Friday, April 10, 1931. garden Party Nets $336 For Library , hildren of The Ark School, Aid ed by Grown-Ups, Stage Successful Affair A beautiful day brought a con- . stream of guests and purchasers V 'I'e ?ale at the Ark School in aid the Southern Pines Library last X- arsday. The proceedings opened „ country dances on the lawns, , i- the direction of Mrs. Ethel jj \vf. in which all pupils took part :h spirit and pleasure. The stalls were arranged in the j,,, icp and were in charge of the fol- :>win.£r: Fancy Stall, Mrs. H. O. Ben- v. Mrs. Myers Hojyt, Miss Cuth- bfrr. Henrietta Wardwell and Ellen Flowers: Mrs. W. C. Arkell, Ruth Starr and Sara Jane Bar- . Wood, Reed and Raffia: Miss \V b « t^ana McNeill, Richard Pe- • k. Charles Howe; Cake and jindy; Mrs. Paul Barnum, Ann Fen- Mary Pethick, Katherine Howe; - an.-. Constance Child, Sylvia Pe- T- k, Lillian Halliwell, Florence Leather and Toys: Mrs. r-. rt. Miss Tuttle, Elizabeth Eld- ; Ice Cream Stand: Phyllis Lov- g. Mary Arkell, Anne Child. Miss Laura Jenks presided over a of articles made entirely by her - uP of younger children who also ^ Iped her sell. The side shows did o ioaring trade. Mrs. Edgar Chap- : n and Mrs. Gibbons gave excellent iiacter readings. Jean and Bar- %-a Hoyt tempted all to try their . k at “Penny-in-the Bucket,” the , 'ii being to cover a dime at the . -lom of a pail of water by dropping -1 ent on it. Miss M. Denyer invent- a Fine Art Gallery that caused .uoh amusement. Morel Bentley took | :-nrge of clock golf. Priscella de-For- ; was a successful seller of matches ' r.n ’ lavender. An orchestra arranged by Miss }.'ary Yeomans played delightful ' •sic at intervals which enlivened ’''••.ceedings and attracted many lis- rers. Those playing were Miss Yeo- ■ ms, Miss Margaret Bishop, Miss '\nria Jenks, Mr. Yeomans, Charles P er and Mrs. Lucy Cameron. Many . nks are due to friends who gen- THE PILOT, a Paper With Character, Aberdeen, North Carolina Page Five Books Wanted Southern Pines Library Would Appreciate Those Winter Visitors Are Through With Trustees of the Southern Pines Library were gratified to learn at their monthly meeting Tuesday that the sum of $330 was realized for the institution by the Garden Sale conducted by the pupils of The Ark school last week. Library attendance for March was announced as 1,009, with the book circulation reaching 1,253. The library would be grateful to anyone leaving hotels and cottages for the summer if he or she would donate to the library any books not needed longer. Books can be left with the desk clerk of any ho tel or at the office of E. C. Ste vens on Broad street. A large number of new books, current fiction an dother clasifi- cations including jeveniles, were added to the library through pur chase last month. erously contributed cake, candy, ice cream and toys. The proceeds, which amounted to $^36.00, were handed over to the Li brary Fund by E. C. Stevens. CONGRESSMAN LAMBETH TO ADDRESS GRADUATES Commencement exercises will be held at Needham’s Grove school on April 16, with an address by Con gressman J. Walter Lambeth at 7:30 o’clock in the evening. There will also be exercises by the primary and grammar grade children. Miss Mary Hamilton of Carthage and Miss Catharine McDonald of Cameron have had a most successful year as teachers of this school. The eni-ollilient in the school is around seventy-five, and the attendance has this year jumped from about fifty to seventy. A parent-teacher association has been organized, and interesting meetings have been held twice each 1 month with an average attendance of around one hundred. These young ladies are to be congratulated on the splendid work that they have done. The Week in Southern Pines Social the Easter hlidays with her par- Mrs. Bob Montgomery and Mrs. ents. Ernest Bush entertained at a delight- I Mrs. Ashby Beidler and daughter, ful b^ridge party at the home of the | June have gone to New York after latter Saturday afternoon, honoring j spending several weeks at The Range- Miss Peggy Arnold and Miss Ruth ly. Fields who have been visiting Mrs. | Mrs, Jeannette’^ M. Hall, who has Bush. Miss Pauline Miller won the ■ been spending the winter at the prize for the highest score. Miss Mary | Rangeley, has returned to her home Montgomery received the second prize, in Syracuse. Guests included Miss Arnold, Miss j Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ebeling of De- Fields, Mrs. Babe Isles, Miss Anna , land, Fla., and Rangely, Maine, were Engelhard, Mrs. R. L. Hart, Miss guests at The Rangely. Mr, Ebeling Mary Montgomery, Miss Pauline Mil- i is a well known one-armed golf pro ler, Mrs. Frank Gibbons, Mrs. J. S.' Milliken, Mrs. J. C. Barron and Mrs. E. Ellsworth Giles. . Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Mudgett enter tained the Night Club Wednesday at their home. Miss Dorothy Moore had as lunch eon guests on Friday Miss Peggy El liot, Miss Margaret Ashe and Miss Billie Louise Chewning. Mr. and Mrs. Leon York gave a bridge party at their home Tuesday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. George Manship of Deland and Mr. and Mrs. Ebling of Deland and Range ly, Maine. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Ebling, Mr. and Mrs. Man ship, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bredbeck and Mr. and Mrs. B. F Pye. Mrs. J. D. Sitterson entertained the Round Dozen Bridge Club on Tues day at her home. Mrs. Hugh Betterley was hostess to the Afternoon Club on Tuesday at her home in Weymouth Heights. Guests included Mrs. Verdie Wiley, Mrs. Babe Isle, Mrs. E. V. Perkinson, Mrs. Frank Shamburger, Mrs. Reid Page and Mrs. R. L. Hart. HIGHLAND LODGE I A Quiet Home-Like Family Hotel n Pleasantly Located on Vermont Avenue Near the Pines \\ SEASON OCTOBER 1ST TO JUNE 1ST « MRS. W. N. GREARSON | 6933 Southern Pines, N. C. Enjoy Radio as You Ride With a Piiilco Transitone Automobile Radio Can be installed the day you buy it. C. J. SIMONS, Electrical Contractor Office Telephone 7151 Southern Pines EVERY MODERN DEVICE Handled by skilled mechanics f&r the rapid and ef ficient conditioning of your car is at your service. PAGE MOTOR COMPANY Broad Street Southern Pines' n m m a S! t: r. :: :: Highland Pines Inn and Cottages (WEYMOUTH HEIGHTS) SOUTHERN PINES SEASON NOVEMBER TO MAY Highland Pines Inn with its Splendid Dining Boom Service and its Cheerful Homelike Atmosphere Caters to the Require ments of those Occupying Winter Homes ,n the P^e jree Sec tion. The Hotel is Situated on Weymouth Heights (Massachu setts Avenue) Amid Delightful Surroundings, (^od Parking Space is Available for Motorists. All Features of Hotels are Included at Highland Pines ^ Summer Hotel: THE INN, Charlevoix-the-Beautiful, Michigan. CREAMER & TURNER, Proprietors Locals Grier Stutz has returned to Rich mond Medical College after passing the week-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. William Dunlap and son of Raleigh were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Howarth at their home on Vermont avenue. Miss Elsie Chandler and Miss Le- nora Riggan have returned to Salem College after spending the Easter holidays here with their parents. The Parish Guild will meet with Mrs. W. E. McCord next Tuesday af ternoon at 2:30. Mrs. Millie Whitbeck of Hudson, N. Y., is the house guest of Mrs. Alar- ic Drew at her home on Indiana ave nue. Mrs. Whitbeck has been spend ing the winter in Orlando. The Ladies oi the Parish Guild will give a cafeteria luncheon at the Civic Club Tuesday, April 21st from 12:00 until 2:00 o’clock. Mrs. Helen Lang of Charlotte is visiting Mrs. George Elliott at her home on Ridge street. David Nes has returned to York, Pa., after spending the Easter hol- i(Jays with his father, Charles Nes. Mr. Gulick Nes also returned with him. Miss Dorothy Moore has returned to Salem Academy after spending the Easter holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Nichols had as their guests over the Easter holi days Mr. Nichols’ niece. Miss Phylis Abbot, a student at Randolph-Ma- con. L. L. Hedgepeth of Philadelphia, former superintendent of the water department here, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Mills. Mr. Hedge peth was on his way to Georgia to attend the water works convention of the Southeastern section. Mrs. J. B. Mills of Apex is the guest of her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Mills at their home on Page street. Mrs. Edward Prizer went to Char lotte Wednesday to bring her son, Edmuind homie with her from the 0yg^ nose and throat infirmary where he has been receiving treat ment. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Merrill have returned home after spending sever al weeks in Miami and Bradentown, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Ruggles and son, Ned were guests over the week end of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Ruggles Marland Woolnough has returned to Canada after spending the season at the Jefferson Inn. Miss Alice Stutz returned Monday to resume her studies at N. C. C. W., aflb^r spending the Easter holi days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Battle of Raleigh are spending a few days here. Mr. Battle is with the State Board of Health. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Harbach of New York are at the Highland Pines Inn for the Spring vacation. Mr. Harbach is a musical comedy writer and au thor of several Broadway successes. Mrs. John Ruggles has returned home after a visit of two weeks in Winston-Salem. Mr. and 'Mrs. Ellis Maples are leaving Saturday for Philadelphia to spend the summer. Miss Margaret Gifford returned Monday to N. C. C. W., Greensboro, to resume her studies aft?r passing and was here for the tournaments. Others here for the North and South were Mr. and Mrs. George Manship of Deland, Fla., who were also guests at The Rangely. R. P. Shepard was in Southern Pines a few days on business this week. Miss Peggy Arnold has returned to Philadelphia and Miss Ruth Fields to New Brunswick, N. J. They wers house guests of Mrs. Ernest Bush for the Easter holidays. Mrs. Bettie W. Hughes and Miss Ethel Hughes of New York are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hughes for several weeks. Mrs. R. P Chewning and daughter, Billie Louise, who have .been the guests of Mrs. Verdie Wiley on Massachusetts avenue returned to their home in Lynchburg Sunday. The Rev. and Mrs. E. D. Bassett spent a few days in Southeni Pines enroute to their home in Weymour, Conn., from Florida. Mrs. Landon K. Thome and son, Landon, Jr., left for New York Wed- nesd^ night after spending the Eas ter holidays at The Paddock. Pastor Seri and Mrs. Seri left for Palm Beach Monday night where they will remain for ten days Mr. Seri lecturing there this coming Sun day night. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Thompson of Hollis, and Walter G. Thompson of Jamaica, L. I., are spending sev- weeks at Kenilworth Inn. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Merrill return ed from a month spent in Bradenton, Florida last week. Mrs. Albert Vittum will give a trav elogue on California and tell about the famous lion farm near Los An geles at the Church of Wide Fellow ship next Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock. GEORGE WRIGHT TALKS TO RISING YOUNG ATHLETES i H Sport Suits Featuring 1931 Fab- —. rics and Models .... TALJER CI^TH Were $27.00 now $15.95 CAMEL’S HAIR Guaranteed 100% Camel’s Hair Were $39.50 now $27.50 ALL WOOL GABERDINE Were $39.50 now $27.50 'A THE TOG SHOP Broad St. and New Hampshire Ave. Southern Pines DELICIOUS MEATS QUALITY STEER BEEF Genuine 1931 Spring Lamb HOME DRESSED POULTRY Groceries—Fruits—Veg’etables VERMONT MARKET H. W. DORN East Broad Street Southern Pines Mr. Sitterson, National Biscuit Company’s representa tive, will demonstrate all day Saturday. We are offer ing special prices. Budding athletes of the younger set thronged the living room of the Southern Pines Country Club Monday afternoon where 84-years young George Wright, a member of the fa mous Cincinnati “Red Stockings’* of the early days of baseball gave an interesting and witty talk on the be ginning of ball, tennis and golf, fin ishing with a promise of prizes for our junior tennis matches. Preceed- insr Mr. Wright, Miss Henrietto Mc Kenzie gave a short talk on health, being followed by Mrs. Mary Clark Leland with three soprano solos beau tifully sung and most warmly ap plauded. The speakers were introduc ed by A. I. Creamer in his usual graceful manner. WIDE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH 1 s INSTALLATIONS AND REPAIRS ELECTROL OIL BURNERS LV.OmLAGHAN Telephone 5341 1 East Connecticut Avenue Southern Pines, N. C. Dr. G. W. Woodall will speak at The Church of Wide Fellowship Sun day morning, April 12th at 10:30. His subject will be “China,” ancient and Modern.” Dr. Woodall will exhibit an interesting grdup of idols and curios. A covered dish luncheon will be served at the church Thursday, Ap ril 16th at 1:00 oclock. Each family will bring one covered dish of food and fifty cents per person. The Women’s Missionary Society will meet at 3:00 o’clock Thursday af ternoon, April 16th. This will be the annual Thank offering service. The Senior Christian Endeavors will hold a business meeting and so cial hour at the home of Miss Doro thy Stutz Friday evening, April 10, at 8:00 o’clock. DINE AND DANCE AT LOVEJOY’S Log House KNOLLWOOD Luncheon, Teas, Dinners, Banquets DORSON’S ORCHESTRA A La Carte Service One of the Outstanding Features in the Unique Service is the delicious Fresh Lobster and Genuine Southern Fried Chicken Private Parties Catered to by Appointment Telephone Southern Pines 7371 Open 12 Noon to 1 A. M. Spring Is Here! If your porch needs re-screening or the house new Doors or Window Screens- our cabinet shop can give you immediate service DO YOUR PAINTING NOW while the painters are idle and material is at its lowest level. I SOUTHERN PINES WAREHOUSES, Inc. U Everything for the Builder H Telephone 7131 Truck Delivery