MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY THE A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 14, NO. 6. ^*1^ ^kXARTHAOB V OAOue SPRIN08 VASS LAKEView MAHLBY JACK304 SPRIM09 SOUTHERN Pities ASHLEY MKICHTS PINEBLUFP PILOT FIRST IN NEWS, CIRCULATION & ADVERTISING of the Sandhill Territory of North Carolina Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina, Friday, January 5, 1934. FIVE CENTS $25,000 PROJECT FOR EXTENSION OF SEWERSmOVED State and Federal Aut'horities Place O. K. on Plan to Employ 125 Men Attractive Knollwood Residence Sold 80 NOW AT WORK HERE Plans of Paul M. Van Camp, civil engineer for the extension of sewer lines in the northeastern section of Southern Pines, involving an expen diture of $25,000 from CWA funds | and the employment of 125 men has | been approved by State and federal, agencies, it was reported this week. The work is expected to get under way in the near future. This is the largest CWA project yet approved for Southern Pines. Eighty men are ‘"now at work on OWA projects in and about South ern Pines, according to a report this week from E. W. Reinecke, in charge of relief measures here. Five painters are engaged on the Southern Pines school buildings, both white and colored schools. Ten men are employed on the grounds of the colored school, improv ing and planting the grounds. When completed they will go to work im proving the Southern Pines base ball grounds, owned by the School District. Thirty men are at work on High LOAN OF $42,000 FOR WATER WORKS APPROVED BY U. S. PWA Grants Project for New Tank, Extension to Mains and Sewage Beds BETl'ER FIRE PROTECTION Word was received here last night by Postmaster P. Frank Buchan, from the office of Senator Bailey in Washington that the loan of .$42,000 to Southern Pines had been approv ed. This is a Public Works Adminis- /> Relief DirJVx; in County Incompeteni,'^c> *;s Former Assistant in bitter Attack EDITORIAL William V. Carter, Jr., Demoted, Then Dismissed by Miss Head, Launches Charges The Pilot does not look upon the statement of William V. Car ter, Jr., published today, as merely the disgruntled ranting REPORTS BIG DEFICIT Attractive Knollwood Residence Purchased by New York Attorney Renewed Interest Stimulated in! That Section by Sale on Crest Road Last Chance January Final Month to Pay Your County Taxes at Par The attention of taxpayers of the county is called to the fact that January is the la^t month in which taxes may be paid at rai'- With the coming of February a penalty of one-half cent on the dollar will be added and the penalty will increase each month thereafter. li.v Hion H. Butler One of the most comforting bits of news of recent date is the an nouncement of ‘■'le sale of the at tractive brick house at Knollwood built two years ago by C. L. Austin on Crest road at the corner of Swoope drive, to Millard F. Tompkins of the Kew York law fimi of Tompkins, way No. 1 between Swett’.s property i Tompkins. While the house near Niagara and the Aberdeen city built about two years ago it was limits. They are removing dead pine j '''ever occupied. trees and replacing them with live ; It is a modern structure with ain- ones, and also planting dogwoods in ' pie room, servants’ (luarlers, gai'uge, clumps at various intervals. Between ' and a desii'able location on one of 2,000 and 3,000 have already been Uhe highest sites in the aandhills. planted. • I Neighbors are Mr. Beckwith’s fine big Thirty-five men arc working on the I “Homewood,” the Fownes home, Her- road leading from U. S. No. 1 just! bert Vail’.s Spanish house, Halbert south of the Southern Pines city ' Blue’s interesting building, the Neid- line to Pine Crest Manor, Dr. J. W.! ich home, while close by are many Dickie's r.anatorium. This road is | other pleasing home creations. This Ten Students Required for Or- practically completed as far as Dr. iittractive setting appealed to Mr. jij^iini/ing Classes Linder Fed Tompkins and his family and they closed the deal which gives them the property without much hesitation or debate after they saw the alluring features that Knollwood has to offer. In a communication received by of a di.scharged employe. If it \\ilham \. Car- did, space would not be given ter, Jr., of Carthage, dismissed on it in this issue. I January 1st from his position as For some ^ime there has been bookkeeper in the Moore County Re- tration loan which was asked for | a smouldering fire of dissatis- lief Office, a position to which he some time ago. faction throughout the countv „ j . a f a ■ 4. r»- T, iu J- II • -i-i i. 1 • • i ‘ had been demoted from Assistant Di- it covers the following projects: with the present admmistration $12,000 to replace ok’ wooden tank I of relief, and The Pilot believes on Weymouth Heights, 35 years old I that the matter should be and condemned. j brought into the open. It be- sio,ooo for water main extensions j lieves that in the publication of and six-inch lines to replace smaller! Mr. Carter’s letter it is perform- pipe, for better fire protection and , ing a public service. more hydrants, covering sections of j jt believes that a fair and un- of the city not now adequately cover- j investigation of the dis- ed in the event of large fires. | pensing of relief in Moore coun- .?20,000 for enlarging the sewer- [y should be promptly made. Vast sums of public money— your money—are being distri buted and expended throughout: si.Minn the section. It should be the public’s interest to sefe that age disposal beds and improving the entire sewerage disposal system. The new water mains will run out Connecticut avenue to Highland Road and up Highland Road to Oldfield Road. Also down Morganton Road , • j- ■ V 11 D 1. * , these public funds are judicious- troin \ alley Road to May Stret, and i,, i ^ i. , , I r , ,ly and Wisely used for the great- also alontr Indiana avenue. Much of j i also along Indiana avenue. Much of j tills territory, bunded uj) with fine homes during the past few years, is at present without .adequate pro tection in case of fire, and many new Failure in the proper distri- rector of Relief upon the arrival in the county of Miss Elizabeth Head to assume the directorship, Mr. Carter attacks Miss Head and the manage ment and operation of relief distri bution in the county, stressing the following points: 1. Miss Head, an outsider, is thor- ly unfamiliar with county conditions. 2. In her first month half of the relief money was spent for books and administration expenses. 3. Accounts showed a deficit of second month, still greater after third month. OtTier charges include incompen- tency, favoritism and playing politics. Mr. Carter’s letter reads: Mr. Carter’s Statement I feel it my duty to inform tho cit- Dickie’s but is to be continued along the route of the old Pee Dee rond to its junction with Bethesda Road, skirting Powell’s Pond. The construction of several shuffle- board courts has been approved as a OWA project and the Board of Commissioners of Southern Pines au thorized the use of the Town Park for these courts at its meeting Wed- COUNTY ALLOTTED 8 TEACHERS FOR ADULT EDUCATION eral Relief Program PAY IS $12.50 WEEKLY hydrants will b« provided along the ReC0\ei>. route of the new mains. Thistle Club Starts Season Tomorrow Will Have Weekly Golf Tourna ments, Bridge Parties and Teas at Country Club butiou of these funds spells fail-, izenrof MooV Co^intv o^ ure to President’s Roosevelt’s machinery of tlie Federal Relief Of- ! fice in Moore County, since the pres- ! ent director has been in office. ' One of the most abviously crude Civic Club Plans Two methods was employed to place her 4-* „ n*- X* present position. She was interesting' Meetings thrust upon the people of Moore . County without their knowledge or Will Discuss Taxes or. Jan. 12th If underhand methods had not been employed, I feel sure she would not have been allowed to re and Cuba and the West Indies Jan. 19th Of the allottment of 900 teachers Mr. Tompkins has been a visitor at the and a monthly budget of ^4.’5,000 made Pine Needles Inn and at the High- by the Federal Government to North land Pines in Southern Pines. The Carolina in the Emergency Relief in family arrives from New York this I'iducation, Moore county s quota is week to take possession and make seven teachers for the rural districts nesday night. Removal of the city I their winter home in the new house, for the Southern Pines spec- jail from its present location on Ben nett street has not as yet been approv ed, nor has the construction of benches for parkways. The removal of the old Manly school building from Manly to a site near the Southern Pines school has not as yet been approved, nor has the completion of the tennis courts on the school grounds. Church Friends Honor Rev. Murdoch McLeod They 'plan schrfi improvements on charter district, according to in the property in the way of an addi- formation received by County Super- tion of terraces, the planting of intendent, H. Lee Thomas, shrubbery and other touches that will Arrangements have already been embellish that corner of Knollwood. made for classes in Cameron, Carthage Knollwecame more familiar with F'edeial and State Rules and Regula tions, Mr. Thomas gradually turned the Relief work over to me. I worked in close harmony with Mr. Thomas, the Board of Welfare and Mr. T L. gestions will be most helpful in; Grier, district supervisor. 'When Mr. planning the family budget for the coming year. A musical interlude will follow, after which thirty minutes will be divided into three periods of membership of one hundred women, ! golf and social interests being rep-' Taxes-How Collected and lesented on the program For the golf members there will be the us ual weekly tourniaments played as formerly on Wednesdays. These tour naments will be announced in the pa pers and scheduled in the clubhouse. All players are asked to register their scores in the women's locker room. On Wednesday, January 10th, there will be a flag contest, 9 to 18 holes. Mrs. How Expended.” The Federal Tax will be treated by Dr. McGee, the State Tax by Miss Holmes and the County and Town Tax by Mrs. Wicker. At 4 o’clock tea will be served and a social hour enjoyed. There is no ad Thomas resigned in August, 1933, I assumed the title Acting Director at the suggestion of Mr. Thomas, an<^T with the expressed approval of the Welfare Board and of Mr. Grier. In August, Mrs. Thomas O’Berry became State Administrator and Mr. Grier was transferred to another county. Mrs. Mae E. Campbell, Chap el Hill became supervisor for the dis trict including Moore County. Miss Head Appointed Naturally I felt that I should be made permanent director at this time. mission .„d „o c.llec.i=„ t.k™ „t SriL' this meeting and the public is invited. In charge of the program are Miss Baxter, Dr. Bronson, Mrs. Bronson, Hunter Eckert is chairman of the' golf committee this year and will be ^ ® Robinson, assisted by Mrs. Kenneth Trousdell,! Miss Birdilia Bair and Mrs. Robert, ic'ei. ^ Skinner. | second meeting of the club will The Thistle Club members take ' January 19th at thiee pleasure in extending an invitation ! o '^loek at the club house. This will be to women visitors in Southern Pines, ’ first of a series of Travel Teas, I who are staying in hotels, to join i subject, A Cruise to the West ' them on Saturdays at 2:30 at the i ^f^its.” Particular reference will Country Club and enjoy the fellow-; which of late has ship. 1 been so prominently featured in the I news. The Club is fortunate in hav ing for its main speaker one who is a native of Cuba and who left the island but a few months ago to come and a beautiful lighted and trimmed tree made a pleasing setting. Scores Pinehurst and of attractive gifts were placed un-^ der the tree for the pastor and his, Insurance Certificates family, expressing in a small way, tVeir deep appreciation of Mr. and Mrs. McLeod. Appropriate talks were made by R ing school for two weeks. PLEASANTS IN CHARGE OF ABERDEEN BRANCH BANK MRS. MARY GOUGER COLE. NATIVE OF PINEHURST, DIES Mary Gouger Cole, wife of D. M. Cole passed away at her home in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida on Christmas to the states. The speaker will give an interesting picture of Cuban family life, also touching upon the social and The Bank of Pinehurst at Pinehurst and the Citizens Bank and Trust Co. The Bank of Pinehurst is operating its Aberdeen branch office for the present in the former quarters of the E. Wicker, the Rev. E. L. Barber,' the ! Southern Pines were among the x,.ust Company, but it is said to Rev. T. A. Cheatham and W. P. Mor-1 North Carolina banks which were be probable that the store in the ton, to which Mr. McLeod responded i granted certificates of membership Gichner-Johnson building next door in characteristic &tyle. in the Federal Deposit Insurance fund, to the postoffice will be the perma Since the new regulation for in- nent quarters upon the completion of sured deposits up to $2,500 went into negotiations now pending. The office effect, both banks have enjoyed in- is in charge of Francis Pleasants, Congressman Walter Lambeth has been named a member of the impor tant Foreign Affairs committee of j creased business and look for the former assistant cashier of the Page the House of Representatives. j further banking of hidden cash. Trust Company, morning at 9:30 o’clock following a ' political conditions on the island, brief illness. The deceased was the ' Spanish songs and music will be an second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. j interesting feature of the program. B. Gouger and was reared in Pine-1 In such time that remains an out burst. She was in her 29th year. By line of the other islands in the West her charm and pleasing personality ; Indies will be given and it is request- he had endeared herself to all with ' ed by the Committee on arrangements whom she came in contact, and her passing has brought sadness to a large circle of friends. Surviving are her husband, D. M. Cole and an infant daughter, Barbara Jean, one week old; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gouger; two sisters, Mrs. Dan Harner and Lula Gouger nj^two brothers, Roberc and Bill Gouger of Pinehurst. for the day that all who have any in teresting exhibits from Cuba, Hayti, Santa Domingo, Saint Thomas or Porto Rico will kindly bring iheni for exhibition and discussion. The public is invited. For those who feel that they would like to give a silver of fering to pay for the necessary ex pense of the meeting a basket will be at the door when gruestF leavt. dent at the Universitiy at Chapel Hill, who was entirely ignorant of the existing need and conditions in the county, and gave her the title of Director. Miss Head and Mrs. Campbell are very close friends I have since learned and it is my hon est opinion that Mrs. Campbell’s real reason w’as to create a job for her friend. Mrs. Campbell guaranteed at the outset that my status as Assistant Director would not be affected in the least detail. Apparently Mrs. C'>mpbell values her word lightly if at all. The first month that Miss Head was Director, she spent approxijnately $4,500.00—$1,500.00 for school books, $740.00 for administration, and $2,- 200.00 for relief. Approximately one half the total was spent for books and administration. At the end of this month, her ad ministrative expenditures more than doubled any administrative expendi tures made previous to her arrival. At the end of the second month of her administration the accounts showed a deficit of $2,000.00. During the year in which relief matters were in my hands, my ex penses were so planned that a deficit never occurred in the county’s funds. Says Deficit Increased At the end of the third month, De cember, the deficit was greatly in creased, and unless Mrs. Campbell comes to her friend’s rescue armed with limitless funds, it will continue so. Miss Head overstepped her author- ty the first month she was here by nforming me that no longer would I be known as assistant director, but (Please turn to page 5)