MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY THE A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 13, NO. 28. SPAIN63 LAKEVICW HAHLfiY SPRIhOS PILOT FIRST IN NEWS, CIRCULATION & ADVERTISING of the Sandhill Territory of North Carolina Aberdeen and Southern Pines, Nortn Carolina, Friday June 9, 1933. FIVE CENTS 4' Grade Crossing Elimination as Unemployment Project Championed by Lambeth Af' r> — r-' Graduating: Class of Southern Pines High Congressman Sees Big- Oppor-| tunity To Save.Lives Through Use of Federal Aid Funds i $9,805,300 FOR N. C. In a statement given The Pilot this week Representative Walter Lam beth of this Congressional district de clares for a program of ^rade cross ing elimination in North Carolina through the use of Federal Aid funds. Mr. Lambeth saya: With the Industrial Recovery Bill nearing enactment in a form appar ently very little subject to change so far as the main features of the program are concerned, I believe that our people are ready and eager for an early start along the lines of ad vance proposed. Especially, perhaps, Our Johnny Johnny Allen, former Aberdeen Hotel clerk, now star pitcher of the New York Ameri can League team, let the hard hit ting Philadelphia p , Athletics down with but one hit in a game play ed during the past M J week, and struck out the champion home run hitter of the league, Jimmy Foxx, three times in succession. is this true of the public-works title.' VfJI TTll HU TAI)AY I want t odiscuss briefly the opportun- -I v/U 1 H V/l 1 \JUr\ 1 MUST REBUILD A BROKEN MORALE briefly the opportun ities presented in the way of highway constinction, with particular refer ence to the elimination of some of the grade crossings now responsible for many deaths and injuries every year. Section 204-a of the bill as amend ed in the House reads: “For the pur pose of providing for the emergency construction of public highways or related projects, the President is au thorized to make grants to the several States in an aggregate amount of $400,000,000. Sec. 204-b proceeds to change the basis of apportionment among the States from the one pre viously existing, so that the $400,- 000,000 will be apportioned one-fourth to area, one-fourth to mileage and one-half to population, instead of one-third each for population, area and mileage. Thereby it is estimated