J**ge Two THE PILOT, Sotttkern Pi— aadl A^deeii, Nwrth Cftflhii Friday, March 30, 1934. THE PILOT Published every Friday by THU Pfl^Onr, Inoorponitipd, Abctrde^n and Southern Pinet», N. C. the too th ache and the govern- When things get so awfully calm or knows it. it is generally the case that a j And to show how hopeless is | thunderstorm is not far down the complaint of a three-cent tax i beyond the 'hills and that it will on sales let us consider a state-' Grains of Sand appear in proper form if it has ! good Friday time for action. He is the lonely Greatness of the mCl^ON C. HYDE, Mananring Editor al Ot a leW Oaya ago. me ' World-- BioN H. BUTLER, Editor dall Oil company is one of the A | JAME.S BOYD STRUTHERS Bl'RT big oll companies of the world. CHAKll l power it is holds up the Cross Contributing Editors Before old Theodore Barnsdall j,ot asked Wil-] That holds up Him. Sub«tcrtption Rates: j died he was the biggest indui- Qyj.j.je and his Board of I One Year ?2.oo dual oil producer on the globe. (^Qu^ty Commia.sioners whether He takes the sorrows of the three- Six Months 11.00 His interests grew into the for anoth- fold hour— Three Months 50 ■ Barnsdall Oil Company, which is ^j. ^ tjoes not propose (His cyerids close), — 1 still one of the big concerns. In . them to be unless they are Round him and round, the wind—His Address all communications to The | statement in the Journal it I ^.jUing to for it takes a lot of | Spirit-where is noted that tjhe price of gaso-: ’ THIRD OF A SERIES OF ARTICLES FROM THE BACK SEAT By DR. ERNEST M. POATE It listeth blows. Pilot, Inc., Southern Pines, N. c. : ^oted that the price 01 ^aso-: men to take Entered at the Postoffice at South-i Jin® as company in I on their shoulders the responsi- em Pines, N. C.. as second-class mail j bulk Ls sHg'htly above three cents , job that involves hun- And so the wounded Greatness ot the matter. And so—as I was saying—once they’d invented these machines we began to have Charts. Every up-to- date newspaper prints one occasional ly. Instead of cross-word puzzles. (I wonder why folks got tired of cross word puzzles? They’re much more sensible than charts. Taught us about GNU and EMU and a five-letter word meaning "the gold standard"—with a T in it.) „ . , a tiioi 'x-.n Once upon a time, there were no , a gallon. That is not half as ! thousands, of dollars World j charts outside of hospitals. And those i much as the tax you pay on ^jQurs of sweat and struggle W’ith | in silence lies — were easy, as soon as you knew that : gasoline when you fill your car. affairs, with people who And death is shattered by the light the red-ink line meant fever, and the ^ It is hardly worth w^hile to make .^y^nt innumerable things that j from out blue one pulse, and so on. But the a W'ry mouth on a three pei’cent ^ impossible and W’'ho condemn Tnose darkened eyes. new model charts are something else tax on sales of general merchan- mercilessly things that are im-' M. c. Rock. again. dise, when the tax on gasoline is pgi-ative, and to do all the con- i As soon as they had been invent- sometihing over two hundred per sinuous work that comes to the if you don't think Pinehurst and g^^ts of experts were cent, for the tax on a gal^ll ot t commissioners’ office and who southern Pines are filled up at the needed. And they popped up, out of gcisoline as we ^ g-^t for their work cl salary of moment, try to find a bed to sleep always do when Carolina is something over two f dollars a year. in one of these nights. We know of I or even if you don't need /Mifi ct iwMK hundred per cent of what the, Nevertheless it would be very two hotel proprietors who have mov-1 sometimes. as pastor of the Church of Wide ; ; pleasing if the old board mem-' ed out of their own rooms to make ^ Fellowship the Rev. Mr. Seri; gnsoiine at tne leiinerj announce their way for gue.sts. ; ticians. These are the guys who know chooses to retire from fuither| names and this is why. These how to mn that machine, and make THE RETIREMENT OF MR. SERL After a long period of years A GREAT U)SS A Statistician can make charts. About anything. Like the relation be tween the price of whife mice m Russia and the big frost at Hoosic Falls, that ruined the onion crop. Or the proportion of left-handed p.’um- bers, compared to the hoof-and-mouth disease. That sort of thing. Wealth.’’ It’s a swell doctrine, and I’m all for it. But there's a catch in it, as there so often is in these nifty notions. As far as I am concertied, anyhow. Nobody will lend me any money. Not even the Government. If I’d only picked up a couple of mortgagee, when they were so easy to get, things might be very, very different.—And that goes to prove that the Econo mists are right, when you come to think of it. .Because, if I'd borrowed money on the house, and spent it, I could go to the H. O. L. C., now, and bor row enough to pay off the mort gage. If I had any mortgage. Yes, and my taxes. And insurance. And repairs. As it is, I've had my own taxes to pay. And if those blamed termites finish eating the underpinning, and the house falls down, I'll have to pay for some new props, too. Or else camp among the ruins. Like the Collsseum. Only not quite so grand. But when you come to think of it, these Statisticians and Economists, among them, have made a whole lot of trouble. They've got everybody con fused. Because mathematics is an "exact science," of course, and so what they figure out must be true. People talk about the Commodity Index, and Uie Price Index, and such, as if they were real thingo, instead of just jiggety-jagged marks on a chart. What good does it do the man with four bales of cotton to sell But once they’d made these charts, when you tell him the Wholesale people of his congregation, but may look so small alongsul^e ot j^-j^riey to carry on a .job that is also with those of tne outside two hundred per cent that we the start who have been frequent in at- pay on gasoline that legi>latois over importuned for every- tendance under his guidance, may conclude to .jack up •'^^*es ■ jjj^e_ Mr. Seri is a man of breadth and tax on other things, toi \ve pay ^ew men goinijr into the office ability. Some have criticised him ■ seventy times as huge familiarity as being inclined to liberal in- on gasoline as P w’ith the work to leani and it Editor, The Pilot: terpretations of certain customs things we buy. Think about this |-akes two or three years to get: For the past sixteen years the and policies, but it is to be al- a bit and let >0^1" stand on yjito the running' of the job. The riev. Elmer vviiiis Seri and Mrs. seri w’ays said of a man who is ahead end a httle while until you cool pj-esent board knows the angle have devoted much thought and time of his hour in anything that life down. Then ask for some some viewpoint and the limitations to the work of The Church of Wide ^he statisticians couldn’t explain commodity Price index*-or some, is an unfolding program and that j more appropriations from state possibilities of every inci- Fellowship. Not only has their in- them. So we had to develop another thing has gone up 7.031 points? Up today has swung always a little and fedeial tieasuiy. dent of county government, ' fiuence been devoted to increasing experts. or down, he don’t care. What he needs away from yesterday. But the i ^ county finance, county difficill- the financial condition of the prop- These are called Economists. New to know is the price of cotton. Not common opinion of Mr. Seri is I A \ EAR OF ^ ^ county possibilities, the pe- erty some two hundred per cent, but Scries. The old models, that proved pig-iron, or babies’ go-carts. If cot- that he is a big man, realizing | HOT I OLITICS tuiliar demands of the people their indirect influence in raising the stocks could always keep on go- ton goes down, the Index can go sky- that as the world moves it brings i North Carolina is democratic regard to everything, and standard of the community has been '«P. and up and up. without ever high, if it likes, and he’s only that new things. With the coming'to such an extent that national competent than marvelous. coming down, and we could all have much worse off. Because when he of each new day we see things ■ politics wil! not figure greatly become until Many expre-ssions from tourists ^^o cars in the garage and one chick- .sells his cotton, if he sells his cot- with the accumulated knowledge in this state. A democratic del- „|0„ths of experience and con- have been -How can you keep a en m the pot or maybe two chickens ton, he can't buy as much pig-iron of those \yho have gone before egation will be returned to con- things will give them a man of .Mr, Serl’s ability here?” His cue car. Or something. Anyhow, with the proceeds. Though W'hy he and that which we are able gress and deniw^^^ knowledge of conditions. ■ sermons have proven that he not only ^ model has been disqontinued, should want pig-iron I can't imag- One of the follies of a popular is a scholar, but an advanced think- government is that the old hand er. His Platform Hours have intro- iri constantly fired to mak^^ \\«y duced to us talent that is far be- to l)reak in' a new and untried yond what one could naturally ex- and inexperienced successor, pect in a community of this size. The countv commissioners should Mrs. Serl has displayed unusual tal- to dig out from their experiences follow' state elections and con- we add to that w'hich they have tinue democratic rule in t'he leg- left us. In all his contacts in his islature. County affairs will not years in the Sandhills this be livened as much by republi- clergyman has kept in mind his can aspirations to office as by purpose, w'hich was to expand the contests by opposing democrat limit of human understanding of ic candidates. Our rifles will be the things he finds about him, smooth ones. But all signs point and to help men to better fit the to a summer of activity in the possibilities that creation has closer states and those sections held out to them. of the country where re ’ ” Mr. Serl goes away from strength is to be found. and the factory is buying them up ine. fast as possible, and junking them to Or tobacco. Or corn, or hogs, or carve into bone collar-buttons. But anything else. You can’t buy Indexes, there’s a lot of racketeering, and or sell them, or eat them, or give every once in a while you find one them to the baby to play with. They’re with the engine number filed off and only marks on a piece of paper, be elected for long terms With ent and ability in all walks pertain- ^ «ew, streamline body, still on the Yet we all take them seriously. roads. And pay the Statisticians and the But the real Economist, New Series, Economists to make more charts and bo had in their new work, and deeply ^ explain all the invent more explanations. charts the Statisticians manufac- When you try to on-screw the un- ture. There was a boy once who scrutablc (or did somebody else say wasn’t very bright, and he used to that? I doubt if it's original). Any- i.\Y And he admitted that the organist not begin to talk about the South was good: "But/’ says he, "I can being an untapped market for shoes, pump every tune she can play I" what I mean, this is a large coun- So the Economists can read every try, spread over a whole lot of ter- not more than one member fall- to church work ..ates anc. tnose sections " I of the country where renublican t-hs^rge of b s rength s to be fotmd to The Pilot .egret their resignation, C .V, P- ^ totuKi. one thing .seems desirable and Charles p. heywaru. Southein P nes with the high The v\ai dogs for the past year ^j^^t is that the board which has March 28, i934. regard of all who knew him, a have slept rather (luietly. The jj^ined exnerience from its ores^' - preacher, a missionary, a sUi- republicans have stood very cor- ^nt term' s the one logical bet in e.vsteh d dent ready to share with his dially by Mr. Roosevelt- - neighbors the knowledge that schemes. Rarely has peace ever >hev know what tlhev are doing Editor, The Pilot: his effor s have pthered, a reigneck so long and complete, .nufwhat thev have'to encoun i Since it has been proved that lep- kindly tellow who has helped a ly over Washington as since the ter. If ever experience is worth can be cured are you able to >^he Statisticians make. And ritory, and with just swads of folks lot with his cordial greetinp as tourth of March last year. But anv thintr it should be "in this'^^ink of any person m the world toje’^P^a''! ^^em. As for understanding in it. And if you get fooling with well as his niore profound ad- when congress adjourns politics job of governing the countv at I whom an Easter gift would mean^^em, that's different. Because no- -trends" and things, you can find monitions and clerical ottices will be starting its regular this stage of its existence Tl ^jg more than to a leper who knows that j understand them: and if so many trends,-trending this way who has been a neighbor as well course in most of the states, and not tlmp to break in new 'he may get well if only he can have' could, he wouldn’t pay any that, you get all dizzy and con- ! the money necessary for the treat-' to them. fused. And end by believing just what ment? If the disease is just be- Economists say, and prove it by you wanted to in the first place. So ginning, for ten dollars he may have ^^srts, made to order, that the only why bother? I treatments enough for a cure. Can' to get rich is to spend all you , In spite of New Kras and New , . . , , ^ ^ Crime is the front pages oflyo» think of anything else more | have, quickly. If you haven’t any. j Deals and everything else, it is still those things that nave a ta.r^ All that i.s to develop from the the papers. Prisons grow and i "onderful which ten dollars could; thing to spend, borrow. And spend true that if you spend Just a leeUe greater \ alue than gold or treas- ^ new policies is not yet manifest.. racketeers and outlaws multiply.! ^ borrow again. Thus, every-: less than you make, you’ll get along: ure can juj, w Ic Is now ^\11 the fav^orjiblp infiiifiTipots * t'Viig am^nr^f - QTitr ciyioI1a>* ' body will soon be rich and hannv. | and if you spend a leetle more, you’ll as a man of the cloth, and he enough ammunition has been pil- yT.^nds will leave an impress that is ing up that we are going to hear ' worth while. Few clergymen die the guns go off a little later in qCR COFNTRY from a surfeit 'of material fhe .spring and summer, and thev of I au^ i?sj«iviircc wealth, but many of them earn will pop by November. ' > aiN bS.- ure can All the fav’orable influences We make new laws all the time ' This amount—or any smaller or.body will soon be rich and happy, edge that they have been of use have not yet registered, and all I which has not fhe slightest de-l'a'’&e*’ ‘^heck may be sent to Ameri-1 ^hls is called Redistribution to the wor d on hieher mes than fho n-ia+^v.-oi #— • .. . I, • 1. . oe o ^ , fyure'^i^^thTmark^^^^ Ipt is not j terring ehect in crime and of-j^an Mission to Lepers at 156 Fifth ^ AT , J® and ex vet scheduled. But both will be fense. Our people are growing i New York City. iJifferent toVar71he Of get into trouble. away from Southern Pines leav-'the warriors begin to lea^e Iws aU h^^^ Our'?estrain- nlhll betn"an atset in the cl ' ^ less effectite,C munUv for manf vVarf^^^^'^ some, while population multiplies po- J‘ ‘ ^ bands ot patriots with bows i lice efficiency does not incre.Hse ^^d arrows and sling shots in because disregard for law their hands, gunning for the hell, crea.ses in- disproportionately Could any time be better than Eas ter Day? ANNE WILSON MEBANE. March 28, 1934. cares? The courts lag behind in the handling ’of the mass of STARING THE DEVIL . , „ - IN THE FACE ^ ^ ®PP®®*tion at i that police officers can not keep I work that comes before them, Governor Ehringhaus .says he ^<^»d | up with the multiplication of'and we all take the situation loathes the sales tax, but he ^ *^?t of woods | offenses. i about as we do the weather. sees no other way to finance the ' The big trouble is that as a i Fourth of July, Easter Monday, .state. Therefore the sales tax ? - oosevelt has not se-, people we do not regard the i corn-planting time, all comf is not a thing to choose, but ai ^ I laws with any great seriousness, along when they ai'e due, and necessity that cannot be evaded, i Lk n i^en gave some hi* pfi-jg. to Uw, a„,l public issness. jiio aic 1I cuiia»uciaiion 10 law, and tively sound is evidenced by the i ^'^*?.t°‘|owers, and he Will opinion condemned lawles tax situation in Moore and of , Today if any man commits a every other county in the state.' his own army.; crime it is his own affair The Last fall 2,500 pieces of Prop-, ® ^ the thinp the republi- proportion of offenses which erty were advertised for sale for! ^ \ passing by yet without i are followed by a conviction in taxes in this county, and on top are likely to be!the courts is small because the of several thousand that have' the ! people are indifferent. A court been offered in t'he last six or| ac-,trial is a game of skill, and the seven years. These irfroperties oy the republicans of!people have grown so tired of have not been sold. They have i , . that have been offer-j being witness or juror that been bid in by the county, which ' congress a.nd in executive every body tries to evade such has about as much use for them '. ^ indefinitely ! duty, for it is the common at- as a dog would have for as many' enemy in line, and I titude that the accused is the legs as a thousand-legged worm. of this sort flare only one concerned. If he gets Real estate as a source of taxes ! u^yjally develop a away nobody has much to sav has collapsed. The governor as interesting. That about it, and if he is convicted well as any other mc»n who "'hat it looks like now. thinks over the situation, knows pon’t bet your money on an that our mountain of taxes must come from some other source than land or not come at all. He 'has no choice in the matter. It is purely t. case of pulling teeth. Argunient will not stop uninteresting summer of peace and drowsiness. The guess is that by the fourth of July we will see some clouds in the sky, and that the newspapers will be interesting through the fall. the conviction is accepted as a matter in which he alone is ex pected to lhave any feeling in the matter. Our prisons are growing fas ter in their population and costs than probably any other public institution or industry, and who so does court week. We meet the.se things w’hen they come, do what is to be done, forget about them, and come again to court at the next session. And who is responsible? Easy to tell. It is the whole people, the whole indifferent mass of us, who give little heed our selves to crime, W’ho teach our Children to take what is in sight and rustle for more, and to dodge the laws wherever they interfere. As a people we have lost much of our law-minded- ness, and most of our respect for the law, for w’e have ac cepted lawlessness as the other fellow’s affair. It is a mighty bad situation for individuals, state or nation to find them selves in, but the worst phase of it is that we are getting worse and with no sign of get ting better. Laugh at it if you like. Easter is This Sunday GET YODR EASTER SHOES NOW Ladies White Ties, Oxfords and Pumps, Just the Styles you want $1.95 to $2.91 Men’s Black and White and AH White Oxfords .. $2.91 Children’s Shoes in a variety of styles, black, white and combination $1.00 to $1.95 DRESS UP FOR EASTER MELVIN BROTHERS Aberdeen N. C. BUY YOUR HOUSE OR LOT NOW In Weymouth Heights Or Other Beautiful Sections. You Will Locate Here Eventually. Take' Advantage of Present Prices. Eugene C. Stevens Representative Southern Pines, North Carolina

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