Triday, November 6, 1931. ■piE PILOT, a Paper With Character, Aberdeen, North Carolina Page Seve^ But Speaking of Gadgets Even if you are not having “company” for Thanksgiving Din ner, You’ll have dinner just the same—so why not make it gay. with A JACK HORNER PIE and perhaps place favors, too. (The same as Sherry^s but half the price) Some samples are here—and there are photographs of others. Your own ideas can be carried out too. Order them this next week for pr.ompt delivery, you’ll love them. Catherine Pierson Interior Design Decorations F urnishings Mudgett Building Southern Pines, N..C. P. s. The “Pies” include 12 favors of course, more if you want them. The Week in Southern Pines ♦♦ t: ♦« :: n n DON’T FUSS OVER DESSERT It's so e&sy to serve a toothsome pasljry fresh from our daily bakings or We will serve you in THE COFFEE SHOP East Broad Street Southern Pines SOUTHERN PINES FISH MARKET Broad Street and Connecticut Avenue Long* Island Famous Pearl Scallops HALIBUT SALMON FILET OF SOLE OYSTERS Social Tuesday evening Miss Dorothy Stutz and Mrs. Albert Ruggles en tertained the Edson-Hoskins bridal party at a pre-nuptial buffet supper. The home of Miss Stutz was artisti cally decorated with flowers in keep- I: I ing with the Autumn season. The din ing room table was covered with a lace cloth and in the center was a bowl filled with yellow chrysanthe- .mums. Silver candlesticks holding green tapers carried .out the yellow and green color scheme. Mrs. Charles Grey poured. Guests included Mrs. M. G. Nichols, Mrs. Charles Grey, Mr. and Mrs. John Howarth, Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Burns, Mr. and Mrs. David Hoskins, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ken nedy, ' Mrs. George Case, Mrs. Mae Hoskins, Mrs. E. C. Edson, Mrs. W. C. Mudgett, Mrs. Clarabelle Pushee, Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Seri, Misses Al- gene Edson, Doris Eddy, Evelyn Ed son, Dorothy Pottle, Lenora Riggan, Emilie Richardson, Messrs. Dwight Hoskins, Wallace Case, Clarence Ed son, Alden Bowers, Garland Pierce, John Tilghman and Dick Sugg. Mr. and Mrs. George Moore were hosts to the Night Club Wednesday night at their home on Massachusetts avenue. Guests included Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Dickie, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Ever est, Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Milliken, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shamburger, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Perkinson, Mr. and Mrs. George Elliott and Dr. George Herr. Mrs. John Howarth entertained at two tables of bridge Friday evening in compliment to Miss Algene Edson, bride-elect. Prizes were won by Miss Lenora Riggan and Mrs. Howard Burns. Miss Edson was given a guest prize. Guests present were, besides the honoree, Mrs. John Ruggles, Miss Doris Eddy, Miss Lenora Riggan, Miss Dor.othy Stutz, Mrs. John Jordan and Mrs. Howard Burns. Mrs. Hugh Betterley entertained the Day Club at her home in V/eymouth Heights on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. J. W. Dickie and Mrs. Reid Page won the high score prizes. Those playing were Mrs. E. V. Perkinson, Mrs. George Moore, Mrs. Babe Isles, Mrs. Frank Shamburger, Mrs. Reid Page, Mrs. J. W. Dickie, Mrs. Frank Good will and Mrs. Hugh Betterley. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson C. Hyde en tertained Saturday evening at dinner Mr. and Mrs. James Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. Jacks.on H. Boyd and B. A. Tompkins of New York. H FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION CHANDLER GREENHOUSES 104 South Bennett St. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. MRS. I. F. CHANDLER, FLORIST H tt H H HIGHLAND L, O D G JS A Quiet Home-Like Family Hotel Pleasantly Located on Vermont Avenue Near the Pines SEASON OCTOBER 1ST TO JUNE 1ST Three nicely furnished comfortable apartments for rent. MRS. W. N. GREARSON Telephone 6933 Siouthern Pines, N. C. Locals Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Durgin have re turned from Manchester, N. H., where they spent the summer. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Ruggles an nounce the birth of a son, John Suni- ! ner, Jr., Sunday, November 1st. Mrs. j Ruggles was formerly Miss Dori.i i Plummer of Wilmington, i Mrs. John L. Plummer of Wilniing- j ton is visiting her daughter and s*in- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Ruggles. Dr. W. C. Mudgett returned from Boston Tuesday where he spent the week-end. John Glaser of Edgewater, his granddaughter, Mrs. Herbert Ransley, in town and will spend the winter with Mrs. E. P. Goodwin at her home on May street. B. A. Tompkins of New York was a week-end guest at The Paddock. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Stanley and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hall of North East Harbor, Me., are located at the Ger trude apartments for the season. Wallace Case spent a few days in town this week. Robert Pliummer of Wilmington spent Tuesday here as the guest of his sister, Mrs. John Ruggles. Mrs. Jennie Polston of Raeford spent Tuesday in Southern Pines. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Ruggles of Ral eigh were guests this week