Page Eight THE PILOT, a Paper With ^h^rflcter, Aberdeen, North Caroliig Friday, May 22. I93i_ PINEHURST Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cameron and children, Mary Elizabeth, Eleanor, Etta and J. B., Jr., left last week for a motor trip through the middle west. Mr. Cameron will spend some time in Cincinnatti on business and will re turn to Pinehurst soon. Mrs. Cameron and children will visit Mr. and Mrs. S. B. McHaffey in Indianapolis for a month. Mrs. John W. Wilson of Coulmbia, S. C., is the guest of Mrs. Fred Ut ley this week. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Sonders and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Holland arrived in Pinehurst the latter part of last week, coming from St. Petersburg, Fla., where they spent the winter. Just before returning here the party enjoyed a delightful motor tour of the east and west coasts of the state. After spending a few days here Mr. and Mrs. Holland with Mrs. S. Hennessee and daughter, Carol, left Monday for Bridgeport, Conn., where the Hennesses will spend the sum mer. Mr. and Mrs. Holland will sail from New York May 29 on the S. S. Majes tic for a tour of Europe. Miss Catherine Morton, niece of W. P. Morton and Mrs. Ethel Journey left last Friday for her house in Co lumbia, Tenn. Miss Morton spent the winter in the home of her uncle here and was a popular student in the Pine hurst High School. ..'•Mrs. Herman Campbell and chil dren, Nancy and Mary Frances, are visiting Mrs. Campbell’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harris in Fayetteville this week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cole and children, Jesse and Mary Jane have returned from a motor trip of tens days to Washington and Baltimore, returning by way of the scenic route throujh the valley of Virginia. They were joined in New Bern by Mrs. Cole's mother, Mrs. E. J. Parker, who made the trip with them. Mr. and Mrs. True P. Cheney od Mr. and Mrs. James McNab left ia?t week for Vidalai, Georgia for a visit in the home of Dr. and Mrs. Meadows, parents of Mrs. Cheney. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Nelson and son Donald, left Sunday for Little Co np- ton, R. I., where they spend the ?um- mer. Mrs. L. V. Henderson and little daughter, Frances, left Wednesday to visit friends and relatives in Dur ham and Oxford for two weeks. T. H. Rowan and Alex Stuart, Jr., spent Saturday in Charlotte where Mr, Rowan received treatment for his eyes from Dr. Henry Sloan, a spec ialist. Mrs. Raymond Johnson and children, Raymond, Jr., and Elsie Jean, were spend-the-day guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Coffey in Lakeview Wednes.; * / . Mrs. Allan Watson and children, who have been guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Ehrhardt, left Saturday for their home in Green wood, S. C. They were accompanied by Miss Dorothy Ehrhardt, who will spend some time witK them. Miss Mar. garet Morton is leaving this Friday for Greenwood to spend a week with the Watson family. Mrs. Murdoch McLeod, Mrs. E. B. Keith, Mrs. Alex Stewart and Mrs E. L. Barber of Aberdeen spent ?<"i- day in Raleigh shopping. Mrs. W. L. Dunlap and Mrs. N. P. Ray were guests Wednesday and Thursday of Mrs. Dunlap’s mother in Statesville. ' James Quale was host to a num ber of his friends Tuesday evening at a delightful buffet supper, after which the guests played bridge. 12 SAMARCAND FIRE BUGS GO TO STATE’S PRISON (Continued from page 1) lives, so, by agreement, the remain ing fourteen defendants through their attorneys entered pleas of guilty of attempt to commit arson. "^They were represented by Miss Nell Bat tle Lewis of Raleigh and George W. McNeill and W. R. Clegg of Carthage. Miss Estelle Stott, secretary to Miss Agnes McNoughton, who is sup erintendent of the institution, was the first witness called by the State. Miss Stott recounted the story of the fire, how it was reported to her be tween 5:00 and 5:30 o’clock in the' afternoon that Bickett Hall was on fire. The girls had already been tak en out. Before this building was con sumed, Chamberlain Hall was report ed on fire, but was soon extinguished only to be completely destroyed some two hours later. Miss Stott told of a number of the girls who had admitted setting fire to various parts of Cham berlain Hall which was a dormintory used for disciplinary purposes. It was also brought out that a store room had been broken into shortly before the fire and a number of boxes of matches taken. One of the girls, she said, had threatened to bum the hos- ! pital and had matches in her posses sion. Miss Lewis