Page Six THE PILOT, Aberdeen and Southern Pines, North Carolina V. Friday, August 19, 1932. Orchardists Should Cultivate and Fertilize This Fall, Says Williams Associate Horticulturist Gives Four Reasons Why This Is Necess'arv This Year Shallow cultivations until the mid dle of September or until the win ter cover crop is planted and a small application of fertilizer to each tree ■will keep the peath orchard in good vijfor during' the late summer and fall and will prevent a jjreat part of the winter injury. •‘This is especially true this year,” .'iay.s C. F. Williams, associate hor ticulturist at State College, “as the dry season during the ripening per iod has put a severe strain on the trees and has taken away much of the natural vitality. The orchard should be cultivated often enough to keep down the weeds and grass with a fertilizer application immediately after harvest.” The fertilizer shoul dconsist of some readily available nitrogen and enough should be api)lied to each tree to equal one pound of nitrate of soda. Mr. Williams gives four reasons for this fertilizer application. First, he says, it will aid in the develop ment of strong fruit bud'-, for next year. Second, it will bu’ld up the fooJ storage in the tree; third, it will delay dormancy which will give the tree a longer season to elaborate stored food, and; fourth, the trees Presbytery to Meet Will lie Entertained at Union Church for First Time In 28 Years Fa> etteville Presbytery will be ei.tertained by the Vass and Union churches this fall, October 3 at Vass and the 4 at Union. It has been 28 years since Presbytery convened in Union Church, though prior to that time it was a strong church numerically and financial ly and Presbytery came frequently to this splendid old church. Outlook for Quail Is Encouraging Jamas Tufts Reports More Broods and Larj>er Hatches Than I’sual will go into the winter in a good strong condition. Fertilizer experitiients conducted in the past six years show that no winter injury has occurred in those orchards with a late or heavy ferti lizer application. The only injury re corded vvas in those orchards having extremely low amounts*, of fertilizer. The dry season has depleted much of the trees’ vitality and Mr. Wil liams recommends a liberal use of fertilizer this year with corrcsvond- ing cultivations in all peach orchards. Only by these practices can the or- chardist be sure of any degree of control, he says. Cameron and Community Circle No. 1 Meets Circle No. 1 of the Woman’s Aux iliary of the Presbyterian church held its .August meeting with Mrs. M. McL. McKeithen at her home on Car thage street, last Tuesiay afternoon, with the chairman. Miss .Mamie Ar nold conducting the devotional. Miss Manda McPherson was leader and presented a fine program on Christian Education. A letter from Miss Pearl Johnsan, Baptist Missionary for a number of years in China, was read by Mrs. Loula Muse. She gave per sonal experiences of the horrors of The war. Miss .Johnson was a mem ber of our school faculty for several years, and by her beautiful Christian character endeared herself to the en tire community. The usual Bible study closed the program. Visitors were Mesdames J. C. Bruton of Co lumbia, Arthur McLeod of Goldston and Miss Eliza F'erguson of I.aurin- burg. A sweet course was served. Circle No. 2 Studies Brazil Circle No. 2 of the Woman’s Pres byterian .Auxiliary met with the sec retary, Miss Annie Borst, last Fri day afternoon. Mrs, .1, I). McLean was leader, and conducted an impres sive devotional. Subje.t for the after noon, was Brazil. Mrs. .1. E. Snow and Mrs. .1. D. McLean read inform ing and interesting papers on this country telling of its people, their customs and religious. The Brazilians are noted for their politeness, and the merchants and shop keepers never send a bill or dun. The meet ing closed with prayer by Mrs. Jew ell Hemphill. The hostess served sandwiches and tea. Invited guests were Mrs. H. C. Gibson of Rocking ham and Miss Jacksie Muse. , d delightful bridge party and dance I last Monday evening at her home on I ('arthage street, honoring her cousin I and house guest. Miss Swananoa I Paiker of Washington, 1). C. The I rooms were lovely with their decor- ' ations of potted plants and late sum mer flowers. Ices and takes were served during the evening. Guests wei’e Misses Dorothy Cole and Miss Shields, an;’ Messrs McLeod and Biadiey of Carthage, Harris Mcln- nis of Lakeview, Ralph Mfeeks of Sanfoi'd, Misses Martin and Lamb and Hugh Tally of Jonesboro, Misses Ruth Wooten, Frances Matthews and ■\nnie Borst and Mrs. Jewell Hem phill, Messrs Martin McF'adyen, Rob ert Wooten, John Matthews, .Andrew Muse Hemphill and William Park- \'isit Old Home Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Swett and daughter left last Friday for a visit to their old home in Suffolk, Va. They will also visit their son, Ludric Sweet in Washington, I). C., and will return home via Lurav Cavern. James Tufts, who keeps a careful eye on the bird situation in the Sand hills says: “It seems to me that this year I have seen more broods of young birds than any previous sum mer. I don’t believe I have been around any more than I usually am in the summer, but, of course, this is a difficult thing to determine. 1 should say that the smallest I have seen at any time is 15 birds, but again this is a difficult thing to determine. It seems that most of the birds have hatched out their eggs and that they all had a very good hatch. We have had some very dry weather, but re cently we have had some very nice rains. These rains I don’t believe will do the young birds any harm as I believe they are old enough to stand a very heavy downpour without hurt ing them. Unfortunately the dry weather we have had has killed a gieat many of the plants that the (juail will count on for feed. Lesped- eza, partridge pea and many other of the best quail foods have been killed, by this early drought. Therefore, the preserve owners in this section will have to figure on feeding the birds a good part of the coming winter. There are, however, two bright prospects, on the feed line in thix section; one is due to the low price of cotton and tobacco most of the farmers are planting a great deal more small gi'air.s th - they have in a number of years, /ii. , it seems to me that this year there are (luite a number of pine cones on the trees and if we have reasonably damp weather from now on We should have a good crop of pine mast which, quail prefer above anything else. To sum up, it appears now that we are going to have more birds this winter than we have had for years, however, people interested in ijuail !uust figure on feeding to help them out tiirough the winter if we are not to lose a lot of them.” -Along the same line it may be said that Julian Bishop was down at his quail farm in the Horseshoe in the last few flays, and is much please’ virtue of the authority in said deed of ti'ust proviiiing that all powers and disv-ietions vested in the trustees may be exercised by either or both of said trustees, will offer for sale to tht- hiiihest bidder for cash, before the ('ourt House Door of Moore County, North Carolina, o!i Monday, Septem ber 12. 1!>.‘?2, at twelve o'clock no'>n, all of the right, title and inteiest own ed by the .“aid Joseph Douglas (Jrpg- ory and Henrietta Jane Gregory, liis wife, on July 1, l‘,t2i) or thereafter, in and to the following described real estate: .A certain tract or parcel of land in McNeills Township, Moore County, State of North Carolina, bounded anci described as follows: Being Building Lots Nos. 11. 12, 13, 14, I') and Ifi, in Blo k K. & 2, as shown u)ion a map entitled “.A Map of Southern Pines, N. C..” and of record in the office of the Reiiister of Deeds for .Moore County, at Carthage, N. C.: A.ND ■A1 SO that one-half of the alley be tween Lots Nos. 10 and 11 in the saiil block which adjoins Lot No. 11, and that one-half of the alley be tween Lots Nos. Ifi and 17 in tha said block, which adjoins Lot No. Ifi, each bf'ing a strip of land 8 feet wide, adjoining each of the .^^aiil lots Nos. 11 and K) in the said block K & 2, along the full length of the said lots; And also that one-fourth pa it of the center square of the said Blo'.k K & 2, (being a tract of land 50x50 feet square) adjacent to the lots here- inabcve conveyed. The said lands being more exactly defined by metes and bounds as fol lows: Beginning at the intersection on the Southerly {property line of New Hampshire Avenue and the Easterly • property line of Ashe Street, in the said Town of Southern Pjnes, and running thence S. .53 deg. !•) min. West, with the property line of Ashe Street for a distance of 200 feet to the center line of the alley between lots Ifi and 17; thence along the center line of the said alley, par allel with the southerly property line of New Hampshire Avenue and 200 feet distant therefrom S. 36 deg, 45 min. E. for a distance of 200 feet to the center of the center square of the said block K & 2, thence parallel with the easterly property line of Ashe St., and 200 ft. distant there from N. 53 deg. 15 min. East to the center line of the alley between Lots 10 and 11, and with the said center line for a dis tance of 200 feet to the southerly property line of New Hampshire Ave nue: thence with the .said avenue N. 3fi deg. 45 min. West for a distance of 200 feet to the beginning. The whole being a rectangular plot of land 200x200 feet lying in the an gle of junction of New Hampshire Avenue and Ashe Street, south of the former and east of the latter, and fronting on New Hampshire Ave nue for a distance of 200 feet and on .Ashe Street for a distance of 200 feet from the said corner, and con taining 9-10 acres, more or less. Being the same property conveyed to Joseph Douglas Gregory by deed from Elizabeth Alma Gregory dated Dec. 30, 1925, and recoi'ded in Deed Book 99, page 561, Register’s Office for Moore County, North Carolina. DATE OF SALE: Monday, Sep tember 12, 1932. HOUR OF S.ALE: 12 o’clock Noon. PLACE OF SALE: Court House Door, Moore County, Carthage, N. C. TERMS OF SALE: Cash. DAVID B. HARRIS, Trustee. August 10, 1932. Bv Johnson & Johnson, Attys. A19-S9. January 9, 1926, the undersigrod R. L. Albright will offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door of Moore County, in the town of Car thage, on Saturday, the 10th day of September, 1932, at twelve o’clock noon, that certain piece or tract of land lying and being in Sheffield Township, Moore County, North Car olina, conveyed in said mortgages, de scribed and bounded as follows, to- wit: Beginning on the South side of the Plank road in the E. J. Stewart line and runs thence with Stewart’s line N. 49 chs. to a stake in Crisco’s line, thence with said line South 75 W'est 7.50 chs. to a stake, post oak and black jack pointers near a spring, thence South 26 West crossing the center of said spring 8.50 chs. to a stake hickory and black jack point ers, thence South 15 1-2 West 25.50 chs. to the center of the Plank road with black gum and red oak pointers, thence as said road South east to the finst station, containing by esti-j nqticE OF SALE OF VALUABLE mation fifty acres, more or less. LAND This 8th day August, 193^ Under and by virtue of the author- K. L,. Ai.BKlUlil, I ity conferred by Deed of Trust from Mortgagee. ,jo^» McCall and wife, Mary McCall track at the northwest corner of the irick store belonging to Mrs. Henry A. Page; runs thence E. 28 degrees W. 85 feet; thence N 62 degrees \V. 36 1-2 feet; thence N. 28 degrees E. 85 feet to a stake in the line of W'est Main Street to the beginning, and being the lot on which is located the This is the same porperty conveyed brick store building to Gordon Keith. )y Deed from H. .A. Keith and wife, Emmah (Addie) Keith to Gordon Keith, said Deed being recorded in the Registry of Deeds of Moore Coun- ;y, N. C., in Book of Deeds No. 96, at page 139, to which record refer ence is hereby made and the same is made a part hereof. This sale is made on account of default in the payment of the indebt edness secured by the said Deed of Trust. Dated this 27th day of July, 1932. L. E. Johnson and J. Vance Rowe, Ti’ustees. A5—26. U. L. Spence .Atty. A12—S2. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND j Under and by' virtue of the author- j ity conferred by Deed of Trust from : Ida M. Gray and husband, Chas. M. i Gray to L. E. Johnson and J. Vance ! Howe, Trustees, dated December 4th, 11928, and recorded in the Moore j County Registry in Book 49, at page 1 i *)54, the property conveyed by the I pai(i Deed of Trust having been pur- I chased by 1). M. Reynolds and sub- 1 .sequently sold to R. N. Hayes and , wife, Sara K. Hayes, the present I owner*, subject to the said Deed of I Trust, the said L. E. .lohnson and J. I Vance Rowe, Trustees, will on MONDAY, AUGUST 29th, 1932, at 12 O’CLOCK ?rOON at the Court House door in Carthage, Moore County, sell at public auction for cash to the highe.'^t bidder the following desoribed prop«rty: Located and being in the town of Southern Pines in the north side of Southern .Avenue or often known as Pinehurst Road scribed as follow an iron pipe in the north line of Southern Avenue in Ida M. Gray’s south line, distant 160 feet N. 82 de grees 33’ W. from her southeast cor ner at the north corner of the junc tion of Ridge Street and Southern Avenue (sometimes called Pinehurst Road) and running thence with South ern Avenue N. 82 degrees 32 W'. 206 feet to Ida M. Gray’s west corner to Jno. D. Brown and J. Vance Rowe, Trustee, dated November 15th, 1928, and recorded in the Moore County Registry in Book 50, at page 18, the said Trustees, will on MONDAY, AUGUST 22nd. 19,32, at 12:00 O’CI.OCK NOON at the Court House door in Carthage, Moore County, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following described property: Parts of lots Nos. 9 and 10 in Block 0 and 12 as shown on the of ficial map of the Town of Southern Pines, and filed in the Moore County Registry in Book 10, at page 600, the ■iame being described as follows: Be ginning at a stake in the easterly line of Lot No. 9 aforesaid, the same being the corner of Lots Nos. 7 and 8 and running thence with the line of Lots Nos. 7 and 9, S. 53 deg, 15 min. W. 50 feet to a corner of lots Nos. 6, 7 and 9; thence with the line of lots Nos. 6 and l» N. 81 deg. 45 min W. 70.65 feet to a corner of Lots lue or oiien Known as i ^ i more particularly de-1 , > lows: BEGINNING at! V ^ 4- feet to the line ot a 16 foot alley;, thence with the line of said alley N. r.S (leg. 15 min. E. 100 feet to a stake thence S. 36 deg. 45 iVIin. E. 92 feet ti. the point of beginning, being the same land conveyed from E. T. Mc Keithen and wife, Norman McKeith- on to Joe McCall by Deed dated Ap ril 21, 1923 and recorded in the Moore County Registry in Book 87, lit page 506, and being the same land (the third corner in Deed from Rey- i,- . ■ ^ , noliis); thence N. 37 12’ E. 182 feet to It S. another tiience South 46.5 feet to the begin dredths of an acre, more or less, and Deing a greater portion of the same land conveyed from M. D. Reynolds and wife, Nettie M. Reynolds to Ida .M. Gray by Deed dated June 13th, 1924 and recorded in the Moore Coun ty Registry in Deed Bo«)k 92, at page 508, to which record reference is hereby made. This sale is made on account of de fault in the payment of the indebted ness secured by the said Deed of Trust. Dater this 27th. day of July, 1932. L. E. Johnson and J. Vance Rowe, Trustees. A5—26 ness secured by the said Deed T rust. This sale is made on account of de fault in the payment of the indebt- ■dness secured by the said Deed of Frust. Dated this 21st day of Julv, 1932. JNO. I).. BROWN and J. VANCE ROWE J29-A19 Trustee. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT .Middle District of North Carolina IN BANKRUPTCY In the Matter of Evelyn Waring, Bankrupt NOTICE OF HEARING OF DISCHARGE PETITION: NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND I Under and by virtue of the au- I thority conferred by Mortgage Deed j from Carl Morgan and wife, Eunice ! I). Morgan to The Sandhills Financ- ' ing Crtrporation, Mctrtgiagee, dated November 15th, 1928, and recorded in ; the Moore County R'&Kistry on Book I 49, at page 530, the said Mortgagee, I will on j Monday, August 22nd, 1932 at 12:00 I o’clock noon ' at the Court House door in Carthage, I Moore County, seM at public auction i for cash to the highest bidder the following described property: A certain tract of land lyirs and being in Sandhills Township, Moore County, N. C., and described as fol lows; Adjoining the lands of Marl boro Farms, Inc., and others, and be ing a part of Lot No. 15 of Moore County, described by metes and TO THE CREDITORS OF SAID BANKRUPT TAKE NOTICE, That a petition has been filed in said Court by Evelyn Waring of the County of Moore in' bounds as follows; Beginning at a said district, who has been duly ad-' stake, at the intersection of the judged a bankrupt under the Act of | northerly property line of State High- Conirress of JuLv 1 1898 for a dis- running thence: v.,ont,iess ot tor a ais- g ^5 min. W. with said charge from all debts provable against northerly edge of highway, Route 50, her estate under said Act, and that! for 1040 feet to a stake. Thence, (2) the 27th day of August, 1932, ten: N. 8 deg. 44 min. E. a new line, for NOTICE OF LAND SALE Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mort gage deed dated June 30, 1922, exe cuted by A. M. Shamburger and Kit tle Shamburger, his w'ife, to the un dersigned R. L. Albright, and re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County in Book of Jlortgages No. 35, at page 343, 517.8 feet to a corner of said Lot No. 15. Thence. (3) S. 86 deg. 18 min. E. with boundary line of .said Pinebluff F’arm, for 856.5 feet to a corner stake. Thence (4) S. 23 deg. 50 min. E. with said boundary line, for 99.3 feet to the beginning. The whole con taining 6.26 acres, more or less, as shown upon the Map of Pinebluff Farm, surveyed in 1923 by J. D. Spinks, C. E. of W'inston Salem, N. C. Being the same tract of land as was conveyed by Corporation Deed from Moore County Farms, Inc. to C-4IC w I VVilUam Fiddner, September 23, 1924, NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Ifind recorded in the office of the Reg- Under and by virtue of the authori- j ister of Deeds of Moore County in ty conferred by Deed of Trust from j Book 96, at page 347; and being the Gordon Keith, unmarried, to L. E. j .same land as was conveyed to Carl Johnson and J. Vance Rowe, Trustees, j Morgan and wife, Eunice Morgan, by dated October 6th, 1926, and record- j two several deeds, one from Robert ed in the Moore County Registry in V. Christoper and wife, duly record- Book 45, at page 364, the said L. E. | ed in the office of the Register of o’clock A. M. is assigned for a hear ing of the same before H. F. Seawell, Jr., as Special Master of Said Dis trict, when and where you may at- ttnd and show cause, if any you have, why the prayer of said petition fehould not be granted. This the 26th day of July, 1932. H. F. SEAW'ELL, JR., United States Si>ecial Master. J29—A19 Johnson and J. Vance Rowe, Trus tees, will on MONDAY, AUGUST 29th, 1932 at 12:00 O’CLOCK NOON it the Court House door in Carthage Moore County, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the fol lowing described property: That certain tract or parcel of land in Sandhills Township, Moore Cotunty, North Carolina, 'adjoining he lands of Mrs, Henry A. Page, Sr., and others and bounded as follows; Lying and being in the town of Deeds aforesaid, in Book 97, at page 271, and one from William Fiddner pnd wife, dated November 12, 1928, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds aforesaid, upon the same date as is this Mortgage Deed. This sale is made on account of de fault in the payment of the indebt edness secured by the said Mortgage Deed. Dated this 21st day of July, 1932. THE SANDHILLS FINANCING CORPOR ATION, Mortagee. J29-A19