WP ' ' ' 0 ^\' ' ' r ■' ■ '•'^•^' ‘ ^ '■ L . * • 7t: ^ * . _ .j" • ...-,. •••, ■•. • . MOORE COUNTY’S leading news weekly THE A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 11, NO. 27, CARTHAOE LAKEView MAHU£Y PILOT FIRST IN NEWS AND ADVERTISING of the Sandhill Territr^ of North Carolina z:,: .. . Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, June 5, 1931. COMMISSION ADDS DR. HENDERSON TO board of health Dentist Named Under New State Law.—Loan For Colored School Approved VOTE FOREST FIRE FUND Dr. L. V. Henderson, Pinehurst den tist, was appointed to membership on the Moore County Board of Health by the Board of County Commission ers in regular session on Monday. This appointment was made in accordance with a statute enacted by the Gener al Assembly whereby each board of county commissioners shall appoint a dentist to its county Board of Health. At a recent special meeting of the Moore County Dental Society, Dr. Henderson was elected as the society’s representative for appointment on this board. In order that another ruling of the recent legislature might be carried out, the commissioners ordered a tax sales record containing 300 pages to be delivered October 1. In this book will be kept a permanent record of all tax sales for the county. It was voted that the chairman of the board take the steps necessary for turning over to the State Highway Commission all the prison camp equip ment now belonging to the Moore County Highway Commission. Commission. The Pinehurst New Settlement School committee’s application, made through the county Board of Educa tion, to borrow from the Literary Fund of the State Board of Educa tion the sum of $10,000 for rebuild ing the New Settlement School build ing which was recently destroyed by fire, was approved upon the condi tion that the said district levy a tax to repay the loan. The New Settle ment School is for the colored race. Recognizing the need for active for est fire prevention in the county, the board renewed its agreement with the State in regard, to carrying on the fire protection work, and agreed to appropriate $1,250.00 for the work this year. The following were allowed support from the county; Mrs. Jane Swaim, So per month; C . W. Brown, $5 per month for June, July and August; Joel Hancock and wife, $10 per month. Pinehurst Moves to Berkshires, Ed., Sam and the Whole Staff * Harold Calloway is Golf Pro and I*. M. Tate in Charge of Hunt Club Stables Made in Moore In observance of “Made in North Carolina Week,” The Pilot has en- ieayored in the second, section of this week’s issue to give to its readers an idea of the scope of manufacturing in Moore county. We commend this section to your attention. The Berkshire Hunt and Country Club opened at Lenox, Mass., last Saturday under the management of Pinehurst, Incorporated. The local or ganization as an old and experienced operators of resorts was employed by the boar4 of governors of this club to operate it. The new management will give attention, first, to service in the club house, and second to the develop ment of the recreational and sporting facilities the club has to offer. E. G. Fitzgerald, manager of the Carolina Hotel in Pinehurst is in charge. Mr. Fitzgerald has been in the employ of Pinehurst for twenty-two years during which time he has be- a* , T come thoroughly familiar with the de- —Ararehouse Directors tails of club and hotel organization ABERDEEN TO GET $15,000 PEACH PACKING PAYROLL and management. He was- manager of the Pinehurst Country Club before he went to the Carolina. His entire staff at the Berkshire club was trans ferred from the Carolina. This in cludes “Sam,” veteran Carolina door man. Many people who know Sam support a widespread rumor that he exercises a mysterious control over the weather, and that the sun follows wherever he goes. When questioned regarding this, Sam did not deny it, but smiled and explained that a lit tle rain was occasionally necessary on account of the flowers. Since Sam has been in Pinehurst he has acquired Vote Ventilating System To Improve Building ELECT NEW DIRECTORS Improvements to the Aberdeen Warehouses to provide facilities for packing peaches as well as for its customary use as a tobacco ware house were voted at a meeting of the DEARSTYNE URGES BETTER GR ADING OF POULTRY HERE Just as Easy To Produce Good Poultry as Poor, He Tells County Association PRAISES ORGANIZATION Volume and grading are the two requisites for successful national marketing of poultry products, ac cording to Prof. Dearstyne, head of the Poultry Division of State College, and N^rth Carolina has not built up a reputation of putting well graded products on the market, he told mem bers of the Moore County Poultry As sociation gathered at Hotel Charmel- la in Vass last Friday evening for their second meeting since the former Vass-Lakeview Poultry Association assumed the proportions of a county- wide organization. Prof. Dearstyne was the principal speaker at the meeting, a feature of which was a sumptuous chicken din ner which was thoroughly enjoyed by all present. The chickens were furnished by members of the poultry association. It is just as easy to produce good poultry as poor, the speaker said, in ; urging the poultrymen to build up the Board of Directors held in Aberdeen Tuesdy niirht. offi^rs for the year i were also elected at this time, and sev- marketing- situation and eral new names added to the board of directors. college plant. Prof. Dearstyne complimented R. L. Mayfield, secretary of the association, very highly on the work he was do ing, saying that the local association’s program of work was one of the most comprehensive which he had seen in tablet in memory of thii late Rev. J. jbaeco were sold on the floors of Aber- K. Roberts, D. D., was unveiled and j deen’s two warehouses last season, dedicated in the presence of an aud- j andindications point to another big ience which overflowed the church. 1 year in 1931. Of this amount, approx- The Rev._W. S. Golden, pastor, pre- j imately three and one-half million sided, assisted by the Rev. I, N. Clegg pounds were handled at the Saunders warehouse, which now becomes the stressed the importance of group en- __ , ^ deavor. He also gave very helpful in- Henry McCoy Blue, mayor of Aber-I „ f , . „ . W. It niany friends of all sorts and from Doub. vice president and Forest Lock- diseases h«d been combatted at the all parts of the world; the hst mcludes j ey, secretary and treasurer. The new i numbers of the European nobility, a | members of the board are M. M. John- former President, several Senators | son, C. J. Johnson and Mr. Doub, and many business men and sports- | those re-elected being G. C. Seymour, men of national prominence. i H. A. Gunter, Frank Shamburger and Harold Callaway of Charlotte has | Henrv Blue ^ ^ t ^ • J J x^iuc. program of work was one of the most and the Rev Frank S. Blue. his VutiTs^^more^thar'a^week^^'^^o i decided upon , comprehensive which he had seen in The sermon was preached by the.: Sandhills To,bacco Warehouse. Call^Tfn^rlv wLIn ^ent.latmg equipment to ^ | The opening date for the markets of DonaL ?To^, nd was connerted ^ warehouse comfortable dur- The care of baby chicks and the completed his course at Union Theol- > this belt will be determined at Ashe- .P .U 1 ? : U T the hot months of the peach pack- , production ogical Seminary Richmond and will i ville at a meeting to be held there with the Pinehurst club for seven sea- ^ ing* reason W^ith this eQuinment the i j- j t_ n j? tut'tt ’ i -in ovi/i iq a nf , ^ hcdbon. VVILII tiiib equipment j were discussed by Prof. Williams, di- ordained to biffin the nastor-i June 17, 18 and 19. A meeting oi sons. He was ft^rmerly medalist in large building will be leased to Haw- | reetor of the production plant of the the Presbyterian church at * those interested in the up-building of ley Poole, who utilized the plant last i <.o„ege. Pleasants W Va. Young Mr. the Aberdeen market will be held here year but found it impractical on ac- | Hold Exhibit | Roberts has a charming personality. ’ soon to plar a campaign to get more count of the intense heat and stipu- j Dm-ing a shor*^^ business session | ^ bright mind and brought a ser- ' tobacco than ever brought to the local lated the equipment as a condition un- ^ connection with the banquet which was a source of great in- warehouses this fall. 1. . p p ^ presided over by R. L. Mayfield, Merest and pleasure to his great host i ’ golf pro at Cannes, France, one again. The peach packing season ex i , FIVE CENTS His Memory Honored I ... ■ mm m ^||V.V.V> ^ER, McLEOD lt> OPERATE BIG WAREHOUSE HERE Sandhills Tobacco Warehouse To Succeed Saunders on Local Market LOOK FOR GOOD SEASON LATE DR. J. K. ROBERTS TABLET UNVEILED IN MEMORY OF DR.JK ROBERTS Impressive Service Held at Car thage Presbyterian Church To Honor Former Pastor SON PREACHES SERMON re- A service which will be long membered by those present was held at the Carthage Presbyterian Church last Sunday morning. A memorial Following close upon the heels of the announcement that B. B. Saun ders would not operate the tobacco warehouse in Aberdeen which has borne his name for several seasons comes the news that Dr. A. H. Mc Leod and William W. Maurer, both of Aberdeen, would operate here this coming season under the name of the Sandhills Tobacco Warehouse. Mr. Maurer, who has long been as sociated in the tobacco business with Mr. Saunders, said yestfirday that an intensive drive would be made to bring more tobacco than ever into the Aberdeen market this fall, and that he looked for a most successful season. He has secured one of the most experienced tobacco men in South Carolina, R. D. Cothran of Man ning, S. C., to handle the sales here. Mr. Cochran has been in the tobacco business for many years, is* well known in the trade, enjoys wide pop ularity and a reputation for square dealing. Mr. Maurer said that the Aberdeen market was fortunate to se cure a man of Mr. Cothran’s reputa tion for the coming season. More than five million pounds of to- the Southern Amateur finalist in the Georgia State championship, winner of the P. G. A. title in western New York and qualified in the North and South at Pinehurst. His father is the brother a pro at Charlotte, another a pro at Bradford, Pa. Horses from Pinehurst and ^ tends from about July 20 to August 5, at which time the mercury hovers : around the top of the thermometer : and makes work difficult and danger- i ous for the large number employed in hurst stables arrived at the club a few the association voted to hold a Sand-1 of friends. The tablet was unveiled ! CoUllty L8.flriSlatOrS hills Poultry Show this year, and last | little ^‘Dannv” Roberts, youngest It ' I A carload of horses from the Pine- Pag-e Corporation To Han'^Ie Insurance around $15,000, a sum which means Department of Trust Company Incorporated To Better Serve Wide Clientele The Page Corporation, of Aberdeen, wa.'^ incorporated at Raleigh last week, to succeed the insurance de partment of the Page Trust Company. The authorized capital stock is M. Tate, manager of the Pinehurst stables the last seven years. These horses are the pick of the stables and include some of the prize win ners in the horse show held in Pine hurst this spring. Fifteen miles of bridle paths circle the club within a radius of three miles. The main club building houses an much to the community during the summer months. The annual contract with Edwards, Lewis & Williams, tobacco warehouse men who have used the Aberdeen Warehouse during the past two to bacco seasons, is expected to be sign ed and returned within the next few I year's directors were reelected, was also moved and carried that the association promote a better poultry exhibit for the county fair. R. H. Cox of Vass, Mrs. W. T. Wor sham of Aberd'een, E. H. Garrison of Carthage, E. B. Keith of Pinehurst, J. E. Collins of Cameron and Mr. Pat terson of West End were appointed to excellent library containing many j jg believed definite that Cl, capital I rare old volumes. A similar liote for Lr^ tobacco men of Mullins S C ^100.000. with subscribed stock listed . contrast is found in the stables where in the mcorporation papers as $300. ^ carriages, -‘brokes,” and Themcovporators mentioned are Fran- ^ evidence to past H. Urner, J. V. Healy and D. I ' McKeithen, all of Aberdeen. The Page Trust Company, which has 14 offices throughout cen tral North Carolina, entered the in- J^urance field some months ago for purpose of more fully serving its extensive clientele. It represents a grandeur. This grandeur still lives in places like the Berkshire Mountains and the Sandhills of North Carolina, and on occasions the old horsedrawn vehicles may be seen along the shaded drives of the club estates. Many people took advantage of the . ; club’s early opening this year, and number of promment msurance com- ; ^ visitors to the North Caro- Panies. In order to broaden the scope | gandhills were among the first its insurance activities, it was de cided recently to divorce the insur ance department from the trust com- GOOD TIME AT LUMBERTON will again operate a market here the coming season. NO FIRES IN ABERDEEN FOR ENTIRE YEAR 1930 see about the blood testing of hens of association members. Two thousand pullets were reported by poultrymen attending the banquet, ((Please turn to page 4) 4-H Girls to Compete Gc £ Cordial Welcome son of the Rev. Dr. Roberts. Dr. Roberts was pastor of the Car thage church for eighteen years, until 1920, when he removed to South Car olina. No man has left a deeper in fluence for good upon Moore county than this gifted and versatile man of %^he choir, assisted by members of Representative U. L. Spence, were Johnscr. and Spence Tell Fellow Kiwanians of Record Session at Raleigh Moore county’s returning legisla- I tors, Senator Murdoch M. Johnson other choirs, gave two special num bers which were compositions of Dr. Roberts, who was an accomplished musician. Mrs. M. G. Dalrymple and Mrs. L. R. Sugg had charge of the music. j In unveiling the tablet, Mr. Golden I said in part: fnr Rpst Drp«5«5 Prizps! eloquent than lor r>es>f i-?re!sh rrizes* i that _ I given a rousing welcome by their fel- I low Kiwanians when they appeared j at a Kiwanis meeting for the first time this year on Wednesday. The club’s weekly meeting was held at the Community Chuich, Pinehurst. Mr. Spence told the members some of the trials and tribulations of the Health Queen of County Also to Be Crowned on Achievement Day June 10. which had no reportable fire loss for the entire year of 1930. Reportable losses are those in excess of four ! dol]ars for one month. Middlesex went to register. Richard Tufts of Pine- i months without loss, Roanoke Rap- liurst visited the club for about a Nashville each nine months. J 4. • oe a-n PTitifv expectcd to retum to the | Southern Pines and Pinehurst were Pan>, and to incorporate as an entity ^ extended stay. j. ^ ^ ^nder the name of the P|ige Corpora- | • ^ 1 montns eacn. tion. The principal office of the new j corporation, as of the bank proper, is I SANDHILL FIREMEN HAVE Aberdeen. Aberdeen heads the honor list of the State Insurance Department. It is the only town in North Carolina jby Mrs. Walter L. Ryals, home demon stration agent, the 4-H club girls of Moore county will hold their Achieve- important post he held as chairman eleven finance committee of the House, rTT i how they’d planned to tax sales until ! vears after the close of the pastor- , ^ i. ^ r - i . ^ • J 4-0 all the merchants in North Carolina ate of our friend so great a company . , ^ i I - - i.T_ J 4- ^ lattdcd on them; how they d then i of neoole have gathered today in lov- . , , , ^ ^ I . i? V.- 1 switched to theatres and such when mg memory of h:m only demonstrates^ appeared JUNIOR O. U. A. M. TO MEET AT HIGH FALLS GRINNELL OF S. P. COUNTRY CLUB WEDS The marriage of Leroy F. Grinnell of Southern Pines and Sadie Eunice Temple of.Sanford was solemnized in Baptist Church of Sanford last F'riday evening, the pastor, the Rev. ^rank C. Hawkins officiating. The ^^PPy couple are motoring northward to Little Compton, R. I., where Mr. Grinnell is interested in the Sackon- Golf Club. He will remain there until the opening of the season in Southern Pines when he resumes his connection with the Southern Pines Country Club. Firemen of the various departments in the Sandhills journeyed to Lum- berton Tuesday for the annual meet ing of the Sandhills Firemen’s Asso ciation. They heard an address by State Fire Marshal Sherwood Brock- well of Raleigh, had a street parade, the usual competitions, elected officers and chose Raeford for the next an nual meeting. Chief E. J. GloVer of Lumberton was, chosen president, R. B. Lewis of Raeford vice president, Ji. L. Strickland of Fayetteville sec retly. Southern Pines, Aberdeen, Pinehurst, Carthage and Pinebluff were all represented, and all had a good time. There will be a meeting of the sev enteenth district. Junior Order Unit ed American Mechanics at High Falls on Saturday, June 6. The first ses sion will begin at 3:00 p. m. The re ports from the various councils will be made, and the business of the dis trict will be attended to at this time. There will also be several instruc tive features on this part of the pro gram to promote harmony and good will among the membership. Deep River Council will entertain with refreshments before the public meeting. The program will contain special music, followed by an address. The public is invited. among us was blessed Accortog to an announcement made I Little children have grown up since he departed from us, and come to realize how much his interest , i in them meant. The changes of time { men^ Day program m the court house : ^o see more clearly, and to value more more the spiritual treasures brought *us in his lifetime.” in Carthage next Wednesday after noon, June 10, beginning at 2:30 o’clock. The girls will wear cotton dresses which they have made and prizes will be gives for the best school dresses, DIRECTORS HEAR REPORT the best work dresses, the best street dresses and the best party dresses. There will also be an exhibit of note books and made-over garments on which prizes will be given. Miss Wil lie Hunter, clothing specialist from State College, will be present to judge the work of the girls. An especially attractive feature of the program will be the crowning of the healthiest 4-H Club girl as health queen of Moore county. The program will be open to the public and mothers of the girls are especially invited to attend. This pro gram will bring to a close the cloth ing project on which the girls have been working for the pasttwo years, and they will take up the study of goods. suddenly Charlie Picquet with an army; how they’d switched from one class to another until there was finally nothing to do but tax the as most of us in the Assembly were lawyers,” he said, and taxed ourselves and adjourned.” I Senator Johnson recited a poem ; about the poor soul who’d fallen so low in humanity’s scale that he fin- I ally landed in the legislature, and naid high tribute to the work done by OF SANDHILLS ACTIVITIES his colleague, Mr. Spence, in his ca- (Please turn to Page 8) Directors of the Southern Pines Chamber of Commerce at their meet ing Tuesday heard a report of the TUFTS QUALIFIES FOURTH Sandhills Activities, which, under di- ^ IN CAROLINA TOURNEY recjion of Mrs. E. Ellsworth Giles, ‘ had charge of the sports and enter tainment program during the past winter in Southern Pines. Mrs. Giles report showed the number of golf tournaments held, the great amount of resuflant publicity, told of numer ous social functions, musicals, etc. sponsored by the organization and made recommendations for the future. The Sandhills Activities was support ed by the Chamber of Commerce, the Southern Pines Country Club and the Town of Southern Pines. Richard Tufts of Pinehurst, with rounds of 77 and 80, qualified for the championship division in the Carolinas golf championship under way this week at the Myrtle Beach Country Club, thus celebrating his election to the presidency of the Carolinas (lolf Association. He was fourth among the qualifiers. y Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Grey and family’ of Southern Pines have gone to Mrytle Beach for a short stay. L