\ Page Eight "'"'tE PILOT, a I^per W ith Character. Aberdcctt, Nort^ Catolina Friday, October 16, 1931. Sandhills to Entertain Governors and Kiwanis Clubs of Two States PINEHURST (Continued from Page 1) ringside seat which costs you anr quality and heavier leaf, lliis year, sufficient soil moisture at the Carolina this Saturday after- | was distributed through the season to noon and night. The story deals with the surprising upheavals in a quiet and wealthy family when its head,•a successful author, brings home a pert and sassy Bowery girl as “color” for his forthcoming novel. The girl, who is “The Brat” ,of the title, promptly champions the younger brother, the black sheep of the family; attaches herself firmly to the author, much to the dismay of two society girls each obtain a better quality of tobacco and the plants matured more nearly at the proper time for harvesting. These conditions pr,oduced a somewhat bet ter grade of leaf but a lighter weight. The factors mentioaied ^bove are true to some extent of other sections of the State, though the results of curings in some eastern counties are | N