( (StOORE COUNTY’S leading news weekly THE A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOI- LAKEV/iEW PILOT FIRST IN NEWS AND ADVERTISING of the Sandhill Territory 'th Carolina % •V, Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, July 24, 1931. FIVE CENTS KIRTLEY JONES, AIR MAIL PILOT, KILLED IN TEX AS Foriiser Owner of Large Peach Orchard at Eagle Springs Dies in Line of Duty left here 5 YEARS AGO Kiitiey Jones was killed in an air plane in Texas on Monday of thii week. Jones had a peach orchard at Ea gle Springs during the boom days of the peach business in the Sandhills. When the bottom dropped out of the basket five or six years ago, Jones dropped out of the orchard business, and few of his friends here knew what had become of him since. It now de- veiopes that he entered the Air Mail jservice, having been an army pilot iuring’ the World War. V.'ord came this week of his death *‘in line of duty” for the Postal ser vice last Monday. Caught in a fox over the plains of Texas, Jones’ mail <hip went astray and cracked up when ! a forced landing in rough country i wa? made necessary. Details of the ! accident have not been learned here. | Kirtley Jones ran, owned and oper- Pinebluff Inn Sold for Use as Exclusive Club by New Yorkers Northerners Acquire Property Through Holding Company Headed by Ralph Page Sale was consummated this week of the Pinebluff Inn at Pinebluff to the newl yorganized Lumbee Corporation, of which Ralph W. Page of Aberdeen is president. The property was for merly o-'^ed by the Pinehurst Realty Corporation of Pinehurst. For the past few seasons it has been operated by Edward Salmon of Beloit, Wis., a nd has been the winter home of a number of prominent northern people. The Lumbee Corporation, it is un derstood, is the holding company of a number of prominent New Yorkers interested in making of the inn an ex clusive club for their use during the winter months. It is their ultimate aim to develop a golf course on the land adjoining the inn, it is said, and to feature the country clul idea. In the meantime, it will be operated more on the plan of the present Mid- Pines Club. Some improvements are to be made at once, it is stated, and THE PINEBLUFF HOTEL BLDG. AND LOAN FUNDS FINANCE 23 NEW HOMES Five Associations of Moore County Have Combined Total Resources of $356,774 513 SHAREHOLDERS HERE ated one of the large peach orchards i in the Eagle Springs section, and ^ Large Crowd Attends While Building and Loan associa tions in North Carolina have felt the • 1. J.-L. Iof the economic depression*dur- the building gotten in shape for the ! i ^ » , 1 , , , I. 1 ,1 i y®^^ or two, every one of use of the club members by late fall qoc • 4.- i i of this year ' associations have successful- I ly weathered the storm so far and all are in good working condition, O. made a host of admiring friends in the Sandhills during the few years rhat he resided here. He was the like able sort, young and friendly. He came here from near Baltimore, where he was a member of one of the leading old Maryland families. He had planned to make the Sandhills his home, and while here married a pretty Samarcand nurse. His sister came down from Maryland and be came the wife of June Page of Aber deen. son of J. R. Page. Symington Tells How To Ride an Elephant Recites Experience Practicing Medicine in India Where Big Boys Provide Transportation “Old Union” Reunion Clergy and Former M<^mbers of Congregation Well Represent ed at Home-Coming Home-coming Day was observed at “Old Union” Presbyterian Church on Sunday, and a large crowd was pres ent for the delightful program which financing 4,490 homes, vai- had been . planned by the Sunday j $13,135,440.92, or an average school, of which F. M. Dwight is sup ~ -.o tx , erintendent. FEW CHANGES IN COUNTY SCHOOLS MADE BY STATE Four Consolidated and One Re duced from Two to One- Teacher Status 205 TEACHERS ALLOTTED Charlie Chosen K. LaRoque, deputy Insurance Com missioner, in charge of the Building and Loan Division said in a recent statement. The State Board of Equilization has made its allottment of teachers to schools of Moore county, and nearly all schools will be operated with the same number of teachers as hereto fore, according to information giv en out by County Superintendent H; Lee Thomas. However, four schools were consolidated and one teacher taken away from another. *|'The County Board of Education had not anticipated the consolidation of the Plank Road one-teacher school near Carthage, but,” said Mr. Thomas, “the State Board proceeded on its own initiative to send that school into Carthage next year. Likewise, Jack son Springs two-teacher school was consolidated by the State Board with the West End school. “It has been apparent from a read ing of the new school law for some time that the Roseland and Ingram Branch one-teacher schools would be consolidated with Aberdeen and Pine hurst, respectively. The Glendon two- teacher school has been reduced to a one-teacher school by the State Board. Further than this there will At the end of business last year these associations had assets of $92,- be no changes in the rural schools of 192,373.69 and had total sliares out- the county. The State Board did not standing at that time of 1,869,291, a report issued a short time ago shows. These associations had aided during I Sunday School was held at 10.00 ' o’clock, and beginning at 11:15 a song j service was led by J. M. Tyson. The morning sermon was then delivered by the Rev. R. A. McLeod, a son of Old Union who is now president of the Presbyterian Junior Colege at Max- ton. At the noon hour, a picnic dinner was spread in the grove, and the din ner and the time spent in mingling with friends of other days proved one of the high lights of the day. The Rev. Charles A. Lawrence, ^vhich the county health officer, Dr. J. pastor of the church, presided over Symington, gave members of the Ki- | the afternoon session. He presented F. M. Dwight, who extended a wel come in behalf of the Sunday School. The Rev. Mr. McLeod brought greet ings from the educational field, and short talks were made by the Rev. “Elephants is elephants,” but there are good ones and <bad ones and big unes and little ones, and when you have to use one for transportation it ife advisable to do your choosing care fully. So we gather from the talk ^anis Club at their weekly meeting, Jield at the new Methodist Church Sunday School building in Aberdeen ^Vednesday. “Practicing Medicine from the Back of an elephant,” was the topic assign- ! Mack McDonald of Columbia, S. C., ed -o Dr, Symington. How many peo ple in the Sandhills know that Dr. Symington spent years of his life doing just this thing we do not know, ^ut the Kiwanians now know he did, and how he did it. He told them how ^0 get aboard one of the bigv brutes, intelligent they are, how they ^iuided and controlled, and how ^0 dismount—in the event that you ^laven’L involuntarily dismounted en I’oute. Elephants are necessary for transportation in certain parts of In- ^ia, where Dr. Symington spent sev eral years in the practice of his pro- fes.sion. This is due to the heavy rains ^wellini': the rivers and making every othei means of getting about out of the question. The talk was one of the most in- ‘-ere>iing heard by the local club in *^^ny a day, and thanks are due to the doctor and to Hiram West- -hairman of the Program com- for the treat. Rev. N. A. Culbertson, a retired min ister from Mecklenburg Presbytery who is living in the Union section. Rev. W. S. Golden of Carthage, J. R. McQueen of Lakeview, and the Rev. M. D. McNeill, of Cameron. Music by the community young people’s choir of Vass added much to the service. HARRISON STUTTS WINS 1ST GOLF TOURNAMENT cost of $2,952.48. It is interesting to note that the average home financ ed cost about $162 more in 1930 than it did in 1929. White members numbered 83,303 and colored members 12,612. Loans made in the year amounted to $23,- 077,548.64, loans retired totaled $27,- 043,591.76, stock retired $27,594,729,- 24, while profits paid on matured and withdrawn stock was $3,295,250.36; on running shares and full paid stock the profits were $1,342,206.56 and the interest paid on borrowed money, $227,682.17. Moore county, the reports shows, has five associations, one each at Carthage, Pinehurst, Vass, Aberdeen and Southern Pines, with combined resources of $356,774 and with 9,171 shares in force at the end of the year. These associations during the year financed the erection of 23 homes having a total valuation of $108,400. At the end of the year they had 513 shareholders. Mrs. Struthers Burt’s Father Killed by Auto Thomas S. Newlin, 84 Years Old, Fatally Injured in Bryn Mawr, Pa. consolidate any colored schools,” con tinued Mr. Thomas. The County Board of Education dis claims any responsibility whatever for the consolidation of any schools that has taken place this year or for any that may occur in the future. The new school law has placed this au thority in the hands of the State Board of Equilization, thereby reliev ing the County Board of this duty. CHARLES W. PICQUET Sandhills Movie Mogul Again Heads Theatre Owners Asso ciation of Carolinas The North and South Carolina Theatre Owners Association adjourn ed their summer convention at Wil mington Tuesday after re-electing Charles W. Picquet, of Pinehurst, president. Other officers elected were: W. H. Hendrix, of Greensboro, first vice president; P. A. Soppile, of Charles ton, S. C., second vice president and Walter Griffith, of Charlotte, secre tary. Dr. Medlin To Erect New Office Building^ Lets Contract For One-Story Brick and Tile Structure on Poplar Street Voile Protest on Valuations in Township Residents of Sandhills See No Reason for Ten Per Cent Boost in Appraisal TO BESIEGE COMMISSION Aberdeen is enjoying a mild build ing boom. Alton McLean has started work on an attractive new residence on Pop- Any individual or group of indivi- . lar street, to be ready early this fall, duals living in communities where Yesterday the contract was let by Dr. schools have been consolidated who de- ' Medlin for a new building on the Thomas S. Newlin, father of Kath erine Newlin Burt (Mrs. Struthers Harrison Stutts stepped out of his | Burt) of Southern Pines, was killed office at the Pinehurst Warehouses iby an automobile while walking across ^ AI LEGION MEN OFF FOR STATE CONVENTION Post Commander L. V. O’Callaghan, rt E. Denny, Max H. Backer and 1 Dana are leaving Sunday for head City to attend the annual convention of the American Le- The convention opens Sunday and runs through Tuesday. AT THE MOVIES I’sday, Friday, Saturday, July 23, 24, 25—“Forbidden Adventure,” ^i’om Sinclair Lewis’ story, “Let’s King.” ^^"’^onday, Tuesday, Wednesday, July 28, 29—“The Great Lover,” with ^doiphe Menjou. one day last week, walked across the Norfolk Southern railroad tracks, got his golf clubs out of his locker at the country club and teed off. His score at the end of 18 holes w*as good enough to win him the first weekly tournament of the newly or ganized Summer Golf Club, and tro phy No. 1 was awarded him. TUESDAY PROTEST DAY AT CARTHAGE COURT HOUSE Tuesday is Protest Day at Carthage. The tax commissioners of the county will hear those desiring to ascertain why their lands have been appraised at this or that figure, and the popu- the street in Bryn Mawr, Pa., on July 3d, according to information just re ceived here. Mr. Newlin was 84 years of age, a retired business man and menber of a prominent Philadelphia family. The car, driven by Yetter Schoch, twenty-four, Wendover road, Rose- mont, son of Layton M. Schoch, a Philadelphia attorney tossed Mr. New lin approximately thirty feet. Mr. Newlin, according to r>olice, had deposited* a letter in a mail box at the spot, and had stepped back into the street. Police said the spot is poorly lighted. , The accident occurred near the Co lonial Inn, where Mr. Newlin made his home. He was picked up by Schoch lation of the county capital is expect ed to be swelled by citizens of every | and G. N. Fisher, Jr., and William H. township in Moore that day. NEWSBOYS TO GIVE CONCERT Plans for entertainment of the Re porter-Star Newsboys Band of Or lando, Florida at Southern. Pines Au gust 3d are progressing. A concert will be given by the 50-piece band that evening. MacLaren, who also lives at the inn, and removed to Bryn Mawr Hospital. The victim was a son of the late Thomas Shipley Newlin. He lived alone at the inn. He is survived by four children, Wil liam B. Newlin, East Orange: John E., New York city; Mrs. Struthers Burt, Southern Pines and Mrs. Reginald Roberts, New Canaan, Conn. sire to present their case may do so by applying to the State Board of Equilization for a hearing through the county superintendent of schools. Any persons desiring a hearing should file their request with Mr. Thomas at the earliest possible date. Allottment of Teachers The State Board of Equilization has allotted to Moore county for the year 1931-32 a total of 205 teachers, 40 of these being high school teach ers and 165 elementary teachers. Thirty of the high school teachers will teach in the white schools and 99 of the 165 elementary teachers. The allotment as to schools follows, Heckart property on Poplar street, U. S. Highway No. 1 through Aberdeen, to be used by him exclusively for his dental offices. The Medlin building is to be 21 by 40 feet, of brick and tile construction, one-story high, and is to be in readi ness by October 15th. The plans were drawn by A. B. Yeomans, Southern Pines architect, with the inside ar rangements specified by the Ritter Dental Manufacturing Company of Rochester, N, Y. It is to be a model dental office with all modern equip ment. J: W, Pickier of Pinebluff has the building contract and ground will be broken next Monday. Dr. Medlin highway from Mrs. the building. J. . Heckart for NEILL STUART, 80, DIES AT HOME NEAR VASS ‘ H. S.” standing for high school and j purchased a 45-foot frontage on the “E.” for elementary: White—^West Philadelphia, jE. 1; East Philadelphia, E. 1; Rock Hill, E. 1; Eagle Springs, E. 4; Glendon, E. 1; Caemron, H. S. 3, E. 7; Eureka, H. S. 3, E. 5; West End, H. S. 4, E. 6; i Pinehurst, H. S. 4, E. 8; Putnam, E. ! 1; High Falls, E 5; Dover, E. 2; Mt. ■ Zion, E. 1; Moody, E. 2; Cedar Hill, j E. 2; Acorn Ridge, E. 2; Hemp E. 9; Needham’s Grove, E. 2; Melton, E. 2; Bower’s Chapel, E. 1. Special Charter Districts—White— Aberdeen, H. S. 4, E. 10; Carthage, H. S. 5, E. 11; Southern Pines, H. S. 4, E. 8; Vass-Lakeview, H. S. 3, E. 7. Pinehurst colored school has been allotted 3 high school teachers and 7 elementary, and elementary teachers have been allotted other rural colored schools as follows. Zion Grove, 1; Eagle Springs. 3; Union Grove, 1; Mt. Zion, 2; Wayside, 1; Shady Grove, 2; Ingram Branch, 1; Pierce’s Chapel, 1; Haw Branch, 1; Bethlehem, 1; Cameron, 4; Vass, 2; Midway, 1; Pee Dee, 1; Vineland, 1; Jackson Springs, 1; Eastwood, 2; Prosperity, 1; Putnam, 1; Bellview, 2; Deep Creek, 1; New Zion, 1; Long Leaf, 1; Bear Creek, 1. Colored special charter districts: Aberdeen, E. 9; Carthage, H. S. 4, E. 6; Southern Pines, H. S. 3, E. 10. Peach growers are reporting a tremendous crop, fine fruit but to date low prices. “We have so many peaches I think we’ll have to tell the world about them over the radio,” said M. C. McDonald. Neill Stuart, one of upper Hoke county’s oldest residents, passed away at his home six miles out from Vass on Monday afternoon after an extend ed illness. He was in his eightieth year. Funeral services were held at Cypress church, of which the deceas ed had for many years been a faith ful member, at four o’clock Tuesday, conducted by the pastor, the Rev. C, A. Lawrence, assisted by the Rev. M. D. McNeill of Cameron. In Mr. Stuart’s going, the commun ity loses one of its most highly re spected and best loved men. His beau tiful Christian character and his pa tience in suffering were an inspira tion. Mr. Stuart had been a grreat suf ferer for the last twelve years. Sev eral times he had been in hospitals for operations and treatment, but he bore it all bravely and was ever ready with a witty saying. Surviving are the widow, who be fore her marriage was Miss Sarah Morrison; two sons, H. S. and W. H. Stuart of St. Pauls; three daughters, Mrs. J. P- Blue and Mrs. Alex McFad- yen of Vass route 2 and Mrs. Camer on Johnson of Cameron route; one sister. Miss Mag Stuart who resides in the home of the deceased, and one brother, William Stuart of Johnson- ville. A son, J. D. Stuart of Cadwell, Ga., passed away a few years ago. Sandhills township is voicing a pro test about the tax assessments for the present year. Cards have been com ing from the commission at Carthage, some indicating lower valuations in the township, some higher. But per haps the most pronounced complaint is that Sandhills valuations as a to tal seem to have been increased while it is reported, although from unoffi cial authorities, that the other town ships, or at least some of them, have fared better. A few of them, like Sandhills, face increases. In The Pilot last week the Statement was made af ter a talk with the authorities at Car thage that Sandhills seemed to be up about ten per cent, McNeill slight ly advanced, Mineral Springs a lit tle increased and Sheffields also in the advanced class, with the other townships decreased by small mar gins. This expected advance in values in Sandhills aroused a protest from a number of directions. Also came another complaint, saying that in many cases values have been raised as compared with prior assessments. So many unfavorable comments floated into The Pilot office that the local assessors were sought. Mr. McKeith- en and Mr. Pickier were found' and put “on the spot.” They said that they had undertaken to make a fair assess ment of property, going throughout the township to every piece of ground in it as completely as they knew how, investigating every tract of land, and attempting to put a proportionate val ue on every thing they encountered, with just one idea in mind— to assess each individual piece of property in a fair ratio to every other one, keeping an equilization of values all the time uppermost. No reference was made to previous valuations, Mr. Mc- Keithen said, because they wanted to arrive at values from a survey and comparison of the property themsel ves without previous influences, and after that had been done the values of four years ago were consulted. The assessors said they had lowered some figures and raised some, and thought that the steps taken would meet the approval of the people who will look into the various properties passed upon. May Be Equalized • When asked about the higher valu ations in Sandhills as compared with the other townships Mr. McKeithen said that two things had been in the mind of the assessors from the start. One was to get equalized values of everything in Sandhills, so the town ship would be as fairly as possible as sessed with the utmost comparison of all values with regard to each other. Then the second factor was reached, which was to have the Sandhills val ues compared with the other town ships, and if, as is said, Sandhills should be found to be placcd on a higher basis, a flat rate of ten per cent would be marked from every piece of property in Sandhills, main taining the equalized rate of each piece to all the others, but lowering all of them to meet the common basis of the other townships. Unfortunately, before the compari son with other townships could be made Mr. Cameron, of the county tax board, came down and called for the reports, and Mr. McKeithen says the ten per cent reduction will be insist ed on if the unofficial report shows that the other townships have taken a lower basis for their assessments than the Sandhills township has. This reported higher rate for Sandhills than for the othe rtownships seems to be the biggest cause of complaint. H. A. Page, Jr., said, “I have not look ed at my cards to see if my holds are higher or lower this year than be fore, but I am opposed to higher rat- (Please turn to Page 8) % «

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