Page Two THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday^ May 11, 1934 Tu 17 p T 1 ri T come from the; features can be called up from | where else on earth a neiyhbor- E* 1 1 U 1 ■ ho,^pital at Pinehurst.” anti'the past. An old folk’s reunion hood similar to the Sandhills Published every Friday by THE 1*11.01', !n( oriMjrati-d, Aberdeen and Southern I’im-s, X. t' NElJ>»<)X 11% 1>K, ManaRinf; Editor BION H. Bl TLEK. Editor JAMES BOM) STIJI THEKS Bl KT {'ontrihutin)j Editors Siil»seri|ill<>n Kat«‘s: One Year S2.00 Six Months . . SI.00 Three Months •'<0 'Plt - - . what he sail then would make nii^ht provide a feature, and a with its varied attractions anil the hospital folks look on them-' thousand things will suggest its fascinating history which has selves as a group of benefactors , themselves. More stress can be been intluential in the develop- laid on the Negro music to the ment of the whole nation, pleasure of the resident folks as Next spring is already some- well as of the visitors to whom thing to talk . about, anJ the that is new and novel. The field wheels are already in motion for is without limit, for there is no-, a great event. of the human race. “C'ouple of weeks over there, l)ut what I got there money could not buy,” he said- ‘‘1 have a new idea of the hospital now anil it is of the most approved kind. The doctors, the hospital itself, | the nurses, the v ay they cut a fellow up anil put him together again—I fountl out a lot about! ‘^Addresmr^unv.nications to The is hummiu' Pilot Inc. Southern Pines, N. C. 1'^^- ‘ iion t l\llo\\ ot .lll.Ninng 1 ' that is doing its job and doing it Entered at the Postoffice at South- more helpfully and extending NINTH OF A SER'ES OF ARTICLES FROM THE BACK S E A T Bv DR. ERNEST M. POATE GRAINS OF' SAND PKl.MAKVS V-(<»1!N’ ern Pine.«, X. C., as second-class mail more relief to folks who neeJ re matter. THE SPKiOT AND THE BLNGHOI.E The sales tax is somewhat a subject of talk these days along with the other phases of taxa tion, and a movement to repeal For the Piirnary’s a cornin' And the boy.s are runnin’ all around a-roundin’ up the vote, f about the time the hospital a-dizzmess, gets them than that institution county business, does. I am glad to say for that dinner pail will soon sup- place an\- thing that 1 can, anil j ^ I am glad I went there and found ' , out what thev are doing and can ! vacationm appreciate the value the Place; Thf ''Outs” are is for this community.” Mr. Kellv learned there in his i Little Group, days in bed what a hospital The drug store's all alive with It, means—its facilities for every-l^^e coca colas thrive with it; thing that enters into medical ’^^ boysd and surgical relief, for he had a 1 soup, rather complicated and severe case. But the various yirocessesi^ voter, we now understan' One of My Public has objected that about my own diction. Nope. He want- I was just a bit unkind to a couple ed to learn how to write b. g. w. him- of deserving authors during my lit-! self). Anyhow, I plan to abuse every tie flutter in book reviewing, last' author I can locate publicly and vi- wcck. (Time words should always ciously . . . And all I can say is, 1 come in a sentence.) I hope they find it out. So there! And so, to relieve the minds ol | Afterward. I shall write my Book, ; both (not the authors, of course: be- ^nd send a free copy to each and all zen.^ ( t i oote coiui > ' i very unlikely that either afore.said abused authors, lax utuinsui i ' aio ina in . , hear of my remarks. V''hat iyijgj.p^,pQn they will arise, and gird maii> nioit t lan e pievious y*-'”' i rnean is, both of My Public) 1 shall themselves, saving, “Poate?—Where iln the 'ntire state 2,887 more indiv-' pi„Hd«tion. 1..=.-, t Two hundred and fifty-seven citi- iduais filed returns than in 1932, the total being 27,69f», with Mecklenburg county leading with 4,093 and Char lotte leading the cities. Summer was a long lime getting hero but Charlie Patch has sold a " ''''“.'"'."T"'."'", ..rr,. Jot of duck pants this week. With plenty accusationin about The Congratulations to the News Observer on its new type. It is more easily read than the old. . were a matter of surprise an:l The meaning of “Forgotten Man--” the sales tax is sponsored m attitude of the doctors and We're it, neglected sadly till our bal- some quarters, but without much whole force was such that' at stake, likelihood of success. To begin grateful and en-j Though really quite enjoying it with the Governor of the state is | thusiastic as long as he lives. A ' How many are employing it To give a serious thought to who's tics. Let’s hope they revive the Moore not favorable to repeah and he j missionary for the good say plainly why.Josephus Dan-, hospital is doing could not iels made a proverb ot “Get the : found, for Muril Kellv is money where the money is and , ^,^o^vn to his neighbors as a man while he did not at the t'^ie think takes things for what they of a sales tax the tact that ti.e ^ worth, and when he puts a sales tax gets the money where on anv thing the folks take the money is pretty well covers ^ rating. And the tli6 situation. CiOV0i nor Enrins^- Afnorp (~'ountv’' ho^^nitcil hns won hausisnotaworshipperof idols,|;upf^iJ;,^ll,.pon^i;,P..jtionof Mr i compared to grand opera, des- if we can't sit on the sidelines and but as the head of the business ^affair, find fault? of governing he realizes that to ^ hard-boiled Scot who is ' get the money to pay the opera- ,j^t fooled when he thinks a tions of the state he must get right, it where it is I time, that Emanuel preferred the ^ I Categorical Imperative—for reasons ! which doubtless seemed to him sufti- I cient. Though I never did quite un. ‘ derstand them, myself.—W'hich re- You don't hear .so much political minds me of an interesting philoso- palaver down in this end of the coun-: phical anecdote, to wit: ty but if you don't think there's a I When Mister Spinoza was summon- primary election coming off next gj before the Sandhedrim, in re his month just spend u few minutes in ialleged apostasy, the assembled rabbis Carthage. Its a 10 to one shot that | asked him, would he re-cant? But, any conversation you listen in on will ■ paid he. "How can I, if Emmanuel be anent the good old game of poli-1 Kant ?” For this offense he was ex- deservin' of the cake? This is too far ahead for predic tions, but if plans already made for next year's Spring Blossom Festi val here materialize it will make the County Baseball league. What'll we 1934 show look like a primary school do with our afternoons this summer I communicated, and the chorus of pro- A lot of the present office holders ] test was so loud that ever since the have tough competition this year [ choir-leaders of all synagogues have and are worrying. Outside jobs are , been known as “Kantors.’ scarce. I One of the difficulties of this in terestingly allusive style is, that so CORRESPONDENCE THE LIBRARY XEEDS We have fallen down in the PREPARING FOR matter of real estate taxes be- 'pHp \pxT p'j<;sTIV AL i cause real e.state leached the .ati^fying ex-1 The Pilot: i Lilnv? tn‘rnl closing stasoii 1 I-lsewhere in this issue of The Pi- , ^ ^ frnm ItuIc decided success of the lot is the Summer Schedule of the lect anv more taxes tiom laiuis ^ , u- lu as indicated by the attempted Blo.ssom Fe.stnal, which southern Pines Library, it is quite sales of lands for taxes in every | ^ '^mon^ 'the influenUal county, and the failure of the ^ tn rn'Je Tence- past; let the memberships roll in to the (practically the same as critique) Sat ^L^^enTTlhat Sa^hS ^h in the Sandhills. Last week | ^ been reached. Real estate has the Seaboard railroad of ficials | the Library thi.s; eugene c. stevens. Pres. passed Leyond, the range ‘ty where it can do any more. We have soaked the rich, if there are any such, and corporations have gone to the point where they will be obliged to shut up of advertising and to prepare their plans for next season, and the Spring Festival of 1935 :s year to enable it to do the same as hereto- ! fore. TRIBUTE TO HOSPITAL For the past two or three years Editor, The Pilot: ces of taxation have ceased to provide the money called for. Theoretically it is an easy mat ter to put on more taxes. P>ut in actual collection of the money levied another story is encoun tered. The sales tax came in now on the program and recog- \ ^ to express my sincere appre- nized as one of the big features. P''‘‘‘*' “P prosperous ^ ciation for the unlimited -nterest and fashion of psychiatrists (who are It looks as if a wholly new times, to give Southern Pines the best j act.s of kindness and sympathy nothing if not candid—embarrassing- confinement in ly so), I shall now proceed to lay Ho.spital and es- ! bare the Ulterior Motive. Dipping i-e not per- away down into the Unconscious (or, _ ^pected i)Ut never real-'"'"''' unij' rnmeu lo see me on account of my as we Freudians say, the UnUbewus- i/eii* Now the whole thing pops year. This is not only; weak condition. I am deeply grate- aten, or the Unc.' in constradistinc- up with a that is necessary, as we cannot fui to each and every one for the tion to the Forec,'which is something ■striking, and with such a vivid- manife.sted in me. I wish to 3^3;^ ,g, „g ^ring forth the klSkpping was the.funniest Or fun ness it is apparent to everybody The Library must have funher .sup- thank the entire personnel of the gecret Purposes which underlie my „ S if vou TnsL that a new field has o])ened that P"*'' f’""' County Hospital,for the won-^ now offer an elucidation. | i hear of that gink, huh? The purpose of my critique . . .jAh-h-l” they will say, with sinister “Critique,” by the way, is a slang 1 emphasis. "He’s the abandoned scoun- phrase first perpetrated by the late j drel who dared find fault with Me Emanuel Kant, when he began to con- j Here’s my chance: I will so castigate sider the adivisability of taking a that poor rhizopod ( a unicellular or- jfall out of Pure Reason. It means, “To ganism—a germ, practically) as to find fault with,” and indicated, at the make him Regret his Temerity.” And then, with myriads of Famous Authors telling the world, at ten cents a word and up, how peculiarly putrid and abhorrent is my stuff— why, everybody will be fairly com pelled to buy my book and read it, to see if it comes up to advance no tices. And, Bcyi Won’t that be swell? Which brings us back practically to the beginning. Proving that ours is a Closed Universe, and straight lines are circles. Proving, I meem, that a spot of full-flavored abuse is darn good advertising: wherefore, Mr. F. Scott Fitzgerald ought to be grateful. And Stuart Chase, too. Why, if I could only persuade some body to declare—in Colliers' Weekly, for ex.—that I was a Menace to Youth, my fortune would be made. I did try, once, to persuade Jim Boyd to attack me in Scribners, and tie said he would: and what's more, he promised to get Struthers Burt to do the same thing in the Satevepost. But nothing came of it. I hope this may remind him. Be cause, after all (said the Old Doc tor, hopefully) I have gotten away with some awfully old stuff in my timei Copies on request. Enclose $1.75 in P. O. money-order, cashier's check or New York draft, (advt.) Having thus, I trust, cleared my self of all the aspersions which have been, or might be, cast upon my mo tives, let us conclude with a song of praise. Because I really can't abuse Pelham Granville Wodehouse, much a.s I I'd like to. Because that man is Unique. Prac tically Sublime. I mean, an extra-or- dinarily competent humorist might, possibly, have made one good story out of kidnapping a prize pig: but only the Old Master could repeat, and make the customers like it . . . Twice, mind you. Twice, P. G. Wode house has kidnapped (or caused to be kidnapped) the Empress of Bland- ings, and darned if I know which who arc able to do so. People having no children in the school should look upon the Library as a necessary and vital part of the community, and I therefore worthy of support in the j i said that once, didn't I? same form. ■ Well, anyhow. (2) It’s a swell So, if Southern Pines wants to con- boost for them both. Because My tinue the good work of the Library,' Public, perusing the late diatribe did not either say delusions. I said il-lusions. I mean. You know very well, what I said. So stop it I)—I mean they kc'o coming up so fast it is often hard to remember the thread of my discourse. If any. But as I was saying, the purposes of my critique were manifold. As, (1) Since Messrs. Scott Fitzgerald and Stuart Chase are most unlikely ever to find out what I said about them, their feelings won't be hurt . . . But will forthwith remark, "W’ho is this guy Poate, and where does he get off, knocking respectable Authors? Go to, I will read these books. I bet they're pretty hot stuff.” So I’m ac tually doing the boys a favor. Besides, (3) After the orthodox gives the utmost of promise. people who aeiful .service and attention given A volume of risque memoirs, in ...V ... wr-.j vo'iv tn m nrn- ^'^^’^Id support the Library fall, 1 be- nie while under their care, for, in my' , intention, some manuscript, a prize pig, a couple ot spite ot C’.pposjtion and it will j, ‘ . i ‘ ‘ . .u lieve, into two classes; those who have ,,5,inion, it is the greatest “single” ° ''’'''te me a book my ow-n nitwits and pretty girls, a fuzzy old ' ‘ ‘ children in the Public School and institution in Moore county and is do- ‘ ^ ^ preparing the way. Earl and assorted aunts . . . Only those who have not. The children ing more for suffering humanity. It ^ abuse in “burning golden authentic Magic could make an epic have been enabled, and many of them is a plea.sure to state that I am much ^as a young gentleman of my out of these ingredients, are taking advantage of anJ lightly improved and well on the road to jg-j’’''^'I'^^'^tance once remarked; but not —POATE. so the freedom of the Library, but cuvery and will appreciate my friends " ' let not the parents of those children taking care of my political interest probably stay. But all this time we are over looking the fact that there are two holes in a barrel—the one \vh; re the li(|Uor goes in and the other where it comes out. If we are to draw the s))igot we second event will sui'pass the tii’st one of this year by such a triumph of spectacular and his- toiieal exhibit that we will all be stiriirised at the work the committee will achieve. The ex- aietO(lia\\ oui .it me .sjJigui we ■ y .1 vix-phI f*t'fnrt 'relieve that this can be continued until I am able to be out. and there is just one way to stop .vithout good .support in the form w. j. harrin. W. J. HARRINGTON. memberships from those parents : Carthage. May 8 and that'is to the'spigot! ^unous thing about the whole ' wkvthk.. The only solution to the tax pro- >>[i-'^iness is we never thought | uiL UhArHKK blem is to stop the spending just such a .scheme be- .v, » frenzv. You mav box that The Pilot does not inteivl Despite the cold teinperatures ot around anvwav vou want to. but to grow hysterical over the out- ^ many of the morning hours of Ap. if countv,‘state and n;.tion throw '>t't it is sate to plan I'or ni. a low of 30 on the their monev to all the duarters next spring on the assumption i3th, the warming sun of Springtime of the air. we are obliged to call ‘"'^hould make next spring’s gave us enough highs^-one of 90 on > & / g IV ItlXOUDEK'S (OIRT '^'ii.arged with beating Martha Cole ■ K with a board, Wade Whitaker in Re- (■order’s Court on Monday entered a j| for more taxes, and there you have the whole proposition. And as it is the whole people who festixal a gtlljvwasher, carry- 4th so that we ran 1.2 degrees ’“‘'iths on the roads, ing everything before it' for we iover the normal average, anci 2.9 de- “Don't you hear the law says s'op?” iiave hei'e the potentialities if over last April. Easter .Sunday said Will Austin, and Lacy Shaw stop- n-iv thp t-ixes it does not them to the front. I''as a fine warm day but the furious | ped. That is. he stopped the car, but seem a ‘rrritter'of much choice historical pageant has been ' ilownpour of the 9th thatf looded our took to his heels and has not yet been « as to whether the monev comes pl'oposed. That alone has in it streets with water and hail precipi- taken. Lacy, Austin and Floyd MC-'H fi-nm thp nnp h'lnd or the other I'oom enough to plan attractions ‘^ted 3.20 inches of ram making a Nair, colored of Carthage township, « The sales tax is laid on all com- for pleasing an entertaining visi-'total for the month of 4.47 inches, an drove out to the counuy in Shaw’sl We still have for you— Ladies’ Silk Dresses $3.95 Piece rjoods, All Kinds, at Very Reasonable Prices A (Jood Selection of Shoes—Men’s, Women's and Children’s. If You .\re Ready to Change from Winter to Summer, We Have the Goods. MELVIN BROTHERS Aberdeen N. C. ers, and is about the most fair ly balanced tax ever laid. API»RECIATES THE HOSPITAL tors from all over the country, : the average for the month, car. Shaw went into the woods a ' for this neighborhood is satur- ■ bringing the total rainfall for the ."^hort distance and returned with one . ated with the uni(iue phases of' inches, the history of the budding Unit-|^°”S^ time Max. Mm ed States. The Scotch character i average 73.6 48.9 T3.1 77.1 46.2 4S.1 CARD OP THANKS half gallon of liquor. Almost immcd- Average iately after the journey w’as resum ed. the officers called "Halt!” Will and Floyd were given 60 days each, execution to issue at the will of the court at any time in two years upon j payment of the costs. Fowler and Conimoaore 61.3 59.6 62.3 , .which predominated in the set-j'^^^ Most folks around here know ■ tigrnent had sufficient help from j M. B. Kelly, a farmer who Hves ' Quaker. English. Scotch-Irish i out toward Carthage beyond Nia- .and a few others to give a wide | gara. Mr. Kelly is a friendly,'cast of characters in a fundamen-i, plain oUi chap, with a| tal romance. History ought to be; We wish to thank our friends and tie, charged with driving an automo-1 lot of sense and appreciation, and | a greaf study for the folks of , neighbors for the kindness shown us bile while intoxicated, were given : he ha.s a fashion of gauging Moore county from now until j during the death of our father, broth-^ sentences of 90 and 60 days, respec-i things according to their value. ^ place on earth is more rich in its I er and uncle, A. R. Kelly. - Floyd, tively, execution to issue at the will He does not enthuse, nor run ' place on eart'h si more rich in its | Frank, Mary and Margaret Kelly, of the court at any time in two years I away with his emotions, but ' development than the past of l Mr.s. H. A. McCallum, Mrs. Annie J. upon payment of the cost. Fowler was ' looks at a proposition of any [ the Helicon mountain country. I'elly and Margaret Kelly, The Family the driver of the car. i sort according to its ability to' The fox hunter, the pine woods | a. r. Kelly. i i do what the prospectus says it' workers, Old Bethesda and Sol- ~ m.\rri.age licenses will. He likes to see a track in | emn Grove academy, the old gun ' ke.vl estate tr.vnsfers j the snow before he tells you a smith, the wagon trains on the deer went by. The other day he i ancient Yadkin road, that exten- was in Southern Pines and a | sion of the old “Great Wogon neighbor asked him the usual; Road,” from Philadelphia down question of how he was stacking up and he answered with the us ual response, “Fine.” but ihe ad- to Fayetteville, the Whig and the Tory of Revolution days, and no one knows what unlimited t Marriage licenses have been issued L. L. Marion and wnife to R. Thom- * from the office of the register of as Vaughn, property in Carthage | deeds of Moore county to the fol- township. ilowing: Edgar Brady and Ethel Brady, M. M. Creel and wife to Maude C. j both of Bennett; Jack Smith of P<ne- Smith and H. J. Betterly, property in i hurat and Vurlle Wiseman, West End Sandhills township. j Route 1. The Citizens Bank and Trust Co. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. GEO. C. ABRAHAM, V. Pres. ETHEL S. JONES, Ass’t. Cashier U. s. POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITORY A SAFE CONSERVATIVE BANK WE SOLICIT AND APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS Deposits Guaran teed Up to $2,500. Safe Deposit Boxes and Storasre Space All Departments Commercial Banking* NBW BANKING HOURS Mon. to Pri., 9 a. m. to 2 p. m S»t. 9 a. m. to 12 noon

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