MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS WEEKLY THE ■■i i^Bi wmm A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 12, NO. 27. ^ >^arthaoe 'a aACue spniNcs VASS lakeview manuky JACKSOH SPRIN08 SOUTH ISPN PitiES ASHLEV PINEBLUFF PILOT FIRST IN NEWS AND ADVERTISING of the Sandhill T! v *-iory of North Carolina Aberdeen and Southern Pin s, Norlh Carolina. Friday, Juno t!)32. (i't lA FIVE CENTS COMMISSION HOLDS AGAINST WIDOW IN BEASLEY CLAIM Democratic Candidates for Governor Industrial Board Decides Chief of Police Was Not on Duty When Slain INSURANCE IS DENIED At a meeting of the North Caro lina Industrial Commission held in Raleigh on May 12th, the case of Mrs. Maggie Beasley, widow of B. II. Beas ley, chief of police of Southern Pines until his murder on October 21st, 1931, against the Town of Southern Pinss and the Standard Accident Insurance Company of Charlotte was dismissed. The commission upheld the decision I'endered by Commissioner T. A. Wil son on April 16th. . The decision was rendered by Matt H. Allen, chairman, for the full com mission, on May 21st, in which an award was ordered and adjudged as follows: “That the finds of fact and concU'-1 sions of law set out in the opinion of Commissioner T. A. Wilson are prop er and justified from all of the evi dence and they are hereby adopted as findings of fact and conclusions of (;,)(,(} (Vop Estimated at Around r. FOUNTAIN J. C, B..EHIUNGHAUS Spiriteo^^ ilitical Campaign Windi; op Saturday with Balloting for Candidates Editorial ALLEN ■MAXWELL DEWBERRY SALES Democratic Primary Candidates A? DVASS MARKETS law of the full Commission, with the addition of the following findings of fact requested by the claimant, towit: (a) That another man was em ployed as police officer by the de ceased chief to act in the absence of the deceased chief of police and that such other per^n did act for the deceased officer while he wa.s absent On the occasion of his death; also the 200 Cars To Be Sold Here AUCTION METHOD TRIED The dewberry season is on, and Cameron and Vass the centers of the market, not only locally but nationally. Shipments have already been made, following finding of fact requested | prices are well up and there is every to the defendant, towit: ^ | reason to expect a profitable season, (b) That Annie Pearl McLean, j Vass Auction Market will open wife of the assailant of B. H. Beas-1 . ^ ,'at 1:00 o clock next Monday afternoon, ley, deceased chief of ponce, statei i to the mayor of the town of Southern | everything is in readiness Pines that she would not go anywhere | the opening day. The Bank of unless accompanied by chief of police, ■ Pinehurst has established an ex- B. H. Bea.sley, and that the award | change in the Bank of Vass building heretofore issued under date of April 16, 1932, readmj? as follows: ‘ Upon The local primary election to morrow, Saturday, pre.sents as one of its most important phase.s the choice of competent mem- boi's of the County Board of Commissioneils. The fivej men ] comi)risiiig it will handle about I half a million dollars’ worth of jl)usiness for the county. Three I of the old members of the board, I Wilbur Currie, the! chairman. ' Evander Matheson and Frank I Cameron, are candidates for re- ; election. It would seem wise that I this board retain a portion of STATE TICKET COUNTY TICKET Ballot Boxe.s, Open from Sun-up to Sun-down, to Tell of Vic- ' tories and Defeats -MANY OFFFICES AT STAKE A political campaign that came in like a lamb is going out tomorrow like a roaring lion. The meek and mild citizen who a<ppeai-ed a few weeks ago to have no interest in the governorship noi' the senatorship nor who would run his County for the next year is now the same fellow you see on the corner wildly gesticulating and ar guing and fairly foaming at the mouth in his ardent advocacy of this fellow or that for that office or this. The ballot boxes will tell the tala tomorrow night, Saturday. From sun up to sun-iiown tomorrow they will the finding that the death of the de ceased was not the result of an injury by accident arising out of and in the course of his employment, the claim for compensation is denied and the case dismissed. Each party to pay its own costs” be in all respects affirm ed.” The IJcasIev Murder cash to the farmers as they present their slips at the window each day. Shipments of berries have been go ing out by express daily since la.?t Saturday morning. D. McCrimmon, chaiiman of the V''ass Marketing Asso ciation and also president of the Chamber of Commerce, shipped two For United States Senato term: Tam C. Bowie, Frank Robert R. Reynolds, Cameron son. P’or United States Senator, long term; Frank I). Grist, Arthur Sim mons, Robert R. Reynolds, Cameron Morrison, Tam C. Bowie. For Governor: Richard T. Fountain, J. C. B. Ehringhaus, Allen J. Max well. For Lieut. Governor: A. H. Graham, Denison F. Giles, David P. Dellinger. For Secretary of State: James A. Hartness, Stacy W. Wade. For Auditor: Baxter Durham, Ches ter O. Bell, George H. Adams. For Attorney General: Peyton Mc- Swain, Dennis G. Biunimitt. For Commissioner of Labor: A. L. Fletcher, John D. Norton, W. Henry Davis, R. R. Lawrence, B. Fritz Smith, Clarence E. Mitchell. For Corporation Commissioner: E. C. Macon, Stanley Winbouine. For Insurance Commissioner: Dan C. Boney, D. W. Morton. _ grtuj/iiiiiuii uc v-uiiLiiiucii Cl receive inose sneeis oi pap >r, short lor of Repiesentatives: * I-1 familiarity of the county’s buS- mean so much to the varic D. Grist, :C. McDonald, T. D. McLean, N. L. i. . , j. 'tw „ \v R Ar.<r„« R Com inGss represented, for an entire public office. T1 n Mom- Gibbon, W. R. Clegg, Angu.s B, Cam- , , , anfa fm- nnsitinn« hnvo the old membership that the or ganization be continued with a receive those sheets of paper which arious candi- The aspir- e,on ,new delegation cannot take up an positions have told their ^ \ 1 1 •: stones. They are m the hands of the For Sheriff: Charles J. McDonald, j work and carry it on elects,fickle body which de- R. G. Fry, R. B. Taylor, John Me-, as skillfully as if men trained termines who shall be chosen to guide Caskill. , , in the W'ork by experience and the destinies of count.y, state and na- I-or Register of Deeds: Jas. knowledge are continued. Ition. Davis, \\. J. Harrington, E. J. Wood | u 1 North Carolina Demociacy tomor- .H Ihe old board has had some ^ ^ vow expresses its preference for its For Judge of Recorder’s Court: Geo. j exceedingly difficult matters to next governor, for a United States ! H. Humber, J. Vance Rowe. handle with the prevailing finan- senator, for offices of varying impor- ! For Solicitor of Recorder’s Court: 1 conditions, and has given ‘ tance down the line. Moore county good account of its work. Mr. its desires for a representative Currie has made an exception- i legislature, for a „ ^ , , . , ,, 1 county commission, for a judge, 4 ally^ood chairman, and it would | ^^eriff, a register of deeds, a solici- be a grave risk at this time to Itor and a coroner. There has been no drop him for a successor who 1 dearth of candidates. The field has might be wholly inexperienced in ' *5een crowded. In another column on the line of work that the county ! will be found the complete , , , ,, , j roster. Maik your favorites and go now requires to be handled with judgment and 'cnowledge of I M. G. Boyette, Edward J. Burns, j For Coroner: D. Carl Fry, A. H. ' Bray, John Sloan, Kenneth A. Cad- i dell. I For Commissioners: I District No. 1: L. R. Flinchum, Wil- ! bur H. Currie. I District No. 2: E. C. Matheson, D. I D. McCrimmnn. District No. 3: L. R. Reynolds, O. T. Parks. District No. -4—No contest. Frank county affairs and of the condi- !ole nominee. Cameron, District No. 5: Gordon M. Cameron, I). A. Patterson. Chief of Police Beasley was shot j crates on Saturday and D. A. Mc- and instantly killed near Durham Lauchlin shipped one, they having while on a trip to Boynton, Virgiina; the distinction of shipping the first in company with Everett McLean, 28- ■ berries of the season to go out from year old negro; his ex-wife. Pearl; the Vass statibn. Gilchrist; McLean’s sister, Georgia, a. The berry outlook is considered un friend of McLean’s; Junius Austin, i usually favorable as the berries are and the small McLean child. McLean ‘ of 3^, extra high grade this year. The had asked Beasley to aid him ir clca"-1 season has been well suited to the ing a charge of attempted murder jcj-op and the fruit is well developed against his ex-wife for which he was 1 firm. PICQUET TO CLOSE SOUTHERN PINES THEATRE JUNE 11 Lack of Patronage F'orces Man agement to Announce Dark House for the Summer awaiting tiail at Boynton. There was evidence that a recon ciliation between McLean and the Gil christ woman had been effected after McLean had thrown her from a bridge over the Roanoke River near Boyn ton, and that the trip was for the pui- pose of requesting a dismissal of the charge of attempted murder which stood against McLean, and his release from the l-’i.OOO boYid under which he •was temporarily released. To strp:igthen the petition to the Boyn ton authorities, McLean had asked Bcas'ey to accompany them. Beasley had heen the arresting officer in the case. Refusal of the petition is supposed to have so enraged McLean that soon af ter they left the courthouse at Boyn ton he pulled a gun a .id fired at Beas ley, who was driving, then turned the gun on his ex-wife. The car careened from the road and turned over, kill ing Georgia McLean, sister of the crazed n«gro. McLean escaped, was later caught at Tarboro, was return ed in handcuffs to Durham and lodged in a cell. Soon after the officers left him there he committed suicide by hanging, using his belt for a noose. The Town of Southern Pines was insured against accidents to its police officers “while in line of duty.” The question of payment of the claim filed by the widow against the town and the insurance company was whether or not Chilef Beasley was in line of duty at the time, being on a mission of mercy on behalf of the man who later turned on him. The -Industrial Commission holds again&t the widow in the claim. Estimates of the siXe of the crop from the Sandhills .section range from 200 cars upwards, and with the addi tion of shipments from the Hamlet and Raeford territory and from Geor gia and South Carolina probably 300 carloads will find their way to north ern markets. Both Vass and Cameron have new marketing this season. Auc tion sales similar to the sales of to bacco are to be tried out for the first time, the farmers bringing their berries to the floors and buyers bidding for the various lots. If this experiment works well, it means spot cash for the farmers, who leave the warehouses with their sales slips and present them for immediate payment. Many growers, however, are consigning their fruit to commission houses as of old. Charles \V. Picquet, manager,of the Carolina Theatre at Southern Pines, announced this week that fol lowing the performance of Saturday, WINS FAST GAME i tion.s that pre\ ail. i This is no time to drop a pi- ■ lot who has brought his ship a.s I skillfully through the rough j weather as Mr, Currie has. The I Pilot does not presume to ad- I vise the voter how to cast his may vote for the Democratic candi dates, enrolled Republicans for the Republican candidates. There is but one Republican conte.-t, that between Jake Newell of Charlotte and George W. DePriest of Shelby for the Re publican nomination for the United Slates Senate. All other candidates, state and county, on the Republican ticket were nominated at recent con ventions. The Governorship Campaign managers for the three 17DOM DIMmiTDCT rlilJ'.Tl rliirjllLJlljjl I’ight to express its opinion of a I capable man who has proved hi.-« gubernatorial candidates, Allen J. Hundreds See New ITniforms ability, especially when the pres- Maxwell, J. C. B. Ehringhaus and R. Christened with Victory to | ent crisis still hangs over the i ^ the Tune of 6 to 4 ; countv and the country. The Sandhills turned out in force ^ , x, Monday afternoon. Memorial Day, for A. RlChardSOn, Born the big baseball game between the j in IVIainC in 1852j DieS newly uniformed Southern Pines team ; MRS. WHITAKER HEADS TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION Southern Pines played a prominent part in the annual meeting of the North Carolina Tuberculosis 'Aisso- ciation held last week, May 26th, at Greensboro. Mrs. Charles R. Whit aker was chosen president. Dr. L. B. McBrayer managing director and Dr. J. W. Dickie a member of the executive committee. Dr. S. P. Mc Cain of the State Sanatorium is also on the executive committee. The auditor reported the financial affairs of the association in fine condidtion, and all reports made a; the meeting reflected the great amount of constructive work accom plished during the past year. June 11th the theatre would close in- 'and the strong Pinehurst nine, and the Father of Former Mayor of definitely. I several hundred gathered about the Southern Pines as One of Lack of patronage is given as the improved Southern Pines diamond wit- Early Northern Settlers Here reason for *his drastic step which nessed an exciting battle which the will mean loss of entertainment to home team won by the score of 6 to | Samuel Albert Richardson, pioneer hundreds during the summer. This 4. It was a colorful scene, with 12.'5 1 and widely known resident of South- wili be the first time this theatre , automobiles parked about the field, | Pines died at his home here on has completely closed in many years, the grandstand crowded and the youth-1 following a brief illness. 1 her of the State Legislature from this There have been times when it op- ful femininity of the two towns out in ; j.ff„,.,on Maine on Decem- I and for the county commis erated certain nights of the week, not | their summer finery. I " ‘ : sion. There are five candidates for the ; out Moore county during the past few weeks, and each claims the county i for his i. an. The opinion seems to : prevail, however, that it will be be tween Maxwell and Ehringhaus here. The race in the county for the Sen ate is said to be close between Sena tor Cameron Morrison and Robert R. Reynolds, Asheville attorney running on a platform for a change in liquor legislation. Next in importance to these battles, and of moVe dit’ect importance to the l)cal citizen, are the contests for mem- every night as of late. Mr. Picquet | Victory christened the new uniforms informed The Pilot that the reve- j of the Southern Pines players, who nue from recent performances had looked like real leaguers in their light been insufficient to meet even the ; grey and navy blue, but it was any- ber 2d, 1852, he came to Southern Legislature, each claiming victory and Pines in its sprouting days and ha i > person’s guess as good as spent much of his time here since then. He .was enriched with those qual- film rentals, to say nothing of house 1 body’s game until the last man was , another’s. Almost all sections of the county are represented ainong the of his fellow man, and in both his native state and in that of his adop tion he leaves a host of mourning friends. rental, salaries of employes and ad- out. The winners have been practicing vert\sing. ! regularly of late under the able coach- “The patronage has not only not; ing of Paul Barnum. Charlie Everest increased, but has actually decreas-' is manager arid Bill Fisher captain, ed since the announcement of re- The Sandhill Post of the American Le-[ duced admission charge made a few gion organized the team and sponsor- weeks ago,” Mr. Picquet said yes-: ed the campaign for funds for the terday. “I have been very much sur-1 new uniforms and improvements to prised at the reception of two or j the playing field. In addition to con- three of the recent films, ‘State’s , tributors mentioned in previous issues Attorney’ for one, as these pictures of The Pilot, C. L. Hayes and the have been drawing record crowds m . Highland Hardware House donated New York at prices of 75 cents and j playing equipment last week. A col- a dollar. 1 lection at the game netted $27. “I have done everything possible! Pinehurst scored two runs to start | survive. After a service of prayer at to reduce expenses to a point where | Monday’s battle, and held the lead | the home here on Wednesday after- I could keep the theatre open this | until the last of the third. Tom Vann summer, but the revenue does not; then unleashed a three-bagger which come anywhere near meeting the ex-1 brought in Donaldson, Fisher landed penses of operating, and much as I j on one which scored Vann and the hate to deprive those who enjoy the score was tied. In the 1th inning John- movies for their entertainment, thei^2 : son and- Donaldson scored and Walk'jr is nothing left for me to do .but was put across the plate in the 5th close up shop. I realize it w-ill be u to give Southern Pines a 5-2 lead, great blow to hundreds of persons , In the 6th Pinehurst sent In five (Please turn to page 5) GRAND JURY RECOMMENDS ALL POSSIBLE ECONOMY (Please turn to page 8) (Please turn to page 4) Mr. Richardson was the father of | “’'Xe recommend to the county com- Samuel B. Richardson, who served .is | missioners that every possible econ- mayor of Southern Pines throughout j otny be exercised in the county gov- the years of its growth from ham-j gfj^^ient; the elimination of all offices let to thriving village. Two other that are not necessary at the present sons. Dr. C. K. Richardson of Closter, time and the reduction of salaries N. J. and Frank Richardson of Os- j wherever possible,” reads the final wego, N. Y., and one daughter, Miss | paragraph of the report rendered by Mary Richardson, of Southern Pines, | the grand jury last week and signed by W. D. Smith, foreman. The jury reported satisfactory con ditions existing at the prison camp, jail and county home. At the last nam ed place an abundance of garden veg etables and field crops was found, well kept and giving promise of a bountiful harvest. The court house offices were fouml in satisfactory shape, the only rec ommendation in regard to them being that the seal in the clerk’s office be repaired or replaced W'ith a new one. noon the body was taken north for burial in the family lot at Jefferson. S. B. Richardson accompanied the re mains. NEXT WEEK'S MOVIES Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday—Ra mon Novavio in “Huddle.” Thursday, Friday, Saturday—Greta Garbo in “As You Desire Me.”

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