Page Two THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen. North Carolina Friday, July 13, 1934. THE PILOT Published every Friday by THE PILOT, Incorporated, [inent that this neighborhood j providts. ! All the signs j 3Ioore countj’ iias a i ahead far more satisfying than Aberd.*.-n and Southern Plnw, N. C. anything that the folks of the past could anticipate. And at no indicate that has a future NELSON C. HYDE, Maniijfing Kdltor BION II. BI TLEK. Editor JAMES BOYD STKL'THEKS BUUT Contributing Editors Subs<-ription One Year $2.00 Six Months $1.00 Three Months 50 time were the signs more indi cative than right now. SEAWELL IN THE CAMPAIGN Entered at the Postoffice at South ern Pines, N. C., as second-class mail natter. The announcement by H. F. Soawell, Jr., that he is an active Address all communications to The j Candidate to represent Moore Pilot, Inc. Southern Pines. N. c. jcounty in the coming Legislature brings into the summer cam-,, paign a rather intei'esting fea ture, and one that will probably have a definite effect on the whole process of the election. From what Mr. Sea well says a wholly new line of political tac tics is ahead of us, for he is not entertaining anything like a po litical antagonism, but a presen tation of economic and of public problems that have become so acute that they are practically presenting themselves. While he is a Republican he is not basing his campaign on that ground, for he says that he is entering a contest that is strictly a State affair, and chiefly applied to county relations. National mat ters are outside of his field or concern for several reasons, one being that at the present the President has on his hands the demonstration of some theories that are of vital importance and that as we of the smaller politi cal subdivisions have no jurisdic tion over the national matters and that these latter are not in- THE TOUCH OF A MAGIC WAND The building plans for Fine- hurst are among the most sig nificant that have been announc ed in a long time. The Robertson house near The Carolina, the Ra- zook store, the new postoffice building, and the rebuilt com munity building give noteworthy elaboration to the entire heart of the village, and all of it of 8uch advanced distinction that Pinehurst by next winter will 'have been lifted to a wholly new architectural level. In all the work new types are introduced, but in complete harmonv with that note that has been domi nant all the way through che ev olution of the Pinehurst village. Nor is this the end, for other building plans are in sight, both in Pinehurst and Southern Pines, and it is apparent that as the season advances more con struction will be going forward. The information is to the effect that the same ideals will be ob- ing those that are to happen. But if Mr. Seawell can bring to the people of this county, and to this portion of the state, an inquir ing interest in the financial con dition of State and county, and can help the county commission ers to get across to the people the situation in which we are en tangled he will serve a valuable purpose. The apostles of protest are among the great benefactors Grams of Sand The boy who usually dashes out of the postoffice with the Special Delivery letters went on his vacation! this week. When Frank Buchan. Jr., heard he was going: he applied to his postmaster father for the job w’hile he was away. Papa said yes. Prank, Sr. was dressing the next of human life. The minority is ! morning when he was interrupted by perhaps as essential as the ma- i a call from the next room. jority. No matter how able the engine of the best automobile in the world, the brakes are equal- Ij’ a fundamental necessity. "Hurry up there, Dad,” said voice, "I’ve got to get to work.’ the Incidentally. Mr.s. Buchan is away this week. Wanting to make sure that Son Frank had something to do on his new job and at least one "speedy” fee, she sent a letter carry ing extra postage to a friend here. Unfortunately the best of intentions sometime go astray. She registered the letter instead of sending it Spec ial Delivery. THE PAGE TRUST COMPANY PAYMENT The payment of a twenty per cent dividend to depositors of the Page Trust Company makes things look better in the terri tory covered by the banks. The hope is entertained that further payments will follow as collec tions are realized until the loss to depositors will be much less than has been anticipated. The situation, of course, is dependent on the success of the liquidating agents in realizing on the securi ties held, which seems now bet ter than was at one time antici pated. The Page Trust Company at one time had in excess of five millions in deposits, with practi cally the same amount in loans. At that time everything in its territory appeared to be in the When they voted for Cooley for most favorable condition, and | member of congress from the 4th dis- the company, with the broad | trict last week it was the first time community interest it displayed, ] a goodly majority of the registrants had ever voted for anyone for that Editors and publishers of the state are gathered at Pinnacle Inn in Ban ner Elk this week. During their an nual convention they will hear Dr. John Dickinson, Assistant Secretary of Commerce, an able member of the Roosevelt "junior” cabinet; Senator “Bob” Reynolds, Federal Judge John J. Parker of Charlotte and Coleman W. Roberts, head of the Carolinas Motor Club, who is to tell about plans for the newly organized “Car- ohnas, Inc,” TOO OANCfNO Don’t let listlessness or fatigue threaten your enjoyment of gay summer parties! When your energy sags, light a Camel. You quickly get a "lift” which sweeps away that tired, cross feeling. Smuke all you want. Camels are made trom costlier tobaccos. They never ruffle your nerves! "Get a LIES with a Camel T' office other than Edward W. Pou. The late Mr. Pou was elected first in 1900. Only those Democrats over 55 had ever voted for anyone else. made every effort to place its volved in the elections of this fall | funds to the aid of the proyres- they are not of local significance, sive activity of the rej^ion. Mr. Seawell says he has no in- Peaches wei-e bringing money, tention of making the campaign 1 cotton and tobacco were proiit- , . „ ., . . . , ] personal, for he has a high re-1 apparently on the served m all that is tp be ^‘one, | soundest possible basi<^. the vil- The Pilot speaks for his many in the towns or in the rural sec-1 ^ neighbor and friend of ability ' wero gvov.’inGr and people 'friends in Moore county in expressing tions. There is no longer and professional standing. The i t'l'om the North were takinj^ an ; deep .sympathy to Congressman wai- doubt but that ^'^construction ; i active hand mi the‘^c'.ndhills, and ! ter Lambeth on the death of his has commenced in substantial j paig^ jg to attract attention to suspected the gnive de- father, John W’. Lambeth, of Thomas- manner, and on a basis that is I county legislation, es- pression that 'A'as ahead for this prophetic ot the positue peciallv the financial administra- DON’T BE DUMB! All we ask is a comparison. We can match any competitor. Feature for Feature New Reduced Prices—Safety Steel Body Hy draulic Brakes EVERYTHING You owe it to Yourself and to your Famil^y to at least Look These Cars Over. DODGE PLYMOUTH Ralph N. Caldwell Phone 131-W MOORE MOTOR CO. Aberdeen yancenient of the underlying , -phe State 'is buried Kieal that ha.s marked the lo^ under a debt of millions of dol- lars, and is operating at an ex- Pilot continues to be an optimist, and with growing satisfaction in the outlook. UNDERSTANDING THE SAN'DHILLS predicament that challenges the ability of the commissioners and the people to deal with, and which demands decisive and in- It is apparent that the Sand- i telligent action. For seven years hill country is about to enter on | it has been impossible to collect a new period of progress and ap-1 the taxes assessed, and each section, for Ine statej the nation and the whole world. Pi’osperity reigned throughout the earth, and the Page Truti Company undertook to assemble and make ter for th*e Legislature to con-; the capital possible Ehringhaus, Senator Reynolds, Judge sider, while the county is in ’ " " - _ _ pensive figure, which is a mat- ville. In a recent contest conducted by The State, Carl Goerchs magazine, Frank P. Graham, Josephus Daniels, Clyde Hoey, Cam Morrison, Governor] The Citizens Bank and Trust Co. | SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. | GEO. C. ABRAHAM, V. Pres. ETHEL S. JONES,’t. Cashier H for the promising development I Francis Winston, W\ L. Poteat, F. of its communities. The stock-:M. Simmons and Colonel Fred Olds holders placed theil’ own large; were selected the ten most interest-1 capital beside that of the depos-} ing people of North Carolina. ' itors in making loans, and even | ] U. s. POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITORY A SAFE CONSERVATIVE BANK though disaster came to thi part of the country, as it came to all the rest of the nation, enor- Clement Ripley, who forsook a ca reer in peach growing in the Sand hills for writing stories of the thril ler type, has just sold the movie preciation, and when it does the! year the deficit is adding new nious benefits accrued \ new era will be far ahead of any-1 sums. A climax seems to be fac- ’ with the disaster. Middle Nortn rights to one of his tales for $30,000., thing previously undertaken In ‘ ing the county, and Mr. Seawell i Carolina will come out of the; The Ripleys are now living in char- the past the purpose of creat-, regards this situation as of far' trouble on a much advanced i leston where Mrs. as well as ciem ing here a place of recreation more consequence than the ordi- footmg as compared with twenty turns out cracking good fiction. and enjoyment has been but a' nary political matters that us- .vears ago, and will be ready to j feature of the life of this part i uallv form the subjects of cam-‘ go forward'again with the ac-; it is estimated that more than s.-, of the state We have regarded ! paign argument. His theorv is cumulated energy that ean'e with ooo persons enjoyed the firework,^ (Us- utilitarian projects as of equal | that it is of no consequence ! the work that was done before i play at the Southern Pine.-? baseball | or greater importance than the'i whether it be a Repub!ic*an, a the crash. field the night of the Fourth, One appeal to pleasure and enjoy-1 Democrat, a prohibitionist, ai One thing that many people; person counted i,400 cars passing a ment But we are gradually ^ populist or what who leads us ! overlook is that while depositors; given point headed in the lirection evolving into a condition that' out of the difficulty we are in. if are getting a dividend jiayinont; of the field that evening, and that will make the main and almost i he leads us out, and that other; from the resources that are sal-1 was only the approach fr6m one direc- the whole purpose that of creat-! matters are of minor conse-i vaged the men who established i tion. ing a paradise, and the more weiQuence until we get our feet on the group of banks _w progress in that direction and!a sound and workable financial nothing. Their capital is ! the more e r«>cognize thii- aim | touting, and emphasise it, the faster we | WE SOLICIT AND APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS Deposits Guaran teed Up to $2,500. Safe Deposit Boxes and Storage Space All Departments Commercial Banking NEW BANKING HOURS Mon. to Fri., 9 a. m. to 2 p. m Sat. 9 a. m. to 12 noon will get I the last j It looks as if it’t going to to be returned to them, and there I be such a quiet summer after all. The^signiiicance of this cam-i is no prospect that enough will They’ve called a special election next month to decide whether we shall borrow a quarter of a million dolWrs from Uncle Sam for new anJ, im proved school buildings, and there are likely to be some folks objectin’ to borrowin’ so much money. will be on tlie road to this ac-ipaign is that it appears now it;ba realized for them to expect complishnient and the n'ors we! will call up for genei'al discus-i anything but absolute loss. All will increase the number of re- i sion one of the real functions of' other claims must be paid first, cruits who w:’! join thi.* move-j State and county goveniment,! It has been a tragedy, but one ment. ” . ! that of financing the public op-1 that came from a desire to take Moore county today is far j ei*ations, a matter that we have i up that urge after the war of more attractive than ever be-! glossed over too long and ser- “business as usual,’and of stand- fore in its history, and with theliously in the disappointing hope ling by the community to the lim- newly awakening interest that i that things would w'ork out all j it of their abilities. Everj^bod\ seems manifest on all sides it is'right in the course of time. But j was fooled because nobody coula plain that a new enthusiasm has 1 they are not working out, and if ; forsee the world-wide collapse broken out that is significant, i we have a campaign of a vig- Another surge of enthusiasm' orous study of our difficulties over horses has taken place. I and an awakening of the people that involved civilization every where. The Page Trust Company in trying to back the community Another incipient stimulus as to cause and as to means of i in its progre.3sive aims fell with building and buying bits of coun- j escape from our predicament, it try property is manifest. New i may be one of the most useful folks are looking over town lo- j contests in which the county has cations. A significant event on Wednesday of last week v/as the Fourth of July celebration which brought to Soi;tnern Pines pos sibly the largest number of peo ple ever assembled here at one time, and with no particularly outstanding program or affair engaged politically in many a year, if not in its whole exper ience from its formation. The Board of Commissioners is working on the problem of county finances, perhaps more strenuously than any previous board, and because of their fa- as the occasion. The gathering miliarity with this problem and influence of this community as their serious efforts in the pres- a territorial center is plainly in evidence. Probably Southern Pines last week had a bigger number of outside visitoi's th.'n ent term is why The Pilot hop ed for their reelection. With Mr. Seawell bringing the rest of the industrial world because the borrowers could not pay their loans. The borrowers have their load, the depositors are getting a payment on their deposits, the stockholders are the holders of the absolutely empty sack with no hope, it is a tragedy, but the depositors have .still further reason to ex pect returns for themselves. REAL, ESTATE TRANSFERS STILL TIME TO SIGN UP FOR TOB.ACCO REDUCTION out in the plain sight of the The following transfers of real es tate have been recorded in the office these things j qj J^he Register of Deeds of Moore County Agent E. H. Garrison, Jr. has just received notice from Ral eigh that all parties who have not signed Tobacco Reduction contracts and desire to do so may get these signed up this month. “This does not mean that anyone who cares to may come along and sign a contiact, but that those who can establish a base like aJl others did may sign,” says Mr. Garrison. “There may be a few who for some reason or other did not sign a contract when the time was open before. These are the par ties who are being given a chance now. “Be sure that you can establish the {fact that you have been growing to bacco; then come to the office and get this fixed up as soon as possi ble.” any other place up to three or i whole people by a vigorous cam four times as large. The Spring | paign it is likely that the public Festival, the Fourth of July, the picture shows, the various new features that are gradually ex panding, are all awakening an interest that is attracting more people with each announcement, until it is now pretty well estab lished that anything in the Sandhills will catch the eye of those who are looking for en tertainment, and especially of the unusual type of enteii^in- welfare will be served by his en trance into the forum regardless of whether he shall be elected or not. The man who points out a path, or who calls attention to it, is often as useful as he who follow's the trail after it has been recognized. Mr, Seawell may or may not be elected to'the legis lature. The Pilot is more given to the recording of things that have been done than to forecast- county: George W. Statzell ^nd wife to Helen M. Roelofs, property in Mineral Springs township. L. R. Flinchum and wife and D. A. Blue and wife to John Beasley and wife, property in Carthage. MARRIAGE LICENSE A marriage license has been issued f|om the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore county to Cano Brew er'of Steeds and Alva Brown of Bis- 1934 AGRICULTURAL YEAR BOOKS NOW AVAILABLE Word has just been received from Congressman Walter Lambeth that the 1934 Agricultural Year Books will soon be off the press. Anyone de siring one of these may have same by writing to Mr. Lambeth at his home in Thomasville. “These are very handy books and contain valuable information,” says' County Agent Garrison. "Be sure tc^l write to Mr. Lambeth for a copy.” i Pinnacle Inn BANNER ELK, N. C. * The Summer Resort Owned and Operated by Lees-McRae College 4000 feet elevation Under the shadow of Grandfather Moantain 1000 Acres of Beautiful Coimtry For Your Pleasure. Wildcat Lake (12 acres), Trout Fishing, Tennis, Horseback Riding, Hik ing, Swimming in Lake and Heated Indoor Pool, Library. Included in the Inn property are The Forge of Daniel Boone, The Unique WOd Grame Farm, and Interesting Crafts and In dustries operated by studenta in exchange for au education. Rates include room with a view and delicious board. fZJS up 6 to 6 hoon drive N. C. Highway 194 I .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriniiirirnrinimiiTTiniiiniiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiT (yn ... . C DIXIE SUGAR IN SEP VICE ABLE TP N BAQS.^.r*. PURITY ASSURED .. .TULL WEIGHT GUARANTEED Advertise in The Pilot

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