who have lived for the past year in the Phillips K'^use on Carthage street have mov- to Goldsboro. Miss Louise Thomas of Broadway is visiting her grand-mother, Mrs. Laura l^ogers, Route 1. Miss Cathrine McDonald of Steed and Miss Ruth Wooten of Aberdeen spent the week-end with home* folks. Mr. and Mrs. Earl York and chil dren of Raleigh were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wooten. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Parker, William Parker and Miss Helen and Marie Parker were in Garner Saturday | They returned via Chapel Hill, where William remained. J. D. McLean and Miss Margaret McLean were in Vass Sunday to see Mrs. Neill McLean, who is quite ill. Mrs. J. D. McLean, W. M. Wooten and Miss Lola Thomasson have re- covei^d from influenza. | George Cole and Charlie Hun^.er , sipent Monday in Raleigh. ' Asa Yow spent a few days in Aberdeen last week. | M rs. R. C. Muse and Miss Louise | Hogan of Hamlet were in town Fii- ' day. I The Rev. M. D. McNeill filled his regular appointment at Manley last Sunday morning-, after which he and Mrs. McNeill v/ere dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh David Cameron ' of Southern Pines. Mrs. Clarence Byrd, nee Miss Nell Hunter, after a ten days visit to her parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Hunter, I returned to her home in Charlotte. Miss Mollie McKeithen is visiting in Aberdeen this week. Otis Perry, colored, for nine years ' faithful servant of Mr. and Mrs. M. McL. McKeithen died after a short illness with pneumonia last Wednes- ! day. He leaves a wife and seven chil- ; dren, oldest ten years. ’ PINEBLUFF Mr. and Mrs. John Wells, who have been spending the wii^ter in Lakeland, Fla., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Delfoe. Miss Anna Atkinson of Elkin spent the week-end with Polly Butner. Mr. Gray and L. V. Wolff of Win ston-Salem are staying a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Suttenfield. Mrs. Hazel Allison and Miss Elva Roteser spent Saturday in Greensboro shopping. Mrs. McLaughlin, who has been spending some time at Daytona Beach, Fla., has returned. Virginia Butner entertained her school club Monday afternoon. Those present were Dee Batchelor, Eloise Lineberry, Louise Wicker, Mabel Be- thune, Betsy Jean Johnson and Lida Duke Blue. A meeting of the directors of the Pinebluff Library will be held Fri day morning at 10:30. New gUests registered at Gregory’s for a few days: Mr. and Mrs. John Nott, Walter Nott and Roy Jacoby, Hyde Park, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. Stew art Hoskins, Hartsdale, N. Y., Mrs. E. Y. Woodworth and Miss Catherine Woodworth, Peekskill, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Horne, Mohegan Lake, N. Y. and Henry Bragden of New York city. Miss Isobel McMullen is home for spring holidays. Miss McMullen is student at Smith College. FOOD SALE The Ways and Means TDmmittee of the Aberdeen Parent-Teachers Asso-1 ciation, under the management of Mrs. Rialph Caldwell, chairman, will give a Food Sale next Saturday af ternoon at 3:30 in the vacant store room next door to the postoffice. Cakes, candy, fresh Butter and eggs, flowers, etc., will be for sale, and it is hoped that the patrons and friends of the P. T. A. will come out and buy. After a stay of several weeks with friends in Washington, D. C., Mrs. T. A. Cheatham returned to her home here on Saturday. Mrs. Cheatham has since become ill and it iS" hoped she may soon be out again. Mr. and Mrs. William Bailey of Bethlehem, N. H., who are recent arrivals in Southern Pines, were din ner guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Jellison in their home on Mid land Road. Mrs. W. L. Dunlop, and Mrs. N. P. Ray were shopping in Charlotte Thursday. O. H. Stutts spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Greensboro on busi ness. Miss Sue Murry of Middlesex is the house guest of Miss Catherine Cole. Billy Keith celebrated his sixth birthday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Keith on last Saturday. In the afternoon he en joyed the company of four of his in timate play fellows, Jess Cole, A. B, Sally, Jr., and Billy and Bobby Viall. Following the afternoon play, Mrs. Keith served ice cream and cake. Dr. Lewis of Middlesex was a Pinehurst visitor last week . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cameron, Mrs. A. P. Thompson, Miss Fannie B. Gray and Miss Margaret Kelly spent Saturday in Greensboro. Misses Louise and Bessie Futreil of Sanford and Mrs. Harry Vaughn of Scotland Neck were luncheon guests on Saturday of Mrs. W. P. Hardin. Miss Helen Lawrence of Franklin, Va., arrived in Pinehurst Monday and is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. O. H. Stutts. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Slegde spent Saturday in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mills were hosts at two tables of bridge in their home Saturday evening. High score prizes were won by Mrs. 0. H. Stutts and R. K. Footman with low score prizes going to 0. H. Stutts and Mrs. R. K. Footman. Those play ing were Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Stutts, Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Footman, Mrs. J. F. Taylor, Mrs. Tom Cole and Mrs. W. P. Hardin. The Rev. and Mrs. W. M. McLeod spent several days this week with Mrs. McLeod’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Shaw in Sumter, S. C. They motored down, and Mrs. Shaw who had been their guest for a week retumed home with them. The meeting of the executive board of the Woman’s Auxiliary of the Community Church v/as held Tues day evening in the home of Mrs. J. S. Dunlap. The officers, circle chair man and secretaries of causes con stitute the board and at this meet ing plans for the work of the church year beginning March 1st, were for mulated. The regular monthly meeting of the auxiliary will be held next Tuesday evening, March 31, at 8:00 o’clock in the ladies parlor. Special notice is called to the change of date, from the third Tuesday evening in each month to the first Tuesday evening in the month and continuing through out the year on this date. Dr. James Henry Larson of North ampton, Mass., tor years pastor of the Congregational church in Water town, was ’the speaker at the even ing service in the Community Church last Sunday. Dr. Larson, who is a magnetic and forceful speaker, used as his subject “Prayer,” giving a strong and helpful message to his hearers. Miss Lula Loving and friend, Miss Margaret Tyson of Asheboro spent the week-end with Miss Loving’s par ents in Cameron. Mrs. E. B. Keith and Mrs. Wesley Viall motored to Greensboro Friday and spent the day shopping. Miss Catherine Cole was hostess to the younger set at a party at the lit tle Community House on Saturday evening, honoring her house guest. Miss Mae Murray of Middlesex. Mrs. J. S. Dunlop, Mrs. A. P, Thompson, Mrs. I. C. Sledge, Mrs. Raymond Johnson and Mrs. Alex Stewart were guests of Mrs. Herbert Poole and Mrs. Cabel Penn at a de lightful party in the home of Mrs. Poole in Carthage on last Friday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. Swearingen had as guests for the week-end Mrs. E. T. Turnley and Mrs. Tray S. Brown of Kinston. Arthur Mills, Jr., entertained nine of his friends Saturday , afternoon, celebrating his ninth birthday. After several hours of games in the park they returned to the Mills home and were served ice cream and cake by the young host’s mother. Miss Mollie Reid of the Moore County Hospital nursing staff went to Kingstree, S. C., on Wednesday to attend the funeral of a friend, re turning: the following day. Mrs. Henry Graves and Mrs. Worth Miller of Lakeview spent the day Monday with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Dun lap. H tt Dress Yourself Up For Easier It Costs So Little This Year! We have a beautiful as sortment of Dresses, Coats, Hats and Shoes in all sizes for girls and wo men. Newest styles, fa brics and colors and priced the lowest in years! Men’s and Boys' Suits —New styles and new col ors. Shoes for the whole family. 0. B. FLINCHUM & SONS ABERDEEN CARTHAGE H ♦♦ . H H * II CARTHAGE I Mrs. J, L. Currie and Mrs. EFa j Thom are spending several days in I Fayetteville this week with relatives, j Miss Sallie Ferguson of Siler City j was a week-end guest of Miss Mary I Currie. I Judge W. J. Adams and Mrs. Adams spent a few days this week in Car thage. Jim Larkin of Weldon is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Alice Watson. Mrs. Ernest Larkin of Washing ton is spending the week here with her sister, Mrs. R. G. Wallace. Miss Frances Smith of Flora Mc Donald College was the guest of ^fr. and Mrs. E. H. Morton over the week end. Mrs. Ralph Caldwell of Aberdeen and son, Ralph, Jr. of State College visited Mrs. N. A. McKeithen Sun day. Miss Katharine Blue, a student at Flora McDonald College came home for the week-end. She was accompan ied home by Miss Frances Pasley. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Bailoy of jApex visited friends in Carthage Tues day. Miss Miary Currie went to Fayette ville Tuesday for the day. Mrs. H. F. Seawell spent Tuesday in Charlotte. D. N. Carter, William Carter and Jacob Hurwitz spent a few days in Baltimore this week. Mrs. Ida Evans of I^owland spent several days here with her sisters. Misses May and Bess Stuart last week. aurence aaaim announces (Oncl of easoii G e Beginning Friday, March Twenty-seventh Drastic reduction on all sport and day time Dresses as well as on Hats and Evening Gowns Paris Southern Pines, N. C. AT CAPELLA CHOIR COMING TO THE PLATFORM HOUR On Easter night, April 5th a Ca- Pella choir of Guilford College will giv3 the concert in The Church of Wide Fellowship. This unique, organ ization—unique because it is the only group of its kind in North Carolina —has been organized for less than a year, but the results that have been attained in so short a time are said to be marvelous. The singers, 44 in number, are principally students, with a few other voices, members of the faculty />r res idents of Guilford filling in here and there. BLUE FERTHJZER COMPANY 8-3-3 $18.50 PER TON 8-4-4 $20.50 PER TON t