MOORE COCNi rS LEADING NEWS WEEKLY TTT¥? ■Hi BHbi JHL JHhiiiv A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding , 0L. 11, NO. 21. PILOT O FIRST IN c NEWS AND ADVERTISING of the Sandhill Territory of North Carolina Aberdeen, North Carolina 5'riday, April 24, 1931. 97 FOREST FIRES IN COUNTY BURN UP 10,424 ACRES Kiwanians Hear Report of Losses and Pleas for BeUer Conservation Greensboro Genial Hostess to Federation of Women’s Clubs Sandihills Well Represented lat 29th Annual Convention at King Cotton Hotel PAGE, PETERSON SPEAK Wednesday was Forest Fire Pre vention Day at the Kiwanis Club. The club’s program committee select ed this subject as timely, as smoke has been curling up from various parts of the Sandhills fairly regular ly of late. In fact, so far this year there have been 97 fires, with 10,424 acres burned over, right here in Moore county. Former Congressman Robert N. Page of Aberdeen started the program by reminiscing a bit about the real red hot fires of the old days before we grew up. He told particularly about one which started between Aberdeen and Manly, Vay back be fore there were even any buildings in Southern Pines, a fire which broke around 2 o’clock one windy March af ternoon and by the next morning had swept through to and grossed the Cape Fear River some 70 miles away By Mrs. S. R. Smith Delegates from several of the Wo man’s Clubs of the Sandhills went to Greensboro last week at attend the 29th annual convention of the North Carolina Federation of Women’s Population Jumps And Also Barks When 64 Hounds Arrive from Eng-, land for Verner Z. Reed A c o' c. FIVE CENTS MARKED PROGRESS Move for Support, SHOWN BY SCHOOLS IN MOORE COUNTY Notable Improvement in Teach ing Personnel, Attendance, Promotion, Transportation of New il Launched The canine population of the Sand hills was increased to the exten- of I * 4.1. • sixty-four this week when two truck i i^luDS, which was neld m the King: i j /. , • , , , of harriers, purchased ENROLLMENT IS 4,725 Cotton Hotel. Three Greensboro clubs. The rural schools of Moore county by Ver- I have made notable improvements in ner Z. Reed, 2d, of Pinehurst in Eng- | scholastic standards of the teaching the Greensboro Woman’s Club, the i j It.- • • . ^ , Friday Afternoon Club and the Re- ' i Personnel, attendance, promotion and viewer’s Club were joint hostesses to ^ transportation service in the past two j ^ Mr. Reeds drag hunts next win- the Federation, and they provided for the comfort and pleasure of the guests in a wonderful way. ter. His present pack of foxhounds, indicated by statistics re- which hunted the country south of sealed this week by the County Board m j jj- i , Pinehurst during ' the past winter, of Education. The statement showed Tuesday, the first ot three Dusy t^ere were only 23 ing fox. Mr. Reed, accompanied by his ken nel master. Tod Nederfield, spent days, was taken up with board meet ings and conferences. The opering session was held in the evening in the ball loom. A Greensboro high ]y[onday in New York supervising the school orchestra gave a musical pro white and 2 colored teachers of the 104 white and 43 colored holding cer tificates equivalent to graduation from a standard college or university, while in 1930-31 the number had in- unloading of the new pack from the . — gram, a ter w ic came the grand which they crossed the At- I creased to 33 white and 5 colored, march with the pages, atti active lantic. Mr. Reed reports that they all i representing an increase in college young women from the Junior Clubb, arrived in good condition. ' graduates employed of 44 per cent James and Jackson Boyd, masters j white and 150 per cent colored. The f the Moore County Hounds at South- | combined increase for the two races orn Pines, also purchased some new was 52 per cent for the two years. In the same period the number of State officers, distinguished guests and the presidents of the sixteen dis tricts, each carrying the banner of “We don’t have any fires like tha- was under way. her district, forming an impressive England this spring. Jack- procession, and the 29th convention returned from Europe, but James Boyd is still in Paris un teachers with three years of stand ard college training increased from Prosperity Gone Officially Doomed by Uncle Sam—But It’s a Moore County Postoffice Prosperity is gone. You’d probably noticed it, but didn’t know that Uncle Sam had officially decreed it. It is made ef fective April 30, 1931. Here’s the official notice, from the Postal Bulletin: Discontinued-Fourth Class North Carolina Prosperity, Moore County, 18047. Effective April 30, 1931. Mail to Highfalls. Yes, the postoffice known as Prosperity, a couple of miles east of Highfalls, is no more. Whether its death is in sympathetic reac tion with conditions we have no way of knowing, but of course it stands to reason that had Presper- ity enjoyed prosperity, it would still have a postoffice. Naturally, Highfalls citizens are jubilant. Alas, they say, Prosper ity has come to Highfalls. Board of Commissioners To Be Asked For Two Cents Per $100.00 on Tax Bills soon. any more,” he said, but stated that Mrs. Edward M. Land of Statesville, sinus treatment. He is ex- ; 6 to 9 white and from 6 to 14 col those we do have are more costly jas charming a president as ever wield- pg^^^ed back than we realize. For whether they do j a gavel, called the meeting to or- any apparent damage, at least th-:y der. Hearty welcomes from the pres- retard the growth of 3^oung pines at | idents of the three hostess clubs were Recorder’s Court Not A Chamber Project MOVEMENT IS WIDESPREAD A move for official recognition nnd appreciation by the county of the new Moore County Hospital was launched by a number of civic or ganizations in the section this week with the end in view of acquiring fi nancial support through taxation. Realizing that at the present time the word taxation is a bugbear, only the small sum of two cents per $100. of assessed valuation is mentioned by those furthering the proposition, a sum which, they say, would hardly be felt by anyone but would, in tote, mean $5,000 a year to the growing in stitution. To date the support of the hospi tal has been entirely through private I contribution plus the aid of the Duke Foundation. The institution, county- wide in its service, non-racial and non sectarian, has practically been pre- , sented to the county free and clear I Operation costs mount in proportion to the extent the institution serves the populace, and the annual deficit amounts to more than can reasonably be expected from private sources. Hence the plan for county aid. least a year, he said. responded to by Mrs. John T. Hollis- Mr. Page urged his hearers to pay jter, first vice-president. The main more attention to forest conservation, | feature of the evening was the pres and recommended their support of the ident’s address. The Federation mas- j Moore County Forest Protection As sociation. To the two cents an acre it costs to join and support this or ganization, the government and st^k cot, little Mary Louise Jackson Coop er was presented, and the president i explained that Mary Louise attended ored, an increase of 50 per cent white and 133 per cent colored. Teachers Presbyterial Meets : , ^ „ creased from 12 to 13 white and from in i irienurst jVlRy 5 3 to 7 colored in the two years, rep- Commerce Body Directors Do resenting increases of 8 per cent and | Not Want Credit or Blame Two-Day Session To Be Featured > 133 per cent respectively. It is notice- i for New Venture by Prominent Clerjjy and able that a decrease begins to set | j Wednesday noon and asked for their Educators : in when the lower levels of scholas- | Directors of the Southern Pines ! support in the movement. He sug- , tic training are reached, for those Chamber of Commerce in session ves- ! jested that a committee of the club. Would Meet Deficit S. B. Chapin, president of the hos pital, talked to members of the Ki- • wanis Club at their weekly meeting explained mat iviary L.ouise an-enueu Fayetteville Presbyterial will meet | with one year of college training de- ^nnthprn Pinps , committees of other civic and ^ first Federation meetmg at the ; Community Church, creased from 26 to 24 white and in- ^ . I charitable organizations in the county, add two cents more, and it’s pretty age of four weeks when her mothei pinehurst, May 5th and 6th, begin-| creased only, from 8 to 11 colored. Club to exception o an ai upon the Board of County Com- cheap insurance, he said. j was president, and that she had ne\ei * ^ing Tuesday at 11 a. m. and clos-! This was a 7 per cent decrease for tide published in a Southern Pines | miggioners with the plea for a two- Over $2,000 Spent Here j missed a meeting since. She is now Wednesday at 4 p. m. Pinehurst | the white and a 37 per cent increase paper last week which stated that j cent increase in the tax rate for hos- W. A. Peterson of the State Do- ! around seven years of age. jg beautiful in spring and this is the ' for the colored teachers. The num- the Chamber of Commerce had spon- ■ pital operation expense. He estimat- partment of Conservation, gteivc 'i adjournment, the ' first time the Presbyterial meeting ber with less than one year in col- gored the movement for the establish- : ^d that this would raise in the some statistics about fires hereabouts, reception tor the dele- an unusually lege diminished rapidly as those with j^^^nt of a Municipal Recorder’s Court 'neighborhood of $5,000 per annum. He said that $2,140 was spent in this I Sates and visitors. large attendance is expected. , an education represented by standard \y\ Southern Pines. A resolution w-is amount, with the annual aid of county last year in fire provention. i Cotton For All Some outstanding features of the , high school graduation plus twelve passed calling upon the newspaper to the Duke Foundation—somethin ^ in The forest service maintains 200 men ‘ Wednesday morning was registra- program w^ill be an address by the‘weeks of summer school credit only, correct the statement, inasmuch as the the neighborhood of $6,000^plus prl- in.the county as a nucleus to the mucn I tion time and as each delegate pre-' Rev. W. L. Lingle, president of Dav-; (j^opped from 23 white in 1928-29 to proposed new court was never dis- vate pledges and contributions, would larger volunteer force of fire fight- | sented her credentials, she was given ; idson College. Four Bible lessons in j g in 1930-31 and from 9 to 6 colored, cussed by the Chamber directors. The take care of the yearly operating def ers. These forest service men do not a package containing the usual arti- | James will be taught by the Rev. K. This indicates a decrease of inade- resolution stated that inasmuch as the i^^t. get over $10 a year each. Mr. Peter- jcles—a program, advertising matter, i J. Foreman of the Department of Bi- ^ quately trained teachers of this par- organization had never taken any ac- i present county tax rate is son termed Moore county one of the !a note pad, pencil and badge— and in ble at Davidson. The theme of the j ticular classification of 65 per cent the matter, it did not feel it . S1.05. What it will be when the Leg- most dangerous hazards in the =tato I addition, enough pretty cotton ma- j meeting will be Foreign Missions, and | white and :-3 per cent for the colored entitled to any credit for the new i i^^lature at Raleigh gets through, if from the forest fire standpoint, xle | terial for a dress, this being donated the Rev. J. H. Brady of Japan will i race, of the 14 white and 15 colored court, should it prove a successful | ^''"er, with its revenue bill, no one wished we could return to the good j by some of the mills of Greensboro. ; give an addr^'ss, also Miss Anna Me- teachers whose scholatic training was ! venture, nor any responsibility for it j can foretell. The state has alieady, old days of big long leaf pin-s in | That means that there will be more Queen of Korea. Mrs. Wilhs John-|not sufficient to entitle them to any I g^ould it prove otherwise, and that it ; through the new highway mer<=ure, the Sandhills. ^ I than two hundred new cotton dresses ^ ston, synodical secretary of foreign : form of State certificate, employed ^ot want to appear to be taking taken over support of county roads, Mr. Peterson told of the organi',^-, worn by club women all over the ' missions, will make a report on the ; ^ 1928-29, none were in the service blatters political. ^ meaning a shce in the county rnte tion of the forest service, and >aid , state to boost the wear cotton move- Congress of World Missions and Mrs. | 1930-3I. The average college train- ^ matter of approving a two-cent j u^^less something happens to the rev- the worst feature of his work was | ment. The badges were also-made of J. Porter Smith of Brazil will speak 104 Moore County rural ^^^^^^^011 to the county tax rate for | ^^^e bill to increase it again for other that of being a sort of combination | cotton webbing which was given by | of Mission Court in Richmond, Va. .white teachers in 1928-29 was 1-5 i j-,^ajritenance of the Moore County ; P^^Po^es. But it is more probable that lawyer and detective, tracing out t'. e L Greensboro man. i The synodical president, Mrs. G. | ^^ile that of the 27 employed hospital was referred to a committee I relief will come in the form of causes of fires and prosecuting those Reports and the election of a nom- i V. Patterson, will bring a message. , 1930-31 was 2.4 college years, an beaded by C. T. Waldie for report back j a reduction of ad valorem taxes, so responsible. A person responsible for j inating committee took up the great- j The Rev. E. E. Gillespie, D. D., will | increase of .9 of one year of college ' ^ext meeting. - addition of two er part of the Wednesday morning ' give a map tallc on synodical home | training. The improvement of the col- ' rpj,g directors launched their mem- j cents per hundred dollars for hosjii- missions. Miss Atha Bowman of Rich- | teachers shows an even great- bershin drive for the Chamber bv al- ! *^1 support, the rate will be lower (Please turn to page 5) a fire is liable for the damages Forty-eight persons have paid for fires in this section this year, 15 have been prosecuted for starting fires, 12 found guilty and fined. The Kiwanis Club was entertained also by the Glee Club of the Pine- hurst High School, the boys and girls , t t 4. -n Sinjring two songs delightfully, “Tell | Families of Men Killed in Colli-i’eKe, and J. Damage Suits Filed After Auto Accident I The Rev. E. E. GiUespIe, D. D., will mond, Va., will talk on the “Family Altar” and the new S. S. Literature. The Rev. H. G. Bedinger will present the claims of Flora Macdonald Col (Please turn to page 5) loting cards to the different members,, ^the cards containing the names of past members and prospects for member- Commencement Beg'ins i ®hip. These citizens are to be solicited give a map talk on synodical home ! For Aberdeen Seniors j I’- What to Sing,” and “The Bells of Mary’s’.” Then little Miss Lulu P>elle Mumford clog-danced her way into the heartTS of the Kiwanians, who demanded an encore with a salvo of applause. sion Near Cameron Ask Sum of $50,000 Each of the Home at Barium Springs. >L. H. SMITH BUYS BLOXHAM Two . suits for $50,000 each have | HOUSE ON KNOLLWOOD HTS. , been filed in Lee county Superior | j Court by families of Lawrence Bad- j The John Bloxham house, one of ORGAN RECITAL SUNDAY IN COMMUNITY CHURCH than previously. On the proposed basis of hospital sitpport, the man with $10,000 in county property would pay only two dollars, so it is seen that the proposed burden is not; great. Widespread Demand The Kiwanis Club passed a reso lution to refer the matter to its Pub- Recitation and Declamation Con test Tonight.—Final Exer cises ^VTav 12th Dr. Minor C. Baldwin, well knowm ' ]ic Relations committee, to be report- ^ -4. organist, who has been a frequent ed upon at the club’s next meeting, ommencement exercis^ open 0 . Sandhills during the prank Buchan, director of the South- night, Friday, for the seniors of the pg^g^ twenty years will give an organ Pines Chamber of Commerce, told » T7 • • XT' • T- ^ - i)ast twenty yeais wni give cm ern Jrines L.namoer 01 L^ommeic'e, loiu Paul Barnum reported on the m- gett and wv. omes -riov-. Aberdeen High School, the first of recital at the new Community Church Chapin that he would present the ter-club meeting held last week at Sanford, w*hich was attended by a del egation of seven members of the Aberdeen club. Frank Buchan gave | ktlled. S Littlefield of Elizabeth, N. J., as Heights, has been sold by Mr. Blox . ^ , o ^ ^ the result of the automobile accident ham to Leon H. Smith, of Portlan i, ; school activities being the recita- next Sunday ^pnl tter before^ that body pron.ptly last week in which the two men were ^ Maine. Mr. Smith was a guest at the ' tion and declamation contest to *>e , n. his negro sermon to the delight of the -anford gathering. place of the usual evening service, matter is to be taken up by the Par- Dr. Baldwin is an organist with a ! oj^^.Teachers Association of Pine- 1 +1, 1, 1 Q U 1 /I TT ir, nnrtiVnlnr i I.T » i rumoiings dim national reputation and this recital the Chamber of Commerce of ture, came close on the heels of a a whole, and Knoll«ood m particular, | bhngs you ve been hearmg *‘>•'>“'3 ^.jii the people of the Sandhills Aberdeen and other civic organiza- an excellent opportunity to hear this of Aberdeen, Carthage, Southeni Pine Needle Inn this winter, his first held at 8 o’clock in the High School The suits, which are of a civil na- | visit to the Sandhills. The section as i auditorium. The rumblings and mum- .^re, came close on the heels of a a whole, and Knoll wood in particular, jblings you’ve been hearing around verdict by a coroner’s jury to the ef- appealed to him as a permanent res- ; town all week have been seniors prac- CUEAMER TO ENTERTAIN I feet the two men came to their death idence, and the estate transac HIGH SCHOOL GOLFERS i as result of an unavoidable collision i tion resulted, L. L. Biddle 2d was the I said that Littlefield left the city ' broker. ing and a car driven by I.jittlefield. . _____ Service has not yet been obtained “bqLL WEEVIL” RAY Andrew I. Creamer, proprietor of the Highland Pines Inn, has tender ed an invitation to the golf teams of the Southern Pines High School and the Durham High School to dine as his guests at the Inn after their match at the Southern Pines Coun try Club Saturday, May 2d. Pinehurst, Cameron, Vass, This is one of the finest organs in : Lakeview, Pinebluff, West End, Jack- the state and Dr. Baldwin is a noted I Springs, in fact the move is ben CAVINESS DIES AT HOME IN WHITE HILL Dwight Caviness and family of Aberdeen attended the funeral ser vices of his father, Ben Caviness, who died at White Hill last Tuesday, after a lingering illness. by officers of the law. Subpoenas will be sent to New Jersey. It was said that Littlefields left the city within a few minutes after inquest was completed. GOLF VERSUS ARCHERY ticing their recitations and declama- i ts- ,. * beautiful memorial organ at its best, pmes, tions, and the big contest comes oil this evening. The Seventh Grade^ play will e , unusual ability. He is county-wide and favorable actioa is ^ ^ ^ stopping in the Sandhills on his w^ay (anticipated when the County Commis- GETS 6-YEAR SENTENCE ; at the High school building. Then on i Florida i May 8th comes the music recital. The | “King Bee’ Ray, alias Boll Weevil, i Baccalaureate sermon will be deliv- j was o-iven a six-year sentence in At- | ered to the seniors Sunday evening, j MARY DELL MATCHETT IN . lanta by Federal Judge Hayes in | May 10th at 8 o’clock by the Rev. j SOUTHERN R. R. WREC I court at Salisbury Tuesday of this j Dr. F. C. Symonds, pastor of the : sioners weigh the economic and '•bar* I itable evidence to be presented them ; from all .sides. Saturday afternoon. May 2nd, at 3:00 o’clock, Mr. and Mrs. Emmet French and Carl Thompson and his daughter, Miss Helen, will play an exhibition golf and archery match at the Southern Pines Country Club. The public is cordially invited to attend. week, many of the changes against him originating through bootleg-ging activities in this county. Other mem bers of the so-called Boll Weevil gang were also sentenced. Sheriff Charlie McDonald and other Moore county officers spent the forepart of the week in Salisbury aiding the pros ecution. 1 First Presbyterian Church at Fayette ville. His subject will he, “The Price of Leadership.’* On Tuesday evening, May 12th come the final exercises, ‘‘Seniors at the Bar,” by the Class of 1931, followed by the award of medals, prizes, attendance certificates and di plomas. Mrs. Mary Dell Hayes Matchett of Southern Pines was on the Southern R. R. train which was wrecked near Hickory last Friday when a small boy piled stones on the track. No pas sengers were injured, but the fireman and engineer were badly hurt and taken to the Morganton Hospital. Several cars left the tracks. MARGARET SILVER TO WED JACK B. COURSEY Mrs. Elizabeth Silver of Southern Pines has announced the engagement of her daughter, Margaret Anne to Jack Barrows Coursey, formerly of Southern Pines, now of Asheville. The date for the wedding has not been announced.

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