MOORE COUNXrS LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY TPXJ”C j. rLSh A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 15, NO. 35 ^ ^^ABTHAOE LAKEVtew MAHL6V OACXSOH SPRIHOS SOUTHCRH PIMC9 ASULSy U&ICHTS AeKf^DCEH ^PINfiBUiFP / tJ; N. C >AR0UNA t^QO^ PILOT FIRST IN NEWS, CIRCULATION & ADVERTISING of the Sandhill Territory of North Carolina Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina, Friday, July 27, 19.34. FIVE CEN'TS Seaivell Sees Big Job Ahead For Next State Legislature Most Important Problems Relate to Public Debt and Tax ation Methods SUGGESTS CURES FOR EVILS In a statement given The Pilot this week Herbert F. Seawell, Jr., ot Carthage points out what he sees to be the job ahead for the 1935 Legis lature, for which he is a candidate from Mopre county. He places re adjustment of the public debt and re arrangement of ta/cation methods on the forefront of our problems, and suggests gome cures for present evils. Says Mr. Seawell: "Many grave problems, closely link ed to the welfare and betterment of the people, will confront the 1935 Legislature. It will require and de mand of Legislators a clear head, a clear eye and sober and concentrated thought and effort. In 1932 the elec tion centered on national affairs, most people were too tired and too sorely afflicted with thoughts of re lieving depre.ssion, to give any serious thoughts to conditions locally. “Great economic problem.^ over shadow all other issues just at this time. Can we readjust our public debt and re-arrange our method ot taxation without impairing our gen- oral governmental agencies and ae- partments devoted to upbuilding and aiding our welfare, good health and education. The first great economic problem to confront the Legislature will be the tax situation. Collection of adequate taxes is an unquestioned necessity for maintainance of the government. Excessive and oppres- sive taxation, however, will destroy the peace and contentment of the people and overthrow government it self. History proves that any govern ment whicb collects rast sums from the people and spends tlie same ac- cording to the whims of its politicians and beneficiaries will speedily become corrupt. It will destroy the liberty of the individual, create favored classes and favored families and re duce the general masses of people to serfdom. “Duplication and multiplicity of of fice holders is contrary to the gen- ious of a free and self governing peo ple and ought not to be tolerated. We now come face to face with what is not a necessary governmental agency. A man sometimes takes dope until he actually believes that it is necessary to his existence. Decen tralization of administrative agencies may be a very difficult task for the Legislature, as some of our many Boards and Bureaus in a new and modern world seem very essential. We should determine beforehand the amount of revenue obtainable by just and rasonable taxation and gauge ex penditures to come within that amount. This proposition may lay pretty heavily on the heart and mind of some politician who has political debts to pay. Law of Diminishing Returns “An excessive and oppressive tax often results in collection af less rev enue. We then come to the rule of The Law of Adminlshing Returns. To sell a man’s home for taxes and let the County buy same is a waste of time and money and results in his neighbor letting his house also go for sale to the County. Which sale, of course, is not a sale but just a sort of vain procedure. When there is no incentive for a man to own his home, government is on the verge of a collapse. When a great percentage of homes in thin rjunty are sold for taxes and bought in by the County the situation is very ser ious. There must be a remedy pre scribed and all old tax matters in the county must be adjusted. There then should be between the governing authorities in the county, County Commissioners, and whoever repre sents this county in the 1935 Legis lature cooperation and endeavor to adjust this situation. Every time a business transaction is taxed it tends to put a restraint on trade. The method of collection of taxes must be made simple and easy, but before this can be brought about there must be re-adjustment. Readjtutaneot Must Come “In readjusting our affairs and setting our house in order, we should {Pleaae turn to pag* 5) DR. BOUM.AN AND SON WIN MED.VL TOURNEV Dr. H, E. Bowman and Bill Bowman of Aberdeen won first place in the Total of Pair Medal Tournament of The Yadkin Golt Club of Pinehurst with a net score of 141. O. C. Adcox and D. A. Currie, of Pinehurst were second with a net score of 146 Gordon Keith of Aberdeen and Dr. Shepard of Southern Pines took third place with a net score of 150. Peach Season Now in Full Stride i Fruit Reported of Fine (Juality and Price Outlook Is EncouragiRi!: The peach sea.son in the Sandhills is at last in full swing. The Georgia Belles are moving this week and next and the Elbertas will begin to move before the end of next week, the peak of the Georgia Belle movement to be reached probably about the middle to last of next week with the Elbertas beginning to move rapidly the following week, the Hales coming just l eliind the Elbertas. A spirit of optimism pervades the orchards. The Georgia and Arkansas crops are reported to have fallen some what short of the earlier estimate, and weather conditions have retarded the ripening of the North Carolina crop to such an extent that the bulk of the Georgia crop is expected to be well out of the way by the time the main movt-ment here gets underway. Albert Burker, commission mer chant operating out of Pinehurst, re ports that in the orchards he has contacted the fruit is of the best quality in five years, with the condi tion of the Elbertas being worth special notice. Prices are improving. Quotations Thursday were: Georgia Belles, $l.lJi-$1.40; Elbertas. $1.35- 1.50. F. O. B. Up until Thursday noon approx imately 125 cars of North Carolina peaches had cleared through Aber deen, 85 of these coming out of Nor folk-Southern territory. Besides this there has been a heavy truck move ment, much of the early crop having been shipped by truck due to the fact that it ripened too slowly to permit carload shipment in many instances. The orchards report a lively de mand for the lower grades and culls and prices for them have been very satisfactory. GEO. B. COX DIES IN MOORE COUNTY HOSPlT.\L KIWANIS HEARS ABLE ADDRESS BY I MRS. IV. BLUE “■ - I , Paints Clear Picture of What I She Found in Survey of 2,300 Homes in County FAVORS EXCHANGE PLAN By Howard Burns Mrs. Z. V. Blue and Mrs. J. H. Satterfield, representatives of The Federal Bureau of Home Economics, ] gave a very clear picture of the find- ' ings of many of the farm homes of ' Moore County in an address Wednes- I day to the Aberdeen Kiwanis Club, I Mrs. Blue said that out of a survey of j twenty-three himdred homes it was found that 78.4 percent of them were I occupied by white farmers of which ^ t)0 percent owned their home, t’he re- ' niaining 40 percent were rented or I owned by others than the family oc- I cupying the house. Mrs. Blue stated 1 of the twenty hundred homes 83 per- I cent were badly in need of painting I and 55 percent had leaky roofs, need ing repairs or replacements. Twenty- two percent of the houses had only one room. In the survey it was found the sanitary conditions were bad, and many of the families were getting their water from creeks for drinking and cooking purposes. There were only 5 percent of the houses that had running water. It was found that 87 percent of the kitchens needed kitch en sinks and 90 percent of the to tal number of houses were lighted with kerosene lamps and heated from open fire places. Mrs. Blue in conclusion said that she did not recommend farmers bor rowing money for improvements if it could possibly be avoided due to the uncertainty of crops. She thought possibly a plan might be worked out for the exchange of the crops of the farmer for finished lumber and the repairs be made by the farmer. She stated she had been able recently to exchange surplus farm produce for finished lumber and for other things needed on the farm. She further stated she would like to see a plan worked whereby the farmer might sell his surplus crop to the govern ment for the army, the navy, and gov ernment hospitals. Unless something of this kind can be worked out many of the farmers are hopeless, she con cluded. SOUTHERN PINES AND ABERDEEN i WIN FROM VASSi Bond Issue An^lization Will Affe^T)istrict Finances West End Still Holds to Top Position by Defeating Aberdeen 3 to 2 GAME HERE TODAY ST.VNDING OF C LI B-S Through Game of \V«>dne«lay, July 25 Club Won Lost Pet. West End 8 3 .727 Aberdeen 8 4 .667 Vass 4 7 .364 So. Pines 2 8 .200 George B. Cox, agen 58 years, died in the Moore County Hospital Satur day morning, July 21st, having been taken there for treatment on Wed nesday. Funeral services were held in the Baptist Church on Sunday after noon, the pastor, the Rev. J. Fred Stimson officiating, and at the grave in Mt. Hope cemetery by members of the Jr. O. U. A, M. Mr. Cox came to Southern Pines from Asheboro, some 25 years ago and was in business as a plumber Surviving are a widow ,and two daughters, Mrs. Ted Farmer, of Pine hurst, and Miss Lucille Cox, of Southern Pines, and a brother. N. P- Cox, of Asheboro. JR. O. U. A. M. STARTS HERE WITH OVER FIFTY ON ROLL. An organization meeting of .the Junior Order United American Me chanics was held in the Masonic Hall, Southern Pines, Thursday night. July 19, for the purpose of applying tor a charter for Southern Pines Coun cil No. 76, and the election of offi cers for the proposed council. Some 35 were present. Following this meet ing another was held in the same place, 53 being present, on the fol lowing Monday night. When the coun cil was formally Instituted, the degree work being put on by Aberdeen Council No. 193. A meeting of the council is set for Wednesday nlgnt, August 1. P. P. Buchan Is councillor of the local V 'oy. Officer Newton Gets Man Wanted in S. C. Acts on Tip from W. E. Blue, Who Became Suspicious of Man on His Porch Shortly before 11 o’clock last Thursday night W. E. Blue, manager of the Pender Store, heard a noise on the porch of his home on South Ashe street. Upon asking what was want ed, he received the reply, “It Is all right, just seeking shelter from the rain,’ but as the rain had ceased some two hours before. Mr. Blue thought the matter required Inves tigation, and came down town for officer Newton who soon located a stranger in the Seaboard depot. When the man gave eyasive replies to questions, Newton arrested and searched him finding several old rail road passes: isjued to J. E. Buster, of Columbia, S. C. A further search of his baggage revealed valuable jewelry, a typewriter and a camera. A wire to Columbia brought Mr. Buster to the telephone with a de scription of the grip, typewriter, camera and jewelry, and the prison er, who called himself Kenneth Lane, was imprisoned in the locnl jail un til Friday noon when Chief of Police McAllister of Columbia came up and escorted the prisoner homeward charged with forcible entry and theft from the Buster home on Monday night. Schedule of Gunip»> for Cuming Week This afternoon, Friday, Southern Pines tackles Vass on the Southern Pines field as the locals try to rack up their second win in succession. On Saturday afternoon Southern Pines journeys to W'est End to take on the league leaders in a contest. The only | game schedulud for next W'ednsday I afternoon brings the same two teams ' together, thi.s time on the Southern Pines field. i Be Sure to Register Books Open Tomorrow for School Bond and Debt Equalization Election Beginning tomorrow the regis tration books of the county will be open in the various precincts each Saturday until August 18. for the purpose of registering the voters of the county for the election on ;he proposed bond issue and equali zation of the county school debt. A new registration has been or dered and j'ou cannot vote unless you register, as the vote will be against the registration. The books in the Southern Pines precinct will be at the municipal building'and the registrar is J. M. Windham. Figures Submitted by County Superintendent Show Amounts of Increase or Decrease in T^x Burden for Each Dis trict in the Countv. TOTAL INCREASE $232,000 HAIL STORM DAMAGES CLAY ROAD CR04*S A hail storm in the Clay Road com munity on Monday morning did con siderable damage to crops. The big farm of J. L. Matthews seemed to be in the center of the storm and com and tobacco there were badly tom by the large hailstones. On Saturday afternoon Southern Pines journeyed to V'ass and came through with its second win of the season and its first tl:is month in the wildest, weirdest game ever play ed in this section. The final score was 22 to 20. Under a scorching sun, and with no breath of air stirring to relieve the heat, the two teams battled for three hours and ten minutes before the nine innings were completed. The first inning alone consumed fifty- five minutes. Southern Pines jumped on Flem and his successor, Dave Wilson, for six runs in the opening frame. As wild ness and a sore arm bothered Park, starting pitcher for the locals, Vass came up to tally one less. Park was replaced in this frame by Humphries, who labored on the mound until two were down in the ninth. After this big first inning Southern Pines continued its slugging, while Humphries kept Vass fairly quiet. In the sixth the winners sported a lead of 17 to 6. Alton Matthews replaced Wilson on the mound and in turn gave way to Court Thomas. Vass came to life in the seventh for four runs, got two more in the eighth. Then in the ninth errors and some heavy hitting gave them eight runs before anyone realized what was hap pening. With two down Millar was rushed to the box and he retired Mc- Innis for the final out. "Red” Kennedy, backstop last year with Pinehurst, caught for Southern Pines and led the hitting parade with five hits in seven trips. He had a triple and double included. Harris got four knocks to rank next. A triple by Court Thomas, of Vass, was the longest hit of the day. The winners gathered 18 safe blows to 16 for the home team. Vass helped the locals considerably by committing 11 misplays. Several arguments between players and umpires further enlivened the game, and a hot time was had by all! On Wednesday afternoon the Aberdeen team downed Vass in a fast, snappy ball game in which Brad Pleasants outpitched Howard Calla han to win by 3 to 1. A crowd of about 500 saw the game, which was played on the Aberdeen field. Callahan had all the better of the argument on paper, but Pleasants, while not appearing so effective, was invincible in the pinches and really pitched beautiful baseball. He yield ed eight hits, but scattered them ef fectively. Callahan allowed only three hits and fanned 10, but in the fifth Park was hit by a pitched ball and, with two down, Ferree came through with a long single to score Park with the only earned run of the game. In field errors accounted for the other tallies. In the first inning Vass threatened and continued to hit throughout the game, but in the pinches they could hit only weak rollers or pop flies. They made a serious threat in the ninth when they scored their only run, but with two down and the ty ing runs on base, Mclnnis lined out (Please turn to page 6) j Responding to the somewhat ur gent plea for information on the part of the general public as regards the issues at stake in the coming special election on the school bond question, The Pilot presents herewith some figures from the office of H Lee Thomas, county superintendent of schools, which purport to show just how the propo.sed bond i.ssue and equalization of the school debts of the various districts will affect the fi nances of each area involved. From figures it will be seen that Southern Pines. Pinehurst, find Mineral Spiings (outside Pinehurst and West Endi will all pay more un der the county unit system, as will also what is termed the “non-exist ing special district area.” The :iis- ■ twricts of Cameron. Vass-Lakeviaw, Becomes Bride of .Joseph I. Carthage, Aberdeen, West End, Eu- Chandler, Jr., in Private Cere- ^agle Springs, and Hemp v/*i mony at Historic Church i P^>' - - i noted that Piuehu.-st, The historic Old Bethesda Presby-1 Southern Pines and the "noii-exist ng terian Church was the scene ot a, special district area are to receive beautiful and impressive wedding last j some new construction, but not in Saturday evening at six o’clock, when i any instance is this ne'v construction Miss LaNilta Wimberley became the equal to the increases in tax burden. Miss LaNilta Wimberly Weds at Old Bethesda bride of Joseph Ingram Chandler, Jr., in a private ceremony, the Rev. Ern est Lowry Barber, pastor of the church, officiating. Miss Vanessa McLean rendered the nuptial music. The wedding march from “Lohengrin” was played for the processional and Mendelssohn’s march for the recessional, McDowell’s “To a White Rose’’ was softly played dur ing the ceremony. Prior to the cer emony, Miss Nancy Wimberley. sis ter of the bride, sang “I Love You Truly,’’ The altar, before which the vows were spoken, was banked with long leaf pines and southern smilax, intermingled with crepe myrtle and trailing ivy. The bride was attrac tively dressed in white crepe with matching accessories and wore a shoulder corsage of talisman roses and swansonia. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Chandler left for a trip to South Carolina beaches and Charles ton. After August 12th they will be at home at 235 1-2 North Green Street, Greensboro. Mrs. Chandler is the eldest daught er of Mr. and Mrs. J, D. Wimberley of Aberdeen. She received her musi cal education at Flora Macdonald College and her business training in Durham. For the past two years she has been State Publicity and Publica tion Superintendent for the Christian Endeavor, and has many friends throughout the Carolinas. A series of parties has been given in her honor throughout the State, The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ingram Chandler ot Charleston, S. C. He haj» made his home in Jacksonville for the past two years, but was transferred to Greensboro, where he is connected with the Studebaker Agency, Mr, Chandler commands a wide circle of friends throughout the two Carolinas and Florida. ■\MERICAN TENNIS PLAYERS STAGE GREAT COMEB.ACK Frank Shields, a Sandhills favorite after many appearances on Pinehurst courts in North and South tourna ments, won the deciding match for the United States on Wednesday in the final round of the 1933 Davis Cup competition America lost Ifhe last two singles matches to Australia last Saturday," won the doubles Monday with George Lott and Lester Stoeffen, and came from behind to win Wednes day when Sidney Wood defeated Crawford and Shields trounced Mc Grath in straight sets. The United States meets England in the challenge ro«.d starting to morrow. Three of the American team. Shields, Lott and Stoeffen, played here in April. Some of the districts will receive no benefit other thaji the scaling down of their taxes, while others will re- ceive not only an appreciable scaling down of their tax burden but mucli new construction as well. Mr. Thomas’s figures follow: Southern Pinra According to a statement furnish ed by our county auditor, John C. Muse, the outstanding district in debtedness of the Southern Pines Dis trict, maturing after June 30, 1934, is $50,000 and its property valuation for the year 1933 is $4,422,595. The val uation is 22.072 per cent of the coun- tys total, 520,096,146. The total re quirements necessary to retire this old indebtedness of the Southern Pines district is $68,243.75, The pro posed indebtedness for new building and rooms for this district is $43,- 000. The total tax requiremenLs nec essary to retire the old indebtedness plus the proposed or new indebtedness on the district plan (if district plan of repaying proposed indebtedness were possible) is $119,419.77. The to tal tax requirements necessary' to re tire the old plus the proposed indebt edness, as above stated, on the county wide plan is $209,649.23, or $99,629,46 more than on the district plan. Pinehurst The outstanding indebtedness of the Pinehurst School District matur ing after June 30, 1934 is $97,019.75 and its valuation $4,486,968 or 22,3275 per cent of the $20,096,146 total coun ty valuation. The total tax require ments necessary to retire the old d's- trict indebtedness is $111,890.34. The proposed indebtedness for new audi torium and repairs to grammar school is $11,500. The total tax requirements necessary to retire this old indebted ness plus the new or proposed indebt edness on the district plan (if district plan of repaying proposed indebted ness were possible) is $125,920.14. The total tax requirements necessary to retire the old Indebtedness plus the new or proposed indebtedness, as above stated, on the ccuinty wide plan is $212,700.53, of $86,780.49 more than on the district plan. The county has assumed future requirements of Pinehurst of $4,720. Mineral Springs Outside Pinehurst and West End The outstanding indebtedness of Mineral Springs Township outside Pinehurst and West End districts, maturing after June 30, 1934, is $4,- 619.25. The property valuation is $358,472., or 1.7838 per cent of the county total. The total tax require ments necessary to retire this old in debtedness on the district plan is $j,366,08. The total tax requirements iPl^aae turn to page 4)