MOORE COUNTY’S leading news- weekly np XT Tj j. jn. Jj/ A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 11, NO. 19. 1 KILLED. OTHERS HliRT AS SPIRES TRIP A. & R. CAR '">^CARTHAOE /lakeview MANUEY AeeftOE.E>4 # PINEBLUFF PILOT FIRST W NEWS AND ADVERTISING of the Sandhill Te^ ^ of North Carolina c. Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, April 10, 1931. Xj; FIVE CENTS “Snowbair^ A Hero Lttle Black Dog Sounds Fire Alarm and Saves Vass Barber Shop “Snowball” is Neill Tucker’s lit tle black dog. Neill Tucker runs the barber shop in Vass. Piteous barking could be heard from the barber shop building last Thursday night around 11 oclock. Investigation revealed that “Snow ball” was doing his barkingest best to sound the fire alarm, and he suc ceeded. The building was ablaze in> side when the firemen arrived, and 3ut for ‘‘Snowball” the entire wood en structure would have been de stroyed. The flames were quickly conquered, thanks to the prompt response of the firemen and the adequate water supply. And thanks most of all to “Snow ball,” vv^ho was rescued, choking with smoke but otherwise unharm ed. Fatal Accident on Aberdeen & Rockfish Believed Caused By Disgruntled Negro VANCE BUNCE, 25, VICTIM One man was killed and five ser iously injured Wednesday as a work car on the Aberdeen & Rockfish rail road struck a spike which had been driven beside the rail eij;ht miles from Fayetteville, apparently with in tent to wreck the first train striking it. Vance Bunce, 25, of Cumberland county, died shortly after he was tak en to a Fayetteville hospital here. Al bert Allen, 55, section foreman of the railway was injured seriously. After an all-day search, officers of the law were without*a definite clue as to the identitfy of the person or T>ersons who drove three spikes be tween the rails near Clifton. Vance, assistant section foreman of the A. ogwood trot, the feature harness l^orse race on the program of the Pine hurst Matinee club Wednesday. Cool- I tournament will count largely in the McLean law. - ^ planned for next year, idge, in the Pine Needles stables here,; selection of the American Davis Cup ^ conceded that the vote 1 It is expected that another won the second heat to make a dead ^ team, and officials of the national Senate would be close about see the completion of the heat with Donald A. of the Duquesne , tennis association will be here to opponents - of the sales tax j carpenter work on the fine “Home- stable of Pittsburgh. In the third | watch the performance of such men ^ anticipated support of Senators * wood” building at Knollwood. This heat Coolidge won. Donald A. covered | as Van Ryn, Shields, Lott, Bell, Sut- ^nd Harmon, the two Republi- ■ house has steadily developed fresh in- -he first heat for a world record of , ter and Bryan Grant, all candidates j members. i:;7 1-4. I for the honor of attempting to wiest 1 Unexpectedly they voted “aye”. Results: First annual Apple Bios- ! the coveted trophy from France this j — J'om Class, one mile—Donna Volo Pet- | summer. er, T. S. Wheeler, New York, ran 1 — exhibition to lower his own record of WATSONS TO GIVE PIONEER 2:10 1-4 to 2:9. PARTY AT NEW LOG HOUSE First annual Dogwood Trot—Cool- | ■ idge, Pine Needles Stable, 2, 1, 1;' John Warren Watson and Richard ; which spent the season at The Pad- ^^onald A, Duquesne stable, 1, 2, 2. | A. Watson of Philadelphia have is-. dock were shipped north to Millbrook, paneling, the knots left in the wood Times 2:7 1-4, 2:8 3-4, 2:9 1-2. memory of their son, John Martin Jamison, Jr. The Rev. T. A. Cheat ham assisted the pastor, the Rev. Murdoch McLeod in this sei’vi.e. Friends and members of the Cv.iv- munity Church are deeply apprecia tive of these large gifts. ‘DANCE ON MONDAY NIGHT FOR ST. ANTHONY CHURCH HUNTERS SHIPPED NORTH AFTER BUSY SEASON HERE The Thorndale Stables horses terest with each successive step m its construction until it has now reach ed such a stage that its excellent char acteristics can be fully appreciated. Individual features are showing up in . fine form. One of the striking novel ties is the perfect imitation of Col onial construction as shown in one room which is finished in natural pine Legion to Give Dance For Hospital Benefit The dance to be given next Mon day night, April 13th at the South ern Pines Country Club for the ben efit of St. Anthony’s Church promises to be a big success. There is a gen- Proceeds to be Used for Starting eral interest among: all the people in Endowment Fund for the community to help Father Me- Institution Devitt is raising funds* by this means for the benefit of the church. Sandhill Post, No. 134, American The general committee for an’ange- Legion, will give a dance at the Pine- ments has among its members Mrs. W. hurst Country Club on Friday evening, \ C. Mudgett, Mrs, N, F. W ilson, Mrs. April 17th from 10 to 2 o’clock, the H. C, Vetterlein, Mrs. Frank Harring- proceeds to be used to start an en- ton, Mrs. John Barron, Miss Emily dowment fund for the Moore County Mcxy Wilson, Miss Ruby Taft, Miss sued invitations for a Pioneer Par-' New York, yesterday. Ten hunters, | exposed, as the old timers did a bun- Hospital. Tickets will be three dol- Alice Wolff, Miss Margaret Wolff, First annual Golden Bell Class— | ty to be given at their log house on , the property of Mrs. Landon K. ^ dred years ago. But the mill work on Wd Carville, W. H. Watt, Orange, j W^atson’s Lake tonight, Friday. : Thorne and Mrs. Lawrence B, Smith, | that paneling is the work of artists. N. N., 1. 1; Catherine N., George R. Norris, Salem, N, Y., 2, 2. Time 2:13 1-2 and 2:13 1-4. Amateur rider ev^ts: Tplting— John Bunn, Asheville, N. C., winner. Overall race: John Bunn, winner. Potato race, team of Jackie Sweet- ser, N. Y., winners. Judging from the ^ invitations it were here for the entire hunting seas on of the Moore County Hounds at Southern Pines, and a number of them shown ih the Pinehurst Horse Show, one of which, Wyoming, won should be a good party. They read: “Wear your old trail kit and get your wagon within the stockade promptly at six-thirty. Leave at home your guns, riding habits and | the championship for hunters. Mrs. hob nails. Frontier food, maddening j Thome and Mrs. Smith plan to re- music* and glarorous dancing girls.” 1 turn again next season., The finish will be in natural color, the knots ingeniously conspicuous, along with the magnificent ^ain of the wood,, which the native pines display in unusual prominence. Throughout the building the wood carving and in- (Please turn to Page 8) lars. Big plans are being made fori Jerry Healy, Dr. G. G. Herr and Wil- the event by the Legion members, ’ liam Ammaismier. among the numbers on the program ; The floor committee is in charge being a costume dance for which three of Dante Montesanti. The Club Sky- prizes are to be offered. line and Lovejoy’s orchestra will fur- The Sandhill post will have a meet- j nish music for dancing from nine un- ing at 8 o'clock on Tuesday evening, j til one. Tickets are one dollar. April 14th, at the Civic Club in South- , — em Pines to make final arrangements | Dr. and Mrs. B. vonHerff are at for the party, and other business. | the Jefferson Inn.