Pa^e Six. THE PILOT, a Paper With Character. Aberdeen, North CaroMna Friday, March 27. 193^ She Ark S0uthern ?fnps, N. A Country Day-School for Boys an^ Girls with Kindergarttn. Limited Boarders Received. > #rganized games twice weekly in- cIndiBg basket ball, volley ball and tennis Dancing Classes Wednesdays Aberdeen Social Events Coolidge Sets Record In What-to-Do Trot Dr. J. I. Neal Veterinarian At Pindhuprst Race Track 10 to 12 Daily Mrs. Miller Entertains Mrs. W. C. Miller was a charming hostess to the Neighborhood Club when she entertained on last Thurs day night with three tables of bridge. Besides the regular (jlub members Mrs. Neill McKeithen, Mrs. Ada Weaver, Mrs. Alton McLean, Mrs. Hardy, and Miss Mildred Osborne were specially invited guests for this | week. their return they were accompanied by Mrs. W. K. Barker and little son, Billie. Vann Wolff of Philadelphia, Pa., spent several days in and around Coolidge, the fleet gelding in the Pine Needles stable in Pinehurst, won the second heat of the ninth annual What to Do trot in the winter record time of 2:08 1-4 to take the event in Aberdeen last week looking after the | ^ ^^e tenth meeting interests of his father, the late Jap Wolff, who died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sutterfield last club meeting, Mrs. Neill McKeithen won highest score among the guests, and Mrs. Edge won highest score among the regular members. Second prize was won by IVlrs. Robert Gwyn. Thg next meeting will be with Mrs. G. B. Peterson. Little Miss Gloria LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY NOTICE OF RE-SALE , WHEREAS, Under and by virtu Under and by virtue of the author-1 ity confened upon us in a deed of | (j^te October 19, 1926, to Pinehu trust executed by B. H. Brown and I Garage Company, said wife, Emilye Cagle Brown on the 16th been of record in the office of the day W January 1926 and r^orded in, of the season of the Pinehurst Mati- Book nee Club yesterday. This is the sec ond time this season that Coolidge Schwartzman has set a record. Fast times were the LIQUID or TABLETS ..Cure Colds, Headaches, Fever. 6 6 6 SALVE Cures Baby’s Cold SPECIAL LOW FARES To New Jersey Seashore Resorts From Aberdeen To Atlantic City $21.90 Cape May $21.90 Wildwood $21.90 Asbury Park $23.10 Tickets on sale April 1 only. Limited to 18 days in addition to date of sale For fares to other New Jersey points see agent or H. E. Pleasants, D. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. SEABOARD Shower for Mrs. Barber The Young Ladies Bible class of the Aberdeen Baptist Church gave a surprise handkerchief shower for Mrs. W. K. Barber,* la^ Thursday after noon at the home of Mrs. M. M. Creel in Aberdeen Mrs Barber is one of their class members, and expects to leave Aberdeen in the near future. The Saint Patrick’s Day motif was delightfully carried out in green and white decorations, refreshments and favors, and an interesting program was enjoyed, Miss Bertie Rivers giv ing readings on Ireland and Miss Mildren Osborne a series of Irish jokes. In the Irish contests which followed Mrs. Henry and Mrs. Claude Johnson were prize winners and re ceived lovely prizes. There were about 30 guests present, and Mrs. Barker was the recipient of many dainty handkerchiefs, as well as every good wish for her life in her new home. has been quite ill with a cold for the; in all the narness horse events. past few days. Mrs. S. T. Ingram, who has been a Donna Volo Peter, owned by Thom as S. Wheeler of New York, won the jm. E. D. HARBOUR OPTOMETRIST at Tarlton’s Jeweky Store every first Tuesday in each month. 1 to 4 p. m. The BEST Gray ftrir Kernel is HomelMade To half pint of water add one ounce bay rum, asmall box of BarTO Compound and one-fourth ounce of glycerine.^ Any druggist up or you can (mix it at home at very little cost. ^ Apply to the hair twice a week until the desired shade is ob tained. It will gradually darken streaked, faded or gray hair and make it soff and grloBsy. Barbo will not color the sealp. ia not aticky or greasy And doea not rub EASTER EXCURSION Low Round Trip Tickets to all Points on the Seaboard also to Washington, D. C. From Aberdeen To Washington, D. C $13.47 Columbia, S. C 5.72 Savannah, Ga 10.80 Jacksonville, Fla 16.97 Miami, Fla 30.14 St. Petersburg, Fla 25.43 I Tickets on sale April 3-4 Only Limited to 15 days in additional to date of sale. For information and fare to other points see Agent or H. E. Pleasants, D. P. A., Raleigh, N. C.. SEABOARD Surprise Party The Young Ladies Wesley Class of the Aberdeen Methodist Church sur prised Mrs. Neill A. Graham, nee Miss Mary Leach, last Monday night while she was a guest in the home of her mother, Mrs. Ralph Leach, pre senting Mrs. Graham with many dainty and appropriate gifts as an expression of her popularity among them as a member of their class. N. Y., also had a straight heat vic tory in the Ninth annual Peach Blos som class. Results Ninth annual Outlook class, one mile, Donna Volo Peter, WTieeler, 1, 1; Ima McGregor, Dusquesne stable, Pittsburgh, 2, 2; Golden, Newbrook stable, Newark, N. J., 3, 3; Time 2:11 1-4 and 2:10 1-2. guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. | ninth annual^ Outlook class in straight Sidney Windham for some time, re-1 heats, and Calumet Aroma, in the turned to her home at Richmond, | Arden-Homestead stable af Salem, Va., last week. Miss Mary Shaw Rosser of Ham let was a week-end guest of Mi^s Lida Duke Blue. Mrs. Neill A. Graham and little Ethelyn Graham of Durham were guests of Mrs. Graham^s mother, Mrs. Ralph Leach for several days last week. Mrs. E. M. Medlin and Mrs. M. M. Johnson were shopping visitors in Greensboro last Tuesday. _ Mrs. Ada -Weaver left Sunday for Sanford, Florida, where she will spend some time as the guest of her daught er, Mrs. Walter Childry. Fred C. Page of Asheboro was a business visitor in Aberdeen last Fri day. Miss Miriam Johnson, who is a student at Roberts Beach School for | Victor’s King, Duquesne stable, 3, 3 Girls at Batonsville, Md., arrived Time 2:16 3-4 and 2:16. home on Thursday of this week to spend the Spring holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Windham mo tored to Clinton last Friday, bringing urday the 4th day of Apnl 1931, i payment of the debt secured thAv o'clock noon, at i by and the powers of sale therp^ in Moore County, Carthage, N. C., contained having become operativ”^ at public auction for cash ithe undersigned did, after due advo^’ highest bidder the following land t - i^jgement and posting, as provided b • wit: ... « 1 ' law, expose for sale to the ^ All those 2 certain tracts or ^cels : highest of land lying and m House Door of Moore Countv NnrtK Townshiji, County of Moore State of ^ DeUiX, North Carolina, and bounded as fol- 293Q lands hereinaffav a lows, viz: FIRST TRACT: ' Id at a stake in Mrs. D. B. Beals’ corner, 1 q became the last Northwest of the State Highway, therefor at the nnVp -p thence N. 20 W. 4 chs. and 75 links | theretor at the puce of $100.00 to a stake in the line of 100 acres; ~ x- thence as it N. 53 E. 10 chs. and 10 ^ ^ i pre- links to a stake and pointers known , , as the McIntosh corner; thence S. 38 made with E. 2 chs. and 30 links to a stake inside ; rLnf^r Superior Court of of the Graded road; thence as the r road S. 2 E. 5 chs. and 18 links to a NOW, THEREFORE, In compH. , stake in the side of the State High- ance with the provisions of law the j way; thence as it S. 61 W. 6 chs. and undersigned will offer at re-sale, be- I 90 links to the beginning containing fore the Court House door of Moore I 5 acres, more or less. And being the County, North Carolina, at twehe Ninth annual What to Do Trot, one | game tract of land conveyed to B. H.' o’clock noon, on Monday, April 6 mile, Coolidge, Pine Needles stable, BroviTi by J. E. Asbill and wife by 1931 to the highest bidder for cash 1 1- Donald A., Duquense stable, 3, deed dated Sept. 29, 1924 and record- all the right, title and interest of the ^ J • T>,: 1 cfQ ed in Book of deeds No. 95, Page said P. C. Gray, unmarried, ownpi^ 2; and Prmce a , o.oq Office of Register of deeds of Moore and held by him at the time of the ble, 2, 3; tied for second. Time 2:09 (;)Qunty. SECOND TRACT: Beginning execution and delivery of said mori^ 1-2 and 2:08 1-4. at a stake in the Old Salem road, also; gage deed or thereafter, in and to Ninth annual Peach Blossom class the 5th corner of the 50 acres sold to the following described real esta^^e Arden- A. K. Dowdy, and running thence N. to-wit: ^e ’ ratherine N 34-60 chs. to a stake in the A certain piece or tract of land Homestead stable 1, 1, Catherine 1 original division line, also 4th corner lying and being in Moore Countv George R. Norris, New York, 2, 2; of 50 acres; thence as said original di- North Carolina, in Mineral Spring’ . vision line S. 54 1-2 E. 19.30 chs. to Township, and described and defined a stake Red OaK and Dogwood iK>int- as follows: Beginning at a stake in ers; thence S. 35 W. 31.95 chs. to a the Clay Road, Alexander Dunlap’, maple tree having sweet gum ^inters | corner, running S. 66 1-2 W. 4.82 T^nT-.xT' Salem Road; thence with said • chains to a stake, Dunlap’s corner* COLORED CHILDREN road to the beginning, containing 64 thence N. 3 W. 75 links to a stake' acres, more or less, and being a part thence N. 68 1-2 E. 4.90 chains to Dr. Holiday, colored dentist of the ^ Rosid; thence S. 7 W. 02 1-2 Emilye Cagle Brown by J. A. Brown lining beginning. TO INSPECT TEETH OF 600 back with them their cousin, Miss i State Health Department, on Monday g jj Brown by deed dated Sept. one-half acre moTe^'orfess Elizabeth Murphy, who will visit them I began a four weeks’ dental clinic to gth, 1917, and recorded in Book of conveyed to said Percy Gray dv be conducted in the Jackson Hamlet | Deeds No. 67 at Page 217, O^ice of "W/’alter Wooten and wife, by school, the Taylortown school and the 9^ Deeds of Moore Coun^’’. ^^ted October 1920, and recorded in ^ ’ , , , . XI • • • i? This sale is made by reason of the Eastv/ood school, all in the viciniy of failure of B. R. Brown and wife, Pinehurst. This clinic will touch ap- Emilye Cagle Brown to pay off and proximately six hundred colored discharge the indebtedness secured by Former Teacher Weds Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Butler Hill announce the marriage of their daughter, Elnora, Nathan Anderson on Wednesday, March 18th at Dan ville, Va. Miss Hill was a popular member of the school faculty here for two years. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus D. Mc- ; Lean motored to Goldsboro Sunday to visit their daughter, Mrs. William R. Taylor. Miss Grace Bradshaw spent the past week-end in Rockingham visit- I ing relatives. Billie Bowman has been confined to j his home for the past ten days suf fering with an infected foot. I Miss Geneva Jackson of the Pied- ! mont Telephone Company force was called to her home at West End on [ account of the death of her mother { last Saturday. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Barker and two j daughters of Danville, Va., spent last I Sunday in Aberdeen as guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Barker in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Norris. On Will be in his office over the Post Office, Sanford, N. C., every Wednesday, from 10:00 a. m. to 3:00 p. m. Don’t fail to see him if your eyes are weak. business an6 Jprofesslonal Everett, Zane and Muse Certified Public Accountants Sanford, N. C. Greensboro, N. C. J. C. Muse, C. P- A., Resident Partner 1:^ ! E. V. PERKINSON General Contractor Southern Pines, Telephone 5033 North Carolina J. N. POWELL UNDERTAKING — EMBALMING EAST BROAD STREET SOUTHERN PINKS Moore County’s Leading Restaurant— JACK’S GRILL Southern Pines, North Carolina FREEMAN’S FURNITURE HOUSE UNDERTAKING—EMBALMING AMBULANCE SBRVICB Day Phome 7 Niglit Phone 78 ABERDEEN, . NORTH CAROLINA while recuperating from an illness Mrs. Ralph Caldwell and Ralph Caldwell, Jr., motored to Carthage last Sunday afternoon to visit rela tives. Miss Mildred Russell, who recent ly underwent an appendicitis opera tion at the Moore County Hospital was able to be brought home l^st F riday. Mrs. L. I. Bass and little daught er, Libbie Lee, who are now staying in Raleigh, spent a few days in , Aberdeen last week getting their home here ready for the occupancy of Dr. Edwards, who expects to takt- I their house about the first of Api-il. I Miss Elizabeth Thomas of the j : Carolina Discount Corporation force I I spent the past week-end at Jonesboro I i visiting her parents. ' ; Mr. and Mrs. M. Schwartzman anJ | j dauo-htei's have returned from a trio . I to Baltimore, bi inging with them | for a visit Mrs. Schwartzman’s sister, ; Mrs. Laurie and little son of Bal- I timore. While Mrs. Schwartzman vis- j ited relatives in Baltimore Mr. j ' Schwartzman spent several days in ! New York buying spring and summer | : goods for his store here. i I Colin Bethune, student of the \ Batesburg-Leesville, S. C. High | School is spending a few days of his | S'.pring vacation in Aberdeen visiting j his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Be- | thune. ^ I Mrs. Dillon Joi dan and daughter, | Myi-tle Jordan spent last Saturday in j Raleigh visiting the family of LeRoy ' Jordan. j Mrs. M. L. Trueluck and family | have moved from the house they have j been occupying in Aberdeen to the | house on Bethesda RRoad lately va- j cated by W. A. McDaniels and fam- ily. I Theo Berg attended the 75th birth- j day celebration of his father held in ■ Greensboro last Friday night. i H Mr. Hedrick, who has been the ,)op- I § ular and efficient clerk at Pender’s 1H store here for some time, has been j § transferred to the Sanford Pender • H store as manager. g Mrs. Hanie Harris visited friends | ^ in Raeford last Friday afternoon. | H The K. M. Class of the Baptist Sun- 1 day School attended the funeral ser vices of Miss Geneva Jackson’s mother held at West End last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Johnson of Ral eigh motored to Aberdeen to spend the day last Sunday, carrying back with them their mother, Mrs. Lizzie Thomas for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Sammie Matthews of Sanford were in town last Sunday visiting relatives. Capt. A, F. Yates was notified last Monday of the death of his brother, A. V. Yates, which occurred in the Raleigh Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brunson, who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. W. C. Miller for the past win ter, left last week for Baltimore where they will make their future home. Mrs. Frank Page, Sr., of Raleigh spent several days here last week visiting her son, Frank Page, Jr. SIX school children of the county, many of whom would not receive treatment if it were left to the parents to pro vide it. This clinic is made possible by a said deed of trust. A • deposit of 10 per cent will be required from the purchaser at the sale. This the 27th day of February 1931. First National Company of Dur- generous contribution by Mrs. Fran- ham, Inc., Trustee, formerly First Na- Book 80, at page 597. The bidding to begin at the upset bid of One Hundred and Ten ($110.00 > Dollars. cis T. Keating of Pinehurst, who gives freely of her time and means for the bettering of conditions among the under-privileged of her ado-pted county. tional Trust Company, Durham, N. C. W. G. BRAMHAM and T. L. BLAND, Receivers for First National Company of Durham, Inc., Trustee, formerly. First National Trust Company, Dur ham, N. C.” DATE OF SALE: Monday, Anril ‘j. 1931. HOUR OF SALE: 12 o’clock noon. PLACE OF SALE: Court llous^ Door of Moore County, at Carrhajre. N. C. TERMS OF SALE: Cash. This 21st day of March 1931. PINEHURST GARAGE COMPAN' Pinehurst Garage Company, Mortgage-. By Johnson & Johnson, Attorriev'. M27-A3. Waite Hoyt, after 14 years in the majors, pitched his first winning ex hibition game this spring. An Easy Way to Get Your Fertilizer G. Ober & Sons Company Oaltim.or'e, ^d. OLDEST IN AMERICA Has established a new Fertilizer Factory in Aber deen, N. C. The Ober Company has opened this Factory so they can give quicker and better service.- In selecting your fertilizer requirements, conven ience should go hand-in-hand v^ith modern service. We want to give the farmer the best fertilizer we know how to manufacture, plus service. Before'”buying call on me. B. B. SAUNDERS Aberdeen, N. C. Sales Representative

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