MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NS:WS-WEEKLY A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 15, NO. 25. 5TAHTHA0E \jwi bLAKEVlSW MANLSV SPRlhOS SOUTHERN AeCR.OC.E>1 PlNEBLUfP C.AR; (J-N. !^00M PILOT FIRST IN NEWS, CIRCULATION & ADVERTISING of the Sandhill Territory of North Carolina Southern Pines and Aberdeej, North C;irolina, Friday, !May, is, 15).‘U SCHOOL MUSIC AND DRAMATIC CLUBS Struthers liurt and Walter Frankl Present Trophies in Be half of Chamber of Commerce FOR STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS The dramatic and musical clubs ot Southern Pines High School were hon ored by the Chamber of Commerce Tuesday morning with the presenta tion of trophies emblematic of the winning of State championships by the two organizations. Struthers Burt presented the trophy to the musical club, Walter Frankl to the dramatic club, each with fitting congratulatory remarks. Miss Helena Kelley, daughter of >Ir. and Mrs. Thomas A. Kelley, ac cepted the gift on behalf of the Dra matic Club which scored a signal vic tory in the recent competition of schools of North Carolina at Durham. She made a graceful and appreciative speech, in which she paid tribute to the thoughtfulness of the Chamber of Commerce. Mis.s Alice Abel, soloist of the Musical Club, victor in the finals at Greensboro recently, aicepted the trophy on behalf of her organ’.zntion in a few appropriate words. Superin tendent VVeb.ster of the Southern Pines schools expressed the school’s appreciation for the honors conferred upon it by the championship clubs Charles B. Grout, Former Mayor NATIONAL GUARD of Southern Pines, Passes at 89 J^OUGHT FOR ‘ SOUTHERN PINES Came Here in 188(5 and Served For 17 Years as President of the Local Bank Dies in 90th Year From the dimishing rank of the first settlers of the new town of Southern Pines death claimed one of the oldest and most respected citi zens on Saturday, and Charles B. Grout, 89 years of age, one time mayor, long president of the bank and for 48 years an honored towns man passed to his reward. Born in Wilson, N. Y., son of Wil- I liam B. and Sarah Herrick Grout on July 10, 1845, Mr. Grout, not in the best of health, came to Southern Pines in February, 1886 and with his wife found accomodation in the lit tle ‘‘Hotel Patrick,” then located on the site of the present Thrower Phar macy. Fifteen years later, tiring of inaction, and in better health Mr. Grout erected the building now occu pied by the Quality Store, and start ed a grain and feed business, the fame of which grew from year to ' year as innumerable visitors respond- ; ed to his pleasant greeting. After serving as Mayor during the ‘ years 1901 and 1902 Mr. Grout be- | I came president of the newly organiz- , ed Citizen’s Bank in May, 1900, an office he held until the sale of that , institution to the Page Trust Com- i pany in 1922. With their many yeais FIVE CENTS PLEADS Last Cal ( hamber of (’l)mmerce and Lo cal Legion Post Behind Move for State Militsiry Body CAVALRY IS PREFERRED ( IIAKLKS B. GKOI T From Photograph Taken in 1905 New England Society Now All-States Ass’n. •Members Enjoy Picnic and Vote To Change Name and Scope of Organization If plans of the Chamber of Com merce and Sandhill Pust, American ^ Legion, materialize. Southern Pines I will soon have a unit of the National j Guard of North Carolina. I According to Robert L. Hart, who brought the matter up at a meeting i of directors of the Chamber of Com merce on Tuesday, thirty men in the community have already expressed a desire to affiliate with the imit here, a sufficient number to acquire au thorization from the State, it is un derstood. The local Legion post at a recent meeting voted to cooperate in a move for bringing a National Guard unit to Moore county, and with the two organizations behind it there is every probability that the unit can be established with a substan tial nucleus of men. No National Guard unit now exists in the coun ty- Though those interested here would prefer a cavalry outfit to either ar tillery or infantry they are willing Tomorrow Final Registration Day; If You Are Not Reg istered You Cannot Vote Saturday, May 19, will be the last day for the registration of vot ers for the June Primary. The Registrar will be at the Municipal Building in Southern Pines from 9:00 a. m. until sunset on May 19th to give an opportunity to new voters who were not register ed for the 1932 general election in the Southern Pines election dis trict, to register. CAROLINAS Sectional Jealousies Keeping^ States Fr(mi Reaping Reward of Nature's Gifts TOITRISTS UNINFORMED 2 ARRESTED FOR Rowe and Hart Caught in Ral eigh After Year’s Chase by Moore Countv SUSPECTED GANG LEADERS Officiers and committee members of the old Tourist Association, met for in the community Mr. and Mrs. Grout a picnic dinner and business meeting i to accept any unit the State author- numbered a wide circle of friends, [^e Halliwell lake last Thursday assign, it i.s under and the recognition of the Chamber | ^^eir respects invitation of Harrv Lewis and present only of Commerce i Christmas Day offering felicita- ..., ! two Cavalry tro'ops in the state, but In his talk Mr. Frankl who has^ 60th wedding anniver- as this is a horse center with all fa- sary. i it believed much of permanent . cilities here for cavalry training and Funeral services were held in the to the oiganization and the corr- j many of the men interested al- home on West Broad street at 4 ;00‘‘^^'■'•’'ty was accomplished by the gath-^ leady experienced horsemen, it is o’clock Monday afternoon, the Rev. ^'ing. j hoped influence may be brought to J. Fred Stjmson officiating. The body Lewis served as chef and he, 1 bear with the Adjutant General at was aent northward for interment in " ‘th a number of volunteer a.ssist- j Raleigh to permit organization of a the family plot at Wilson, N. Y. 1'^“ts, prepared a delicious meal of' third State troop. Surviving Mr. Grout is his wife | hamburger steak sandwichcs, beans j Members of the State National Kmma (Holbrook) Grout. Acting as ^ hole in the ground. I'oils, , Q^ard are paid something for at- pallbearers were G. W’. Abraham, P'^s. doughnuts and coffee, a .tendance at the regular weekly drills the town of Southern Pines, who think ' Lawrence Grover, P. F. Buchan, D. I'^past which put those present in the and for their time at the State en- proper mood for discussing pKns for campment in summer. In the case of the future. After much animated dis- , cavalry, sums are allotted by the been interested in dramatics for many years and has during the past win ter season acted as coach of the Sand hill Little Theatre, said: .Mr. Frankl’s Talk “I consider it a privilege to be ask ed to say a few words and present you with this token of the Chamber of Commerce, a group representing James “Blue Dick” Rowe, alias J. C. Brooks, of Bennettsville, S. C. and Tracey E. Hart of Wilson Mills, ex convicts arrested in Raleigh last week, are thought to be the ring lead ers of a gang of thieves which Moore coimty officers have been chasing for nearly a year, according to Sh<»riff C. J. McDonald. They are believed to have been members of the origi nal Worth Proctor gang, which sep arated about last December, form ing two gangs. The men were wanted in Moore county in connection with the rob- Selfishness and sectional jealousies are keeping the two Carolinas from reaping the rew’ard of the natural gifts and advantages they have to of fer the traveling public, Coleman W. Roberts, president of the Carolinas Motor Club, told members of the Ki- wanis Club at Wednesday’s meeting in the Civic Club building. Southern Pines. Introduced by Struthers Burt, Mr. Roberts made a stirring talk on the opportunities of the Carolinas to capitalize on their scenic and historic attractions. Stressing the value of highway beautification and Mr. Roberts paid high tribute to the impetus given this feature of advertising by Mr. Burt—* he said that more than 1,000 men were now employed on improving the at tractiveness of roads through the two states. Good roads in themselves are no longer an advertising asset, he said. All states have good roads. What the tourist wants to know now when planning a trip is, what is the most scenic route? Beautiful high ways are still a rarity. He touched upon the economic adv'antage frnm the taxpayers’ standpoint of increas ing our tourist travel. “Let the in coming traveler help pay the taxes in the Carolinas. The more who conie here, the greater the revenue.” Need is Manifest He recommended planting with a bery of the Pinehurst Gun Club and 'the larceny of an automobile from thought to permanence. We must ra- Southern Pines. • i niove eyesores, billboards, signs; Rowe and Brooks were brought to j build attractive parks. He mentioned Carthage by officers on last Satur- a recent trip to New York in the in day night and from there earned to 'terest of increasing tourist travel here you worthy by your achtevement to D. S. Cameron, C. T. Patch, Robert receive this public acclaim. As all of Montgomery and Charles S. Patch, us here know, you distinguished —■ '''?' "■"''-J'; Underpass Favored If Chapel Hill and you well merit the xt 1 * prize that was offered. NcW Koau ApprOVed ■‘Before I proceed in thi.<< very short , speech, to bestow encomiums on Optional Route 1 Would fc^nter you, I wish to remind you and the ^ Town I 'nder Seaboard audience thaL what you did accom- Tracks, Is Report plish. never could have been •without 1 — the intelligent aid of Miss Falkener, | According to a report to the Cham- vour diiector. i ”f Commerce by Frank Buchan, ‘‘Acting, just as any other profes-1 chairman of the committee on roads, sion or business where groups are underpass is favored by the State concerned, cannot thrive without a 1 Highway Department, rather than an guiding spirit; and that leader was: ovei'head bridge, should State and Miss Falkener. To describe what she ! federal authorities grant an optional did, or how she did it has no place cus.^ion it was decided to again ^ state for the purchase and mainte- change the name of the organi.’^.ation, | nance of horses. In addition to fos tering a patriotic spirit, the organ- to enlarge its scope anc’ opev the doors to more members. The new name decided upon was the All-States Association. A membership ronimitte? was appointed to select officers. Those present had such r» good time they asked to have it repeated as soon as possible and on Thursday, ization would increase the earning of the Guard members and the commun ity would have available for proper occasions a military outfit of its own, recruited from all parts of the coun ty- The following committee of the Rockingham to await charges of at tempting to rob the freight station there about three weeks ago. One member of the gang who was .shot by the watchman is in the Hamlet hos pital. After trial in Rockingham, the men will face the Moore county charges. Six or eight members of the Proc- toi' gang are now serving time in the penitentiary, and the three recent ar rests are believed to have accounted for all except one member of the May 21th there will be a picnic at 1 chamber of Commerce was named to Manly Springs picnic grounds from , wait on the Adjutant General at Ral- 12:30 to 1:30. All members of the old pigh with a petition for a Moore Rowe and Hart are wanted in about through tourist agencies. ‘‘Why go to the Cai’olinas?" “All you have there is prohibition and taxes.” “They’re too hot in summer, too cold in winter,” were some of the state ments which confi'unted him. “On all sides. I realized the need of ad^ er- tising,” he .said, and mentioned what advertising had done for California, and vi'hat foreign countries were spending to attract the tourist dollar. “Tourists pay th#ir own way. Ics new money and ready money. Bab.soiL tells us the tourist business of the United States runs over four bilMons associations and those that would like to become members of the new a.sso- ciation are invited. There will be a here. The initiated know and the un initiated perhaps don’t care, but to her a great tribute is due. “For yourselves, I can say with out hesitation, you gave a perform ance beyond your years, in achieve ment and when the Chamber of Com- U. S. No. 1 route through the busi- 1 business meeting and some kind of an ness section of Southern Pines. The ; entertainment. Baked beans and cof- coUnty unit, headquarters in South ern ines: R. L. Hart, chairman; H. J. Betterley, Shields Cameron, Frank Buchan and Struthers Burt. It is probable that a committee from the road would pass under the Seaboard I fee will be furnished; bring a picnic i Legion post will unite with the above ^ practically new Graham sedan • ’ belonging to L. M. Cooper. This was found in their possession in Raleigh. tracks this side of Manly and send i box containing the rest, tourists desiring to pass through the heart of town down West Broad street. Surveys of the route have been merce saw it fitting that you shouJd | rnade and it is understood the State oe honored they feel that you were a group of young men by your integ rity and talent representative of the bcft that this community stands for. “Probably none of you will ever be professional actors but you will all be professional human beings. And as professional beings, if you observe the same standards you have set forth as actors you will have paved your way discreetly. “I have often repeated and I shall x'epeat again what Stanislavsky, a great Russian director and actor said to his co-woikers of the Moscow Art Theatre, considered by many the fin est group of actors of the present generation. He cautioned them with thi.s-- when they first gained entrant.3 to his company and later when they were veterans: “ ‘There arc no small parts in a play there are only small actors.’ authorities are favorable to the new road but that it must be approved by federal engineers before the matter goes further. Work is progressing on the nev. bridge over the Seaboard tracks at the south end of town and the con struction should be completed around July 1st. TO I.WESTKi.VTK I'UOI'OSED SCHOOL TAX Bl RDKN SHIFT At a joint meeting of the Board of ! Town Commissioners and the School Board of Southern Pines held in the City Clerk’s office on Wednesday evening a resolution was adopted to investigate the proposed change in taxation in the cwunty whereby the school debt load would be equally ap portioned throughout the county in stead of borne as at, present by the SANDHILLS ALL-ST.\KS TO 1*LAV HEMP TEAM TODAY for the call upon the head of the Na tional Guard. fifteen different .crimes involving year. Overconfidence, self satisfac- stoi e-breaking and safe-cracking, it tion. jealousies and selfishness are is said, and requests for them have ' keeping us from getting our fair been made from Pitt.sboro, Asheboro, 1 share of this money. We have got to Sanford, and Columbia, S. C. They ' work together to get the people into are said to have stolen a car in San- the Carolinas, not apart to get them into some one particular village or lesort. We must start and develop a Carolinas-wide movement." HOPE TO CO.MPLETE IMNEHI KST •IM'-'”’1-<>VED KEQI ESTED TO POSTOFFIt’E BV END OF YEAU l{E-l{K(nSTEK AT C XKTHAl.K ( IIA.MBEK .APPHOVES BILL TO AID I'EAt'H (iUOWEUS school districts incurring the obliga- “Now that is not only true of the , stage: ‘There are no small parts in life; there are only small people.’ I know it sounds didatic and even bro- midic and boys and girls in school have it dinned into their ears and jammed down their throats from the firftt of SeptomDer until the first of June, year in year out, and then by Mama and Papa at home. "Do, wbat you do, well,” But it io tnie neverthe less. So I will say to you, if you will attend to your separate life jobs aa (Please turn to page 5) MJ t MEETINO C.ALLED FO|{ MONDAY IN SOl'THERX PINES A meeting of NRA officials, com mittee chairmen and citizens will be held at 4 o'clock on Monday after noon at the Southern Pine.s Town Hall to effect a permanent organiza tion for the operation of the various codes here and the election of chair man to succeed the present temporary chairman, Struthers Burt. At its meeting Tuesday t^e Cham ber of Commerce voted to ask Repre sentatives Walter Lambeth of this Congressional district to support the bill passed by the Senate on April 10th and awaiting action in the House, calling for p. $10,000,000 fed- eial loan fund for the rehabilitation of the fruit growing industry. The bill ii< based on similar relief meas ures for other branches of agricul ture and would mean much to the peach growing section of North Car- clina, it is believed. Miss Journey Bride in Pinehurst Ceremony ■ ^ Impressive Rites Performed by Rev. Mr. McKelway in the Conimunitv Church > nave registered , . ‘ , new postoffice building there and left with the National Reemployment jn a wedding of unusual beauty for W’ashington much impressed with ; Service at Carthage are requested to Miss Will Frances Journey become the possibilities for an attiactive notify that office by post card; tele-| the bride of Daniel Worth Sanders at building in harmony with the location. ; phone or scad word that you are still g-og o'clock last Saturday evening Work on the plans will begin at once ' and it is expected that construction will get under way early in the sum mer in the hope that the building may be completed before the end of the year. A picked baseball team from Moore county will tackle the strong Hemp Supervising Architect Simon of the | In order 10 ueiermine the number Silk Mills nine this afternoon, Fri- j United States Treasury Department j of persons in Moore county still un day, in a game played at Hemp. N-?xt spent a day in Pinehurst last week ' employed a re-registration is neces- Friday afternoon a return gan'.e will, inspecting the site of the proposed | sary. All per.sons who have registered be the feature attraction, tho con test to be played on the Soutncrn Pines field. The admission to this game will be 25c per person, a good percentage of the proceeds to be turn ed over to the I/Ioore County Hospi tal. The local team, to be termed the Sandhills All-Stars, will he picked from the following players: Hunter, Webster, Myrick, Monte and Harris, Southern Pines; Bill Maurer, Russell, Pleasants and Martin, Aberdeen, Webb, Grimm. Pinehurst; and Tyson, Joe Matthews and Thomas, V’ass. unemployed. It is not necessary to jn the Pinehurst Community Church, make a personal visit to ihe office, impressive ceremony was per- except in case of new registrations. ' formed by the Rev. A. J. McKelway. those who have never registered. The altar banked with ferns, ivy. All present registrations will be and syringa blossoms, interspersed Cia.ssed as inactive after the first ot with white candles formed a beautiful June unless the office is notified by background for the bridal party. The the registrant that he or she is still j canUles were lighted by Nancy Camp- unemplo.ved. Barbara Lee McDonald, Bevias j Cameron and Bobby Viall. MA.\%’ <’().’\UN<i TO .\BEKDF;EX Preceding the ceremony Miss Enola FOK JK. O. I'. A. >L .MF^ETIXd Rucker of Nashville, Tenn. and Wil- , liam Sanders of Corner^ville, Tenn. Reports from the Seventeenth Dis- sang. Mrs. E. B. Keith played trict received by Aberdeen Council, the wedding march. The bride No. 193. Jr. O. U. A. M., indicate was given in marriage by her had her LEA<i» E TEAM TO PL.VY TWO PHAC’TK'E GA.MES HERE On the baseball program for the coming week are two games. Tomor row afternoon at the usual time the locals v.’ill tackle the West End- Thomastown outfit, the contest to be played on the Southern Pines field. On Wednesday afternoon they will | that al! of the thirteen councils of the uncle. W. P. Morton. She meet the Vass team, also on the lo cal field. All of the teams to enter Ihe Moore County League this .season are rapidly betting in shape and a better grade of baseball should be provided hereafter than that so far j this year. Raeford is preparing to handle a big turnout of fans at tomorrows baseball game there between State and Wake Forest. District meeting to be held at Aber- sister, Mrs. Elbert C. Cunningham as deen on May 25. The Seventeenth her matron of honor and her cousin, District is composed of Lee, Morftgom- Miss Margaret Morton a& her maid cry and Moore counties and has a of honor. Elbert C. Cunningham senr- membership of approxximately 1200. od as best man and William Sanders, J. F. Deaton of Aberdeen is Dis- brother of the groom, was his grooma- trict Deputy, and with the support man. The ushers were Phillip Speani and co-operation of the District offi- of Houston, Texas; William NichoK cers, has made a splendid record for of Nashville, Tenn.; Charles Kerr of the year closing March 31, 1934, as Fayetteville, Tenn.. and Frank Mc- will be shovra by reports to be sub- mitted at the District meeting. | (PZ'’a*e turn to page 8)

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