Friday, June 30, 1933. THE PILOT, Aberdeen and Southern Pines, North Carolina Page Fir# Horace H. Rackham of Pinehurst Leaves Millions to Charity Southern Pines Church and j station, primarily in Michigan and Quaker Children’s Home, McConnell, Beneficiaries Two Moore county institutions, the Christian Science Church of Southern Pines and the Quaker Children’s Home at McConnell, near High Falls, are beneficiaries under the will of Ho race H. Rackham of Detroit and Pinehurst, who died on June 13th in Detroit at the age of 73 years. Mr. Rackham luft an estate valued at close to $25,000,000. The will places administration of charities in control of a board of trus tees, one member of which is the wid ow, Mary A. Rackham. The princi pal and income, the will specifies, is to be expended for “such benevolent, charitable, educational, scientific, re ligious and public purposes as in the judgment of the trustees will pro mote the health, welfare, happiness, education, training and development of men, women and children, partic ularly the sick, aged, young, erring, poor, crippled helpless handicapped, unfortunate an^} under-privileged, re gardless of race, color, religious or elsewhere in the world.” The bequest, attorneys said, is the largest single gift to charity in the history of Michigan. Under special gifts made in the will, the University of Michigan regents will receive $100,000 to be used as loans or gifts to deserving students. A score of other smaller bequests were made, many in Detroit. Those from Clarkton where she attended the ill for several days, is able to be out again. Miss Cornelia Philips had as her guests over Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W, P. Philips of P'airmont and Mr. and Mrs. \V. C. Ferguson of Manly. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cookingham and daughter Doris have returned to their home in Elmer N. J., after spending the past few months here. R. T. Mills attended the Filter Plant Operator’s School at State College, Raleigh, the 28th and 29th. Mrs. Hattie C. Johnson is expect ed home the latter part of the week outside Detroit rntluded $50,000 to the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Bos ton, Mass.; $50,000 to the Imperial council of the ancient order, Nobles of the Myotic Shrine, Washington for maintenance of Shriners’ hospitals for crippled children; $10,000 Quaker Children’s Home, McConnell, N. C.; $10,000, Christian Science Church of Southern Pines; $10,000, Milligan Col- funeral of her father. Major and Mrs. W. E. McCord will leave next week for their home in New York state. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bradin will occupy the McCord home for the summer. The young people of the Intermed iate B. Y. P. U, will hold a lawn sup per in the city park Saturday evening beginning at 5:30. Delicious salads. lege, Milligail Tenn. and $5,000 to sandwiches, cakes, ice cream and ice Tuskegee Normal and Industriah In-1 cold drinks will be served. The pro stitute, Tuskegee, Ala. Mr. Rackham, at 45, borrowed $5,- 000 to invest in stock of the Ford company and sixteen years later sold out to the Fords for $12,500,000. He never put more than the initial $5,- 000 into the company, and had drawn more than $4,000,000 in dividends. ceeds will go toward the expense of sending delegates to the annoiad State Conference at Ridgecrest next month. Your patronage will be greatly ap preciated. Mr.s. Elizabeth Pettes, Mrs. George White, Mrs. M. R. Carpenter and Miss Cora Leggett motored to Raleigh Tuesday. Mrs. E. J. Rose and daughter Mary after the l^ourth. Miss Jean Ross, who has spent the winter here return ing with them. W. J. Jones, of Ridge Spring'?, S. C., representing Cochran and Com pany of New York in the Sandhills, has leased the Goodwill house on Or chard road for the summer and will he joined by his family later in the week. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Knowles leave Saturday for a motor trip to the mountains including a stay in the newly opened Pinnacle Inn at Banner Elk. C. T. Patch is also enjoying a mountain tour to Black Mountain and other resorts. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vetterlein spent Tuesday in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Goodwill will spend the summer months in Kure Beach. Miss Dorothy Pottle leaves on Sat-1 urday to join her parents in Jeffer son Highlands, N. H. Stores closed all day Tuesday, July Fourth,, open all of Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Causey, Gladys and Edwin rinnsev '’i«i>ed in the Lo belia section Sunday afte noon. Maggie Le6 Stevenson spent Saturday night wtih Misses Mildred and Myrtle Priest. GREAT REDUCTIONS THIS WEEK This is a Stock-Reducing Sale before talcing inventory SILK UNDERWEAR, GIRDLES and CORSELETTES, values to $10.00, reduced to $1.98—$2.98—<$3.98 SILK UNDERWEAR Vanity Fair and Van Raalte Bloomers, Step-Ins and pants, choice 69c Dotted Swiss Blouses, reduced 69c Silk Blouses, values to $5.00, choice $1.98 COTTON PAJAMAS Broadcloth and Prints, reg. $2.25, special $1.39 Printed Pajamas, reg. $1.00—$1.25, choice ....79c Children’s Pajamas 25c, with 'hat 59c BURNING DEWBERRY VINES Children’s Cotton Dresses, .special 39c Ladies Cotton Dresses, special 39c Ladies Cotton Gowns, special 39c Children’s Cotton Gowns, special 19c fMi \kT 1 • O . 1 i Mrs. t;. J. Kose and aaugnter iviary I Farmers throughout this section are, . £ _||0 VV 0CK iri vOUvlXCrrfc Jr inCSI”^ visitors in the | busy cutting down and burning their home of Mrs. Maxwell Grey, another i dewberry vines, setting ready for new j |j taughter. They plan to return home [growth for next year’s crop to start.; BtttXtttttttttttttUUtt C. T. PATCH DEPT. STORE Southern Pines Miss Dorothy Thurman has return ed to her home in Cheraw, S. C., af ter visiting here for the past week as guest of Mayor and Mrs. D. G. Stutz. faculty, arrived Thursday for the Al-' len-Wheeler wedding. ' [ Miss Mary Richardson and niece,' Miss Ruth Richardson left for Jef-' ferson, Maine, on Tuesday. They were F*ineln\irst Paragraphs Miss Nancy Ray Currie of Jack-1 ^it'companied as far as Raleigh by S. On Thursday night of last week a most delightful farewell party was son Springs is visiting here as guest j Richardson anJ daugihter. Miss ^riven at the home of W. P. Morton of Miss Louise Blue. | Emlie Richardson. i Bernice Burton, who left Mr. and Mrs. John S. Ruggles and ] Jimmie Miliiken, Edward Prizer and , this week for her home in Tennessee, small son. Jack, left last week for Carolina Beach, where they will spend several weeks visiting Mrs. Ruggles’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Plummer. Major and Mrs. William McCord expect to leave July 5th for their summer home in Chautauqua, N. Y. Harold Dillehay spent Friday at Carolina Beach. A. L. Adams and daughters. Misses Eleanor ana Roberta Adams have I’e- Buster Patch are spending ten days About forty guests were enteretin- in camp at Vade Mecuni Springs, ed. North Carolina. | p j Dupont entertained at Dr. R. L. Hart attended the pharma- a bropkfast bridge at her home Wed- ceutical convention in Raleigh the lat-' nesday morning. ter part of last week. | Monday evening, Miss Irma Evans' first of the week. Hinton Patterson left Monday for'was honoree at a dinner given by! Miss Ha Person of Fayetteville re- Northeast Harbor, Maine, to spend the! Miss Virginia Hensley, the occasion | tuined to her home Tuesday after W. E. (Shorty) Barber who went to j || his home there. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stewart spent i; Saturday in Raleigh. j jt Mrs. Richard Tufts and children i|| left this week for a stay at their cot-'|| tage in Roaring Gap. j f| Miss Verdun Shaw visited her | H grandi«arents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. i || Spivey at their home in Ellerbe the! II summer months. Mrs. Rufus Cates is expected today from Raleigh to spend the Fourth with her sisters, the Misses Althea and turned to their home here after a \ Lillian Roberts with i-elatives the short visit north. E. W. Pavenstedt left by motor last week for New Haven, Conn., where he has entered the Yale Law School. He was accompanied as far as Annapolis, Md., by Dr. Ford Brown, who has beeil visiting the Pavenstedts here. Mrs. Pavenstedt and Mrs. Brown are remaining down for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Pavenstedt will make their home in New Haven during the next year, Mrs. Augustine Healy, well on the road to recovery from the broken col larbone suffered in an automobile ac cident here recently, left on Saturday for New York. With Mr. Healy she ■will sail next week for England for a month’s sojourn abroad. Mr. and Mrs. W'alter Gilkyson are occupying Firleigh Farm, the Healy residence here, for the present Reports from H. O. Riggan, who is in Memorial Hospital, New York City, for treatment, are very favorable. He hopes to return home in about ten j tertained Miss Will days. j e being Miss Evans’ birthday. Guests included Miss Irma Evans, Miss Doi'- othy Ehrhai'dt, Miss Margaret Mor ton, Miss Gertrude Kelly, Miss Lorena Montesanti, Francis Wicker and Rob ert Shaw. Mrs. A. M. Oglesby was hostess at dinner Thursday night when she en- Frances Jour- M:.. £241. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Reynolds have | el Hai'dison, Miss Gladys Bryson and closed the Jefferson Inn. and left for Miss .Avalon Armstrong, the north accompanied by Miss Har vey. Mrs. F. Craighill Brown and Mrs. Millicetit Hayes left Wednesday morning to spend the month of July in Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. Michael Lavery who has been the guest of his sister, Mrs. Joseph Buck ley for the past two weeks returned the latter part of the week to his home in Manchester, N. H. Miss Helen Hargrove and Mrs. Jos eph Buckley spent Tuesday m Char lotte. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Wrenn and son a visit here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gouger. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Swaringen have as their guests, Mrs. E. T. Turnley and sons, Harold and Edward of Kin ston. Mrs. Turaley is a sister of Mr. Swaringen. John Aldridge of Durham spent Sunday in Pinehurst, the guest of Miss Mrs. N. C. Spivey and young daughters, Myrna and Sara and her son, Currie, of Guilford College visit ed Mrs. Bob Shaw and family a day this week. Mrs. B. M. Cole of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida is here for a visit in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mrs. J. M. Hagood and Mrs. Blanche Wescott were joint hostesses to the Community Bridge Club and other guests on Wednesday night at The Little Community House. The July meeting of the Woman’s Auxiliary of the Community Church j Gouger. was moved up from July 4th to this | Mr.s. Charles W. Picquet and Mrs. Tuesday night in order not to -have | Willard Dunlop were Greensboro vis- tiic meeting fall on a birthday. This itors on Tuesday. and daughter, Clem, Jr., and Nancy, Mr. and MrsV Allan Thurman and j and Hunt Fisher are camping at Lake their family, who spent the winter in j James near Asheville this week. Southern Pines, have returned to their I home in Raleigh. ] sister Mrs. L. H. Cherry, Jr., in High Dr. and Mrs. Henry Van' Zile Hyde Point this week, of Baltimore are guests of Mr. and; Miss Jeannette Welch has returned Mrs. Nelson C. Hyde at The Paddock, i fiom a visit with her sister in Siler Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Vale gave j City, a farewell tea last Friday afternoon^ Miss Catherine Pierson has return- for Mrs. .■\ugustine Healy, and on Sat- jCd from a two weeks trip to George- urday afternoon Mrs. Healy asked a I town, S. C. few friends to Firleigh Farm to say B. C. Webster and M. T. Solomon charge made it possible to have Mrs. Phillip Price of the North China Mis sion and a guest this week of the Rev. and Mrs. Mui-doch McLeod make a talk to the Auxiliary. Mrs, Price has a charming ease of manner and her talks so informing that her hearers are brought very close to the Chi- Miss Maureen Sugg is visiting her nese mode of living, their needs and Eggs and Purina Feed High Priced Eggs Ar? Coming! The day of cheap eggs is almost over. Conditions defi nitely indicate eggs will be much higher this fall. Take the best care of your hens and pullets—worm and vaccinate them, Purina feed is madp by scientists to keep hens well, strong and give largest po.ssible egg production. We carry a complete stock of this feed. McNEILL & CO. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. Profitable (eeda for livestock and poul try. They lower your cost of production and make you more profits. purika CHOWS goodbye. Mrs. Helen Y. Thomas of Washing ton, D. C., is occupying the home on Ashe street which she recently pur chased from Mrs. Nancy. Atwood. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Nichols spent last week-end at Ashtsville, spentSunday in Raleigh. Mrs. L. B. W'heeler and daughters problems, and the problems of the workers we send to them, especially the doctors and nurses in the hospi tals. Mrs. Price spoke specifically of this phase of the work as she and Dr. Price are affiliated with a large hospital in North Carolina. A social hour followed the meeting during which circle Number One served re freshments. Due to the increasing popularity of Alice, Dorace and Nilda motored to j Juniper Lake, the picnic sponsored by Charlotte Monday. the Women’s Bible Class has again Mrs. Vinson L. Johnson with her .been postponed. When told <^hey were small daughter Nancy has returned j “dated up” for three weeks as far as I from New York where she attended I their capacity permitted, the local Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Vale are leaving this week-end to spend the Fourth of July at Roaring Gap. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ewing are spending the Fourth at Myrtle Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Vale have re turned from a visit to Warrenton, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Stevens have returned after spending several days irt Richnr.ond, Va. Mrs. J, S. Miliiken and small daughter are visiting Judge and Mrs. J./S, Manning in Raleigh, Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Lewis left this w'eek for Bethlehem, N, H., to spend the summer months. Mrs. William Stuart Reyburn, who has 'been the house guest of Mrs. Augustine Healy at Firleigh Farms for some time has returne/i to her home in Washington. Mrs. Carl Thompson and Mrs Harry Vetterlein went to Raleigh Tuesday to see Mrs. J. S. Miliiken who is visiting her parents there. Mrs. R. P. Potts and Mrs. Shields Cameron motored to Blowing Rock the latter part of last week. Miss Ruth Davenport of Sanford, former member of the local school the wedding of a cousin. They stopped | class decided to wait until the rush at Lexington, Ky., on the way home to ■ abated. visit Mv. Johnson’s family. The Sandy Creek Association of the B. Y. P, U. will hold its ani’ual con ference at the First Baptist Church Sunday afternoon and evening. Several hundred young people fmm the sur rounding communities are expected to be present. A most interesting pro gram has been arranged and the pub lic is cordially invited, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde G. Council, ac companied by Mrs. R. T. Mills, spent the week-end with Mrs, Council’s father at St, Pauls, A. L. Adams and daughters Elean or and Alberta retu. ned Saturday from a two weeks motor trip to New Hampshire, leaving Mrs, Adams and small son with relatives for several weeks. Miss Vivian Montgomery returned to her home ini Wilmington Monday after being the guest of Mr. and Mrs, A. S. Ruggles the past week, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walker and children Tom and Anna left by mo tor Tuesday for their summer home in Sandy Lake. Pennsylvania. Mrs. A, S. Ruggles, who has been The Sandhill Brotherhoid ele 'ed of ficers for the ensuing six months at its business meeting Sunday morn ing, John F, Taylor was elected pres ident to succeed Arthur Mills, Dr. F. C. Pinkerton, vice president and as sistant treasurer, Ed Swaringen sec- retary-treasurer to succeed I. C. Sledge and the Rev. W. Murdoch Mc Leod, teacher. Mrs. Frank McManus of Beverly, Mass., joined her husband here on Sat urday for a stay of several weeks. Miss Bernice Burton left Monday morning, returning to her home in I Springfield, Tenn. Miss Burton has lived in Pinehurst for a number of years, coming here as instructor in the commercial department of the high school and later holding a position with the Archers Company. She has made many friends while here. Ac companying her on the trip were Miss Ethel Hardison and Miss Gladys Bry son who have b»^n guests in the Mor ton home for the past week, and were returning to Tennessee, Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Price of China are guests this week of their cousins,, Mr. and Mrs. W^ M. McLeod at the | Manse. The Rev. and Mrs. T. A. Cheatham, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Carter and little Betsy Carter, and Dr. Myron W. Marr have returned from a w'eek’s fishing at Beaufort. Miss Bernice Burton, Miss Ethel Hardison, Miss Gladys Bryson, Miss Mary Avalon Armstrong and Ivey Sally spent the past week-end at Car olina Beach. Mrs. Ellis Fields and Mrs. Charles Fields have received news (Tf the crit ical illness of their father at his home in White Plains, New York. Miss Marjorie Cole returned Sun day afttr a week’s visit with h‘’r sis ter in Lancaster, S. C. Mrs. Alma Taylor has gone to Greenwood, S. C. for an indefinite stay with her daughter, Mrs. Allan Watson. On Wednesday Mrs. Elwin McLeod, Mrs. Frank McManus, Mrs. I. C. Sledge, Mrs. A. P. Thompson and Mrs. Alex Stewart enjoyed a motor trip to the Hemp Mills and the pottery. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Simpkins vis ited their daughter. Miss Virginia Simpkins at the University Summer School at Chapel Hill Saturday, Albert Oglesby is here for a visit with his mother, Mrs. A. M. Ogles by, Miss Margaret Kelly left Saturday to spend a two weeks vacation with her parents, Mrs. and Mrs. M. McL. Kelly at their home near Carthage. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Calloway left Sunday for Sky Top, Penn. Mrs. Cal loway and her sister-in-law, Miss Christine Calloway plan to spend the remainder of the summer in England. The Misses Mildred and Jean Grier, sisters of Mrs. Calloway are spend ing the summer in Pinehurst with Mrs, Albert Currie. On Wednesday night Mr. and Mrs. Willard Dunlop entertained for din ner Mr, and Mrs, Frank McManus, Mr. and Mrs, Elwin McLeod, George Miss Benna Kirk spent Sunday in Eastman and Frederick W, Ganby, all Four Oaks. She was accompanied by of Boston. HOT WEATHER TAKES A LOT OUT OF AN AUTOMOBILE Your Car should be looked over more of ten. It should be kept well oiled, well greased. It’s easy to burn out bearings if you’re not careful. We Have Skilled Mechanics. Let Them See if Your Car Needs Attention. An Ounce of Prevention is a Good Deal Cheaper than a Pound of Trouble on the Road. And We Carry the Highest Grade Gulf Motor Oils that won’t let your bearings burn out——and That Good Gulf Gasoline, Gulf No-Nox, etc. Drop in. PAGE MOTOR COMPANY East Broad Street Southern Pines