Friday, May 22, 19ai. THE PILOT, a Pant-r With Character. Aberdeen. North CaroHm Pag© Five Patch’s Specials Old Fashioned Imported Lisle Hose, Regular $1.00, Special , ^39 With Clocks, regular, $1.50, special $1.19 Sheerest Chiffon Hose, Broken Sizes, regular $3.00 to $3.50, special $1.25 Shantungr Frocks Jacket Suits, Contrasting Combinations, special ....$8.95 Sleeveless Dresses of Shantung and Black Crepe, Special $8.95 One Special Rack, Shantung Dresses >. $5.00 Flannel Jackets, Special $4.50 Jersey Jumpers, special $2.50 GOLFLEX Sport Frocks— Black Crepes, Jacquard Silks, Shantung Sleeveless Styles $16.75 Linen Mesh, one-piece Zipper Dresses, special $13.50 C. T. PATCH DEPT. STORE Southern Pines, N. C. DANCE I. O. O. F. HaU Tuesday, May 26, 9 to 12 P. M. Music by I- O. O. F. Orchestra Ladies 25c Gentlemen 75c m CLEAN, SOFT AND FLUFFY For Summer Storage DURING MAY AND JUNE We will wash 2 cotton blankets for 60c 2 wool blankets for 80c THE FAMILY LAUNDRY, INC. Telephone 6101 Southern Pines TDsty & Oradin ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Wiring systems land repairs for all electric services^ Bosch and Sterling Midget Radios Telephone 7111 Southern Pines fAE T. BAKKDN, Inc. Insurance of All Kinds —At The— Citizens’ Bank Building Southern Pines, N. C. Successors To PAUL T. BARNUM S. B. RICHARDSON, INC. The Week in Southern Pines Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Reynolds have Rnth Richardson, Rev. J. Fred Stim- closed the Jefferson Inn and left via son, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kennedy, . motor for Alton Bay, N. H., for the Miss Harvey and Miss Ha^el Gretchel. j summer months. members of the Eastern Star j Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Jarratt who and their families will houd their an- j have been living* in Raleigh are mov- nual picnic at Manly Springs Tues- ing .to Asheville where they will make day, May 26th. their home for the summer. i Miss Ruth Doris Swett is visiting Mrs. Alaric Drew and son, Creight- her sister, Mrs. Hugh Betterley, af- on spent Sunday in Raleigh with Car- ter which she will go to Massachu- oline Drew at St. Mary’s. setts for the summer. Mrs. William P. Mrs. John Milliken of Sanford spent Swett, who has been here, plana to the week-end here with her son, Dr. spend the summer in Burlington, Ver- J. Sr Milliken. Mrs. M. Lowry and small daughter who have been guests at the Wayside Inn for the past year have returned north to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barnum spent Saturday in Charlotte. Mrs. W. A. Moore and Mrj^. Earle Merrill motored to Plymouth, N. C., and spent the week end with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dunlap and son of Raleigh were guests over the week end of Mr. and Mrs. John Howarth at their home on Vermont Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Eldert who have been occupying^ the John*Nichols house on Country Club Drive have re turned north. 0. M. Speight of Greensboro was in town on a business trip Tuesday and WeAiesday. Miss Mary Yeomans and Miss Bish op have left for Cape Cod by motor to spend the summer. Mrs. J. S. Milliken and little daught er Louise Manning returned home Sunday from the Moore County Hospi tal. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Chapman re- tnrned to their home in Cooperstown, N. Y., Thursday after spending the season in Southern Pines. Mrs. Arthur Olmstead and son, Bobbie, of Columbus, 0., are visiting Mrs. Claude Hafer and Mrs. R. A. Olmtead until the first of June. Claude Hafer who has recently un dergone an operation at Rex Hospital in Raleigh is very much improved. Mrs. Ralph Mills and daughter, Shirley will return home Sunday from a two week’s visit to relatives in Louisburg. Mrs. J. W. Atkinson spent Monday in Fayetteville. Mrs. Wm. Hutt has gone to New York for a short trip. Mrs. N. L. Hodgkins and children of Bangor, Maine, are the guests of 2 I Mrs. Hodgkins parents, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Abraham for two weeks. George Cosby was a business visitor town Wednesday. mont. The E. C.V Stevens Agency in South ern Pines reports the rental of the Seelye house on Highland Road to Mrs. Jane Towne for the year begin ning June 1st. A BANQUET FOR YOUTH AT CHURCH OF WIDE FELLOWSHIP From start to finish the banquet for the younger people of the Church of Wide Fellowship was a most en joyable affair. As all gathered about the tables in the Ladies parlor, no more attrac tive sight could be imagined than the happy faces of the guests in their festive surroundings. The decorations were in pink with centerpieces of pink roses, pretty basket favors and place cards and fun-provoking prizes. A most bountiful feast was provided and served by the Ladies Aid Society. While the various courses were served the choir leaders, Miss Doris Eddy, Miss Nellie Simmons and Miss Algene Edson kept up a jolly round of songs and cheers and stories were told the guests. The toast mistress, Miss Ruth Ser geant, provided the following pro gram: Greeting, Mrs. Turner; Response, Alden Bowers; “Why I Joined the Church of Wide Fellowship;” Remin- issenses, Miss Doris Eddy; “What the Church Expects of its Young Peo ple,” Mr. Seri; “Our Summer Pro gram,” Miss Ruth Sergeant. AT YATES-THAGARD ttsnxui SUMMER COMFORT AT BARGAIN PRICES I Men’s Shorts, fancy patterns, elastic inset at waist 25c Athletic shirts, rayon stripes — 25c Men’s and Boys’ lace to toe tennis Shoes in brown 69c Nunn-Bush Oxfords for men, value $8-50, now $5.50 Fruit of the Loom Wash Ties, fast colors 50c THE TOG SHOP S Broad St. and New Hampshire Ave. Southern Pines ttxttiuttsnnttitnui Enjoy Radio as You Ride With a Phllco Transitone Automobile Radio Can be installed the day you buy it. C. J. SIMONS, Electrical Contractor Office Telephone 7151 Southern Pines H u ♦♦ in tt H n The Rev. O. A. Kellar of Jones boro will preach at Yates-Thagard Church next Sunday night, May 21th, at 8 o’clock. The ordinance of the Lord’s Supper will be observed at the close of the service. ♦♦ ♦♦ :: n I DELICIOUS MEATS QUALITY STP'ER BEEF Genuine 1931 Spring Lamb HOME DRESSED POULTRY VERMONT MARKET H :: tt ♦♦ :: $200,000 FIRE DESTROYS SOUTHERN PINES HOTEL East Broad Street H. W. DORN Southern Pines ^ (Continued from page 1) Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Turner have closed their home in Weymouth Heights and returned by motor to j Meriden, Conn. , later by Lennox Windham in a sinii- Mrs. Herbert Ransley of New York ^ lar accident. Greg Morgan was cut is visiting her grandfather, John ‘ and bruised, but none suffered serious Glasser at his home on Bennett injuries. Street. ! Efficient Policing Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Johnson and The sounding of the alarm and the sister, Mrs. Leslie Ferguson of New 1 rising smoke attracted the largest York are occupying the Jackman | crowd gathered in Southern Pines in It house on New Hampshire avenue Lor the summer. Miss Violet O’Sullivan and Miss Mulvihill have gone on a two days’ motor trip to Charleston. The Round Dozen Bridge Club was entertained Thursday afternoon by many years, the parkway through which Seaboard trains transverse town being a packed mass of people from far and near. The policing was,ably handled under the direction of Chief Beasley, who stationed men at all cor ners of the block in which the hotel is Mrs. Dorothy Adams at her home in j located to halt traffic, while he him- Manly. j self saw that the crowd in front of Mrs. E. W. York was hostess to the i the burning building was kept orderly Two Table Bridge Club Wednesday af- ; edand that hotel property was safe- ternoon at her home. 1 guarded. Mrs. Clyde Council and Mrs. I^Ioyd j Estimates of the loss run as high Wooley gave a weinie roast at Manly [ as $200,000 for building and furnish- Springs Monday evening to about | ings. The insurance carried was less twenty-five friends. 1 than $100,000, it is stated. Policies Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Plummer and ' were held by the Stevens, Bamum, U ♦♦ H Greenwood who have been at the Jef- S ferson Inn for some time were in Ral- n eigh the first of the week where they ♦♦; were joined by Mr. and Mrs. J. S. H j Reynolds to motor north with them. ♦♦ Mrs. J. N. Powell entertained mem- Cameron and Page Trust Company t* agencies. Built in 1886 The Southern Pines Hotel was built in the winter of 1886-87 by the late Frank Page, of Aberdeen, father of II it tt Refrigreration Service For Your Summer Comfort FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE and- THE NEW SFMEL HERMETIC the simplified electric refrigerator Frigidaire installed - $210.00 Servel installed $172.00 We will be pleased to demonstrate the comforts and savings of the modern ice machines. LV.O’CALLAGHAN Telephone 5341 1 East Connecticut Avenue Southern Pines, N. C. bers of the Contract Bridge Club and j the late Walter Hines Page, former gruests at a luncheon Monday at Congressman Robert N. Page, Frank Powell’s log cabin. | Page of State highway fame and Miss Mary Richadson entertained | others. How Mr. Page came to build at a supper pafrty at her home lues- hotel is told in another column of tt day evening honoring her aunt, Mrs. tt H. A. Bond, on her 79th birthday an- tt niversary. The dining room was beau- tt tifully decorated with pink roses and II cafidles and a cake with seventy- ♦j ♦♦ ! nine candles was a part of the buffet |t supper. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. :: i s. B. Richardson, Miss Dorothy and Business Is Better More Carpenters arer working Fewer Painters are Idle tt Prospects for several good construction jobs under way this summer A GOOD TIME NOW TO DO THAT LITTLE REPAIR JOB AND TO GIVE THE HOUSE A COAT OF PAINT tt H « SOUTHERN PINES WAREHOUSES, Inc. Everything for the Builder Telephone 7131 | i|lllllllllllllllll|||||||IUIIIllttrTirTtmTTlltt|-tTm—TTrTTtlttttllltmr i.mimiimiimmiiinn,^ The Pilot by Bion H. Butler. It had 14 rooms originally. D. F. McAdams added 20 rooms in 1913, and various rebuildings brought it up, first, to 40 rooms on two floors, then 60 rooms on three floors. The Harringtons pur chased the property from Mr. Mc Adams during the winter season of 1924-25, and Frank W. Harrington has been acting as manager since then. Fire visited the hotel on November 12th, 1924 just after the Harringtons had taken it over, starting in the boil er room. It was subdued only after a stubborn fight by the fire company, and the loss was not great. The fight on Monday night lasted until four o’clock Tuesday morning. Flames broke out afresh Tuesday af ternoon but were quickly subdued, and again Wednesday morning it was necessary to call the department to quell a last dying effort on the part of the fire to continue the battle. Manager Harrington has not as yet determined upon plans for the future of the Southern Pines Hotel. Highland Pines Inn and Cottages (WEYMOUTH HEIGHTS) SOUTHERN PINES SEASON NOVEMBER TO MAY Highland Pines Inn with its Splendid Dining Room Serviee and its Cheerful Homelike Atmosphere Caters to the Require ments of those Occupying Winter Homes in the Pine Tree Sec tion. The Hotel is Situated on Weymouth Heights (Massachu setts Avenue) Amid Delightful Surroundings. Good Parking Space is Available for Motorists. All Features of First Class Hotels are Included at Highland Pines Inn. Best of Everything. Summer Hotel: THE INN, Charlevoix-the-Beautiful, Michigan. CREAMER & TURNER, Proprietors tt 3 tt tt