If 'JN MOORE COUNTY'S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY THE A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 13, NO. 40. >»xarthaok 'f BACL-e SPRINGS VASS LAKEVieW MANLKV SOUTMBRN JA«sing. j cured tobacco is of ex- In the passing of Herbert Orton j cc-ptionally fine quality and was pro- RinKan, Southern Pines loses not | duced only after extreme sacrifices only one of its foremost citizens, but made by the farmers, their wives and a man whose mo(ii!.vith Mills pitching, while the score in the second game is disputed. West End says 5-4 in favor of them selves, while the locals claim a 5-5 tie. If West End is correct than the game would probably have been over on the next pitched ball. If not an other inning at least would have had to be played. MRS. J. McN, JOHNSON ILL Word was received at this office just before going to press that Mrs. J. McN. Johnson of Aberdeen has suffered a stroke of paralysis, and is in a serious condition, Mrs. Johnson was taken suddenly ill Thursday night about 9 o’clock and has not regained consciousness. in the Sandhills. Officers of the as sociation are G. Z. Phillips, general traffic managei' of the Seaboard, president; J. C. Wioten, general sup erintendent of transportation, first Seventh; viee-])resident; C. Bell, superintend- of dining car service, second vice- sident; R. T. Etheridge, assistant I general freight agent, secretary- (Please turn to page 5) j treasurer. • The program for the tournament Presbyterian Young l opens with the qualifying round at ' 8 o’clock Saturday morning, Septem ber 2nd. This is compulsory for the ^ ^ j . , Powell, Capps and Country Club Cameron Presbyterian Church ^he first round of all flights AVill Be Host to Rally of will start at l.;00 p. m., Sunday Sep- Districts hl.\ and Se\en i tember 3, 8:00 a. m. second round of . ^ , all flights. The first round of all The fall rally iiieeting of the Young People’s League for District six and seven of Fayetteville Presby- People Meet Tuesday i tery will be held in the Cameron Presbyterian Church, Cameron, N. C. on Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 5, 1933, at 5 o’clock. District six is composed of the following churches; Bethesda, Pinehurst, Jackson Springs, West End, CuUtee, Lakeview, Eagle Springs, Manly, Eureka, and Vass. Young people from each of the above churches, as well as fi’om the church es in district seven, are urged to at tend this rally meeting and bring picnic supper. After the social hour and picnic supper, an interesting pro gram consisting of songs, talks, etc., will be given. The business meeting %vill be presided over by the P. Y. L president, Alex Boles. An attendance of 175 to 200 is expected. The program follows: PROGRAM Afternoon Session 5:00, Welcoming guests to church, Cameron Y. P. C. 5:15, Recreational period, Aber deen Y. P. C. 6:00, Picnic .supper. Evening Session 6:45, Conference by districts: Dis trict No. 6 church auditorium; Dis trict No. 7, Sunday school rooms. 7:15, Musical program, Vass Com munity choir. 7:30, Opening session of rally: 1 consolation flij;hts will start at 2:00 I p. m., while the third round of the I championship flights and the second I round consolation flight starts at 13:36 p. m. Putting and driving con- ! tests are scheduled for Monday, Sep tember 4, at 8:00 a. m. The final (Please turn to page 8) HONOR ROLL OF MEMBERS OF THE N R A IN SO. PINES (Please turn to page 5) All roads will ead to the Southern Pines Baseball Grounds for the big Second Annual Field Day Sports Program, Monday, September 4th., beginning at 1:00 p. m. and ending when the winning score is brought in by cither the Southern Pines Team or the All Star Team of picked players from the other five teams in the League. And what a game that should be! -Arrangements are all completed down to the last detail and nothing but unfa%'orable weather will pi-event the biggest assembly of Sandhillers seen in many-a-day. All Team Mana gers are cooperating whole heartedly and almost any hour of the day, con testants are training and practicing for the various events. Autographed baseballs, bats and other valuable trophies from the Nationally known Big League Stars, have arrived, any one of which will prove to be the envy of all who are not so fortunate as to win one. The Program The following program has been arranged by the Committee and wrill be carried out in the order named: Event 1, Fungoe Hitting; Event 2, base running; Event 3, long distance throwijig; Event 4, going to first base on bunt; Event 4-A, thrte legged race by members of the Junior League; Event 5, team relay base running; Event 5-A, sack race, by members of the Junior League; Event 6, throw ing by catcher from home plate to second base; Event 6-A, potato race, by member of the Junior League; Event 7, infield throwing; Event 8, baseball game between Southern Pines, Moore County League Cham pions, and the All Star Team. Admission The Moore County League has de pended entirely on voluntary contri- bi.I’Dns during this summer, and although most of the teams are deep in the “red” it has been decided to continue that policy for the Annual Field Day. with the exception that, (Please turn to page 8) Highway Group Has Its Annual Meeting Dr. L. B. ISIcBrayer, Vice- Presi dent of Association, Presides Clark’s Garage, Colton’s Garage, Page Motor Co., Thrower’s Pharmacy, Coffee Shop and Bakery, Lorenson & Co., W. H. McNeill, Baker’s Food Store, W. H. Mumford, The Vermont Market, C. T. Patch, Sandhills Book Shop, J. N. Powell, Inc., Robert L. Hart, The Family Laundry, Inc., Mack’s 5, 10 & 25 cent Store, South- ern Pines Theatre Co., The Watch Hill Company, Wm. C. Mudgett, Mrs. Hayes Shop, Highland Hardware House, D. Pender Grocery Co. No. 189 Masonic Temple Barber Shop, Elmer E. DaTis, G. N, Richardson, L. B. McBrayer, Dutch Lunch, Sandhill Repair Shop, Motor Service Co., Eugene C. Stevens, Sinclair Refining Co., I. F. Chandler, The Great A. & P. Tea Co., Betty’s Beauty Shop, Jack’s Grill, Welch's Gift Shop, Catherine Pierson, A. L. Adams, New York Style Shop, Southern Pines Ware houses, Inc., Mrs. Green’s Grocery Store. Stressing highway beautification as an important factor in attracting tourist travel, U. S. No. 1 Highway association met on Wednesday, August 23 in Sanford in the fifth an nual session. In the ab.sence of Theo Barrow of High Point, president of the association. Dr. L. B. McBrayer, vice president, presided. The address read by Dr. McBrayer and reports of Shields Cameron, secretary, and field representaive C. R. Lane, of Sanford, revealed that the association had been actii-e during the past year in placing the highway’s attracti >ns and advan tages before the traveling public. Howard Burns discussed advertising and publicity methods. Others in the association spoke of the history and development of V^h- way one, and highway beautification as a means of increasing tourist travel. With the prospect of better conditions which means more tourists, the association will stress the advan tages offered by highway one, as the members feel that much can be done to attract tourists to the route. The election of officers resulted as follows: President, John Chalk, of Rockingham; vice president. Dr. B. C. McLean, of Aiken, S. C.; secre- tarj-, D. D. Shields Cameron, of Southern Pines; treasurer, H. G. Carrigan, of Camden, S. C.; state vice president North Carolina, R. L. Burns, Jr., of Sanford; South Caro lina, R. A. Rouse, of Cheraw; Vir ginia, C. A. Abbey, of Fredericks burg; Georgia, M. H. H. Duval, of Augusta: Florida, John A. Shares, of Fort Pierce. Among the directors chosen are H. B. Branch and John E. Evans, of Raleigh, and W. G. Pittman, of Rock ingham.