Page Eight. THE PILOT, a Paper With Character. Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, April 3 I9gj McKlNNEY BEGINS WORK On NEW DEVELOPMENT John McPherson of Southern Pines has started building on the McKinney purchase of 1,400 acres in Richmond county, just out of Hoffma*. He is repairing some of the old buildings on the tract and beginning a five-room house which will serve as a temi>orary camp or house for resident caretak er, and care for the immediate needs of the development. The dam is also to be repaired and made available for storing the water that will make a lake, which is to be one of the feat ures of the place. Mr. McKinney has not yet reached a definite conclusion as to the fu ture of his new possessions, but it is his plan to utilize it as a country place to which he can go as he feels inclined and enjoy the pleasures of rural life in this favored region. Aberdeen Social Events LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES Junior-Senior Banquet The Annual Junior-Senior banquet was held in the New Community House on Thursday evening of last week, and a most delightful occasion it proved to be. A treasure hunt was the main feature on the program, and was greatly enjoyed. Several inter esting contests and games were also enjoyed, after which the young peo ple spent an hour of dancing. The Senior Class this year is composed of 26 members, the largest in the his tory of the school. She Ark iSouthern llinrs, N. A Country Day-School for Boys and Girls with Kindergarten. Limited Boarders Received. i Organized games twice weekly in cluding basket ball, voHey hah. and tennis Dancing Classes Wednesdays Raise Nearly $300 In the Community House canvas put on by the Ways and Means com mittee of the Association last week $217.35 was raised ,in a couple of days, with promises and pledges of Mrs. William F. Caddell on Pine street. Little Dannie McKeithen, the small son of Mr. an;i Mrs. D. I. McKeith- en, who has been quite sick with bronchial pneumonia fo rthe past week, is much improved. Mrs. Elisha Kent Kahe of Kush- aqua. Pa., together with Mrs. Bion H. Butler and Miss Helen Butler, were guests of Misses Rose and: Effie Butler at The Teacherage last Fri day afternoon. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the powers of sale .contained in that certain mortgage deed from W. C. Brown, and wife, Emma Brown, dated July 1st, 1927, to Arthur Ross, mortgage SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a deed of which said mortgage deed, after the | trust executed by H. C. BuChan and execution ai^ delivery thereof Marie H. Buchan on the 10th recorded in Book of Mortgagees No 46, at page 162, registry of Moore County,' default having been made in che payment of the bond thereby se cured and the powers of sale therein having become operatlive, the under signed mortgagee, will, o» the 5th I day of May, 1931, at 12 o’clock, noon, I at the Court House Door of Moore Misses Eva Blume and Mary Brog- _ .ux. m ^ im j -JUT County, m the Town of Carthage, N. den, accompanied by Leonard Blume’ ' ■’ ^ ^ -i. day of February 1925 and recorded in Book 39, Page 198, we will on Saturday the 2nd day ®f May, 1931, at 12 o’clock noon at the Courthouse door in Moore County, Carthage, N. C., sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land to-wit: Being all of that tract designated to TJe" to 'thV'hfghest^as the Tract as conveyed by B. LEGAL notices SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY ^ of Blackvilie, S. c!, were week-end WddeTf^caTh. ali'th^^se Certain | guests of Senator and Mrs. M. M. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. George Bryan of Clay ton were Sunday visitors in Aberdeen. Mrs. Bryan is pleasantly remembered Dr. J. I. Neal Teteriiwrian At PinefhHirst Race Track 10 to 12 Daily at least $50.00 more, which is very. town as Miss Bessie Lee Poole, encouraging to the association. This committee plans to give a musicale in the near future, and other plans are upder way to raise funds with which to complete the payment of the in debtedness now due on the building. Gifts to the association of furniture, dishes and other articles ha\e been most thankfully received and appre ciated. Any one wishing to help the association in any way should get in touch with Mrs. W. A. Blue or G. C. Seymour. LIQUID or TABLBTS ..Owe Colds, Headadhes, Fever.. 6 6 6 SALVE Cures Baby’s Cold tracts of land lying and being m Moore County, North Carolina, and in Sheffields Township, bounded, de scribed and defined as follows, viz; FIRST TRACT: In the Town of Elise, being Lots Nos. 18 and 19 in Block No. Three. See deed from W. popular teacher of the first grade • S. Skeen and wife to W. C. Brown in DR. E. D. HARBOUR OPTOMETRIST at Tarlton’s Jewelry Store every first Tuesday in each month. 1 to 4 p. m. Book Club Meeting The Thursday Afternoon Book club was delightfully entertained by the president, Mrs. Robert F. Stewart at the Mossgiel log cabin, near Aber deen; The program centered around the subject of “English Painters.” Mrs. Ralph Caldwell read a paper on “The Works of Gainsborough;” Mrs. George Martin on ‘‘The Works of Re3molds” and Mrs. E. T. McKeithen on ‘‘Eng lish Painters of Children.’ The next meeting will be held ! the home of Mr. Page before his com- with Mrs. M. M. Johnson at her home | ing to Aberdeen. in Aberdeen and the subject will be | Misses Margaret and Frances Pleas- “Two Early Southern Artists,” with | ants, students at N. C. C. W. at special singing of old southern melo- j Greensboro are spending their spring dies to be arranged by the music com- j holidays at home with their parents, mittee of the club. [ Mr, and Mrs. C. V. Miller and fam- Besides the regular members, Mrs. ily motored to Greensboro last Sun- here for three years. Miss Sallie Matthews and broth er, Knox Matthews, were Sunday vis itors in Sanford, as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sammie Matthews. Dr. E. C. Edwards who was con nected with the medical staff of Pine Crest Manor Sanatorium for the past two years, is moving to Aber deen this week and is opening an of fice in the Page Trust Company building. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards will occupy the Bass Bungalow on Pop lar street. Misses Gladys Osborne and Dickie Mitchell of Clinton were Sunday guests of Miss Mildred Osborne at The Teacherage. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Spooner motor ed to Fayetteville last Friday to con sult an oculist about Mr. Spooner’s eyes. The Hon. Robert N. Page will speak at Cary this Friday night at the cele bration of the Town of Cary, this be ing its 60th Anniversary. Cary was I Deed Book No. 80, page 284, Register of Deeds for Moore County. Under and by virtue of the autho- ity conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by B. H. Brown wife, Emilye Cagle Brown on the l^th day of January 1926 and recorded ip Book 39, Page 314, we will on urday the 4th day of April 193i o’clock noon, at the Courthouse dooc in Moore County„ Carthage, N. C sak at public auction for cash to ’ tha highest bidder the following land tn wit: All those 2 certain tracts or parcel' of land lying and being in Carthat# Township, County of Moore, State of North Carolina, and bounded as fni lows, viz: FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a stake in Mrs. D. B. Beals’ corner Northwest of the State Highwav nm- thence N. 20 W. 4 chs. and 75 linki to a stake in the line of 100 aeres^ registered in Book 73 at Page 504, et seq., described as follows: Adjoin ing Bilyeu and Van Lindley property, and beginning at an iron pipe, Bilyeu’s corner of 16 1-4 acres on J .Van Lind-I thence as it N. 53 E.' 10 chs" and^u ley’s line, and runs thence with Van ; links to a stake and pointers knn^ Lindley’s line S. 80 1-2 E. 995 ft. to' as the McIntosh corner; thence S 3^ an iron pipe. Van Lindley’s comer; E. 2 chs. and 30 links to a stake inside thence N. 76 1-4 E. 330 ft. to a I of the Graded road; thence as th« SECOND TRACT: Lot “B” in the j stake, Monroe’s and now Scott’s cor- road S. 2 E. 5 chs. and 18 links to a sub-division of the George Horner | ner; thence N. 51 1-2 W. 330 ft. to a; stake in the side of the State Higut lands at Hemp, N. C., as shown on | stake, Scott’s comer on the S. edge of. way; thence as it S. 61 W. 6 chs. and a map of said lands recorded in the i ^jd Manly-Curryville Road; thence I 90 links to the beginning containing office of the register of deeds for jjjje of the E. McN. Blue and 5 acres, more or less. And being the Moore County. See deed from G. W., Monroe Grants N 13 E. 1042 ft. Homer and wife to W. C. Brown, i ^ stake, pine pointers on this S. Deed Book No. 71, page 380. : edge of the Seals Road; thence N. THIRD TRACT: Lots Nos. Two, , 75 i_2 e. 1367 ft. to a stake in a ' ed in Book of deeds No. 95, Page 227. Three and Four, (2, 3 and 4) s^nd : Blue’s and Monroe’s comer, i Gffice of Register of deeds of Moorp- five (5) OH Highland Street, and 1 Scott’s; thence N. 25 W. 1079 ft.! County. SECOND TRACT: Beginning Nos. five and six (5 and 6) on Church 1 ^ stake, Blue and Monroe’s comer! at a stake in the Old Salem road, also Street as shown on map of Elise. See ] ^ ^4^ acres granted to Cath- ^ the 5th comer of the 50 acres sold U deed book No. 64, page 682 where | McLean; thence with that line, I A. K. Dowdy, and running thence N. deed from G. W. Horner and wife to! Scott’s S. 88 3-4 W. 1825 ft. to i chs. to a stake in th? W. C. Brown is recorded. stake in Bilyeu’s line; thence with it ‘ division line, also 4th corner S. 6 1-4 W. 2424 ft. to the beginning, i acres; thence as said original di- containing 90 acres, more or less, and ^^sion line S. 54 1-2 E. 19.30 chs. to being a portion of the 100 acres grant- ^ ^ stake Red Oak and ^J^ood point- j X 17. nr XT -oi I ers; thence S. 35 W. 31.95 chs. to a ed to E. McN. Blue. same tract of land conveyed to B. H Brown by J. E. Asbill and wife b^- deed dat^ Sept. 29, 1924 and record- FOURTH TRACT: A part of Lot No. Six (6) as described in deed from G. W. Horner to D. H. Horner, and fully described in a deed from C. W. Parks, Exr. of D. H. Horner to W. mi • 1 • J ^ ^ 4.1.^ i maple tree having sweet gum pointers This sale is made by reason of the j Salem Road; thence with said C. Brown as appears in Book of Deeds tt -d i, a --p i *“ * oa*i No. 92, page 82, register of deeds for \ Bucnan ana wiie, | ^ begrinning, containing 64 Moore County. Mane H. Buchan to pay off and di^ • acres, more or less, and being a part FIFTH TRACT: In Bensalem i charge the indebtedness secured by ^^cres tract conveyed to Township, Moore County, North Car olina, adjoining the lands of W. C, Brown and others, containing four (4) acres, more or less and described in said deed of trust. Emilye Cagle Brown by J. A. Brown A deposit of 10 per cent will be re- j and B. H. Brown by demi dated Sept. quired from the purchaser at the gth, 1917, and* recorded in Book of sale. i Deeds No. 67 at Page 217, Office of a deed from John Williams and wife This the 19th day of March 1931. Register of Deeds of Moore County, to W. C. Brown, dated April 23rd, j First National Company of Dur- ‘ sale is made by reason of the 1918, and registered in the office of ham, Inc., Trustee, formerly First | Brown and wife, the register of deeds for Moore National Trust Company, W. G. Bram- ‘Eni%e Cagle Brown to pay off ant County in Deed Book No. 67, page; -p j receivers for discharge the indebtedness secured by 584, which see for description by NyonaT Company of Durham, ^ said deed of trust R. W. McMullen, of Pinebluff, Mrs. Murdoch McLeod, Mrs. Alex Stewait and Mrs. Herman Campbell, of Pine- hurst and Mrs, Clayton Brasington, Mrs. Rosser Jones, Mrs. William Hen- dren, Mrs. C. C. Bethune and Miss Mary McKeithen were specially in vited guests. A delightful social hour followed | learn that he has been on the sick the meeting, during which the hostess j list again. served a delicious salad course. ! Misses Annie Grady and Nancy Beddingfield of The Teacherage, to- Personals , gather with M iss Sarah Weaver, Mrs. G. A. Charles, who was called i last Sunday visiting the Mag- to the bedside of her mother, who has ' nolia Gardens near Charleston, S. C. been seriously ill with pneumonia at ^^d Mrs. Gordon Keith and I her home in Star, has returned to ' family have moved from the apart- j 5 ■take up her school work as teacher ^‘‘ents over Flinchum’s store to the i of the fifth grade in the grammar house on Rush street in Aberdeen last school. During her absence Miss Lu- occupied by Mr. and Mrs. James Me- Hie BEST eray Bair SemetlyisHoiiieMade To half pint of wat^add one ounce bay mm, asmall box oliBarbo Gompoimd and one-fourth ounce of glycerine.%Any druggist can imt this up or yoa can fmix it at home at very little cost. ^ Apply to the hair tvnce a week untfl the desired shade is ob tained. It will gradually darken streaked, faded or bair and make it soft •Bd srloBay. Barbo will not color the Bcalp, ia not sticky or greasy doea not rub off. EASTER EXCURSION Low Round Trip Tickets to all Points on the Seaboard also to Washington, | was the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. D. C. I McN. Johnson on Tuesday of last From Aberdeen 1 week. To Mr. and Mrs. George McDonald of Washington, D. C $13.47 ' Candor have moved to Aberdeen, and Columbia, S. C 5.72 ! are occupying the newly remodelled Savannah, Ga 10.80 j house next door to their daughter, Jacksonville, Fla 16.97 Miami, Fla 30.14 St. Petersburg, Fla 25.43 I Tickets on sale April 3-4 Only feimited to 15 days in additional to date of sale. For information and fare to other p#ints see Agent or H. E. Pleasants, D. P. A., Raleigh, N. C.. SEABOARD day, carrying with them little Miss Bettie Martie Osborne, Mrs. Miller's niece, who has spent the winter with her annt here. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Pearson of Albe marle visited friends in town lasr Sunday. Friends of W. A. Blue regret to metes and bounds. TERMS OF SALE—Cash. ■ PLACE OF SALE—Court House r'oor of Moore County, Carthage. N. C. TIME OF SALE—May 5th, 1931— at 12 o’clock. Noon. This March 31st. 1931. A.RTHUR ROSS, A deposit of 10 per cent will he required from the purchaser at the sale. This the 27th day of February 1931. Fir^ National Company of Dur- On last Saturday night, Theo Berg, I ham, Inc., Trustee, formerly First Na- Inc., trustee, formerly First National Trust Company, Durham, N. C. A3—24. By S. R. HOYLE, I Justice of the Peace, performed a ' marriage ceremony in his office, the Mortagee.: contracting parties being Miss Eliz- tional Trust Company, Durham, N. C. W. G. BRAMHAM and T. L. BLAND, Receivers for First National Company of Durham, Inc., Trustee, formerly, A3-24. Attorney. Alma Connor and Thomas R. National Trust Company, Dur- Ervin of Southem Pines. ham, N. C.’ cille Brooks did substitute work for her. Miss Cora Cockman of Pittsboro YES^K>,5i>^CiAI^ Will be in his offiee over the Post Office, Sanford, N. C., er^ry Wednesday, from 10:00 a. m. to 3:60 p. m. Don’t iail to see him if your eyes are weak. business aad jprofessloitttl Everett, Zane and Muse ^rtilied Public Accountants Sanford, N. C. Greensboro* N. C. J. C. Muse, C. p. A,, Resident Partner E. V. PERKINcJON General Contractor Southern Pines, Telephone 5033 North Carolina J. N. POWELL UNDERTAKING — EMBALMING SOUTHERN PINES EAST BROAD STREET Moore County’s Leadii'g Restaurant— JACK’S GRILL Southern Pines, Nortk GftroHiia FREmAN’S FURNITURE HOUSE UNDJBBTAKIN.IS—ESHBALHING AMBULANCE SBRVICB amgrbBEN, • N«BTH CAR6LINA Coleman. Mrs. Roy Leary, who has been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George McDomald, returned to her home in Edenton last week. Mrs. D. C. Ewing, Mrs. Katie B. Shear and daughter, Miss Katie Lee, of Candor, visited relatives in town last Thursday afternoon. Lawrence Cliff was unable to at tend school last week on account of an attack of influenza. Miss Judith Calhoun of Gastonia, a former member of the local school faculty, vi.sited friends in Aberdeen over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Sugg and lit tle daughter of Lakeview spent Sun day in town visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Pleasants. Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell of High Point were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. McLean last Sunday. The Rev. W. C. Ball is conducting a series of services this week at the Vass Methodist Church. V. F. Tarlton and Mr. Lunday, who have been conducting a jewelry and shoe shop respectively in the Aber deen Hotel building are moving their places of business this week to the Deaton Building on South Street, op posite Pender’s store. Miss Emma Page of Greensboro is the guest of her sisters, Mrs. T. B. Wilder and Miss Mary Page. Mrs. G. C. Martin was called to Dur ham this week on account of the illness of a small nephew, who has double pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Windham and their guest, Miss Elizabeth Murphy, spent last Monday in Raleigh shop ping. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Lentz of Bur lington were guests of Mrs. S. E. Sloan on last Saturday. Mrs. A. F. Dees and son. Junior Dees, spent the week-end in Fayett«- ville visiting frfends. Mrs. Haney Harris and small son, Rowland, visited in Raeford several days last week as the guests of Mrs. Zack Paul. Mrs. G. B. Peterson visited h«r sis ter at Columbia, S. C., last week. THE PINEHURST WAREHOUSES PINEHURST, N. C. THE WEEKLY EXHIBIT Beginning Nonday, April 6 At the Warehouse Showroom in the VILLAGE COURT Will Be An Active Demonstration of Pyrofax Gas Heating Equipment Handled by a Skilled Operator Pyrofax Gas, is a clean, efficient, simple fuel, installed, super vised and always cared for by a specialist in heating- and operat ing-. Ready to carry on with no effort but lig-hting a match and turning on the gas. No dirt, no ashes, the heat stops when you turn off the gas and starts when you turn it on. Cost stops when heat stops. Pyrofax is a manufactured gas, free from the impurities of the Natural paraffine g-ases, free from the surplus carbon which makes soot, nothing put in it that is not put there for a purpose, and it gives the heat and promptly. Contracts with easy terms if desired. Everybody welcome at the exhibits at all times. Pinehurst Warehouses, he. PINEHURST, N. C. Display Room Phone 3701 Furniture Dept Phone 3415 3 ♦♦ :: ♦♦ :: n u H ♦♦ I X •• ♦♦ •• 4 ’ r> :: ;: I i X X

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