' ■’U. ■ ^CAROLINA ROOM MOORB COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY THE A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding vol.. 15, NO. 19. CA«THAOE ^PRINCS lak ex/iew EHO MAHL6V liACKSOH SPRIhOB ftOUTHCRM Pines ASHLSy He.K4HTS PIKIEBLUPP PI LOT FIRST IN NEWS, CIRCULATION & ADVERTISING of the Sandhill Territory of^ arolina Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina, Friday, April 6, 1934.' r. * FIVE CENTS Olossom F^estival Opens on IVIondav DUKE-STATE OPEN OFFiaAL SEASON HERE ON TUESDAY Game on Southern Pines Dia mond First Conference Bat tle for Both Teams Dogwood Blossom Time in Southern Pines CONNIE MACK, JR. COMING Two of the strongest college base- j ball teams in the South will clash on i the Southern Pines field next Tues- ( day afternoon when the Duke Uni-1 versity Blue Devils meet the N. C. | State Red Terrors as one of the prin cipal features of the Spring Blos- son Festival. The contest is an official ‘‘Big Five" game, the first conference game of the season for both teams. Both outfits have shown plenty of power in early season games and, from this distance, seem to be very evenly matched. A Bang-up game is predicted. Many luminaries of the diamond and gridiron, past and present, are in cluded among the visitors. The Duke coach is Jack Coombs, famous as one of the Big Three of Connie Mack’s championship Athletics of 1910-14. Connie Mack, Jr.,Z is a pitcher on the Blue Devils, while two of the most promising professional pros pects in the state are Ferris and Lam beth, State catcher and shortstop, re spectively. Bob McQuage and Ray Rex. football stars, are regulars on Chick Doak’s outfit. A capacity crowd Is xpected to turn out for this event and arrange ments to take care of the crowd are being made. A brisk advance sale of tickets and parking space reserva tions is reported. The contest will start promptly at 3:30, but a full bouse is expected long before game time. Whiting Buys Hogg House in Knollwood Third Big Transaction of Year in 'ri\at Vicinity Announced by Biddle Ernest Whiting of New York and New Haven, Conn., has just conclud ed the purchase of Mrs. Louise Hogg Barber's Knollwood house, the L. L. Biddle agency at Pinehurst h£indling the transaction. Mrs. Hogg’s house is one of the prominent places in Knollwood, its architecture and con struction placing it in a class that has attracted much attention from the time the plans were first announc ed. It is located on Serpentine Drive, near the homes of W. C. Fownes, Jr., H. H. Beckwith and others of that higher type to be found in that vi cinity. _ Mr. Whiting ha# had a great deal of experience in real estate and his purchase of the house is considered quite a significant factor in the pick up in real estate business in this s«ction. This makes the third large sale in Knollwood this season, the first being the purchase by M. F. Tonjpkins, which house is just beyond Mr. Whit ing's, and the recent purchase by Buriell G. White, who bought a large hou.se and one hundred acres adja cent to She Khollwood property. Announce Features of “Cahlina Revue” Hospitiil Benefit by Colored En tertainers at Pinehurst Coun try Club Tuesday Some of the feature numbers in "‘The Cahlina Revue," to be presented next Tuefwlay evening at the Pine hurst Country Club for toe benefit of tbe Moore County Hospital, were a^inounced yesterday by the com mittee in charge. Here are a few of them, all staged by colored enter tainers ; Band from Morrison Training School at Maraton; Taylor Brothers' quartet; Waiter Brown, ‘fiancer; {Please 1/urn U pnge 4) *■'#! ■» (Photo by Eddy) A View of Connecticut Avenue in Weymouth Heights. EDGAR CHAPMAN NEW PRESIDENT OF M.C. HOSPITAL The Festival Week Program Southern Pines Resident Suc ceeds Struthers Burt as Head of Institution Edgar T. Chapman of Southern I Pines was elected president of the Moore County Hospital at the annual meeting held in Pinehurst on Tues day night. Mr. Chapman succeeds Struthers Burt. Verner Z. Reed, Jr., Pinehurst: M. G. Nichols, Southern Pines and George H. Maurice, Eagle Springs, were elected vice presidents. The Executive committee elected for the ensuing year comprises Mr. Maur ice, chairman; James Boyd, Struth- sr.s Burt and Mr. Nichols of Southern Pines. George P. Hawes and Leonard Tufts of Pinehurst and M. C. McDon ald of West End. Verner Z. Reed lionds the Finance committee, the other members being S. B. Chapin and John B. Lloyd of Pinehurst, Nei- ' son C. Hyde of Southern Pines and Wiibur H. Currie of Carthage. j The following Board of Directors was elected; H. H. Beckwith, Knoll- ^ wood; James Boyd, Southern Pines: Struthers Burt, Southern Pines; M. F. Butner, Pinebluff; S. B. Chapin, ' Pinehurst; Edgar T. Chapman,' Southern Pines; W. H. Currie, Car- j thage; Paul Dana, Pinehurst; George T. Dunlap, Pinehurst; Col. G. P. Hawes, Pinehurst; Nelson C. Hyde, ^ Southern Pines; J. B. Lloyd, Pine-1 hurst; Geo. H. Maurice, Eagle Springs; J. E. Muse, Carthage; M. C. McDonald, West End; D. McCrim-' mon. Hemp; H. P. McPherson, Cam- ^ eron; A. S. Newcomb, Lakeview; M. ^ Q. Nichols, Southern Pines; Verner Z. Reed, Pinehurst; Clinton Reynolds, ^ Highfalls; t. v’ance Rowe, Aberdeen; U. L. Spence, Carihage; D. G. Stutz, Southern Pines and Leonard Tufts, Pineliurst. i Monday—Coronation Day 9:00 P. M.—Street Costume Dance and Band Concert, Fort Bragg Military band, West Broad Street between Penn sylvania and New Hampshire avenues. 10:00 P. M.—Coronation of Queen of the Festival at Court of Honor in front of Citizens Bank Building, Military Guard of Honor. Awarding of prizes for costumes. 10:15 P. M.—Grand March 1-ed by Festival Queen, Street Dance to continue afterwards. Tuesday—New England Day 10:00 A. M,—Band Concert in Municipal Park, Fort Biagg Military Band. 10:30 A. M.—Assembly of Tourist Visitors, Municipal Park, Parade of States followed by Annual Meeting, Southern Pines Tourist Association a.nd Baked Bean Dinner at noon in Dogwood Forest, Manly Springs. 3:30 t'. M.—Baseball Game, Duke University vs. State College, Raleigh, Southern Pines Baseball Diamond. 8:00 P. M.—Concert, Southern Pines High School Glee Club, directed by Frederick Stanley Smith, School Auditor ium. 9:00 P. M.—Collegiate Dance, Southern Pines Country Club. Wednesday—Old Slave Day ART EXHIBITION AT CIVIC CIA B NEXT WEEK Walter Frankl, well known artist v.’ho has been spending the winter in Southern Pines, will give an exhibi tion of his paintings at nging of Negro Spirituals. 3:00 P. M.—Addres.s by ^ev. William Arthur Cooper, colored, Charlotte.- 3;i30 P. M.—Singing by Shaw Univei sity Jubilee Singers. 4:00 P. M.—Tap Danding and Singing by Colored Visi tors. 4:30 P. M.—Old Fiddlei^’ and BanJo Picking Contests. 8:00 P. M.—The Rose Maiden by Festival Chorus, direct ed by Charles W. Picquet, assisted by Charles Pier, Congrega tional Church Auditorium. / Thuinday—Sfiorts Day 10:00 A. Mk,—Band Concert, Fort Bragg Miiitary Band, Municipal Park, 10:30 A. M.—Exhibition Golf Match, Southern Pines Country Club. 11:00 A. M.—Exhibition Tennis Match, Municipal Park Courts. turn to pttgi i) All in Readiness for Gala Week in Southern Pines FESTIV.4L NOTES Dogwood and Peach Blossoms to Greet Throng Expected For Festive Occasion Tlie voting for Festival Qvieen closes at 12 o'clock noon on Monday. Up to that time votes, which are a penny apiece, may be left at Festival iiead- quarters in The Pilot Building. Demu.s Taylor of Taylortown, Pine- hufst suburb, is expected to be the olde.st ex-slave here for Old Slave Day. Demus is 108. Membei'S of the Fort Bragg Mili tary Band, which will be here all next week for daily concerts in the park, will bunk and mess at the Pine Grove Hou.se on Bennett street, leased for the occasion by the Festival com- inittee. That Duke baseball team looks pretty good. It won a double head er Monday from the University of South Carolina. State College lost on Monday to Wake Forest. Those having rooms available for guests here for the Festival are re quested to list them with D. H. Tur- turn to page 4) COMPETITION FOR FESTIVAL QUEEN A MERRY RACE Pinehurst Girl in Lead, Closely Followed by Southern Pines. Balloting Ends Monday Noon Miss Dorothy Pottle of Southern Pines jumped over the heads of all but two of the contestants in the race for Queen of the Spring Blos som Festival yesterday and is now headed only by Mias Dorothy Shazter of Pinehurst and Miss Marjorie Skin ner of Southern Pines. Rumors are current of a lot of hoarding of votes to be thrust in at the eleventh hour, and it will be anybody’s race up to noon on Monday when the final tabulation is made in the Festival Headquarters in The Pilot Building. Here’s how' they stood at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon; Miss Dorothy Shazter 2,910 Miss Marjorie Skinner ,, 2,217 Miss Dorothy Pottle . .. 1,519 j Miss Ruth Bruton 1,389 Miss Marjorie Coffey 1,315 Miss Virginia Hensley 1,130 Mi.s.*! Anne Cameron , . . .. 1,102 Miss Frances Sparks .. 1,120 Miss Helen Parker 1,095 Miss Pauline Poe 1,085 Miss Laura Parker 1,050 Miss Betty Osborne 1,037 Miss Katharine Wiley .., 1,030 Miss Mary Alice Weatherly .... 1,020 Mi.ss Lida Duke Blue 1,020 Miss Pat Lumpkin 1,020 Miss Virginia Kane .. 1,010 Miss Anna Bush by . 1,000 Miss Catharine Graham 1,000 Mis.s Margaret Olmstead .. . 1,000 Mi.ss Jean Zirr;nernian .... 1,000 Miss Susan Swett 1,000 Votes for Queen sell for a penny each, the proceeds to be used toward defraying; the expenses of the Festi val. Vote tickets in denominations of five, ten and one hundred may be pro cured at the Festival Headquarters in The Pilot Building. A bonus of five votes free goes with each ticket for the baseballl game on Tuesday between Duke Un iversity and State College. When you buy your ticket for this game see that a voflb coupon is given you with the ticket, then fill in the name of your favorite and deposit in the bal- -Jot box at headquarters. AU tickets received at headquart ers up to 12 o’clock noon on Mon day next, April 9th, will be tabulated for the candidate whose name ap pears thereon. Tickets received after the noon hour will not be voted. The successful candidate will be announced at tHe Street d.mce Mon. rijy nigh:. PLAN MANY FEATURES The stage is set, the actors ready for the first annual Spring Blossom Kc.^tival to be held all next week in Southern Pines. Thou.sands of visitors are expect ed throughout the week, and that there will be plenty for them to do and see while guests of the Sandhills is obvious from the program of events which appears in another column to day. The F’cstival opens at 9 o’clock on Monday night. After a costume tfance in the heart of the business section the coronation of the newly elected Festival Queen will take place in splendor in the Court of Honor in front of the Citizens Bank Building. The race for the honor of serving through the week as Queen of the Festival is going merrily on and developing keen rivalry. Not un- til the votes are finally counted at noon on Monday next will the result be known. It is a close race at pres ent, Coronjition Cerenioniei* The coronation festivities should be gay and festive. Not only will the Queen be attended by her Court at tendants, a dozen attractive young Southern Pines girls in costume, but also with military pomp and splendor, a Guard of Honor from Fort Bragg, in full regalia, having been assigned by General Manus McClosky, the post's commanding officer, to take part in the coronation. The Queen will ead a grand march through the down town section after the ceremony, and then the street dance will continue merrily on. , Prizes are to be awarded for the most attractive costumes worn by both men and women, and for the most comical ones seen in the proces sion. Local artists and authors are to act as judges of the costumes. Tue.sday will be devoted to the visiting tourists. They will gather by states in the Municipal Park at 10:30 o'clock in the morning and will go from there to the Dogwood Forest Manly Springs for a program of mus ic and informal talks, the annual meeting of the Southern Pines Tour ist As.sociation and an old fashioned baked bean luncheon. Visitors from other states will be the guests of the tourist association at the luncheon; others will be welcome at the outing but are requested to bring their own lunches. Don Phillips of Rockingham^ solicitor of the l3th Judicial District and a candidate for Judge of the Superior Court, has been invited to be the principal speaker at this gath ering. Duke vs. State The big baseball game between Duke University and State College at Raleigh starts at 3:30 o'clock in Li»e afternoon on the Southern Pines dia mond, and from the advance .sale of tickets there will be a multitude at this, the first Conference game be tween these two teams. Tuesday evening the visiting ball players and officers and their wives from Fort Bragg are to be honor guests at a dance to be given in the Southern Pines Country Club. Wednesday is Old Slave Day. As op every other day of Festival Week, thfe Fort Bragg Military Band will give a concert in the park at 10 o’clock in the morning to start the day’s program. The former slaves are being brought to town by citizens of their communities at 10:30 o’clock and will gather in the park where the public may chat with them about the old days of the Reconstruction. There is no set program for the morning, but at noon a luncheon will be served the former slaves and an extensive program follows in the af ternoon, with !>in);ing by the Skaw Univfi-iity Jubilii ^Iner.s ; an I/’/•«* - to rhty.