Friday. Aguust 10, 1934. THE PILOT, Southern Pinea and Aberdeen, North Carolina Page Fiv* Public Schools of County Open Sept. 10 List of Adopted Texth(»oks For Term Announced by Sch(M>l lioard Tobacco Men in Section Well Pleased With Outlook for Crop The public schools of Moore coun ty will open for the fall term on Mon day, September 10th. For the bene fit of the patrons of the schools, a list of adopted textbooks for 1934. 35 was announced this week by the County School board, as follows: Itotail Grade Text Price Reading Newson Readers (Newson). 1 Primer—Playtime $ .36 1 Book One -Good Times .40 2 Book Two- The Open Door .44 3 Book Three—Storyland 51 Story and Study Readers (John son). 1 Primer—Playfellows 31 1 First Reader — Friends to Make .31 2 Second Reader — Trips to Take 41 3 Third Reader—The (Treas ure Box .48 The Study Readers (Merrill). 4 Fourth Year Book .67 5 Fifth Year Book .68 6 Sixth Year Book .68 Boys’ and Girls’ Readers, (Houghton). 7 Seventh Reader .67 Snf'lltns: Tthe McCall Speller (Laidlaw) 2 Second Year .10 3 Third Year 10 ] 4 Fourth Year .10 j 5 Fifth Year .10! 6 Sixth Year .101 7 Seventh Year .11 Language The Open Door Language Series (Houghton). 3 Third Grade .36 4 Fourth Grade .37 5 Fifth Grade 37 6 Sixth Grade 37 7 Seventh Grade .42 4-5 Book I .44 6-7 Book II .51 The New Arithmetics (Mer. rill). 3 Third Year .31 4 Fourth Year .31 5 Fifth Year .31 6 Sixth Year .31 7 Seventh Year 37 Americanism 6-8 Our Dual Government (Rand). Drawing 1-7 Industrial and Applied Art Books (Mentzer), ea. .. Health 4 Boys and Girls of Wake-Up Town (Ginn) Malden Heilth Series— (Heath). 5 Health 6 Cleanliness and Health 7 Building Sti'on.ij Bodies— (Houghton) <«eogrHphy Barrows-Parker Series, (Silver) 4 Journeys in Distant Lands 5 United States and Canada 6 Europe and Asia 7 Southern Lands Writing Zaner Writing Method— (Zaner). 1-6 Each Book 7 Seventh Grade MuhIc Progressive Music Series, (Silver). 2-3 Book One .59 4-5 Book Two .63 6 Book Three *>6 7 Book Four 94 2-7 One Book Course .66 Social Science 5 The Story of our Nation, (Row) 65 6 A Young People’s History of N. C. (Willioms) 70 6 Our Beginnings in Europe and America (Winston) .60 7 American History for Young Americans (Allyn) 1.00 8 Cooperative Citizenship— (Row) .98 9 Man’s Advancing Civiliza tion (Rand) 1.47 9 Man’s Achievement, Vol. 1 (Ginn) 1 63 10 History of the U. S., Revis ed (Macmillan 1.35 10 Modern History (Silver) 1.73 11 Modern History (Silver) ... 1.73 11 Everyday Economics (Sil- 1.31 ver) 1-31 11 Civic Sociology (World) .... 1.38 11 Everyday Problems of American Democracy, (Houghton) 1-21 Busy Relief Office Pastures Approved for Cattle; New Jackson Springs Can nery Runs Full Time A number of pastures in Moore county have been approved for use in pasturing relief cattle, and Mias Head has been notified that a shipment of 50 cattle has been approved for Car- thage. These will be sent to a 350- acre pasture furni.shed by W. J. Har rington. The Jackson Springs cannery is now running on full time. Canning on halves for the Samarcand Manor is now being done, the Manor furn ishing the peaches and sugar and the relief office the cans and labor. .14 .66 .62 .6S .60 .54 ..54 .69 6.6 .71 .08 .08 The best time to Imy needed printing Is NOW<JI A shipment of 150 cases of roast | beef with 24 cans to the case and one and one-half pounds to the can, a to-' tal of 5,400 pounds, and 33 cases of salt pork averaging around 100 pounds to the case have been receiv ed. These surplus commodities will be used in the relief work. j The county relief office has receiv-' ed a cash allotment from the State Rural Rehabilitation Fund for use in buying peaches for the Jackson Springs cannery. All peaches bought with this money will be the property of the relief office. John McCrummen of West End is to contact the grow ers. Perhaps the largest “pea patch” in ^ the county is one planted by the re- j lief forces near the Thaggards com-1 munity between Clay Road and Nia- ■ gara. It contains fifty acres. Relief ^ families will pick the dry peas on a cooperative basis and the vines will' be left on the ground for the bene- i fit of the land owner. ‘ Harve.sting of Acreage Will Fol low Peach Season in Keeping Many Employed Tobacco men are well pleased with the outlook for a crop and for good prices this season. Harvesting is un der way, with the leaf in good shape, and a fairly large acreage. With a hopeful crop of good quality the far mers are employing hands to carry on the harvest and stimulating further the employment situation, which has been much livened up by the good peach crop and the good prices. The peach harvest is nearing a, and as the end approaches the demand improves as Georgia has fin ished and the North has very little to offer. This has had the effect of sending to North Carolina an unpre cedented lot of trucks looking for peahes. The truck trade has had a se rious effect on the railroad traffic, so much so that the refrigerator cars are seeing much of their business tak en from under their noses. That in turn has had an effect on the ice de mand. More or less talk is heard of new orchards again in this section, but what will come out of it is specula tive. Old timers remember that one good crop does not pay for developing an orchard, and they caution against any hurry to get a foot in the tar barrel. However, up the Candor way many young trees are coming on, and it is evident that peach growing will be an industry in the Sandhills for many a day, even if in modified form. The corn crop over the surround ing territory is reported good. Canta loupes and watermelons did not make the growers rich this summer. Eggs are scarce for this season. Wheat has made a right fair crop. Fall feed crops are promising. The man with a garden is finding something to eat nearer home than the grocery. Can ning has been active and is still in progress. First Million of New Carolina Stamps Now Being Distributed Carolinas, Inc., Opens Campaign to Tell the World About Opportunities Here Delivery of the first order of 1,- 000,000 Carolina Crusade stamps, de picting hLstoric and scenic spots, as well as agricultviral and industrial op portunities in North and South Car olina has been made to The Caro linas, Inc. and distribution is now un der way. The Carolinas. Inc., a non- p-ofit, nonpolitical group of out standing citizens of the two states, was recently organized to attract in creased tourist travel, home-seekers and industrialists through an inten sive program to adequately portray scenic and climatic advantages and the points of interest and natural re sources of the Carolinas. While the stamps will in themsel- ves provide valuable advertising for the Carolinas when attached to sta tionery, envelopes, packages, ct cet era, they are the means to an end of financing the broad program of advertising which will be modelled along the lines of the New Fngland Council, Florida and Californians, Inc. Publication of authentic and ac curate data in various forms of liter ature, national magazines, metropoli tan newspapers, radio and other ad vertising rae-.ii'i w;’! be financed by the sale of stamps;. The first series of stamps is a sheet of 25 different svbject.?, printed in one color with a wood type effect, with four colors to tne sheet. Each stamp carries th^* words "See the Carolinas” the ’op. They will be distributed by worthwhile chari table, benevolent, fraternal and civic organizations and will sell for one cent each. It is planned to issue a new series of 25 stamp.s '’ach month and a total distribution of 40,000,000 within two years is the minimum goal of the organization. <Jovernors Endorse Plan Gov. J. C. B. Ehringhaus, of orth Carolina, and Gov. Ibra C. Black wood have heartily endorsed The Car- olinas. Inc., and both serve as hon orary presidents. Dr. L. B. Morse is president and Coleman W'. Roberts is executive vicepresident with general headquarters at Charlotte. Dr. W .C. Mudgett of Southern Pines in on the Board of Directors. The 25 designs in the initial series include Grandfather Mountain (N. C.) street scene in Charleston, S. C.; Monument to Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk, N. C., the birthplace of the aeroplane; Memorial to Devoted Women of the Confederacy, Columbia, S. C.; tobacco field (N. C.-S. C.); polo players (N. C.-S. C.); Blowing Rock Mountain, N. C.: monument at Guil ford Battleground National Park near Greensboro, N. C.; Linville Falls, N. C.; workman in furniture factory Television Miss Lenora Riggan Seen and Heard on Screen at Chic ago World’s Fair While at the Chicago World’s Fair last week Miss Lenora Rig- g:an of Southern Pines appeared be fore the new television projector at the television headquarters on the grounds and her appearance and conversation was transmitted on the screen to a large number of persons gathered in the auditori um. Asked where she lived. Miss Rig gan said ‘‘Southern Pines.” “Where is that?” she was ask ed. ‘‘What, you don't know of South ern Pines, in the Sandhills of North Carolina, the paradise of the golf er in w’inter,” she replied, and went on to give this section a little pub licity for the benefit of those see ing and hearing her on the screen Two Billion Gallons of Gasoline .Motorists of North Carolina Have Used That Much—and More —in Last N'ine and One-Half Years, and Paid State Over $110,000,000 Tax On It. Citizens of North Carolina have consumed nearly two and one-fourth billions of gallons of gasoline, on which they paid the State a gallon- age tax of more than 110 millions of dollars in the last nine and one-half years, according to figures compiled in the office of L. J. Sears, in charge of this tax collection during practical ly all of that period. Figures show that in the nine and one-half years 2,238,651,986 gallons of gasoline have been consumed in North Carolina, subject to slight cor rection due to overlapping of dif ferent rates on the gallon, when new rates would become effective, and that the tax on that gasoline has been collected to the amount of $110,255,.568 during that period. During the eight years and nine months in which Sears has been col lecting the gasoline tax, the amount has totaled $106,320,124, and of that amount he has collected $106,092,794, or collections have been 99.78 per cent of the amount assessed, the loss .so far being .22 of one per cent, and Sears believes he will finally get half of that balance. Some of it is now tied up in closed banks, while there are a few accounts that arc delin quent. The tabulation shows that the high peak in gasoline consumption was re.ached in 1929, in which year tax was paid on 270,938,321 gallons. Since then there has been a decrease, I amounting to 2.85 per cent for 1930, 2.95 per cent for 1931 and 7.91 per cent for 1932, while 1933 showed a slight upward turn,' showing an in crease of 1.16 per cent over the pre vious year. Increase This Vear During the first six months of this calendar year, to June 30, the has been 15 per cent over the first six months of last year. The during the next six months over the same period in 1933 is not expected to maintain the same per centage, since the New Deal was op erating the half of last year. However, even a fair increase will this year to take its place close alongside 1929 in the consumption the last six months was 125,476.103 gal lons, a gain of 16.338,917 gallons over the 109,137,186 gallons on which tax was paid in the first half of 1933. The more thaiT 125 millions of gal lons consumed the six monthJi of this year give that the full year's consumption will reach the 263 millions of gallons consumed in 1930, and may even come close to the nearly 271 million.s consumed in 1929. The last half is always far ahead of the first half, due to the increased use of trucks for marketing products and inclusion of the tourist and va cation con.sumption in the last six months. In only one year, 1932, is there shown a decrease in the amount of , money collected on the gasoline tax, due to the gradual increase in the rate from three cents up to April, 1925, four cents from then until June, 1929 five cents until May, 1931, and I six cents since that lime. The slight- ; ly more than six millions collected ‘ in 1925 had grown almost to 15 mil- j lions in 1933. nnmmnmmmmumt (N. C.); game birds plentiful (N. C.- ,S. C.»: Caesar's Head Mountain, S. C.; I equestrian scene (N. C.-S. C.); Ve- I nus Fly Trap Carniverous plant (N. C.); Kings Mountain Battlefield (N. C.-S. C.); fishing (N. C.-S. C.); Bilt- more House, Geo. W. Vanderbilt es tate, Asheville, N. C.; magnolias (N. C.-S. C.): moss draped roadway (N. C.-S. C.); cotton (N. C.-S. C.); power dam and lake (N. C.-S. C.); Cypress Gardens, S. C.; typical seashore (N. C.-S. C.»: Chimney Rock, N. C. Scores of suggestions for stamp subjects have been received at head quarters of The Carolinas, Inc., and in the initial orders now being filled are many requests from stamp collec tors and from native Carolinians throughout the nation. WON’T PAY T.WES TNTIL OLD ONES ARE COLLECTED A demand that Robeson county col lect its back taxes before increasing its tax rate this year was made upon the county commissioners of the county Monday by E. J. Britt of Lum- berton, farmer, attorney and former county attorney. Mr. Britt declared he has several clients who have said they will not pay the increased levy the commis- ■ sioners have made this year of 33 1-3 per cent, from 60 to 80 cents on the $100, with such a large amount of | back taxes uncollected until they have , been told to do so by the courts. He | stated he had been instructed to en-j join the board from collecting the taxes. Ask Us First The Pilot is in position to handle your order for any thing- you may need in the way of printing-. It matters not what your requirements may be it is quite possible that we can quote you as good a price as the other fel low if we have the opportunity. If you can use large quantities, 5,000 and up; and if you can wait a reasonable time for delivery; can pay cash on delivery, and are satisfied with the quality of the printing turned out by the mail order specialty houses we can probably give you as good prices and a much better quality of printing. When you are in the market for any of the follow ing let us quote you: Salesbooks of all kinds Bank Deposit Slips Duplicate and Triplicate forms and books of all kinds All kinds of Printed Forms in larg-e quantities Foldpack Forms and Roll Form's for any kind of Autographic Register or Billing Machine. We will also be glad to have your orders for the usual items of printing in the smaller quantities to be done in our own shop and will quote you prices as low as is consistent with the proper observance of our code. Phone 7271 THE PILOT

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