MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS WEEKLY THE A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 12, NO. 22. >*XABTHAOe O BACue SPRINGS VASS ^KEVIEW MANI-fiY SOUTH fSRN PtIiCS PINEBLUFP PILOT FIRST IN NEWS AND ADVERTISING of the Sandhill Terni;V^ ' of North Carolina 0‘ ^ ' ~ Aberdeen and Southern* Pines, North Carolina, April 29, 1932 FIVE CENTS =. ZIiMMERMAN TO SUCCEED WRIGHT A. B. Cameron Announces His PLAN TO DEVELOP Platform for State Legislature' SOUTHERN PINES ~ MUSICAL TALENT 1\I Cr'llAAT ^ Exempt Homes from Tax- Ill oLnUULo llEillL: ation and Make Intangibles Carry Heavier Comes to Aberdeen from Rich- lands with Splendid Record For Efficiency MR. WRIGHT RESIGNS 111 a statement issued to The Pilot this week Ana:us B. Cameron, County Supervisor of Taxation, has the fol lowing to say in support of his can didacy for the Lejfislature. In asking the people of the county to select me as their representative in the next Legislature I recognize their right to know something of the views I hold concerning the problems that confront us. I may say in the outset that I do not claim a monopoly of wisdom, knowledge or power, but I do claim to have a fairly accurate knowledge A. H. Yeomans Launches Move ment For V’ocal and Orches tral Training A. B. CAMERON The resignation of N. E. Wright as superintendent of schools in Aber deen was accepted at a meeting of the Aberdeen School Board on Monday, and the election of R. C. Zimmerman of Richlands as his successor follow ed. A vote of thanks to Mr. Wright for the work he has accomplished in the Aberdeen schools during his three i of the people, their general condition, years here was unanimously passed and their needs. Ly the board. I am not unmindful of the difficul- Mr. Zimmerman comes to Aberdeen ties that will confront our next Leg- highly recommended. He has been j-^l^ture in finding a just solution of , , XI. L 1 r>- ui j f the grave problems that must be head of the school at Richlands for solved. I am well aware that it will the past eight or nine years and the caU fgi- conservative and constructive school has established a reputation as wisdom and courage, b' iiig one of the most efficient in the I do not claim to have a cure-all state. It has 8.'>0 pupils. ! the ills that be.set us, but I do . Mr. Zimmerman is about 45 years j f help , , those who need help most, of age, married and has three daught-1 ,, , ,, , . • i • 1 .. . 1 It shall be mv purpose to maintain! ers. He will be in Aberdeen next week I unbiased by prejudice ! „ to confer with members of the board (for or a;,'ain^t any class or groups of: Lnmarried 31emners I rove 1 hey and plans to move his family here | aur peoi le. | Know How lo Entertain, around June 1st. He has been engag-; Asa commonwealth we cannot pros-| Carthage Ladies Honored ed on a yearly basis, and will make Per without both capital and labor.' his home here.’throughout the year. one | SENATOR JOHNSON SPEAKS > ■’ cannot greatly prosjwr unless there be, a corresponding prosperity for the , , , „ ; other. ! bachelors of the Knvanis Club, | the sponsoring of the proposition by CLUB’S BACHELORS HOSTS TO KIWANIS ON LADIES’ NIGHT Mr. W^right tame hero from the western end of the state nearly three years ago and has been a tireless worker in the upbuilding of the grade and high schools. He has made many rtose friends in Aberdeen and his leaving will bo a source of regret to the community at large. The Aberdeen School Board com- | a fair share of the taxes and should prises \\'. A. Blue, Frank Shamburg- i be relieved, and intanijiblcs and other TO ENGAGE INSTRl CTOR A. B. Yeomans of Southern Pines presented to the Chamber of Com merce there Tuesday a proposition for the development of the town and the entertainment of its citizens and visitors along musical lines, an out- croi)ping of the proposal contained in the Tyre Taylor Ten-Year Plan for North Carolina. Mr. Yeomans stated that a group of musically interested people of the community had made a tentative ar rangement with Stanley Smith, head of the music department of Lenoir- Rhyne College, whereby Mr. Smith would-come to Southern Pines and or ganize and train the musical talent there, both orchestral and vocal, for concerts and entertainments. Mr. Yeo mans felt that this would fill a much needed vacancy in the activities of the community, and urged the Chamber of Commerce to help the interested group in raising sufficient funds to secure Mr. Smith’s services. Struthers Burt, Frank Buchan and S. B. Richardson spoke in favor of Wed 40 Years Mr. and Mrs. Jesse W. Pajie, Sr., of Ea}>ie Springs Hon ored on Anniversary forms of value should be made to bear their just part. Each year we are paying into the Federal Treasury a tremendous sum in taxes on tobacco products. In the last analysis this comes out of the farmers who grow the tobacco. A fair share of this should be returned ■ I to the state. I realize this is a Fed- Commissioners Agree Funds oral, rather than a State function, Were I'sed for Heautification something should be done about In' Southern Pines | ! nu/Vement under way. 1 shall oppose the “Short Ballot” er, H. A. Page, Jr., M. F. Butner, John Fiddner and II. \V. Doub. Town Cancels Debt of I Chamber of Commerce In a democracy the government de-i twelve strong, showed their married i the Chamber of C ommerce, while rives, or should derive, its just powers ! brothers that they know how to en- I George C. Moore and M. G. Nichols from the people. Therefore, the gov-1 tertain the ladies when on Tuesday! raised the que.stion of whether the eminent should be kept close to the j ^jght they acted as hosts to the mem-1 chambt-r could afford to sponsor it peop e. bers, their wives and sweethearts on | this year, inasmuch as it entailed a erty^^'have beer\'ai"Ving''‘mtre *thTv annual ■ financial obligation w'hich they did i .'^dieg Night, nel(i at the Pinehurst not think could be shouldpvpd at this Country Club. They put on the show time. After consideration by the direc- pretty much themselves, but were ,tors it was moved that the Chamber of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse W. Page, of P^agle Springs were honored on the occasion of their -10th wedding an niversary Wednesday evening by the gathering of a large family party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse W. Page, Jr., in Pinebluff to congratulate them. Their three sons and daughSers-in-laws, Mr. and .Mrs. Chan Page, Captain and Mrs. Lewis A. Page and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse, Jr., acted as hosts and hostesses, and the members of the family came from far and near. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Page, Sr., Mrs. J. R. I'age and Mrs. T. B. Wilder of Aberdeen; Mrs. •■Adolphus Page, Cheraw, S. C.; Jim Page, McBee, S. C., Alex Page, Dave Page and W'ilson Page, all of Hamlet; Mr. and .Mrs. Lonnie Jones of Durham and Mrs. Will Hicks of Biscoe. W. Page has long been one of the leading citizens of this sec tion, prominent in agriculture, in peach growing and in the general development of the Eagle Springs section of Moore county, as w’ell as 1 leader in the Presbyterian church. He is an elder of the Church of Candor and was recently elected lay commissioner to the (Jeneral Assembly at Montreal. WN CAMERON, t^ARKS ANNOUNCE FOR COUNTY BOARD forced to call on a married man as i Commerce members endorse the prop-i Pmijs .and V'CKetables To Be (’arried at Pre-War Levels, Fiddner Announces TO HALT TRUCK SALES principal speaker of the evening, none! osition as individuals, but not assume other than the recently resigned State responsibility for it in a financial way.' Senator from this district, Murdoch, ^ meetinj to form an organization i -M. Johnson, formerly of Aberdeen, to cooperate with the North Carolina ' now of Camden, S. C. ' Symphony Society w ill be held at The Senator devoted the time al- the Southern Pines Country Club this lotted him by counseling the bache-j afternoon, Friday, ai half past four, venetables from the Car lors on the error of their ways in not La.11 are cordially invited to attenJ. “hitching up,” and called upon the . Former Would Succeed Seymour, Latter G. C'. Shaw on Commission HARRINGTON OPPOSED Outstanding events in the political ' I’ealm during the past week were the ; announcements of O. T. Parks of Hal- lisin for county commissioner from ;the upper end of the county, and . Gordon Cameron of Pinehurst for ; county commissioner from the district I comprising Sandhills and Mineral ; Springs township. Mr. Parks would ' su|)plant G. C. Shaw on the board and Mr. Cameron take the place of G. C. I Seymour of Aberdeen. Whether or not Mr. Parks’ an- I nouncement means that Mr. Shaw has decided to withdraw from the com- missionership is not \nown. No an nouncement of his candidacy has been received by The Pilot, and as his health has not been the best for some time it may be that he does not desire to enter the primary. Mi'. Shaw has been one of the most efficient members of the county board for some time and his loss, should he decide not to stand for election, wmII be keenly felt at Carthage. Mr. Parks, however, is highly recommend ed by a wide circle of friends in the upper end of the county for the place, and with experience is likely to prove a wotthy successor should he be nom inated and elected. He is a merchant and lumber man at Hallison. Gordon Cameron is the sole candi date to date from the Sandhills-Min- eral Springs district. He was among those named for the place in the in formal poll conducted by The Pilot, others being Frank Shamburger, Henry Blue and J. R. Page of Aber deen and R. A. Olmsted of Southern Pines, who lives across the border in • Sandhills township and would therefor reduction of express rates on eligible. Mr. Cameron should make an ideal representative of the dis- EXPRESS RATES ON CROPS LOWERED TO MEET COMPETITION ber of Commerce, showe.l the board 'rtn' Kiwanis Club gives a how the spod had hci'Ti iiximI for the ‘ cup each year to the person who has now tne stca had ocin usiu loi tnt. . p-o they mav be made to , ^ i • iu r beautification of the main street and conform to existing conditions. done most dunng the^yeai foi t e parkways, and expressed the opinion Auto Jumps Bank The Board of Town Coniniissionei's | or any measure that would take the Poetry to aid him in ‘jj»| Loggg Life 3S of Southern Pines, in session Wednes-I >Toveinment from the people and place ing his points. Mui'doch was full of day the the . town for grass seed used in planting |tjon. in all branches of State, county j The Rev. J. I* red Stimson of South- along the parkways last fall. Frank i and municipal government. To this;Pines scored a hit in his preacn- Buchan, si)okesman for the Cham-^ I advocate abolishing all offices, tation of a trophy to the ladies of olinas and Georgia which will bring trict, through his familiarity with the them to pre-war levels were put siKi’ieultural, business and resort in- ' Southern Pines, in session Wednes- | government from the people and place mg his points. Murdoch was tull ol IV night accepted the proposal of individuals, good stores befitting the occasion, IP Chmihpi- nf Commerce to i-ancel commissions. one of the unmarrieds le t nainbei ol lommtiti to laniei advocate the strictest economy, . „ » le indebtedness of that body to the ^ consistent with efficient administra- ^ _ into effect on April 25, by the Rail- Helen McDonald, 14, of Hope ■Mills, Suffers Broken Neck on Carthajie-Pinehur. J Road Pines, and has utilized a large pro portion of its funds for the purpose. During the past year, contributions usually given to the Chamber in sup- terests. He commands a wide acquain- tance. way Express Agency, J. Fiddner, agent in this city announced yestei’- j,j ^^y district for the county commissionerships, anil unless other This reduction in rates is made to candidates file in the near future the meet the growing competition of ped- next commission should be made up dler trucks and as an offset to the as follows: Wilbur H. Currie of Car- ))revailing lov; prices of fresh fruits thagc, L. C. Matthews of Lagle and vegetables throughout the con- Si>rings, Frank Cameron of Cameron, suming territory. The new rates will T. Parks of Hallison and Gordon I ake points in the following nameJ Cameron of Pinehurst. Htaies: Alabama, Connecticut, Dela- The expected annountement of ware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Nicholas L. Gibbon for Member of As- Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, sembly came to light this week also. New Jersey, New York, North Caro- Mr. Gibbons, i\ow on a world cruise, lina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, joining the ranks of those who de-» South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia sire to represent Moore county at the and West Virginia. next session at Raleigh. This group The growers in this section repre- now numbers T. D. McLean of Aber- , ^ 1 1 i I • A, ■ to oynr(*S'4 comiiaiiv that deen .\L C. IVlcDonald of West End, ation fashioned somewhat on the in- Garrison and Mr.s. Lee see a .steep embankment and m the:' ^ntcd to the ixpuss I ^ ^ . Helen McDonald, the 1 l-year-old daughter of P. H. McDonaUl, of Hope Mills, was instantly killel last Sun day night when the car in which she I believe that our schools should bs community, but this year no award that inasmuch as the whole town had administered w ith the utmost economy was made. The bachelors took it upon \vas riding ovei Lurned in Juniper fVio fnivr, uaanmo tVio pv ^'on^istent with efficiency but they themselves to award one anyway, and on the highway between Pinehurst and bentfitted the town assume the e.x- ^he children discovered that there were Carthage. She was pinned under the pense. -constitute the State’s greatest asset - * i.- i i i u i The Chamber of Commerce has oh-! an.l should not be handicapped in the no Carthage representatives among and her neck broken, lip-ated itKolf for to rnro for P>'epa'’ation for life’s Work. The the unmarrieds in the clubs, they. Her father, with two daughters, ‘ . , ^schools should be adeiiuately support- deemed it fitting and proper to honor; and other members of his family^ niuc o e p an ing out em funds derived from sources ladies of Carthage. The trophy' were returning from a visit .vith rel- other than ad \alorem on real P*°P‘ proved to be a , tin measuring cup.' atives. Coming into the highway from ■ , . . 'Mrs. U. L. Spence, Mrs. J. Svmington, a side road Mr. McDonald failed to I wish to propose a system of tax- V. . , , .. u i 4. i •>no,i cnmovvlvjt- nti the in E. H. GaiTison and Mrs. Lee see a .steep embankment and in the „ » n r' ^ 1 ai ...ion lasnioneci somewnat on me >n- , , , ■ j. owin.i- to thp dron in nrices of fruits A. B. Cameron of Carthage and Mr. ^ . . come tax plan which is perhaps the Thomas accepted it gracefully on be- darkness drove over the incline into;°"‘nt' to int ciop in piRts 01 uu « port of its n anting and other civic , . ' . ir.- ! ' . .. . • ,. • and vi>L'-etahIes such reduct ons were Gibbon, all of whom have announced, puii. 11.^ ijmmiiis, a a fairest tax we have. First, a reason- half of the capital ladies, to the re- the lake, the car turning over twice. ‘‘n« vt^eiaoits suc.n iiuutuons wtie r flfrojects, have gone toward unem- exemption for every home owner, ployment relief with the result that than a levy on a graduated rising its treasury has suffered. The direc- scale on each succeeding correspond- tors therefore felt that they were jus- i"*^ unit of value. , „ , ... . 1 • A. i t I do not believe we shall he able to sounding cheers of the gathering Trio Sings A sister of Hel m had her arm' tified in asking the town to assume distressing the bill for grass seed, something ■ depression until some measure of con- around .$-100, inasmuch as the Commit-1 fidence is restored and idle and hid- tee on 'Unemployment Relief was a den money is brought into circulation. Chamber of Commerce project and in-: ^ Relieve that more adequate protec- asmuch as the work of this committee has undoubtedly saved the town con- imperative. The^’ indicated that it and possibly the present incumbent, U. brrken'buMhe oiher occuTanirofThe »’i^^ otherwise be compeUed to L. Spence of Carthage, who has not par escaped with minor injuries. i abandon the marketing of their crops as yet announced. It looks like a The funeral services were , . car escaped with minor injuries. , ^ *1 • i A trio, the Misses Richardson, 1 {unev^\ st-rvices were conducted express and to dispose of a large nierry war for the job. Buchan and W'ade, accompanied at the' afternoon at Culdee Church of their production to highway James A. Davis of Carthage an- piano by Miss Helen Thompson, all i Matheson of Jack- ^ truckmen at the truckmen’s own price nounced this week that he would be of Southern Pines, sang a number of' . ■ • - . „ ^ r. selections delightfully. Miss Wade son Springs officiating. (Please turn to page 8) DR. BALDWIN IN OFtGAN RECITAL ON MAY i t'on for depositors would help to re vive confidence and restore banks to their former position of usefulness siderable money. in the life of the community; there- Mr Buchan at the merting of | ItEClTAI. ON MAV STH. Chamber directors on Tuesday that' depositors. This may be difficult-to through the Chamber of Commerce j work out, no doubt it will, but I be-1 Dr. Minor C. Baldwin, who has de- Comir.ittee on Unemployment a sum, lieve it can be done. _ ■ lighted many fine audiences in the jr.ore than twice the amount of the i ^ believe that automobile li^'^nses section with his excellent . J , . , , 1 , i u should be furnished at cost, and the , , indebtedness had been spent through furnish the revenue. i performances, will give a recital on the UnemplojTiieent Committee in the j favor an act to check the insidious' the beautiful Ramage Memorial or- carrying out of projects that were pri-1 and pernicious lobbying that has been gan in the Community Church at Pine- marily projects which should bo paid j so common during recent sessions, for out of tax money. He cited the ’. nominated and elected I prom- , . J careful consir?ration of all legis- ■work at the cemetery and the road lotion upon "which I may be called approaches thereto; the work at the j upon to vote, and active support of airport, and the grading and comple- all measures which I believe are in the tion of Pennsylvania avenue, through I interest of the masses of the people, ^lany requests. The program follows: hui’st on Sunday evening. May 8th, at eight o’clock. . On the ijull program w'hich Dr. Baldwin will play will be ‘^‘The Storm” to be played in rp^ponse to a great or to forward by truck to nearby or a candidate for Register of Deeds, in distant markets at such rates as they opposition to the present incumbent, NOTED HVRITONE TO SING jean secure from day to day from ^ ill J. Hanington. This entiy into \T COUNTRY CLUB TONIGHT truck operators. itheMists makes it almost unaniinous, " ‘ The express company’s service, Mr. | by which we mean that practically no Edouard .Albion, noted baritone,! Fiddner stated, is preferred both by office in the county will be uncon- who founded and is president of the; growers and dealers and commission , tested outside the commissioner«hips. W'ashington National Opera, will ap-! houses at the principal markets as the A general upheaval in the court house pear in a recital at Southern Pines j uncontrolled movement by highway ■ is possible on January 1st next, Country Club this evening, Friday at | truck and the sale of a large part i should the Democratic voters decide 8:30 o’clock. Mr. Albion is spending a , of the crop to peddlers, it has been i in June against the present office- portion of the spring at Southern ! found, tends to demoralize the mar- | holders. Pines. He has been acclaimed by crit-1 kets, which must serve the greatest ' — ics throughout the world for his ar-1 part of the consuming public, tistry. At 24 he sang a transcontinen-1 The express company has for manj SEEK STATE FUNDS FOR EXTENDED TER.MS to West Southern Pines as projects •which have beeh paid for out of funds collected by the Unemployment Committee, that the collection of these funds for the carrying on of this improvement work by the unemploy ed had cut down the membership con tributions to the Chamber of Com merce to an amount far exceeding the $400. and shall oppose with all my power the granting of special favors to the few at the expense of the many. One Aberdeen citizen claims he gathered enough hailstones after last Sunday’s storm to freeze his ice cream that night. The storm damaged a num ber of orchards in the AsHley Heights section, some between Candor and El- lerbe. “Poem Symphonique,” The Storm in the Movements. a. Shepherd’s Evening Song. b. Night Fall. c. The Tempest. d. Hymn of Thanksgiving. Invocation tal tour as assisting artist to Mme. Luisa Tettrazinni. From that first ma jor engagement to the present time he has met success and acclaim from dis criminating audiences everywhere. Among the patronesses for this con cert are Mrs. Edgar Chapman, Mrs. William C. Mudgett, Mrs. W'alter Hal- liwell. Miss Adelaide Cook, Mrs. Lucy Cameron, Mrs. Raymond Kennedy, Miss Florence Campbell, Mrs. M. G. years handled the less-than-carload movement of fruits and vegetables from this section and in an effort to preserve this traffic and to aid in rates from 25 per cent to 33 1-3 per cent or to practically the pre-war level. This reduction is intended ar an experiment to determine whether the growers prefer to continue the long established marketing by express or whether the growing practice of sell- 1 Nichols, of Southern Pines, Mrs. Reid The public is most cordially invit-1 Page of Aberdeen, Mrs. H. F. Seawell, i ing to highway truckmen and the ed to the recital. An offering wiU'be Mrs. W. G. Brown and Mrs. E. C. j consequent demoralization of markets received. i Penn of Carthage. and prices is to be continued. The Board of County Commission ers met on Monday and voted to make application to the Local Government Commission to authorize the borrow ing of $1,700 for W'est End school district, $800 for Eureka, and $-500 for Cameron to secure State funds for the extended school term. The county made an effort the first of April to borrow' funds for this purpose in a lump sum, but the Local Government Commission would not approve the application, requirinp tVat a separate application be made for each district.