MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS WEEKLY T'XX'C mis A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 13, NO. 2. ^ >wCA«THAOE V aAcue SP'^INCS LAKEVieW £HD MAHUKY JACKSOH SPRIH09 SOUTMBRM PlIiES ASHkEV HtKiHTS PINEBLUFF PIL imiNG VOl’K TOBACCO TO THE AHERDEEN MARKET of the Sandhill Territory of North Carolina Aberdeen and Southern IMnes. North Carolina, Friday Dec mher i), 1932. No Family in Need of Actual Necessities of Life is Aim of Emergency Relief Body Or»anization Set Up Through out County to Investigate and Aid Deserving Citizens WORK FOR ABL'E-BODIED To the end that no family in Moore county be in actual need of the nec essities of life without the case be ing investigated and progressive steps taken to relieve the situation, and with the aim in view that no per son in real distress and anxious to work shall lack opportunity to secure relief through labor, an Emergency Relief organization has been set up in the county capable of handling Moore County Relief for the winter. In the interests of the people of the county the obtaining of relief through prop er channels shall eliminate any pau perizing of the people whatsoever. The needy are being taken care of •^’henever practible through work, pay ment for labor being made in food, clothing, medicine and the actual ne- Who Gets The Dole? The I'nemployed or the Com munity Asks Citizen Who Sees Laxitv in Distribution “In these days when so much is being said about the dole in govern ment flour, in gOYernment cloth, etc., and when a negro or unfortunate white person is seen carrying away any of it, remarks are often heard such as these: “ ‘He is able to work,’ or ‘He has plenty and don’t deserve it,’ and so on.” It was a prominent citizen of the community who was speaking to a Pilot rei)resentative on Tuesday. “But 1 wonder,” he remaiked, “if various community, town and city organizations receiving funds from the State for the unemployed—and are using these unemployed in re pairing streets, sidewalks, cleaning up their local cemeteries and what not—I say, I wonder if they realize dole from the BURGLARS MAKE RICH HAULS IN SEVERAL TOWNS R(tb Aberdeen Store, Pinehurst Warehouses and Steal Pen der Company’s Safe LOCAL THIEVES CAUGHT FIVE CENT8 No Need of New Forestry Bureau ^ in U. S., Opinion of Leonard Tufts " * Sees No Shortage of Lumber But Large in Price and C/onsumption l)y Leonard Tufts Recently we received a communica tion from the Conservation Depart- iinnt saying that at the last Congress a bill was passed asking for full in- i Aberdeen, Cameron, Pinebluff and ioimation on the condition of the for- Pinehurst have been visited by thieves stressing early exhaustion of our during the past ten days, the most! supplies, reforestation and the desir- laring of the exploits being the whole- ability of a Federal and State ‘ hook- sale looting of the Standard Store in ; ^ take up the work. Aberdeen, the breaking of the safe ini Conservation Department asks- us what wo think about it and sug gests that this may lead to very considerable changes in the financ- inr,' nf fore.«t protective W’ovk. Presumably it is useless to say a whjd a.u'ainst this proposed bui’eau as people will want it with the I To Open Meeting the Pinehurst Warehouses and the theft of the safe in the new Pender store in Pinehurst. The Standard Store in the heart of Aberdeen was broken into last Thursday night and robbed of about $1,000 woi'th of merchandise consist- wo men’s in.; of women’s dresses, coats and idea that we will be getting something men’s wearing apparel. The glass of nothing, but to me of all things the front door had leen cut by cessities of life. In families where there is no one able to work, direct ^ they are receiving relief is given and plans made State, through local committees to alleviate *.xhe unemployed are giving value the situation. In some cases in which ' received when they work a day for a family is in dire need it is neces- 7q or 80 cents, but what are the com- sary to first render assistance and giving? How many are even then provide work. In order to touch supplementing State aid? My conten- all the needy families, the county has jjQjj money received from been divided into districts with a lo- the State by the different fbmmit- cal relief organization at the head of tees should be spent on State projects eacTi dstrict. ' and where this money is matched by The machinery for carrying on re- local contributions—and I doubt that glass cutter in a semi-circle and the glass then smashed in, until the lock ciiul.l be undone from inside. A suspicious coujtle was seen walk ing the streets Thursday night in front of this store gazing into its at- t)active windows. This is the third time the Standard Store has sustain ed robberies of merchandise in large amounts in as many years. Caught With the (Joods the idea of establi.shing a bureau for the protecting of our forests as an economic movement is most absurd. For years the state and' federal for- s Meeting to'k vuss New Road Project Citizens of Aberdeen and South ern Pines To Meet in S. P. high School Tonight CLUB ENDANGERED DR. (;e()R(;e c. herr President of Southein Pines Cl.aniber estry deiiartments have been telling Commerce, which, v\ith Aberdeen the people what a terrible lumber shortage we are faring and when this was started S.") years ago there may have been some reason for fearing it, hut since then the world, and especial ly the United States, has properly turned from lumber to steel, cement, Chamber, meeting. sponsoring big mass TEA TO MOVIE & LAUOT SENTINEL A mass meeting of citizens of Abeideen and Southern Pines has been called for tonight, P'riday, at 7:30 (.’clock in the auditorium of the Sdutheiii Pines High School building to ascertain the sentiment in the two towns regai'ding the construction of a new highway from Southern Pines to Abeideen. All interested persons are invited. The decision to have such a gath- ei'ing comes as the result of a meet ing hel l last Saturday afternoon be tween representatives of the Southern l ines Chamber of Commerce and di rectors of the Southern Pines Coun try Club, at which lime the latter outlined the damages which would ac crue to the Country Club’s golf course .-hould the road be built across its pi’operty as f.roposed by the State Highway Commission. The Country Club officials stated that this damage would be irreparable and the contin uance of the club as a Southern Pines institution gravely in doubt. Directors of the Chamber of Com- lief work consists of a head office at 250 Invitations to Women of the Sandhills many places match it—the local I Dees went after the pair and brought them to the county jail at Carthage,, then continued their investigation into into shape to meet the Emergency Re lief needs for the winter is due in no small measure to the organizing abili ties of Mr. Thomas. The Assistant Di rector of Relief for the county is Wil liam V. Carter, Jr., of Aberdeen, who serves as office force and case work er. Local Committees One hundred and fifty-four citizens of Moore county are giving their time in the interests of the needy. The fine display of public spirit evidenced by the willingness of our citizens to help with relief work is a boost for our county’s pride. Full cooperation at any and all times with the citizens W'ho are serving on local committees through-out the seventeen districts will greatly facilitate the handling of ' kept in a Sanford hotel disclosed a varied stock of ladies’ wearing ap- Carthage and seventeen districts scat- money should be spent on local pro tered through-out the county. At the jects. It is bad enough for certain in head is H. Lee Thomas, Superintend- dividuals and families to be receiving ent of Public Instruction and Direc- ,|oies. but when whole communities, , , . . tor of Relief. The swift success with towns and cities are accepting doles 1 ^ to Sanford, which the county has-been whipped from the State, in the form of repair-' a room which the woman ed sidewalks, new streets, tlean ceme teries, cleaner vacant lots, etc., it is just too bad. “I don’t know as we can blame the communities, for they are given these funds without any conditions as to how they are to be spent and do not have to report to the State anything about the projects this money is be ing spent on. Why under Heaven, with this great opportunity of plant ing and beautifying our State high- way.s with this State money, doesn’t the State grasp it and insist on this money being .spent this way. Plant a young tree and it will continue to grow and add beauty to our highways —a paying investment. “Think this over. As most of the communities are now using these local relief problems and enhance the ,^^o is the recipient of the dole- chances of succe.ssfully coping with The unemployed or the community?” '•eeovered by the officers is new goods. Two days after the burglary veneer and card board. To be sure, Sam Bolton and Thelma Stillwell were ^*"'d boai'd and veneer are wood but captured near Manchester, Bolton today they use a sheet from an eighth wearing a hat and the woman a coat ® quarter of an inch thick of these r» i> ■ i » , , , and dress which were the property niaterials where they formerly used «eod. Jr., Issues merce held a special session Tuesday of the store. Sheriff Charles J. Me- lumber from a half to an inch thick. Donald, Deputy Sheriff David Knight 'T" the decrease and Aberdeen Police Officer A. F. the lumber used per person I find i from the U. S. Department of Agri- LOLNTRY CLl B RLCLPIION culture that the per capita consump-1 tion of lumber in this country has' P'^^' been steadily de.reasing since 1904 ‘''^‘^wport, has issued ap- and is now the same as in 1859. This P>’<>^'™ately 2.^0 invitations to promi nent women throughout the Sandhills to attend a reception tomorrow, df'creasc is naturally reflected in the prices, for lumber has steadilv fallen parel. Ed McKay, a porter at the ho- 11)20, with the excep- tel, had five men’s hats and a lady’s ti<>n of the three “prosperity years, coat and dress. He is the only Ne gro, according to the officers, caught with any of the goods taken from the Aberdeen store. All of the robbers were white, according to Bolton’s story. Search by Harnett county officers was rewarded by the following “finds” in various parts of the county: Ladies’ coats, dresses, hats; a man’ sheep«kin coat and several men’s hats. The car in which Bolton and the woman were — - traveling when caught by the offi- One Killed. Three and is now the lowest since 1911. Many people don’t seem to appreciate how- fast lumber grows. It is not uncom mon for a lumber man, especially in the south, to cut the same land twice, and sometimes three times, uiring his life. Fi'om the above does it not seem reasonable to suppose that nature without artificial help is reforesting Saturday atternoon of The Sentinels, an organization which she is helping to found to fi<rht the influence of tb*? noon at Jack’s Grill to hear the re port of its committee on the session with the Country Club directors, and voted to accept the report and spon- .“or, in conjunction with the Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce, the mass meeting tonight. The committee com prised the following Southern Pines ?hamber directors: Frank Buchan, Dr. G. G. Herr, E. W. R< ineke, J. M. Windham and Alec Mac.Pherson. Tonight's meeting will be an open one for free discussion by all citizens (Please turn to page 4) lobby in government. This gathering, of the advantages and disadvantages which will take place at the Carolina of the proposed new highway. It is Iheatre, Pinehurst, will be the first of expected that Dr. George Herr, pres- an organization that its leaders hope ident of the Southern Pines Chamber will become nationwide in scope. oi Commerce, will call the meeting to An im':ressive list of sponsors has c.i er an.l ask lor nominations for a be':-n secured for the event. They are vhairman. .Among those expected co rs. Leonard Tufts, of Pinehurst; discuss the highway plan are Robert Mrs. Robert Page of .Aberdeen, Mrs. X. Page of Aberdeen, M. G. Nichols George ^Maurice, of Eagle Springs, and Dr. L. B. .McBrayer of Southern Mrs. Herbert F. Seawell, of Carthage, Pines, ana other proponents and op- i>nd Miss Alice May Holmes of South- ; tjnents of the road. cers contained some articles of ladies’ wearing apparel, a lot of cooking utensils used' for camping purposes. ern Pi-cs. To help which the \berdeen Girl Blinded bv Glar- there 'vill Injurei on His^hway the coming winter. The 154 workers make up the actual number of persons on the various committees. The number of individuals who are giving of their time and money trhough private contributions are countless. Many have given who pre fer that no mention be made of the giving. It is evident that the county’s forces of citizens must needs bend 1933 Auto Plates Go The officers stayed out all night i trying to round up the gang after they ; got a tip that Bolton and the woman ing Lights Hits Lnlighted Mule-drawn Vehicle Blinde<i by the lights of an ap- On Sale Here Dec. 15 were seen in Lillington early in the pi’oaching car while returning to Ab- evening. erdeen after her day’s work in South- Carolina ^lotor Club Establishes Bolton and the Stillwell woman were t“'n Pines, Miss Sarah Weaver, of Branch Office in Aberdeen held for Superior Court when ar- Aberdeen, failed to see a mule-drawn for County Distribution ' raigned in Recorder's Court in Car- vehicle in front of her and struck it ' thage. The hotel porter, colored, was with her car, killing one negro and demonstrate the fortes Sentinels hope to combat be a special showing of “Washington Merry-Go-Round at 2:30 o'clock after which Mrs. Reed will receive those attending at a tea at the Pinehurst Country Club. Mrs. Reed and others will address the gathering, explaining the puriiose and the duties of The Sentinels. Reg ular meetings of the group will be hekl during the season. Moore County Officials Are Publicly Installed Judge \V. .1. Adams of Supreme (’cur) .Vdministers Oath at Impressive Ceremony License tags for your automobile charged with receiving stolen property j seriously injuring two others, every effort if we are to meet the ^or next year will be sold at the H. and released under ?500 bond. The' The ac..ident happened about fi:.‘?0 demands of winter. All are urged to Page, Jr. Motor Company in .Aber- 'other two are in jail, charged with (Tuesday ni^ht on U. S. Highway No. 1, Good Fellows Club To Plan Work for Winter committees in deen by W. L. Batchelor, the Carolina breaking and entering and larceny. The Pinehurst Robberies aid the local relief every way possible. Motor Club announced this week. The Following is the Moore County Wei- ‘^lub is opening a temporary branch fare Board: Mrs. J. R. Page, Aber- office here for Moore county, hand- deen; L. B. McKeithen, Cameron and I'lg the new plates and cards for all 0. T. Parks, Hallison. i privately owned and operated cars The revised and official list of lo-: and trucks, cal relief committees for the seven-' Batchelor attended a meeting teen districts follows: of officials of the Motor Club, State Aberdeen—M. H. Folley, Chairman, Charity Committee; H. W. Doub, D. I. McKeithen, G. C. Seymour and J. Talbot Johnson; E, L. Barber, Chair man, Charity Committee; F. D. Sham- burger, Chairman, Firfaiice Commit tee; G. A. Charles, Chairman, Pur chasing and Distribution, and G. C. Seymourj_ Chairman, Employment. Cameron—Mrs. J. M. Guthrie, Chairman; Miss Lucile Loving, Dr. H. 0. Averitte, Miss Minnie Muse, L. B. McKeithen. Carthage—0. B. Welch, Chairman; Ed Muse, Wilbur Currie, C. F. Barnes and Houston Parks. Eagle Springs—J. W. Page, Mrs. J. W. Page and Mrs. George Maurice. Eureka—Mrs. W. McC. Blue, Chair man; W. McC. Blue and J. P. Kiser. Glendon—C. R. Scotten, Chairman; (Please turn to page 8) The Pinehurst police department, as well as representatives of the Mid- South Insurance -Agency, are investi gating two major store breaks which just a few rods above Charley’s Place between Southern Pines and Aber deen. A local man, who was just a- head of Miss Weaver on the highway, stated that he passed the wagon just before the accident and that it was were committed sometime between 3 carrying no rear light. The wagon p. m. Sunday and 8:00 a. m. Monday Please turn to page 5) MRS. E. M. BAXTER, FORMER RESIDENT, DIES IN WEST officials and the Highway Patrol last week, at which time plans were dis cussed for the efficient handling of the work of distributing the plates. Tags will be on sale December 15th to j January 15th at the Aberdeen branch. I Mrs. E. M. Baxter of Derbyline, The office will be open from 9 a. m. | Vermont, for many years a resident to 4:30 p. m. i of the Sandhills, died last week in The 1933 plates will be the colors Los Ang«les, Cal., according to word of the University of North Carolina,' received here this week, dark blue background with white let-' Mrs. Baxter came to Pinehurst in ters. The tags will carry one of three 1901 with her son Charles and daught- small numbers this year, in addition Jeannette, her son accepting a po- to the license number, indicating thejsition with the Page Railroad. Mrs. class of car for which it was sold. ’ Baxter managed the Jackson Springs This is done to eliminate the transfer' Hotel for a short time. She moved to of plates from one ear to another. | Southern Pines about 1910 and built Application cards will Ke mailed ' a home at the corner of May street from Raleigh this w'eek and owners | and New Hampshire avenue. After a should bring them to the branch of- i residence of some 12 years here she fice with them. With these cards the j left for Seattle, W^ash., in 1922. Her work is much simplified and the own- j son Charles died in Pinehurst some ers can get their tags in a hurry. | twenty years ago. .\nnual Meeting and Election of Officers at Aberdeen Com munity House Next Monday The annual laeetinn; of the Good Fallows Club of Aberdeen will be held at the Community House next Monday evening, December 12th at 7:30 o’clock. Ever5one that is inter ested in the work that the Good Fel lows are doing are invited to be pres- negroes. The Rev. Harvey Evans solicitation of of ill- .... — ness, the organizing of the local unit of the Institute of Goverament was was practically demolished and the mule, with a broken back, was under the car and had to be shot. There were four occupants of the wagon, all was killed outri'^ht and Hosey Cosey was seriously injured and his condition is critical; Willie King, a ^ younger negro, was also seriously in- j jured. He and Cosey were taken to the Moore County Hospital, and a negro boy, a son of Maurice Cosey, | was treated at the office of Dr. J. W. j Bowman in Aberdeen. HIGHLAND PINES PREPARES Miss Weaver was apparently unin-^ ^ gEASON OPENING jured but was suffering from shock | and nervousnesst A large force of carpenters, pluin- Bcfore an audience of some seventy- li\e citizens of the county, Moore county officials on Monday evening took the oath of office, which was ad ministered in his usual impressive way by .Justice W. J. .Ai ams of the North Carolina Supreme Court, who came down from Raleigh for the ceremony an I returned immediately after its close. The meeting was presided over by U. L. Spence, who made an interest ing talk on the Institute of Govern ment, which endeavors*, to promote public interest in governmental affairs and to aid officeholders to better un derstand their duties. Due to the absence of Judge George H. Humber, who was unable to at- funds will be made, how'ever. The main purpose of the meeting will be to make plans for relief work dur ing the winter months and to elect now officers. M. H. Folley is the pi*es- ent President of the club. postponed. OFFER PRIZES FOR BEST OUTDOOR CHRISTMAS TREES The Home and Garden Club will again sponsor the Christmas Lighting contest. Two prizes will be given, one foe the pi'cttiest outside Christmas tree and one for the prettiest outside Christmas scene. One prize will be donated by Bumey Hardware Com pany and the other by Mack’s Five The coroner arrived on the scene ! bers and painters are busy preparing about 7:30 and decided to hold an in-'the Highland Pines Inn for the seas- quest and mpaneled a jury. They I on’s opening on the 15th. Twenty-five examined the evidence at the place of | guests are already booked for the and Ten Cent Store. The judging will the accident that night, but postpon- | start of the inn’s twenty-first season take place on Christmas Eve. ed the holding of an inquest until and every indication points to a pros- ‘ It is hoped that everyone who can the condition of Miss Weaver would perous business for Southern Pines’ will enter this contest in order to help permit of questioning her. | largest hotel. j beautify the town at Christmas time.

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