MOORK COUNTV’S LEADTXf; NElWS- WEEKLY A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 11, NO. i. 10 SOUTHERN PINES CHAMBER PLANS CLEAN:UP WEEK Objection Raised to Junk Piles Accumulating Around Gas Stations and Garages NO. BROAD ST. IMPROVED A general dean-up Week is in the air for Southern Pines. The move was launched at the regular meeting- of directors of the Southern Pines Chamber of Commerce, held Tuesday Koon at the Country Club. Objections raised to the accumulation of junk, mostly ex-automobiles, around var ious service stations and garages started the movement. President S. B. Richardson of the Chamber of Commerce appointed a committee to formulate plans for Clean-Up Week. Mayor Stutz is ex pected to issue a proclamation, the Unemployment Committee is ready to offer the services of its unemployed, the public is expected to do its duty •when the day comes. The committee is composed of R. L. Hart, Charles Grey and J. M. Windham. Some of the gasoline stations, some of the garages and one blacksmith shop are the principal offenders to the eye of the citizenry and visitors to the community. The proprietors of these places will be appealed to clean lip the unsightly messes about their places, with the promise that efforts will be made by the Chamber of Com merce to plant shrubbery about to aid in permanent improvement of their premises. Praise was showered upon R. L. Hart, chairman of the Chamber Com mittee on Planting, for the widening and planting of the north end of West Broad street, near the start of the double road to Pinehurst. Much has been accomplished in improving this section through Dr. Hart’s committee and with the aid of the State High way Commission. Ernest Morrell has supervised the planting. LAKEView MAHLEV PILOT FIRST m NEWS AND ADVERTISING of the Sandhill Territory of North Carolina Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, April 10, 1931. FIVE CENTS Big Property Owners Join Hands to Carry Out Manning Survey ‘Country Estates” Organized For Harmony of Action in Building for Future Signs Come Down Great Improvement Noted on Route 50 Between Southern Pines and Aberdeen By Bion H. Butler Things are moving with surprising ! swiftness in the Midland Farms sec- j tion, and on a scale that is rather | “Ain't it funny what a difference startling. Last week seven or eight of ; ^ niake?’^ the property owners of lands between | ^he someone who made the above the Midland road and Southern Pines ; Tuesday morning “spoke held a meeting at the office of Rich- ■ ard Tufts and thoroughly dis(!ussed U S, FARM BOARD m MOVE FOR TOBACCO CO-OP. Sandhills Honor Him Pull Backing and Encouragement Promised J. R. Page by Chairman Stone a mouthful.’’ Probably you have no ticed the great improvement along the preliminary survey which War ren Manning had made. A tentative agreement was made whereby thos^* present for organization purposes as sociated themselves together under the name of the Country Estates to . ,, . , J? J 1 i. i signs were blottmg the further plans for the develcpn\ent ol I . j their properties along a line that ha BIG HELP TO FARMERS “We have had a conference with Chairman James C. Stone of the Fed eral Farm Board and have his full backing and encouragement in going Pinehurst. It happened last Monday afternoo-n. ^ With the permission of public-spir ited citizens of the section whose landscape over this four-mile stretch of main /. . ,1 .. J • X ^ I thorofare, representatives of the for its aim the united pro.iect that ! ^ , -n J. M 1. j: 1' /. i Southern Fines Chamber of Commerce will entail a harmony of action from , , , ^ J 1 . .V T „ removed a large number of the bill- Knoliwood and in the long run from ' the airport to some place out the Aberdeen way, and untimatjiy influ ence much wider area throughout the hilly section known as the Sandhills. While much that was done w£‘; of a temporary character intended to pave Route 50 between Southern Pines and ! ahead with the sign-u^ in Eastern - - ' North Carolina,” said J. R. Page, of Aberdeen, chairman of the North Car olina Tobacco Organization Commit tee on his return from Washington j I early this week. He was accompanied | on the trip by Georgie R. Ross, per- j sonal representative of Governor! Gardner on the organization commit- i tee, Dr. Clarence Poe, L. V. Morrill, j Jr., and C. G. Armfield of Elkin. i “If the farmers will back us vig P. FRANK BUCHAN boards on Monday afternoon, and it makes all the difference in the world. TWO KILLED NEAR CAMERON AS AUTO What was as sorry a looking piece j orously and wholeheartedly between { HITS MOTORCYCLE of road as existed in the Sandhills section suddenly became attractive to the eye. The fine plantings which had now and May 1,” Mr. Page continued, “North Carolina will have a tobac co co-operative at work by the time the markets open. It i^ up to the J 1 .. - : been done along this stretch showed plans Mr. hTs been draw""' "P advantage for the first time in | growers. It can be done and we must • • 1 ! years. mg up, it IS all so basic thai it is 1 ^ laying definite foundation line? that 1 remaining:, will easily be worked into detailed ! advertisers who refused the plea of local civic bodies to grant permission do it. The sentiment for co-operation has been growing steadily, and thj> outlook is decidedly more favorab’io now than at any time since T be- shape as the plans are thrs.shed out. Roads Re-located In a general way the plans by Mr. Manning, as The Pilot, has already outlined, seemed satisfactory. In de tail some of the. roads were not en tirely acceptable to individuals, and on Friday Rassie Whicker, Donald Ross, Judge Way and s( rje others began trimming off some of the cor ners and making some new locations, to suit bp^ter the individual notions as to where they want th i muin en tries to approach their hokiings, j.,)d ^ i -.last year, 75 per cent of the market when^ Mr. Wicker has finished hi.« Speaks Value ^ tremendous help in cases of demoralized prices, and the board « . 1 Tx • u J ! came connected with the movement.” for their removal. It is hoped that ; these will see the folly of their way , ^ Cites South Carolma soon, and that the southern approach With the prospect of a tremen- to Aberdeen and the northern ap- j production of tobacco this Fall, I proach to Southern Pines may soon : the possibility that the markets be as attractive as other approaches j open with an even greater degree I of demoralizalizatit)n than last year, j farmers will be in even sorer need of ^ the stabilizing help that our national j government stands ready to offer i through the agency of the Federal I r •^r:n Board. The advance which the ! board made to South Carolina growers to the Sandhills resort towns. College Presidient Lauds the Sandhills In Kiwanis Talk modifications of.the drawing's it is probable that further conferences will establish positive and permanent routes that will be the foundation on Competition and Cooperation in Community Effort Legion Dance Tonight For Hospital Benefit will also give its help in our busi ness pi'oblems. Mr. Stone, for example, just recently made a trip to Nev/ York City with representatives of the South Carolina organization, makins: p. FRANK BUCHAN, “XMAS DADDY,” WINS KIWANIS Clip Annua] Award for Most Helpful Citizen Made at Ladies’ Night Party NORMAN SHEPPARD TALKS P. Frank Buchan of Southern Pines joined the Sandhills Honor Roll last Friday night, civic organizations of the community selecting him to re ceive the Kiwanis Cup, annually awarded to that citizen who has done most for the section during the pre vious year. The cup was presented at I the annual Ladies' Night meeting of j the Kiwanis Club, held at the Pine hurst Country Club. Edwin T. Mc- Keithen of Aberdeen made the pres^ entation speech. Mr. Buchan, in accepting the award, spoke feelingly of the honor conferred upon him, but said he felt m receiv- I ing the coveted trophy that he was only the agent for the many organ izations which had done so much at Christmas time in aid of the poor j and needy and in relieving the unem- , ployment situation; that without the i splendid cooperation of the members : of these organizations he ’ could not „ ~~ , . , . -' have accomplished what was accom- The Rev. \V. Fletcher Atkms of ..j Cameron, pas^tor of the Sanford Hoii- j the highest that can ness Church, and Lawrence Badgett ^^^,^ ^ Sandhills, of Broadway are dead as the result of ^ a collision between the motorcycle alleviation of suffering in ■they were riding and a Hudson se- community,” he said. dan driven by F. S. Littlefield of Eliz- i i , -NT T 4. *1 +1, ^4? ( This was the fifth annual trophy i abeth. N. J., two miles north of Car- , , , n 4- '-n T%/r J awarded by the Kiwanis Club. The eron on Route oO Monday afternoon. , -r , -r. J XI. J- J 1 i. • i. i-1 AT first was presented to John R. iVlc- Badgett died almost instantly, Mr. ^ ^ . . . 1 rr> J • Queen of Lakeview, the second to Atkins early Tuesday morning. tt t, ..u li,- j ^ t ^ rr,. T-, A 4-1 • ,,4. Bion H. Butler, the third to Leonard: Tne Rev. Mr. Atkms, who was about n. i ^ ^ • Tufts, last ysar s to ‘bim"*on B. Chapin 30 years of age, was the son-^f Mr. ’ . , . i t'tvt w XT a • £ r> . and tnis vear s to 'Mr. Buchan, and Mrs. C. N. Atkms, of near Camer- on. He is survived bv his widow and Ladies’ Night was a great success, three children. Funeral was held at Richard Tufts, president of Kiwanis, White Hill at 4 p. m. Wednesday. Both toastmaster. Three young ladies of the men were verv nopular and by the name of O’Connor, from had manv friends. Greensboro, furnished the cabaret en- BadreiJt was 21 vears of age, the tertainment with songs and dances son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Badgett, and were roundly applauded. Robert of Broadwav. He was engaged in N- Page, former lieutenant governor farming near Cameron. The funeral ot this Kiwanis district, presented the Rev. W. Fletcher Atkins of Cam eron and Lawrence Badgett of Broadway Victims WOMAN SLIGHTLY HURT valuable contacts with buyers from services for him were held at Rockv- speaker of the evening, the present all the leading companies Proceeds To Go to Start Endow ment Fund for County Institution ford Christian Disciples Church, near lieutenant governor, Norman C. Shep- pard of Smithfield, who talked on the An endowment fund for the Moore ‘ ounty Hospital will be started to morrow with the proceeds of the dance to be given at the Pinehurst Countrv Club tonight, Friday, by !^andhill Post No. 134, American Le- Ji'ion. The advance 'sale of tickets for the affair has been large, and the party is expected to be a most suc- f-es?ful ore from every angle. Many plan to attend in costume, three prizes being offered by the Legion for the be<t costumes on the floor. The tickets to the dance are three dollars per couple, and the dancing starts at 10:00 •‘■(‘lock. The Legionaires guarantee the dance exponse.^, so that those desiring to contribute direct to the fund are as sured that such donations will be so plied. Officers of the Sandhill post are the ■’"Ilowing: Thomas L. Black, com mander; Donald A. Currie, 1st vice '^'inmander; L. L. Wooley, 2d vice onimander; Robert E. Denny, adju- ■<>nt; Paul Dana, finance officer; R. K. Wicker, sergeant-at-arms; the Rev. L. Barber, chaplain; Nelson C. Hyde, publicity officer; Franw Sham- I niger, service officer; Dr. E. M. I^oate, service officer; Mi:s. S. V. Hooker, child welfare officer; S. V. Hooker, merbership officer; J. F. Sinclair, athletic officer; L. L. Bid dle 2d, historian; I. C. Sledge, Amer icanism officer; Max G. Backer, J. C. Clark, D. D. S. Cameron, C. P. Everest, R. D. Kennedy, F. M. Dwight, Vivian Tucker and Col. G. P. Hawes, Jr., additional members of the execu tive committee. “Good clean competition breeds bet- which the-final drawing.^ will be has-f ter conditions, makes for better pro- ed. i ducts, better achievements, better liv- The main roads as accepted so far conditions, better associations, correspond in general with those Competition wisely guided makes bet- outlined by Mr. Manning, although j men. It is better for you and bet- , ^ ^ . j .<• i • ^ ttt j i thev mav not be made as v'id^ pc ter for your competitor.” I Chair nan Stone assured us of nis Canieror, at 1:30 p. m. ^\ ednesday , ^ * , , - " . " i Q T'k Tj T? ' „ 1 full co-operation and support and 1 Dr. J. F. Foster, Lee county coron- value of Kiwanis as a whole and of he recommended, as there is some! So Dr. Henry Frazier, president of i , -u ^ -4. • • 4. x . ^ f 4-1, ,. X 1 -4 ^ n 11 r-v, 1 4- 1 1 ' 1‘^Peat that it is now just up to us to er. emnanelled a jurv and held the the Aberdeen club m particular, con- question as to whether it i-, desir- Queens College, Charlotte, told mem- , 1 • ^ i i. ‘ 4. i 4-- -4- . „ -i-i, r 1 1- , , . , ^ ^ , , i- XI T^- • rii u 4. 4-t • make the grade in -the two weeks j inquest. Eight or ten witnesses were gratulatmg it on the splendid work able to stress through travel over I bers of the Kiwanis Club at tiieir ; .1 111 . , m, • , t - x , i,- i, i « u 1 1 n- 1 I • 4-u ^^tt to us. \\ith the continued help examined. The jurv s verdict was that which has been avcomplished in this of the business men, bankers and the death of the two men was caused section through the good offices of merchants of Eastern North Carolina, by an unavoidable collision between the organization. 1 am sure the job can be made a sue- the motorcycle and the automobile. The annual Kiwanis Dance followed cess here and that a large unit can Littlefield was accompanied by his the Ladies’ Xight festivities, starting be established in Western North Cat-' wife, who received minor cuts on at- 10 o’clock. One of the largest olina with Winston-Salem as the j her arm. She was able to leave the , crowds of the winter season patroniz- them to such extent as to give the 'weekly meeting held Wednesday in the greatest breadth. In the meeting ii | Communti\ Church at Pinehurst. Dr. was apparent that a sentiment is Fraziers’ subject was “Competition held to favor a fair measmv. of ex- and Cooperation,” and he dwelt upon elusiveness and isolation of the es- the value of the two individually and tates and homes built in the ne^v pro- , collectively, in business life and com- ject, leaving the Midland read in the | munity life. Sectional competition future as now to carry the ciiief 1 makes for better towns and better cit- «tream of active travel, and rh3 ave- j ies and counties just as individual nues on this new area more far the 1 competition makes better merchants horses and the private car"-; of +he • and bankers and doctors and lawyers, home-owners than for a sharer of , he said, and called for earnest effort busy continuous through action. A j on the part of North Carolina to car- run through the woods now discloses j ry on the splendid work it has been the popularity that neighborhood has j doing as a state to gain the rank it gained with riders, as they are met i has among states, in groups and pairs on nearly every ! hospital after receiving treatment, ed the dance, which was for the ben- center. “I call for the aid of press and pub- I The mortorcyclists were going south efit of the Moore County P]ducational lie in this whirlwind finish in North and the Littlefields were going north 'p'oundation. A substantia] sum was Carolina.” ion the highway. They were returning realized toward the funi v.hi.h aids home after a visit to Miami, Fla. Bad- worthy young people of the commnn- D. D. S, CAMERON DELEGATE gett was thrown several feet by the ity in completing their e. ucation af- TO NATIONAL CONVENTION , impact. His skull was crushed and he ter they are through public pchool, I received other injuries together with D. D. Shields Cameron, secretary ; severe burns. He succumbed after be- UnemDlovment Funds . ^ , , of the Southern Pines Chamber of; ing placed in the automobile of J. E. 1 ^ 4. Speaking of our own sectiona ® ‘ I Commerce, was elected delegate to the ’ Paradis of Sanford, who happened to Xo llliprOVO v trail and cross road, h^ldins? to these f^j.t, hp termed the back loads to avoid the c.ii,s. This is Paradise of Health’, spoke in occurred. Atkins was CoPlmittee Votes To “Carry On Sandhills A i annual convention of Chambers of be passing the scene of the wreck a feature that was fairly well known terms of the cooperative com- nieeting of directors of the local or- throwm several feet and in addition but not suspected in cjuitj^he man- netition which had so firmlv estab- -x- iiirr j xxi/-i ■. . 1 i x- . , , - J . r I . ictu bu .V ganization, held Tuesdav at the Coun-I to having his leg broken twice, sus- ner it has developed smce the i.ea of i,,hed this section as a great resort, ^lub. Andrew I. Creamer, who had ' tained other injuries and severe canng more for the hor.=;,. and le.s or. illustrated his talk with a : been selected to attend the burns. number of amusing stories which kept ■ .meeting, to be held at Atlantic City ' the Kiwanians in an uproar. ! ^ppjj 28, 29, 30 and May 1st, noti- being torn to pieces and was destroy- at Long- as Available 3Ioney HoMs Out At a meeting of the Unemploymenr The motorcycle .<!aught fire after and Relief Committee in Southern ^ T Ar nfn n - —- . Pines Tuesday night it was decided to Ine club welcomed L. V. O’Calla- x- j .i t x ^ i • • -l-tx x ' , - the directors of his inability to ed. The automobile was not greatly contmue the work of the committee caring for the car was broached. Attractive Homesites Uppermost in the most of the dis cussion has been the thought of mak ing attractive country homes, and of making them on the broadest founda- acting as a reception committee and * TWTTi-T:^r»c? ion 0 m e igen p an mg a c pa * introducing him^ x , J GATHER AT PINEHURST planning that skill can devise. This Edwin T. McKeithen reported that , thought has been pushed into such that the Foundation Follies would : tt tt r, i ~~ . xi xu ' H. H. Palmer, cashier of the North han in as a new member, ^®ward ^ Burns and the Rev. Murdoch McLeod i damaged. REPRESENT ABERDEEN AT STATE TENNIS TOURNAMENT as long as funds were available fo:" the effective work which the commit tee has been carrying on. It was vot ed to use SlOO from the fund for work of improving the grounds at Mt. Hope Cemetery, and SlOO f^r n the MAXTON GLEE CLUB AT OLD BETHESDA SUNDAY Services will be held at Old Be- thesda Church on Sunday morning, with special music furnished by the Glee Club of the Presbyterian Junior College at Maxton. All resident.> of the Sandhills are invited to attend. ^ XI 'IT i J — , Aberdeen High School is represent prominence that it is now more dis- net in excess of $500 for the Moore ^ T-oiomxi^ x ^ J. , r\ ^ T-.T . , Carolina Bank & Trust Company of; ed m the tennis tournament being held , othei needed improvements cussed than any other feature. Un County Educational Foundation, and ' ^ v u r* x tvt t» -j 4. x r>«7 i -inilocro X ^ , i. XI Tr. Salisbury, Robert N. Page, president. at Raleigh this week for all ^high village. this basis the individual property Chairman James MciNab of the Ki- ijjxT.n rrx/-. t. j a t , -XX J J J i ^ . J 1 /. ■ of the Page Trust Conipanv and vice schools of the state. Ralph Leach and Much complaint has .been heard of owners will be permitted to da.ermmr warns Dance Committee stated form- ' ^ Wedneslay to play late as to the condition of the cem- . house locations on their tra^s, ally that the dance would add at least Association, and Paul Brown,' in the singles and doubles, and as this ; etery in Southern Pines. The grounds ^ ouse oca ei, $ . [Secretary of the association, were the i pair made a splendid showing in the have not been properly kept up, and pioaci y loac s ^ i ^ 4. principal speakers at a largely at-* tournament a year ago, much is ex-1 many hardstones have toppled over. The approaches will be located with lamBETH PROMISES AID | Croup 7 held last I pected of them. ' One complaint filed last week with reference to the houses and to the main roads through the land, the roads from property to property to be decided by the two neighbors whose boundary line is crossed. The sentiment was for main roads TOWARD NEW POSTOFFICE \ evening at the Pinehurst ' Count^^; — ! Club. Dan I. McKeithen, cashier of . MEREDITH PRESIDENT TO the Chamber of Commerce called the conditions there a disgrace to a town of this district spent a part of yes terday in Southern Pines and was en- 1 X ,,.,1 J , - . tertained at lunchton by a number parallel to Midland road of a width « . ... -r , -.rro prominent citizens. Mr. Lambeth of 172 feet, of minor roads of less ! -jxj'n-i- . 1 J. x , -« promised to do all in his power to ex- width, bridle paths and foot roads 16 j-x xi • a- j? .. , , , , pedite the appropriation for a new Congressman J. Walter Lambeth I the Page Trust Company, chairman of the group, presided. Mrs. Grady Burney of Aberdeen, accompanied by Mrs. D. I. McKeithen at the piano, sang several solos. feet, partings between roads and (Please turn to page 5) postoffice building for the town, as provided for in the recent recommen dations of the Postoffice department. HEMP HAS NEWSPAPER Moore county has a new weekly pa per, the Hemp Advocate. Its first number appeared this week. SPEAK HERE SUNDAY, which did so much for beautification , and sightliness for its living and at- Dr. Charles E. Brewer, president | terly neglected‘'its dead. A movement of Meredith College will speak at the j is on foot to put through a resolution Baptist Church in Southern Pines at j at the next town caucus calb'ng for 11 o’clock Sunday morning. Dr. Brew- j the town’s taking over the expense er made a profound impression here | of upkeep of the cemetery, ths pres** last year when he spoke both before • ent cemetery association reporting^ the Kiwanis Club and at the Baptist Church. that it has insufficient funds for the work. /

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