Friday, October 28, 1932. THE PILOT, Aberdeen and Southern Pines. North Carolina XKXtuiu: PROGRESSIVE STORES INCORPORATED ABERDEEN ‘North Carolina Stores For North Carolina People” Specials Heu'innin^ Friday October 28 and Ending; Wednesday, November 2. Jewel Shortening, 45 lb. tin- Pure Apple Jelly, 1 lb. Jai -$.3.00, 8 lb. bucket 61c : 10c The Week in Southern Pines I Social Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bronson I The Misses Marian and Louise are expected to arrive the latter part I Gardner entertained at two tables of of the week from Whitefield, New bridge Monday evening: at Cozy Oaks. Hampshire. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Clar- .Mrs, .Alice Bennett has returned to ence Edson, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Southern Pines after spending the Hoskins, Mr. Shaffer and Miss Eve- summer in Boston, lyn Edson. . Mi's. Jesse L. Rogers and daughter, ! Mrs. .lesse L. Rogers and Mrs. Mrs. Xottie .\yres, have arrived from iNetae C. Ayres gave a birthday din- Petersburg, Fla., to spend a feW| iner at .Jack’s Grill Tuesday night for here. Raisins—New Pack, Seeded or Seedless, 1 pound pkg. 8 l-3c Hi and Mrs ,i N Mills Mrs Ir Pink Salmon, 8 cans for 25c |j and’Tom\Millar,’Mr.s.‘In SsHJin \ror\f cnpninl A tnr 1 Qp ;| Camay Soap, very special, 4 cakes for 19c H Chipso, Special, 2 packages 15c Prunes, fancy new pack, lb 5c Salt, 100 lb. bag 90c \\ City Soda Crackers, 1 lb. pkg 10c || Armour’s Pure Pork Sausage, lb 10c ll Our Mother’s Cocoa, 2 lb. can 21c Broken Sliced Pineapple, No. 2 can 12c !i P’'lour, Quick Biscuit, 98 lb. bag—$1.99 24 lb. bag—52c || Gorton’s Fish Roe, large can, 2 for 25c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Cabbage, green, lb 2c Delicious Apples, fancy large size, 2 for 5c York Apples, peck 19c Banf»nas, 4 lbs 17c || f^ank Rogers. The guests wore Mr. ene Mil- nez Bred- beck, Mrs. Margaret Cameron, Mrs. Cjnthia Lamm and Miss Taylor and •Mrs. .John Pettes and Miss Cora Leggett will leave Wednesday for Auburndale, Fla., for several months stay. Leighton Huske, .Jr., student at .Miss Rogers of Peekskill, New York, j University, spent the week-end Miss Edith Pcate will entertain at | I'ln with his parents, four tables of bridge Friday eveniiiK u 9 FRIDAY and SATURDAY Important Sale New Fall Evening Dresses 25 per cent Reduction Sizes from 12 to 46—Materials, Flat Crepe Satin, Velvet Special Reductions in Other Departments For Friday and Saturday M I ti t| I H NOW OPEN Colonial Inn A SOI THERN HOME, OPEN TO WINTER GUESTS NEW YORK AVENUE, OPPOSITE THE LIBRARY. MRS. LEIGHTON HUSKE Phone 5013 Southern Pines, N. C. li II II at her home on Ashe street. Her guests will include the Misses Dorothy Travis, Helena Kelley, Sarah Stew art, Dorothy Thurman, Katharine Buchan, Martha C'arlisle, Susan Swett, Madeline Chatfield, Ellenore Eddy, Evelyn Edson, Anna (’anieron, Nathalie Alger, Norma Alg^er, Isa bel Felton and Pauline Poe. The Day Club was entertained by Mrs. Reid Page Tuesday afternoon at her home in Aberdeen. Four tables were in play, the guests being Mrs. V'erdie Wiley, Mrs. Frank Shamberg- er, .Mrs. .lamie Dickie, Mrs. E. V. Perkinson, Mrs. Frank Goodwill, Mrs. R. L. Hart, Mrs. Babe Isles, Mrs. \V. C. Mudgett, Mrs. Tom Black, Mrs. D. G. Stutz, Mrs. Hugh Betterley, Mrs. ! E. L. Prizer, -Mrs. C. Barron, Mrs. ! .1. S. Milliken and Miss Engelhard. 1 Mrs. Carl Thompson was hostess ] to her Contract Club Monday even- i ing at which the club members’ hus- j bands were also invited. The house I was attractively decorated with au- j tumn leaves and Hallowe’en tlecora- tions. Following the playing a buffet ! supiter was served. (Juests present I weri.* Dr. and Mrs. Proctoi-, Mr. and I Mrs. George Elliot, .Mr. and Mrs. ,1. i C, Bari’on, .Mrs. Rachel l{ichards, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Betterley, D\'. and .Mrs. .1. S. Milliken, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Montgomery and .Mrs. Ver.iie Wiley. .Mr. and .Mrs. (Jeorge .Mooi'e were hosts to the Night Club Wednesday at their home on .Massachusetts .Av enue. (iuests included Di'. and .Mrs. 1’^* aiui Alls, i'lunk jJ j Goodwill, Dr. and .Mrs. ,J. S. Milliken. FligHland L-iodge A Quiet Home-Like Family Hotel Plea.sanlly Located on Vermont Avenue Near the Pines SEASON OCTOBER 1ST TO JUNE 1ST A nicely furnished comfortable apartment for rent MRS. W. N. GREARSON Telephone 698.“} i Southern Pinos, N. C. .Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Huske. Mrs. W. F. Allen and Mis.s Birdilia Bair attended a meeting of the Red Cross at Greensboro Wednesday. Mrs. Allen, who is County Chairman, gave a very interesting talk. (Juests at the (’olonial Inn include .Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hammell of New York and .Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coates of Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. David Oats of Fa yetteville were guests over the week end of Mrs. Oats’ parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Leighton Huske. John Ziegler, resort manager of the New York World-Telegram, was in town Wednesday enroute to New York. Mary Schwarberg and .Miss Elizabeth Schwarberg will spend the week-end in Lincolnton. -Miss Bertha Smith has returned following a summer spent at New Brunswick with relatives. .Mr. and Mi's. Frank Davis will ar rive from .Jefferson Highlands Sat urday. .Ml'S. Georgo .Mooie will leave Fri day for Baltimore to spend a few days with her i.'aughter Dorothy at Notre Dame of Maiyland. •Mr. and .Mrs, Schmelzer and daugh ter Blanche have I’eturned from a summer spent in New York state. C. T. PATCH DEPT. STORE SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. t:u:»t«:;t;u;;t:::ttt:tt2;;:;;2;t!2222222;;«;2:t2:;;;;t:22:«2:!2;:;::222;;;{:t t:»mmHKmm:««w:Kmint;2:222222K2rtnt2:tn222222i2;22unz2t:t2:2n2;t»i;mmtm EXTRA! Now' you can have a g’cnuine 2 cylinder, Super-Fowered F"RIGIDAIRE of quality and lasting- satisfaction S112.00 i’lus freight, but Delivered, Installed and Federal tax paid. payment plan if desired. L. V. 0TALL.4GHAN 6 p]ast (’onnecticut .Avenue Soulhern Pines Telephone 5341 ft ANIMAL. RESCUE LEAGUE DR. JAMES H. O’BRIEN Animals of all kinds treated. Bath ing, Boarding and Plucking Dogs. One Block South of Southern Pines on Aberdeen Highway. Telephone 6441 2:K«n::a:««»«j:«:K:KKa:::nna«nK:22n:K Sandhill Awning Co. Manufacturers of Awning’S, Window Shades, Auto Tops and Seat Covers Next to Postoffice Pennsylvania Avenue Southern Pines Di'. and .Mrs. W. (’. .Muiigett, Mr. and .Mrs, E. V. Perkinson, .Mr. and -Mrs. Frank Shamburger, .Mr. and .Mrs. M. (}. Nichols, C. P. Everest, .Mrs. Clara [’ushfcc, Jlr. and Mrs. Waltei’ Ilalli- \\cil, .Mrs. Verdie Wiley, .Mrs. Harold Buckminster, and .Mrs. .lohnson. «an:nn:2::taK222Kj«anRt:K«tt2:: Second Highway from Aberdeen to Southern Pines is Proposed * — (Continued from Page 1) | build the highway has gone at Raleigh j is not known here. It .seems to be the one of the principle assets of the com- jrj.neral feeling that Commissioner munity, in that it would traverse the present No. 2 fairway on the No. 1 course some 500 yards, lopping some 70 feet from what is already a nar row fairway. It would affect the No. 1 and the No. 3 holes of this same McNair will wage a strenuous cam paign for this link between the Maine to Florida No. 1 route and his home town of Laurinburg, but a strong fight against the needles ex travagance will be waged locally and course. F. F. Travis, secretary of the carried to Raleigh. The opponents feel [ Country Club said yesterday it might that any highway funds available j mean the necessity of abandoning this should be spent on existing roads, course, the present fairways being so that there is dire need of improving arranged that changes in the layout 1 1 in this locatlity, for which the appear at present to be practically Southern Pines Chamber of Commerce impossible. Should conptrHiction on ^^d other Organizations of Aberdeen the road be in progress this winter, and Southern Pines have been fight- it would mean a tremendous loss in j for several years. revenue to the club. j , Citizens of both Aberdeen and qqj p MAGAZINE TO FEATURE Southern Pines interviewed by The COURSES IN SANDHILLS Pilot this week seemed almost unan-1 imously against the proposed route.: Illustrated, leading New York Many Voice Opposition j golf publication, has arranged with “Absolutely unneces.sary exptendi- j John Vavasour Noel, well known re- ture of public funds.” i sort specialist and publisher, to pre- “Just the kind of thing that has ^ pare a series of travel articles on the country where it is today.” i “Motoring Among Southern Links.” “More taxes!” “Chance to get our; The first, covering golf in Virginia, hand in the grab-bag which some will appear in the November issue. folks can’t seem to resist.” “What has become of all the talk about governmental economy?” Mr. Noel is now in Southern Pines ren#wing old friendships and gather ing material for his article on golf- “Could be built only at tremendous ing in the Sandhills section. After cost over route proposed." | publication in the magazine this will These were a few of the expressions j be reprinted as a booklet. Mr. Noel of prominent citizens heard during the; prepared a booklet for Southern week. The surveying of the proposed route had people pretty much disturb ed. There may be no need for it; there may be. Just how far the proposal to Pines two seasons ago. He has re cently combined his publication busi ness with the Golf Illustrated Hotel and Travel Bureau and will direct their booklet service in the future. Local Mr. and Mrs. Edward Huggle.s anch soii Ned of Raleigh were week-end guests of Mr. and .Mrs. A. S. Ruggles. William Agnew spent a few tiay.s in town this week with his^ family, re turning to New York W'ednesday, where he will I’omain until November l.'th. Mr. and Mrs. .Agnew have taken the Rounsevcllt' house on Midland Road for the winter. 11 B. F. Pye ha.s returned from Range- ley, Maine. H. A. .Jackman is at the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hosiiital in Char lotte where he underwent an o])eration on his eye Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Cates of Ra leigh were guests over the week-end of Mrs. Cates’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Roberts on A.<he street. Walter Haldeman, noted ti'ans-At- lantic flyer, was a visitor in South ern Pines Monday evening. John V. Noel, feature writer for “Golf Illustrated,” has returned to Charleston after a week’s visit in Southern Pines. Mrs. E. J. Swindell spent Sunday in Jonesboro where she was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. A. Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montgomery and family are moving into the Sky line Cottage which they have leased for the season. Thomas J. Roche of the advertising department of the New York Times was a business visitor in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Phillips of Fairmont were guests over the week end of Mr. Phillip’s sister, Mrs. W. C. Ferguson. Frank Viall has returned home af ter spending the summer in Bethle hem, New Hampshire. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Simmonds have returned from Bellows Falls, Ver mont. Miss Thelma Kelly spent the past week-end in Jonesboro. Mrs. A. P. Turnmyre of Mt. Airy was the guest of her mother, Mrs. Lillian Johnson over the weeTc-end. The Kiwanis Club will be repre sented at the Carolinas District con vention in Columbia next week by Nelson Hyde, president, Richard Tufts and Frank McCluer. Mr. and Mrs. William Reiner an nounce the birth of a son, George Henry, on Wednesday, October 19th, at their home on Leak street. Mrs. Reiner was formerly Miss Florence Kohring. NKI) (’|{()SS PREPARES FOR A.NNr.VI, ( <)l NTV ROI L CAI.I. .Aberdei'ii momhcrs of the .Moon- County Cliai)tiT, .\merican Hod ('ro.s;:, will meet in thi- gi'amniar school here this afternoon, Friday, at o’clock to plan Aberdeen’s in the annual Red Cro.'^s Roll Call. Throughout the county plans for the big Roll Call of members are being made. The period from November 11 ih to November 21th will find more than H,000 chapters throughout the country seeking memberships for support of regular anrl emei-gency activities through lit:?:?, yrs. W. F. Allen is Moore County chairman and is busy marshalling hei' forces to wage the campainn for the ([uota allotted to the local chapter, IIA I.LOW E’EN C A!{NIV AI. PLANNED IN AHERDEFIN :::2:22t?;2;2222;::::t;;::::jt:;:«:2:22!;;t;«2222::;:::u:22::222:2:22::n:;««:;;22:22::a:mtttmt I: The teachers and grade mothers of the .Aberdeen schools are sponsor ing a Hallowe’en Carnival to be giv en at the High School building Mon day night at 7:!50. The admission is 5c for the children and 10c for the grown-ups. vfttfTO yf i ' .‘‘ill ATTRACTIVE HOUSES, COTTAGES and BUNGALOWS to rent for the season Desirable Houses and Acreage for sale EUGENE C. STEVENS Telephone 5121 Soulhern Pines, N. C. im::K:2::2::K:nj2:a:222::2:222««:t:::t2::::::::::ij«n:K::;:2::t«:» BAKERS’ FOOD STORE Phone 5681 E]'very'tHing Good to So\itHeri\ Fairies Free Delivery November 8th, A great day in America. Also Friday and Saturday, Octo ber 28 and 29 at Baker’s, Your Home Store Hams, half or whole, special, lb. 15c Pork Chops Brooms Health Club Electric Cut 4 Strings, 45c Value Baking Powder lb—15c Special 23e 3 10c Cans SPECIALS “A 23c Market Butter, lb. roll 23c WiLson’s Box Bacon, lb 23c Sliced Ham, lb 23c Chuck Roast, 2 lbs 23c Rib Lamb Chops, lb , 23c Spare Ribs, 2 lbs 23c Nut Butter, 2 lbs 23c Veal Chops, lb 23c Stew Beef, 3 lbs 23c T.-bone steaks, small 23c Round Steak, lb 23c SPECIALS “A 23c Store” All Green Asparagus, No, 2 can, 45c val., .23c Oatmeal, 10c size St Grits, 10c package Be Wheats worth Cereal Pancake flour, 2 pkgs .23c P & G Soap, 7 for 23c Tub Soap, large size, 9 for 23c Sugar, 5 lbs 23c Mixed Vegetables, No. 2 can, 2 for 23c Pure Coffee, 2 lbs 23c Fat Meat, lb 6c Home-killed Fryers, lb—23c Oysters, 23c pi. Lob Cabin Syrup, Special in Glass, 23c Lard, best compound, 3 lbs—23c Flour, 12 Ib. bag Flour, 24 lb. bag* 33c 59c Meal, per peck Milk, qt 18c 10c CASH PRICES TO ALL

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