MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS WEEKLY TTUrij JL A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 12, NO. 48 LAKEV/iew MANLKY SPRIN08 PIMES ASHUEY PILOT BRLNG YOI R TOBACCO ^ TO THE ABERDEEN MARKET of the Sandhill Territory Carolina Aberdeen and Southern Pines, North Carolina, Friday, October 28, 1932. Crowd Greets Roosevelt In Southern Pines Democratic Presidential Candi date Guest of Sandhills On Way Thru State MAKES BRIEF ADDRESS FIVE CENTS Presidential Candidate in Southern l^ines This time it was the Governor of North Carolina and the Governor of New York. Said the Governor of North Caro lina: “I want to introduce to you the ^rreat liberal and national leader in America, Franklin D. Roosevelt, the next j)resident of the United States.” Said the Governor of New York: “It is fine to ?et back in North Car- .olina with my old friend Gardner and the rest of you. I have had a wonder ful trip. The only thing: I lost in Geor gia was my voice. I can assure you that I am confident of the result on November 8th.” • After interjecting a story about ef forts on the part of one town out west to rout him out in the middle of the night for a few' words to the populace, how they had shouted under his train window that] they would vote for Hoover if he didn’t K^t up, but how he was so sleepy he just turned over in his berth “knowing they wouldn’t vote for Hoover anyway,” the Govern or wound up his remarks with: “I hope to be back to see you all soon.” Crowds gathered early Tuesday morning alon^; the Seaboard tracks in Southe.-n Pines to extend a greeting to ihe Democratic Presidential candi date as his special train passed through -f)!! its way from Charlotte to Raleigh. Word had been received late Monday afternoon that the train would make a two-minute ston, and the grapevine telegraph had spread the news. The train not only stopped, but the distinguished New Yorker made a brief talk from the rear plat form and made a distinct impression upon the assembled multitude. Des pite a strenuous trip to Atlanta and tarly rism‘4s Tues i - the Legislature, for Register of Deeds, for?” the man, an Indian by the , „ ,, , t , . for Surveyor and for one of the county name of Charlie Love, demanded. . . , . , , .. , , commissionerships hail from Southern I don t know: I haven t decided j ^ ^ Pines, and the candidate for Coroner yet, parried the officer. The Indian proceeded to tell the officer that he knew him; that he was the one who went to Durham after him seven years ago and that he had I be crowded. The projected road : would serve no community and LIFELONG RESIDENTS HERE violently opposed by many of the people along the route be cause of the damage it would do. The Country Club would suffer By Mrs. S. R. Smith As friends and relatives of Miss thousands of dollars by the haiTTl Ann PViillinc 7.*^ x U _ Mary Ann Phillips, 73, were assem bling at Old Union Church on last Saturday morning to pay their last tribute of respect to her who for many years had lived among them, re joicing with them in their joys, sor rowing with and ministering to them to the links, and the interruption of the use of the golf grounds. Dr. Dickey protests against the proposition. The colored folks, through whose village the road would cut, are opposed. The folks in Aberdeen object. Preponderance of Candidates from Lower Section Stimu lates Interest in Campaign in their aftlictons, the Death Angel, Many people in Southern Pines came for the brother, Thomas B. Phil-^ ai