MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 13, NO. 20. ^ ^VPO^Thaoe O fiACue SPAIHC9 VA8S LAKE VIEW V«f.9T EHO MAHL6Y OACKCOH SPRlNOd SOUTMCPm PIMGS ASMI-GV HEfCHTS abcrdcjih PiM&BLur^ FIRST IN NEWS, CIRCULATION & ADVERTISING of the Sandhill Territory oi. .orth Carolina Abtrdesn and Southern Pin s. North Carolina, Friday, April 14, 1933. FIVE CENTS IVES CLOSE DEAL FOR PURCHASE OF REID PAGE FARM Favorite in North-South Tennis U. S- Consul General and Wife Acquire 80-Acre Tract Near Southern Pines PLAN COUNTRY ESTATE One of the larj'est real estate! transactions of the season was closed i this week when Mr. and Mvs. Ernest | L. Ivjs purchased through Eugene C. j Stevens of Southern Pines the Reid, A. Page farm, located between South- i ern Pines and Aberdeen near the Be-1 thesda Road. i The farm adjoins the property of I Francis Robinson, James Boyd and! Captain William Reiner and comprises j about 80 acres of high land, with a farmhouse and several tobacco barns. ] It is located on the high ridge east! of Bethesda Road, with an expansive; view in several directions. j Mrs. Ives has been residing this! winter in the residence of Mrs.: Clara Pushee on Weymouth Heights, j She spent some time here eight or ] ten years ago and during this season i bt'came so impressed with the South-1 ern Pines locality, its surroundings, and developments, she decided to ac quire some property here. The Reid Page place, also known as the John son place, appealed to her and she closed the deal for the purchase of the property early this week. Mr. Ives is in the United States dip-; lomatic service, having been attached: to legations in Denmark and South; Africa and to the embassy in Turkey. He has recenty been assigned to the' consulate generalship of Algeria, and with Mrs. Ives will sail soon for that; country. The new purchasers plan to devel-| op their property here along the lines of a country estate some time in the future when Mr. Ives returns to this i country from his present post. Captain Reiner of Southern Pines, formerly of West Point, New York, acquired possession of 170 acres of the Reid Page tract in September, | last year, and the entire ridge east of Bethesca Road from .\berdeen to Southern Pines is now in the hands of owners who plan extensive develop ments in good season. 1 “s' BATHING BEACH, RECREATION PARK ABERDEEN’S PLAN Measure to Incorporate Knollwood as Village Introduced in Assembly Good Fellows’ Club Supervising Clean-Up and Improvements Along Lake Shore -MONEY WELL SPENT CLIFFORD SlTTMf Sutter, highest ranking player amonj! tho^■e compeiing in the annual North & South Tennis Tournament on the courts of the Pinehurst Coun try Club this week, is favored to win the event when the final round of singles is played tomorrow, Saturday. Others .surviving the week’s play at the time The Pilot went to press were Bryan Grant, who yester day defeated F’lank Shields; J. Gill ert Hall, who put out Lester Stoefen, and George M. Lott, who defeated Gregory Mangin in a thrilling 5-set match. —Photo by Hemmer. $59,724 LESS FOR SUPREME COURT COUNTY’S SCHOOLS! GETS PORTRAIT UNDER NEW LAW OF JUDGE AVERY Hig Decrease Here Unless Coun ties Are Permitted to Supple ment State Funds Colored Singing- Contest Here on Monday Night Good Fellows Club Arranges Musical F'east To Aid Relief Fund The Charity Fund of the Good Fel- { lows Club of Aberdeen will benefit by the Colored Quartet Contest to be staged at the Dixie Theatre in Aber deen on Easter Monday night, April 17th, and members of the club, who have been doing splendid relief work in the neighborhood during the past few years are promising the greatest musical feast ever given in Aber deen. The program would appear to bear out their statements that a treat is in store for those attending. Here are some of the features: The Winning Four from the Sttiie Sanatorium; the Taylor Brothers from Aberdeen; The Sunset Four from Addor, the Shep herd Boys from Southern Pines, the Galilee Four from Pinehurst and the Famous Four of the Morrison Train ing School at Hoffman. Each of these outfits will compete in the singing contest, and while the judges are de- ceding which is best the Raeford High School Glee Club will offer a num ber of songs and stunts. The admis sion for all of this will only be 15 cents for the youngsters and a quart er for the groups, so it looks like a full house in the Dixie Theatre next Monday night. CAMPAIGN TO RAISE FUNDS FOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE A campaign to raise funds for the support of the Southern Pines Cham ber of Commerce is under way. The Chamber has a splendid record of civ ic achievements during the past year and is basing expectations of gener ous contributions on its many worth while accomplishments of this and past years. Moore county wMll be adversely af fected by the adoption of the $16,000,-1 000 appropriation for an eight months school term. Figures worked out by Dr. A. T. Allen, State Superintend-, ent of Public Instruction, reveal that under the bill passed' by the General Assembly, the county will receive next year $150,525.73 from the State fund, i $0,088.59 from county funds, a total of $15G,G1-1.32 for schools as compar ed with $21(5,338.27 this present year, a decrease of $59,723.95, in addition to the $3,329.80 spent on the ninth | month this j’ear. Public schools in about 65 of the 100 counties of the state will be bene- fitted in varying degrees by adoption i of the $16,000,000 for an eight months school term, but many of the remain ing 35 counties will be greatly injured. unless thpy are permitted to provide supplements to the State fund.