MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY HPTTT7 X fxJC/ A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 15, NO. 18. &AOLC 6P«^IN6a LAK evicw MAHl.«Y 0ACK9OH SPRIH09 SOUTHCRM Pines PIKEBLUPr FIRST IN NEWS, CIRCULATION & ADVERTISING PILOT /"K — , , : of the Sandhill Ter^^^^^^v^^orth Carolina Southern Pines and Aberdeen, aroiina, Friday, March, 30, 1934. FIVE CENTS RECORD ENTRIES FOR HORSE SHOW TODAY, SATURDAY ^ I Some of Leading Show Stables of County Here for Judging at Pinehurst | LUNCHEON AT RINGSIDE! iBurreU White Buys 150 Acre I Tract On Knollwood Heights f*lans Interesting Development of Property He Has Been Occupying as Tenant Here For A Stay A.J.McKELWAYTO SERVE PINEHURST COMMUNITY CH. Miss Shazter iiK^ead in Race for Queen of Spring Festival Week of April 9 The 17th annual Pinehurst Horse ?how gets under way this morning -It the show ring near the race track Anri bid*i fair to prove the biggest and best in number of entries, in juality of horses shown and in at- 'endance in the long history of this ;X)pular event. More stables have entered horses han ever befcT'e, among them some •'f the leaching show stables in the country. Fort; Bragg has sent more lorses here than ever. The hunter snd jumping events, usually the most exciting of the many classes, are well billed and the public will have an op portunity to see horses from all parts >f the state as well as those which lave been hunting with local packs -his winter. In addition to the hunters and jumpers many fine saddle horses Are entered, with a number of the .spirited five-gaited mounts among them. There are classes for trotters and pacers, saddle ponies and artillery mounts, and a special class for youth-, ful riders with pr?zes for the boys and girls who display skill in handling "heir steeds. , A new class this year which is ex pected to prove one of the prettiest in the show will be the Corinthian «vent for hunt teams shown in col ors. Most of the hunter classes will Ge shown over the outside course of jumps this year. The show will be judged by Otto Furr of Middleburg, Va., J. North Fletcher of Warrenton, Va., and Camden, S. C., William Baker ol^ Providence, R. I., and General Manus McClosky of Fort Bragg. Charles W. Picquet, secretary of the show, said yesterday that the advance ticket sale had been better than ever this year, that most of the boxes had been sold and that very few parking spaces around the ring were left. Lunch and tea are to be served both today and Satvirday at the ring side for the benefit of undernourished children of the county, the local Red Cross chapter and the Pinehurst Chapter, Moore County Hospital Aux iliary. Board of Elections Named at Raleigh N. J. Muse and Shields Cameron Democratic Members, B. C. Wallace Republican Two Democrats and one Republi can were named in each of the 100 counties of the state to serve as county boards of elections for the spring primary and fall elections at an meeting of the State Board of Elections in Raleigh Saturday. Contests developed In about 10 coun ties, including Halifax, Polk, Edge combe, Onslow, Craven, Lee, North ampton, Swain, Yancey and Wilkes, which the board smoothed out as well as possible. The county members are recom mended by the State Democratic and Republican chairmen, respectively, and usually such recommendations were followed, but in a few instances the State elections board made com promise as to factions. The board» will meet at the re- apective county seats April 14 to name Judges and reaigtrars for the June 2 primary and the seconc} pri mary, June 30. The Moore County board is com posed of N. J. Muse, Carthage, and D. D. S. Cameron, Southern Pines, D-imocrats, and B. C. Wallace, Car. thage, Republicans. By Bion H. Butler One of the most significant things this spring is the closing of the deal by L. L. Biddle, II, by which Burrell White becomes the owner instead of ! the lessee of the fine 150-acre tract j in Knollwood on which he has lived ; for the past five years and which he ^ is now planning for a development that is to make of the property another of those striking establlsh- : ments for which that section ot i Knollw'ood is becoming famous. Some lime ago Mr. White arrang- 1 cd his affairs to develop a Sar.'Thills I home but his health tailed him for a while and he took sail to some ex tent. But in the last two or three ! years the tide has turned and he is ! in prime physical condition again, | j and with the improvement he has j made on the place while he has occu- ! pied it his enthusiasm has grown and now he is going ahead with a new ; ardor. Already he has outlined a ■ scheme that will make his posses sion an example find an appreciated factor in the community, j The property Mr. White has se- ; cured is that tract overlooking the Southern Pines reservoir running up | to the Knollwood boundary and to the ' lines of the Barber property west of j Knollwood, a quarter of a square • mile of land that tops the summit of the wateished between McDeeds j Creek and Mill Creek, a picturesque, pine-covered area that lends itself ' to the most ambitious plans of land scaping and rural home making that ! can be desired. Already Mr. White i is proceeding with ne^v buildings, the ' first structure being a home for his superintendent, a fine modern cot- , tage not far from the main house. , At the main house he has lines laid down for an addition in the form of a guest house, attached to the main building though a separate , unit, ; wholly for the entertainment of his , friends, for Mr. White is a man who ! values the companionship of people I he likes. He will gather about him ' from time to time congenial spirits , and they and he will enjoy the de lights of the Sandhills. I To Develop Orchard He is a lover of nature. Therefore j his plan.s include an orchard of a dozen or so acres, which will be un ique. Realizing that at times this region lacks surface water to keep the, crops in good growing condition Mr. White has one of the Carolina I Drilling Company’s big machines put ting down a deep well which is ex pected to provide a supply of water that may be used for irrigating the orchard to be a sort of research or. chard to find out some of the things not fully known yet about fruit growing in this section. Below the houses is a stream that affords a rather free supply of water, and a dam is projected there to make a (Please turn to page 8) BISHOP i^NICK PBEACHES HERE SUNDAY AFTERNOON i Roxboro Preaches AcceptK Call To Succeed the Rev. Mur doch McLeod, Here 9 Years TO PREACH APRIL 22 OOGEN L. MILLS, l‘’(irint*r S<*cret4iry of the Treasury Mr. Mills is spending the Easter holidays at the Carolina in Pinehurst. NO MORE DIRECT RELIEF IN COUNTY AFTER THIS WEEK ! New Rural Rehabilitation Prog- j ram Requires Labor in Re turn for Supplies PLAN IS ANNOUNCED TKNNIS TOURNAMENT NEXT WHEEK POSTPONED The Dogwood Tennis Tournament scheduled for next week in Southern Pinea has been postponed until a la ter date, it waa announced here yes terday. The Rt. Rev. Edwin A. Penick, D. D., bishop of this diocese, will be the preacher at the afternoon service on Blaster at the Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Southern Pines. The serv ice will be at 5 o’clock. Bishop Penick is coming to Southern Pines for his annual visitation to Emmanuel Church for the purpose of adminis tering the sacramental rite of Con. firmation. Bishop Penick is one of the most promitect bishops in the Episcopal Church and Is widely known as an exceptionally fine preacher. The pub lic is most cordially invited to attend the service on Easter afternoon to hear him. The Three-Hour Good Friday ser vice will commence at this church at 3 o’clock this (Friday) afternoon. DR. VARDELL TO PREACH AT PINEHI^RST EASTER SERVICE On April 1. C. W. A. and Emer- ' gency Relief are to be replaced in , all rural areas by a program of Rur- I al Rehabilitation and from this date ' no more direct relief will be given but all supplies advanced will con- I stitute a loan which the recipient will be required to repay by working on ' relief projects. Already the new set-up for Moore county has been perfected, with J. R. Mclnnis as Director of the Rural Re- ' habilitation program. The county had I been divided into four sections with * E. R. Brown of Hemp, D. J. Blue of ^ Carthage, D. Al Blue of Southern Pines and Donald McDonald of Cam eron at the head of these sections. They will work with the various case I workers. The aim of the new program is three-fold: ' ! 1. All farm families with one or , more able bodied men to be self-sup porting by December 1. 2. The beginning by the end of the year of a permanent rehabilita tion program based upon home own- ' ership. 3. The development of small in dustries in rural areas. j In an effort to make all families I self-supporting, a farm and garden ; program has been worked out and to be eligible for aid, the head of the household must sign an agreement I which reads as follows: ' "On condition that I am to con- I tinue to receive aid as in the opinion j of county relief administrator my ‘ need and the funds available war- ^ rant, I hereby agree to plant, culti vate, and conserve food as directed by the relief administrator of Moore county, in accordance with the detail ed plan entitled Farm and Garden Program for (Name) of even date attached to and a part of this agree ment. If I do not comply with such directions, it is understood that 1 am not to receive further relief.” The Crarden l^ognuii A garden program will be outlin ed according to the needs of each family, specifying the amount of land to be planted to cabbage, peas, beans, etc. and the amount will be sufficient for a supply to be canned for the next winter’s needs. Com munity gardens on the pian used last year will be approved only where individual jgardena, are liupractica- (Pleatte turn to page 4) The Rev. A. J. McKelway of Rox boro has acceptea the call to succeed i the Rev. W. Murdoch McLeod as pas tor of the Pinehurst Community ! Church, it was annjiunced at the I morning service last Sunday. The Rev. Mr. Murdoch McLeod preached his farewell serrhon Sunday ; morning, bringing to a close his nine I years pastorale in this church. With his family he left Tuesday for Nash ville, Tenn., to take up the work of pastor at Moore Memorial Presby terian Church. In the weeks preceding their de parture Mr. and Mrs. McLeod were ' the recipients of many social cour- ' tesies and expressions of the love and ! esteem in which they were held. Not able among the latter was the presen- : tation, on last Sunday morning by Robert E. Denny in behalf of the Sandhills Brotherhood a handsome watch to Mr. McLeod. The Sunday school had previously given him a t valuable book. i The Woman’s class, in w'hich Mrs. ; McLeod had served as teachor, pre- ' sented her with cr>3lal candle : candle sticks. Just prior to the sermon Sunday I morning, I. C. Sledge, chairman of the pulpit supply committee was ask- ' ed to real a message from the Rev. Mr. McKelway to whom a call had I been .'sent. In this, his acceptance of ! ing to present plans he will preach I the call was made known and accord- his first sermon here on April 22d. It was mostg ratifying to Mr. McLeod I and his congregation that almost no lapse in the work would be caused Who’ll Be Queen? Dorothy Shazt«*r, Pinehurst 1,950 Kdna Ruth Bruton, Jax Spgs., 1,289 .Marjorie C'offey, So. Pines . 1,190 VlrRlniii Hensley, IMmhurst l,l»0 Frances Sparks, So. Pines 1,1‘,J0 Pinehurst Girl Wins Many Votes as Result of Dance at Pine hurst Country Club PROGRAM IS COMPLETE Miss Dorothy Shazter of the Car olina Hotel, Pinehurst jumped into a Dorothy Richardson. So Pines ,0 ' the race for the •Ann C’anieron, So. Pines tVlrs. Clvd<“ Council, So. Pines 1,100 1,096 1,0«0 1,060 1,050 Dorothy Poitle, So. Pirn's Pauline Poe, Southern I*ines .Marjorie Skinner, So, Pines Laura Baker, Carthage Hetty Osborne, So. Pines Helen Parker, Cameron Lide Duke Blue, .\I>erd»H‘n I’at Lumpkin, So. Pines Virginia Kane, So. Pines ;\nna Bushby, So. Pines Catherine (Irahain. Vass Margaret Olmsted, So. Pines . Katherine Wiley, So. IMnes Mary .\liee Weatherley, S. P. Jean Zimmerman, So. Pines Susan Swett, So. Pines 1,000 1,020 1,020 1,020 1,010 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 DURE ENDOWMENT ALLOTS $7,279 TO COUNTY HOSPITAL Trustees Announce Allocation of $872,324 to 143 HosSpitals and Orphanages in Carolinas §8,000,000 SINCE 1924 by the change of pastors. Mr. McKelway is a young man of magnetic personality and already has a record that warrants genuine sat- , i.sfaction in having him come to Pine hurst. Services at The Community I Church will be conducted by visit- I ing ministers until his arrival. Instantly Killed When Struck by Lighting* Bolt Hugh Adcox of Aberdeen Victim of Tuesday Siorm As He i Unlords Truck I Hugh Adcox of Aberdeen was in. ] stantly killed when struck by light ning during an electrical storm about 1 one mile from Aberdeen Tuesday af- ; ternoon. I He had hauled a load of furniture ! for some negroes to a house on the I highway half way between Aberdeen and Southern Pines, and was standing on the ground outside his truck pre paring to unload it. As he was unty ing a piece of wire that was holding the rear door of his truck, he was struck by the bolt. Death was thought to be in.'Jtantaneous. Three negro men who were stand ing nearby wer« badly stunned, but Soon recovered. Mr. Adcox was about 40 years ot age He is survived by his widow and f‘./e children, three boys and two girls, the oldest 16 years of age. Allocation of $872,323.87 to 143 hos pitals and orphanages in the Caro linas was announced Tuesday by trustees of the Duke Endowment. The Moore County Hospital at Pine hurst was allotted $7,279, a sum bas ed on its record of charity-patient days during the past year. Ho.spitals were awarded $750,202 J ^ ly honor of being Queen of the Spring Blossom Festival in Southern Pines the week of April 9th. More than five hundred people bought tickets for the pre-^Festival dance at the Pinehurst Country Club on Wednea- 1 035 night, and the ten-vote coupons attached to these tickets were lar gely voted for the Pinehurst entry in what bids fair to be an exciting con test, Miss Shazter's total last night waa 1,950 votes. Her nearest rival is Miss Edna Ruth Bruton of Jackson Springs with 1,289, and third in the standing is Miss Marjorie Coffey of Southern Pines,, closely followed by Miss Vir ginia Hensley of Pinehurst and Miss Frances Sparks, Miss Dorothy Rich ardson and Miss Ann Cameron, all of Southern Pines. With the tickets for the baseball game between Duke University and Slate College of Raleigh going on sale tomorrow, each with a five-vote coupon attached, and with pennies which buy a vote each coming in fast and furiously at the Festival head quarters ill The Pilot Building the race bids fair to be a real one from now on. Southern Pines is out to see that the Queen of its Festival is a local young lady and a campaign along this line is in the making, it is understood. Meanwhile Pinehurst, with two candidates among the first five, plans to keep one or both of them out in front. Harry Buckley of the Highland Pines Inn arranged the dance Wed- ne.sday night, an it was a great suc cess. Vote tickets went on sale yester. day in the hotels and about town, and in the aggregate for 98 institutions, and 45 orphan homes were awarded " ' ■ ■■■ J . • these when sold and returned to head- $121 721 87 quarters will be recorded for the can- Allocations announced by the trus- , j . . didate whose name appears on each tees after their meeting at Charlotte ® ticket. You can also vote directly brought to $8,043,022.82 the amount ,, , ■ • , , ^ ® ’ by leaving your pennies, nickels, dimes provided for hospitals and orphan ages in the two states since the en dowment was established December 11, 1924, by the late James B, Duke, power and tobacco magnate. Of this amount. $6,691,681,95 went to hospitals, $4,878,229,95 being paid for the care of free patients, and $2,- 083,452 for construction, purchase and equipment of the institutions. Orphan homes have received a total of $1,- 081,340,87. The trustees said it was anticipated {Please turn to j)age 8) PKKSBVTERIAI. MEETING AT CARTH.XGF: .NEXT Tl'ESD.W Fayetteville Presbyterial A.uxil- iary will meet with the ladies of the Carthage Auxiliary Tuesday andi*. Tuesday evening April 3, and with the Elise Auxiliary, Hemp, on Wed- ° L I ~ fiddler contest, and the Rose Maiden or what have you at the headquar ters, Meanw'hile plans for the Festival go merrily on, A general meeting of the Festival committee was held at Jack's Grill on Tuesday and the “head men," Shields Cameron and 5, B, Richardson, announced that ar rangements had been completed for the entire week’s program which in short is as follow's: Monday evening—Costume Parade, Crowning of Festival Queen, Street Dance, Tuesday New England Day, with baked bean lunch in Dogwood Forest, the baseball game between Duke and State, the High School Glee concert and the collegiate dance at night, VV’ednesday Old Slave Day, with its assembly of old slaves, singing of negro spirituals, tap dancing, old SH.\W ASKS SETTLEMENT BY INSURANCE CAMP.MGN nesday, April 4, Delegates and Auxiliary presidents expecting to attend should notify the Chairman of the Hospitality Commit tee at Carthage ob Mrs. Aion-o Blue, president of Carthage Auxiliary. Dr. C. G. Vardell, President Emer itus of Flora ^facdonald College, will D. A. R. MEETING POSTPONED The Moore County, D. A. R. meet ing has been postponed until 2:30 occupy the , -;>it In the Pinehurst o’clock on Tuesday, April 10th when Community Church on this coming! members will convene at the home of Sunday, April 1st, at 11:00 o’clock. I Mrs. J. L. McGraw in Carthage. A two week’s term oi: Superior Court for the trial of civil cases con vened in Carthage on Monday with Judge Henry A. Grady presiding. The cases of widest general interest on the docket are half a dozen being brought by former county commis sioner G. C. Shaw' of High Falls against that nuhiber of life insurance companies in an effort to collect his insurance, Mr. Shaw, as he claims, being totally disabled. These cases will be heard the latter part of this week. ' Four divorces were granted on Monday on the grounds of two years’ separation. The principals were George Marlow versus Irene Me A. Marlowe; Ben McKinnon versus Sar ah McKinnon; Nancy W. Bobbitt ver sus James Dewey Bobbitt, and Emily W. Lawrence versus L. G. (Lassie) Lawrence. Festival Chorus in the evening. Thursday Sports Day, with golf, archery, horseshoe, tennis, shuffle- board and equestrian events, Friday Military Day, with the American Legion in charge, a barbe cue dinner, band concerts, drum and bugle corps contest and the big Fes tival Ball at the Country Club in Henry Picard, twenty-seven year evening, old Charleston, S. C., pro. who has PICARD WINS ANNU.AL NORTH 4 SOUTH GOLF OSC.\R LOEB BUYS HOME SITE NEAR COUNTRY CLUB R. F, Potts has sold to Oscar Loeb, bond broker on the Philadelphia been: knocking at the door to golf ing fame for four years, finally en tered yesterday w'hen he won the thirty-second annual North and South Open Golf championship with stock Exchange, a lot belonging to a score of 283, A record gallery of Dr. Anita Newcomb McGee on Mor- 2,500 saw the finish, ganton road, just above the Country Club drive. The iot has a frontage of 130 feet and i& adnjrably located for a home site. It is Mr. Leob’s intention to build a house in the near future. Some talk is heard around the He and his family have been coming county of Charles W, Picquet, ma*i- to Southern Pines for several years, ager of the Carolina theaues In making their winter home at th« Pinehurst and Southern Pines, as a Hollywood. Mr. Loeb is an ardeat Democratic candidate for the State golfer who has been a regular patroQ legislature this spring. Mr. Picquet of the local courses. The plot over- is considering the offer of friends to looks the local golf courses and not wage a campaign for him. far disUnt from the club hoiwe. TALK OF I'ICQUET FOR * LEG1SL.\TURE IS HE.ARD