MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS WEEKLY THE A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 12, NO. 10. ^^^arthaoe LAK EVIEW e.HO MANUfiV SPRIN09 soutmcrh Plli£9 ASHUEV HK»CHTS PILOT N FIRST IN NEWS AND ADVERTISING AeKAOE.E>4 ^PIMEBUJFF Aberdeen and Southern Pines, North Carolina, February 5, 1932. of the Sandhill Territory of North Carolina COUNTY OFFICERS ASK REDUCTIONS IN THEIR SALARIES Solicitor Boyette and Sheriff Mc Donald and Deputies Make i Voluntary Requests | Champions Meet at Pinehurst MORE ROADS FOR STATE The request of two of the county’s leading officials for voluntary reduc tions in their salaries featured the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Cflunty Commissioners at Carthage Monday.'’These requests were made by M. G. Boyette, prosecuting attor- j ney for the Recorder’s Court, who asked a ten per cent cut, and Charles J. McDonald, sheriff, who asked a five per cent cut for himself and his deputies, L. A. Kelly and T. X. Slack. Boyette’s salary has been $125 j)er month, the sheriff’s $291.00; Kelly’s $I2.j and Slack’s $100. The hoard acted fav.orably upon the re quests, adding a vote of thanks to the . tenders. ' Considerable other business was transacted by the board Monday, roads, salaries, jury lists, coffins and lands coming in for a share in a busy day. It was moved and carried that the maximum license tax authorized by Article II, Revenue Act 1931 as Schedule “B” taxes to be levied by cfiunties be levied for the year 1931 and the county tax collector be order ed to proceed to collect said schedule ‘*B” taxes. This applies to hotels, barber shops, filling stations, vending machines, etc. The following bids were received for one dozen coffins for the county home: $107.50 per dozen, submitted by P. H. McDonald, Carthage; $9.10 each, submitted by J. \V. Gaines, Glendon; $9.50 each, submitted by five persons, M. C. McDonald, West End; gome time ago The Pilot told about R. R. Riddle, High Falls; G. M. Up-1 the remarkable work that is under church,, High Falls; W. B. Lambert, | way among the colored folks of Carthage, and A. . Wicker, Carthage.' Southern Pines, where the colored The ciontract was awarded to P. H. pastor of one of the church is in- McDonald on his low bid of less than i ^ class in drawing and nine dollars each. 1 painting, and producing himself a It is interesting to notice a com-; succession of striking pictures that parison of 1930 and 1932 prices. In have attracted attention in many sec- FIVE CENTS BUILDING & LOAN County Awaits REPORTS REVEAL on Status of * Funds FINE CONDITION as Preferred Deposits ocision k* * o Sandhills Associations Reflect Generally Healthy State of These Orjjanizations ELECT DIRECTORS FOR ’32 .According to reports of the building i nd loan associations of the Sandhills, these institutions appear to run along iis well in bad weather as in good. Fine showings were made by the Aberdeen, Pinehurst and Southern I ines assoc iations during the trou- ■ lou.^ times of 1931. kepoits made at annual stockhold- ci:.’ meeting during the past week teemed with .optimism for the future ot' these associations, as well as re- A Questionnaire H. F. Seawell, Jr., Wants To Know the Facts About .Moore ('ountv Finances Will Demand ,S2.‘},132.75 from Hondinu Company if Checks •Are Not I’referential DOES NOT EXI’ECT LOSS Editor, The Pilot; It is with a feeling of anxiety that i'. good many peoidc read the recent issues of the Moore county weekly papers. It must be very embarrass ing to our new tax collector, Mr. Huntle.',', to read weekly accounts of his virtues and goodness, and in the same paragraph see that ir spite of ?!1 this our good commissioners have i'diOIited the Amos ’n Andy system of check and (iouide-check just to play vealing a healthy condition at the oi 1931. The .Vherdeen Build-, safe, ing and Loan Association held its , Why is it necessary for so many meeting in the High School whitewashing articles to appear on Auditorium at which time Secretary Di’n 1, McKeithen submitted his re port. The financial statement, which appeared in last week’s issue ,of The ' I ilot, showed the organization in bet- I ter position than a year ago, both I as to ear.nings and cash position. Af- the front pac:es of our weekly pa- Deinand foi’ payment of the $23,- 132.7.') of county tax money tied up in the failure of the Bank of Vass will be made upon Maryland Casual ly Company, which bonded J. D. Mc- I.ean, former tax oollector, if and when the State Banking Department decidcs the certified and cashier’s checks issue:eihyde, national archer champion, now a resident of Southern Pines, on the archery range at the Country Club during Miss Hick’s recent visit here. Colored Students to Give Art Exhibition in Southern Pines ter a substantial increase in the re- lointy offer a complete .lUdit of all .'('rve account, a higher earning rate . the County agencies? lias one ever Public To View Work of Negro •Minister-Artist and His Class Next 1930 the bids ranged from $13.50 eacti to .$20.00 each. More Ruads for Stat^ The commissioners voted to recom mend that the State Highway Com mission take ovei and maintain the following roads: The road leading from Glendon to Reeves Chajiel church via the rail road crossing at Dr. Strees’t place. The old State Highway leading from Manley to Southern Pines on the west side of the Seaboard Air tions of the country. The clergyman is William A. Cooper, a native of Hillshoro, this state, educated in the schools and colleges of the state and elsewhere, an accredited lawyer as well as a clergyman, and a tactful leader amon^ his people. -An exhibit by thj minister of his work and that of his students at the church in West Southern Pines in the spring led to encouragement by tho vvi'iite folks on the east side ot the ',‘reek to prepare an exhibit in Winter’s Gone J. Augustus Groundhog. p]sq.. Failed To See His Shad ow on Tuesday .)'. Augustus Groundhog, tradi tional weather prognosticator, fail ed to see his shadow on Tuesday, and if there is any truth in the old belief about the little fellow and his shadow, the end of the winter is here before it has begun. •Acc.ording to tradition, if the groundhog see.s his shadow on Feb ruary 2(1 he will immediately scoot back in his hole ant. remain for six weeks more of winter. On the other hand, if it is cloudy, he will remain out. It was cloudy. lias been maintained, and the associa- been p.ullished? Did not our local tion fior the time in several -beets extoll the virtues of our for- years has no borrowed money. iner lollector? Did we not at that During the past year the associa- time have an auditor to audit our tion made loans to its members lu’ditor? Is that not check and tlou- turounting t.o approximately .$29,- l.le-check? Did that auditor lay his ((JO.OO, while loans paid back to the figures before the commissiioners ? a.^sociations amounted to .$ l l,000.00. It he did and they say it, why was i "‘'s accepted with exceptions; It is worthy of note that monthly he County’s money kept in some , ' ]iaym'“nts nn I:„ns haye been prompt- ether place than the depository? Un-. accepted, nor were several bad ;1\ paid during these trying times, only flcr these circumstances who is to'K'^’en Mr. McLean by property j.,no 'oan beinn in arrears as much as I lame, auditor, tax collector or com-.payment for taxes. The I ninety days. Vass institution, but that the commis sioners thought best to wait for a ecision on the statu.s of the two checks held by Mr. McLean t'efoie nipking fiornial demand for payment ly the Maryland Casualty. Many Had Chtcks These two checks, one a certified check for .$13.10S<.!»7 and one a cash ier’s check for .'i!10,032.78, were among those turned in to the county by Mr. Mcl.enn when he made his settlement with the board last Mf'nth. This set- (Please turn to page 5) t legi iaruie made it possible to ! rc-acvertise land for which taxes were I [.aid with brd checks, and the county 1 cc'inmissioners have instructed Mr. Jfcl.ean to advertise the property in- E. E. Brantley liies at His Home in Aberdeen 'olved the first Monday in March. ____ The certified and cashier’s checks Line Railway connecting same with ■ Southtrn Pines, and next Wednesday, State Highway No. 701. The highway from below the color ed chui'ch at Eastwood to where it February 10, an exhibit will be held in the Curb Market Building on Broad Ptieet at Pennsylvania avenue, former- The secretary’s report brought out the fact that over §300,000.00 has been saved in monthly installments l y members of the Aberdeen Building & Loan association since it was or ganized ten years ago this month, bearing out the opinion that the One of Town’s Best Known Citi- covering §23,132.1 of the county tax Building and Loan has been worth zens SucCUmbs in His ; money have been filed with the bank- more than any other single factor in 73rd Year 1 department by Mr. McLean with building up a sound citizenship in this ] exception ,of their being consider- tommunitj'. Death came peacefully on Tuesday | r'’‘-*‘Orred ilaim.s and being paid. President G. C. Seymour called at- morning to F]ugene Ei'win Brantley, j *' they are not so held, or the liquida- tention to the opening of the twenty- alter two weeks of intense suffei’ing | Bank ot Vass fails to pio- first series of installment stock this iioin an acute attack of diabetes, suf-;sufficient capital to cover the month, aii'i pointed out the desira- tei at his home in Aberdeen. j checks, then the bonding conii'any will bility ,of Building & Loan shares as a Brantley was in his 73rd year,' called upon to make restitution un savings plan to fit any pocketbook, and was one of Aberdeen’s best |'I*-’'' tt'ims ot the bond given the with an earrrir.g rate of ti 3-1, non- known citizens. He came to Aberdeen ^l^-'Loan. taxable, and one of very few- types of I'vom Harnett county ab,out -10 years' “TI>e commissioners have been investment worth 100 cents on the ago and had made a wide circle of | inteiest, as they dollar toda>'. friends in this community to whom ^ county and ev'eryone in- The following hoard of directors his death lame as a distinct shock. Ithis unfortunate tie-up of were elected for the year 1932: G. i Funeral sei vices for Mr. Brantley lunds, Mr. Currie said. Legal , C. Seymour, F. 1). Shamburger, M. H.' were conducted at Old Bethesda I .'^lOUiiht and followed. Library in Aberdeen i Folley, H. .A. Gunter, F. .M. Medlin, Church on Wednesday afternoon at i “But under no con.“ideration (lo we I T. D. McLean, Henry McC. Blue, John ' 2:30 o’clock, with interment in the |principal oi intei- Denefit BridlJe Planned for Sat- ! Fiddne.* .1. Talbot .lohnson and D. 1.1 i'djoining cemetery by the side of To Raise Funds For he stated. urday at Community House. Ccfitrihutions Invited ct.nnects with Highway No. 7.J at .lun- l^ the .Atkinson furniture store. In iper Lake. I collection of pictures shown will Memorial Library in The .old road leading from a point; >'o 2o or more by the pastor, M by was a gift to the town, and on the highway leading from Putnam ! ^ ivian Steele, three by .lames All- tr. Highway 1)07 just about Friend-U'>'ook, three by George .\llbrook and ship Church, by Friendship Church i by Edna Bethea. Ihe latter four and Haywood Caddell’s place, thence! i xhibiiors are school children. Vivian by Moonshine and M. McL. Kelly’s i Steele, the daughter of George Steele his wife, who preceded him about has proven a distinct asset. Unfortu nately, it is entirely dependent for support upon donations, benefit func tions, etc. Dui-ing times of stress when fo many demand.s are made place to Highway No. 74 near Car- a graduate of the colored high McKeithen. Pinehurst’s Fine Report 1- ago. The Rev. E. L. Barber, fl.iK T'o OhsPrve After hearing a most favorable re- ^ of the Presbyterian church, | port from its treasurer, radiating op timism for 1932, the Pinehurst Build ing and Loan Association at its an- (Please turn to Page 4) thage. It was ordered that IGaci'es, ■ hool. She is doing original portrait “let I w ork from the models before her. The icus needy, the library suffers. And yet it is a most essential insti- Expense of Recorder’s Court Worries County No. 8,” John.son’s F?|rm, Sandhills Allbrook b..ys are the sons of Ralph, ^ township, be listed f.or the years 1929, 1930 and 1931 at a valuation $800 and same ordered sold for taxes for the years 1929 and 1930 on the first Monday in March, 1932 by J. D. Mc Lean, tax collector. It was ordered that 10 acres, “let Leslie heirs be relieved of 2-10 acres in McNeill township valued at $18,000 for years of 1929, and 1930 for tax ation, and for 240 acres listed for $3,- 180 for 1931, being listed b^ error. It w'as ordered that 304 1-2 acres in McNeill township be listed in the name of J. A. Leslie Estate at a val uation of $3,648 for the years 1929, 1930 and 1931 and tax compiled there on for sad years, said lands iwt be ing listed for taxation for said years. NEW KIWANIS MEMBERS Fred W. McCleur, Jr., and Jack M. Taylor, both of Aberdeen, were elect ed to membership in the Kiwanis Club at the meeting of the board of directors held last Tuesday evening. Allbrook. Edna Bethea is the daught er of Benjamin Bethea, also a grad uate of the high school, and at pres- (Please turn to Page 8) I . N. C. GLEE CLUB AT SOUTHFvKN PINES SUND.V^ , bridge and rook will be playc I more idleness, the more time pe.ople ! have for reading and develojiing their . minds, I A benefit bridge party is to be I given for the library’s benefit tomor- j row, Saturday, afternoon, at the i Aberdeen Cominunity House. Both , start- Commissioners To C(»nsider Ways and Means of Cutting Down ^ram Arranijed for February 12th and Pub is Invited The regular monthly meeting of the Southern Pines Civic Club will !e held in the club house on F’riday afternoon, February 12th at 3:00 o'clock. M,rs. Melvin Saab.orn will read a paper on "Patriotism in Art” and the music committee will present the following program: Miss Bishop and Miss Jenks, violinist and cellist, in four short trios with .Miss Yeo mans at the piano, followed by t'wo piano pupils of Mrs. Claude Hafei, Misses Ruth Cameron and Ruth Thompson, who wi’l play solos by Next Sunday night at The Plat- cents for each player is to be made, discovered. The matter was discussed | The merry party of Southern Pines | Haydn and Beethoven, respectively. I’orm Hour in The Church .of Wide, Those desiring to play and thereby ] at Monday’s board meeting and the j young, ladies leaving home last | As this meeting marks the 2.')th an- Fellowship, Southern Pines the peo-] help the library are requested to tel-j sentiment seemed to prevail that many 1 Thursday for Ormond, Florida were | niversary of the Civic Club’s exis- ple of the Sandhill will have the op-|tphone reservations at the tables to | of cases could and .should be involved in an accident near Bruns-1 tence, the committee in charge is ar- portunity to hear the Glee Club of, Mr.s. J. W. Bowman. .A prize is to be the University of North Carolina in; given at each table, and refreshments a full concert program. Prof Harold I will be served. Dyer, head of the Dept, of Music Those who do not play bridge or of the University is director of the ro,ok but who desire to aid the library Glee Club and under his training the i fund at this time are urgently re club has made several tours, both north and south. The program will contain both sacred and classical num- Kers. The hour is 7:30. No one wilj be admitted after the program begins, but everybody is invited to come promptly in order to receive seats. The doors will open at 7 o’clock. quested to send their fifty cents to Mrs. Bowman. disposed of at the oourt of original I wick, Ga., Friday, causing serious in-! ranging for a brief review of its his- jurisdiction where witnesses and | juries to Miss Helen Blair. Miss | tory in the form of three minute others are convenient, thereby elim inating the costs attendant upon carrying ‘he cases to Cartlage. It was revealed that of $.^,000 car ried in the budget for the Rec,order’s Court, nearly $'1,000 of the amount has been u.sed up already by the in- Aberdeen is to enforce its ordinance i creasirg work brought before the requiring resident owners of automo biles to carry town license plates. Lo cal police officers have them for sale at a dollar each. court. The subject is to come up again and full inquiry made into the sit- vation, the causes and possible rem edy. Blair’s parents. Dr. and Mrs. A. talks by members most familiar with McNeil Blair, flagged the Orange Blossom Special and rushed to Brunswick Friday night, bringing Miss Blair home as soon as she could be moved. The party, composed of the Misses Blair, Katherine Wiley and Jessica and Helen Thompson driving, swerved out of their course to avoid a cow in the road and the car overturned in the ditch. its past, and to this end all charter members who may be in town, wheth er or not they have retained their membership, are urged to be present. Refreshments will be served at the close of the meeting and the usual cordial invitation is issued to the general public to attend. The directors meeting will be held on February 11th, at the residence of A. B. Yeomans at 3:00 p. m.