MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS WEEKLY '"N^arthaoe 'iQ aAOuE 6PAIHCS VASS LAKEView MANUEV OACXSOm SPRIN09 90UTH6PN Pines AeEROE.E>4 PINEBLUFF PILOT FIRST IN NEWS, CIRCULATION & ADVERTISING A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 18, NO. 11. f of the Sandhill Territor> X^%-th Carolina _ Alurdeen and Simlherir'l'in^i. NDrth'tar'olina, Friday, February 10, 1933. ’ (3 •* FIVE CENT8 W.J. CAMERON OF VASS PASSES IN HIS 75TH YEAR Prominent Resident of Moore W'as Horn in Harnett County in January, 1859 HEALTH FAILED IN 1918 Death has clainietl another belov ed man of Moore. William John Cameron died at his home in Vass last Saturday, Febru ary 4th, leavinjj behind him a legacy ot “charity towaid all an. Shannon opposing it. Dr. (Jeorge Cl. Herr was unanimous ly re-elected president of the South ern Pines Chamber of Commerce at the lirsi meeting of the new board of directors of that body Tuesday noon at Jack’s Grill, Hiram West brook was chosen vice-president, M. G. Nichols re-elected national counse lor, and I). I). Shields ('ameron again . hosen secretary-treasurer. Four new directors, elected at the annual meeting of the Chamber held last Thursday night at the Highland I Pii;e'' Inn were “initiate.” Vo the) Board Tuestay by being called u. on fyr short talks. They were Dr. Robert , Shef)ard, James Simons, Walter Gil- kyson and Lloyd T. Clark. •A. round tables discussion of na tional affairs led by Mr. Nichols, fea tured the meeting. The directors also , approved of erection of an informa- I tion booth at the southern end of I town on Highway No. 1, as soon as I arrangements can be completed for I site and financing. A. Motitesanti of- fei-ed the logs for a log cabin and it is probable that the building will be erected in this form. (.Ml. Boyd, author of “Drums,” “Marching On” and “Long Hunt" and a Contributing E,.itor of The Pilot, is wintering in Palm Sprinj