Page Six THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen,’ North Carolina Friday, August 10, 1934. ^i^APITAL By M. R. DunnaKan, The Pilot’s Raleigh Correspondent Ntatewid** ( ani|Kiigii Governor Khringhaus is iionorary chairman and his Republican oppo nent, Gifford Frazier, of Greensboro, is honorary vice-chairman of an or ganization wliich will carry the mes sage of the proposed or revised Con stitution to the people of every coun ty, city and hamlet in the state be fore the fall election, in which it will be voted upon. Kemp D. Battle, Rocky Mount, is active chairman; Dr. J. Y. Joyner, vice-chairman, and Miss Harriet EUioll, Greensboro, chairman of the women's division, it is announced by a committee of 2f> citizens, of which Dr. Frank P. Gra ham. president of the State Univer sity, is chairman. The group plans a powerful orgar.ization to carry the message to the entire state. If the new constitution is lost, it will not be 'because the citizens of the state do not understand it, and understand ing it, they will vote to adopt it, the leaders state. protection of crops located near streams. Hundreds of sportsmen signed petitions asking for this or der and it was passed, on the belief that in a very few years these ani mals will increase to such an e.xtent that the fur trade will again be prof itable. Fur sales are now estimated to reach $2,000,000 a year, but this is expected to be increased to sev eral millions in a few years. Fish and Hunt for $3 Combination State-wide hunting £uid fishing licenses have gone on sale for •$3, by which hunters and fishermen save §1.20 on the cost of seperate li censes. They are good for one year, starting August 1, and are at all selling agencies. burning over 169,234 of the 6,872,066 acres for which protection is offered in the 33 counties cooperating with the State in fire control, VV. C. Mc Cormick reports. The 1,783 fires re- pcrted in the first six months of 1934 burned over 2.5 per cent of the pro tected area, each fire doing an aver age damage of $189. Of the burned area, 48,6>')0 acres were classed as merchantable timber, 106,910 as young growth or reproduction, and 13,673 ! acres were in open grass land. Forty I of the 51 persons prosecuted for wil- j ful or negligent netting of fires \ paid $644 in fines and costs. Care- ! less smokers arc credited with start- I ing 436 fires in the six months, in- icindiarists, 343; brush-burners, 320 ! and campers, huntsmen and fisher men, 289. No figures are available un til the end of the year on damage done in the 67 counties which did not j cooperate in fire protection, but Mr. McCormick is sure that it was much greater in the past six months than in several years before, due to the unusually dry period and prevalence of fires. Fore<*t Fire Losses Forest fires did damage to prop erty to the e.xtent of $336,547 by Quality Finishing at reasOLible cost i.s the motto of the SandhilLo Photo Shop, Aberdeen. Try them. \ew License Tags Automobile license tags for 1935, aluminum letters on a black back ground, are now being manufactured at State's Prison. The State will prob ably require nearly half a million pairs of these tags, if sales continue to the next year as they have during the past year. The num ber in the peak year of 1929 was 503,- 590, dropping to 397. 55 in 1932. It will probably e.xceed 430,000 this year, now being about 412,000. Cameron and Community The miscellaneous shower given by I Misses Jacksie Muse, Lillian Cole the Ladies of the Baptist Church at I and Mrs. Jewell Hemphill were shop- the home of Mrs. Laura Rogers on ping in Raleigh Friday. Route 1 last Thursday evening, hon oring Miss Pearl Johnson, missionary to Korea, was attended by old and young regardless of denomination. Misses Jessie Thomas and Ruth Frank McNeill of Richmond, Va., is visiting his parents, the Rev. and Mrs. M. D. McNeill. Mrs. Janie Muse is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. H. C. Stutts had charge of the entertaining Gibson of Rockingham. featut;e, and it was rare fun to see Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Fooshee of Deposit Insurance Only one commercial bank and seven industrial banks are now op erating in North Carolina without in surance on deposits under the F'ederal Deposit Insurance Corporation while 193 State banks and all national and Federal Reserve banks have the in surance on their deposits, Commis sioner of Banks Gurney P. Hood states. The insurance plan started January 1, insuring deposits up to $2,500, and July 1 this went to $5,000. Deposits up to $10,000 will be insured after July 1, 1933, and percentages atiove that figure. All Stite banks will be required to join the Federal Reserve System by July 1. 1937, in or- der to have deposits in.sured after that time. many of the “60-year olds” engaging in and enjoying the many youthful games that were played throughout the evening. A large, decorated receptacle was Cool Springs community and Mrs. Parham of White Hill attended ser vice at the Presbyterian church Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gibson of Rock- proniinently placed in the center of j ingham, Miss Mamie Neal Muse, the room, in which each guest depos-j J- D- McLean and Mrs. J. 'W. ited her gift, and it was filled to over-1 Cameron spent Saturday in Raleigh, flowing with Christmas packages, | Misses Elizabeth and Emily Tea- gay in their holly, poinsetta and glit- \ Sanford were guests Sunday tering wrappings. The Baptist ladies'of their grand-parents, the Rev. and served ice cream and cake, after Mrs. M. D. McNeill, which Misses Lucille Loving and An- ■ Mrs. J. R. Loving, Mr. and Mrs. nie H. Jones impersonated Miss John-1 Flint Loving and children and Carl so*n by opening the many packages spent Sunday in Chapel Hill, and getting almost as much thrill guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mad- from so doing as Miss Johnson will i d‘y- 79 Attend Reunion of Bynum Descendants Kn,joy Second Annual (iatherins (»f Pioneer Family at Jackson Springs The descendants of the late Jos eph H. M. Bynum and Mary A. Stew art Bynum, pioneer settlers of Vass, met for their second annual reunion at Jackson Springs on last Friday. The morning was spent informally in greeting relatives, many of whom had not seen each other since last year’s reunion, and in swimming. At 1:00 o’clock dinner was ►served from a long table by the lake, after which the crown a.ssembled for a program in the recreation hall of the CCC camp which had been offered them for the occasion. A delightful program of readings and vocal and instrumental numbers was given and short talks were made by a number of those present. The business session was presided over by A. R. Vaughn of Hamlet and minutes of the previous meeting were read by Mrs. S. R. Smith, secretary. \V. H. Keith of Vass and Miss Eliz abeth Bynum of Hope Mills were unanimously elected president and secretary-treasurer, respectively, for the coming year, and a committee was named to fix the time and place of the next meeting. Daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Bynum who were present were Mrs. Jane Keith, of Cameron route, Mrs. Sue Cameron of Vaas, Mrs. Minnie Pat terson of Philadelphia, Miss., Mrs. Catharine Shaw of Southern Pines. Mrs. Lydia McDonald of Hamlet, and Mrs. Florence Thomas of Cornelius. Mrs. Ida Patterson of Winston-Salem was too ill to attend. The total num ber present was seventy-nine. MI.SSIOXARY SOCIETY MEETS LEGAL NOTICES Road, about one chain South of James Creek, in the line of J. M. Johnson’s 59 acre grant, and runs thence as said line S. 27 deg. W, 10.47 chains to a slake, corner of Goldsmith’s Buchan 100 acres; thence as his line N. 87 3-4 W. 15.57 chains to an iron pipe, his corner, in old mill pond; thence with a line of an 87 acre tract N. 44 1-2 deg. W. 14.13 chs. to a stake, Phillips' corner; thence as his line N. 44 1-4 E. 28 chains to the center of the old Yadkin Road; thence down the various of said road to beginning, containing 59 acres, more or less. THIRD TRACT: Beginning at a stake in the line of property owned by Charles W, Chandlee and M. H. Turner where it intersects Grover Bros. Road 83 ft. from a large gum tree; running thence N. 5 E. with said line ^40 feet to a stake in the bounds of Aberdeen Road, oak point ers; thence with the bound of Aber deen Road S. 45 W. 518 ft. to a stake, the intersection of Grover Bros. Road with Aberdeen Road; thence with Grover Bros. Road S. 26 1-4 E. 640 feet to the beginning, containing three aftd six tenths (3.6) acres, more or less. This the 31st day of July, 1934. WALTER S. STANLEY, Trustee. By Johnson & Johnson, Attorneys, AlO-31. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FOBECLOSl’RE SALE The Woman’s Missionary Society of the Church of Wide Fellowship, will meet at the home of Mrs. Knijwles Carr on May street and Con- necticut avenue on Thursday morn- ing, August 16th, at 10 o’clock. LEGAL NOTICES Gain in t'oliwtions North Crrolina started off the fis cal year by collecting $2,194,7*9.37 for the general fund in July, as com pared with $1,430,892.88 in July, 1934, and $1,526,964.71 in motor vehi cle and gasoline revenue, a gain of $22,569.38 over the amoun* rollected in July, 1933, $1,501,395.33. (L'ommi.s- sioner A. J. Maxwell reports Ihe sales tax brought in $556,580.07, in dicaling that at least a million dol lars more may be expected froni it thi.s j'ear. It went slightly ove ■ $6.- 000,c00 year, when only 11 months were represented in collcc- lions. Firemen to <'oiiip«‘te Several world record tire fighting teams of cities and towns of North Carolina will be prese-it to take part in tournament contest<< to be held in connection with the -iiinual conven tion of the N. C. Firemen’s A.«socia- tion in Charlotte August 13, 17. K>»n- napolis, with a world record in reel and grab reel contests, and Spencer and Spencer Shops as run- ner-ups in both contests; Statesville, with a world record for motor fire fighting, with Lincolnton and H‘gh Point as runners-up, and Lincolnton, with a world record :or chemical fire-fighting, AlbemarJj, Sanforil and Fayetteville being close seconds, will all be present to "strut their stuff,” State Fire Marshal Sherwood Brook- well announces. Cash prizes will be awarded winners by the convention «'ty, Charlotte. Boost Fur Trade Seeking to restore the fur bearing animals in the mountain sections of North Carolina to its former import ance, the Board of Conservation and Development has established a reg ulation outlawing the use of steel traps in counties west of Surry, Wilkes, Alexander and Cleveland for taking muskrat and mink, except for Folitical Announcements when they reach her in far away Korea. This shower was a fitting tribute Julian McDougald who holds a re sponsible position with an insurance company, spent the week end with to Miss Johnson and voices the love | his grandmother, Mrs. Julia McDou- and esteem felt for her in this com- his sister, Miss Margaret munity. McDougald at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Tally. Y'oung Julian was The Book Club met Tuesday even-1 T-. u ■ -n, a. student for two years of the Gam ing with Miss Rochael Gilchnst with i , eron school. The following j'oung people left , Monday to spend the week at White Lake; Mis.^es Beulah Thomas and the president. Miss Mary Emira Thomas presiding. Mz’s. Loula gave an informing paper on that wonderful museum, the Louvre; Miss , ^ ^ , ,, , . guest, Margaret McLeod of Broadway, Rachael Gilchrist gave a full and in- ,“ ^ * „ , f ’ teresting review of the “Life of Ma rie Antoinette," and Mrs. J. M. Guth- t::,ld in a m.ost pleasing manner of our North Carolina writers, A con test on the nickriames of prominent men and women was enjoyed. Mrs. M. D. Mclver being the winnci. Mrs. J. M. McPhail of Sanford en tertained at a bridge luncheon Satur day morning, complimenting her charming houne-guent. Mrs. Nan Ste phens Burdick of Orlando. Fla. The Jessie Thomas, Monte Pearl Bullock, Ada Gilchrist. Ruth Lamb of Carth age, Badgett, Frank Loving and Reid Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Arch McDougald of Hamlet spent Sunday with Mrs. Ju lia McDougald, who has been ,<;i.k for a few days and Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Tally. Mr. and Mr.'. Leighton McKeithon and children. Miss Isabel, Murdoch, and Leighton, J-, left Mond:iv to FOB LEGISL.\TUURE I hereby announce myself a can didate for the legislature in the No vember election. My platform brief ly, "Leas taxes, more trade; more trade, better business, better living conditions.” H. F. SEA WELL. JR. lower floor was profii.sely decor<ited seveial ua% s ir, C.arkton with - " Mr; nrjlher Mrs. L. F. with mid.summer flowers, ('onnraot Mrs. McKeith Ritchie. j Treasury Department. Procurement Division, Public Works Branch, Wash- I ington, D. C. Sealed Bids in duplicate, will be publicly opened in this office at 1 p. m., August 31, 1934, for furn- i i.shing all labor and materials aud 1 performing all w'ork for the construc- I tion of the U. S. postoffice at Pine- hurst, N. C. Attention is directed to the i special conditions of bidding set forth in the .specifications, and bulletin No. j 51 of the Federal Emergency Admin- I istration of Public Works and Exe cutive Order No. 6646. Drawings and specifications, not exceeding 3 sets, may be obtained at this office in the discretion of the assistant director of Procurement, Public Works Branch, by any general contractor, provided a deposit of Sl."> is made for each set i to assure its prompt return. One set j will be fun.l..ihed builders’ exchanges. : chambers of commerce or other organ izations who will guarantee to make them available for any subcon'iat- } tor or material firm interested, ! to quantity surveyors, provided a de- I posit of $15 i.'-. made to assure its i prompt return. Checks offered as de- ; posits must be made payable to the ^ order of the Treasurer of the United ' States. deposits will not be ac- ' cei^teu. W. E. Reynolds, Assistant Di rector of Procurement. Public Works I Branch. was played at two table.s and high score held by Mrs. Hindsdale. Trav'-, Mrs, iteams and two daughters of eler's prize went to Mrs. Loula Mu.^e. | Norfolk. Va., are visiting Mrs. Don- The hostess presented the honoree : ^Id McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. W. with a gift. Lunching with Mrs. Mc-, M. Wooten. Phail and Mrs. Burdick were Mrs. . [ ~ — A. Crabtree. Mrs. J. P. Foster. Mr.s,," ILLI.\>I I). .McN'EILL DIE.S C. H. Reeves, Mrs. Chaffin, Mrs. j Hindsdale, Mrs. Loula Muse and Mrs. Jewell Hemphill of Cameron. The three churches have granted their pastors, the Rev. M. D. McNeill, AT HOME XE.Mi (A.MERON William Dr..".iel McNeill, who has been ill for some months, died at the old McNeill homestead on Route 2, C. H. Durham and Frank Hare, vaca-1 now the home of his sister. Miss Mary tion for the month of August. E. McNeill, on Friday ■afternoon. Au- Miss Margaret McDougald of Ft. i gust 3, at 4 o'clock. Mr. McNeill was Green, Fla., who is spending the sum-1 born and reared in this community, mer with her grandmother, Mrs. Julia | and was a man of many admirable McDougald, has recited the Sho-ter | traits of character, ever kind, mod- Catechism, and the P.ev. M. D. Me- iest and unassuming. He is survived by Neill presented her with a handsome Bible last Sunday as a reward. Reports from the bedside of Dr. Sam Teague of Hamit t are not vary encouraging. Misses Margaret Thomas, Mamie Arnold and Mrs. M. D. Mclver at. tended the woman’s short course at State College, Raleigh last week James McNeill, Mrs. McKeithen, and Mrs. Covington of Raeford. Mr. and Mrs, V. L, Barrett and Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair of Carthage at tended the funeral of William D. McNeill Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sinclair of Wilmington were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J ,R. Loving of Route 1 Friday night. Miss Lucille Loving and Mrs. Ger-j terment was in the Cameron ceme- aldine Stutts spent the week-end in | tery in the McNeill plot. A large jreensboro, gue.sts of their aunt, Mrs. j number of relatives and friends were Marrie Omohundro. ; present at the funeral. The floral of- Mr. and Mrs. Guy Matthews of I lerings w^ere many and beautiful. 3anford were dinner guests of Mrs. Jeorgie Matthews Sunday, 1 It Faye to Advertise in The Pilot his widow who, before marriage, was Miss Hamie Barrett; four daughters, Mrs. John C. Groon of Jackson Mich.; Mrs. B. S. Thomas of Florence, S. C.; Mrs. E. W. Brown of Albany. Ga.; Miss Bonnie Bess McNeill of Bishop- ville, S, C.; one son, Neill A. Mc Neill of Los Angeles, Cal.,; one sis ter, Miss Mary E. McNeill of Cam eron; one brother, McKay McNeill of Georgie. Funeral services were held from Cameron Presbyterian church on Sat- irctey afternoon at 5 o’clock by the pastor, a school-mate and kinsman, c.-.e Rev. M. D. McNeill. Pallbearers were Donald McDonald, L. B. Mc Keithen, W. A. Muse, Neill Graham, IJ. E. Mann and Will McLauchlin. la- XOTK E OF FOKECLOSl UE SALE Under and by virtue of the power of .sale contained in a deed of trust executed by M. T. Turner and wife, Fannie H. Turner, to the undersigned Trustee, under date of June 1, 1933, which deod of trust is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County, in Book of Mort gages No. 53 at page 222, to which record reference is hereby made, se curing certain indebtedness as is set forth in said deed of trust, and de fault having occurred in the payment thereof, under the terms therein pro vided, and the holder of the notes thereby secured having reque.sted the undersigned Trustee to foreclose said deed of trust by reason of said de fault; The undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction, at the court house door in the Town of Carthage, Moore County, North Carolina, at the hour of noon, on Monday, the third day of September, 1934, for cash, the following three tracts of land: Lying and being in Sandhills Town ship, Moore County, State of North Carolina, and more particularly de scribed as follows; FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a black gum tree, Grover Brothers cor ner, and runs S. 22 1-2 E. 5.92 chains to Frank Maples’ corner; thence E. 13,75 chains to Walter Maples’ cor ner; thence N. 50 deg. E. 22.68 chains to a stake, gum pointers; thence N. 71 1-2 W’. 10.15 chains to a stake; thence N. 84 1-2 deg. W. 6.30 chains to Amanda Maples' corner; thence S. 5 deg. W. 80 links to John Thomas’ comer, so called; thence as that line S. 84 1-2 deg. E. 6.30 chains to a cor ner; thence as another line of said Lot S. 5 1-2 W. 6 24 chains to anoth er corner; thence with another line N. 84 1-2 deg W. 6.30 chains to another corner; thence S. 5 1-2 deg. W. 12.75 chains to the begirming, containing 34 acres, more or less. SECOND TRACT; Beginning at an iron pipe driven in the old Yadkin Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in deed of trust ex ecuted by Knollw’ood, Incorporated, under date of December 12, 1931, to Bank of Pinehurst as Trustee, which said deed of trust is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County in Book of Mort gages 56 at page 352, to which ref erence is hereby made, default hav ing been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and the power of sale as therein contained having become operative, and the un dersigned trustee having been re quested to said deed of trust for the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction, at the Court House Door in the Town of Carthage, Moore County, North Carolina, at the hour of noon, on Monday, the third day of Septem ber, 1934, for cash, the following de scribed real estate; Those certain tracts of land lying and being in McNeills Township, Moore County. North Carolina, and more particularly described as fol lows ; All and singular, each and every, piece, parcel, tract or lot of land shown on a map entitled; ‘‘Lands of Knollwood, Incorporated, Moore coun ty, North Carolina, made by Francis Deaton. C. E., revised by W. I. John son, C. E.,” which .said map is on file in the office of the Register of Deed.s of Moore County, North Caro lina. and to which reference is here by made for location and description, and by this reference made a part hereof; said lands lying on both sides of McDeeds Creek, both side of the S. A. L. Railway and partly adjacent thereto, and partly bounded on the North by the lands of the Estate of James Barber and other.s, John Pow ell and others, on the Kast by the lands of James Boyd, B. A. Tompkins and others, on the South by the 'Town of Southern Pines (some of said lands lying within the corporate limitsi and (m the West by lands of Judge W. A. Way, A. S. Newcomb, Harrington and others, and being the property known as Knollwood Heights, Knoll- wood Center, Edgemoore. Mid-South Development Company land, reference to the recoid of which is again here by craved for ;^cation and descrip- t.on; cmbincin,^ also ..11 of the lands described in a c'oe'J from Page Trust Comiiany, Trustee, to Knollwood, Inc., dated June 24, 1920, and recorded on July 29, 1920 in Book 79 at page 37f', in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore Count,v, North Car olina, to the record of which reference is hereby made a part hereof lur lo cation and description; Embracing also the lands described in a deed from Mid-South Development Com- pan.v to Knollwood, Incorporated da. ■ ed October 20, 1928. recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County, in Book 106 at page 64, to which reference is hereby made and by this reference made a part hereof for description; Embracing one hundred acres, more or le.s.s, de scribed in a deed from W’m. C. Bailey and wife to H. A. Page, Jr., dated February 1, 1920, and later conveyed by .said Page to Knollwood, incorpor- porated; which deed'is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County and by this refer ence made a part hereof. Excepting from the above described properties, however, each and every tract, piece or parcel of land which has been sold and conveyed by Knoll wood, Incorporated; reference hereby being made to the records in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Moore County, North Carolina, and it is dis- trinctly understood that any and all conveyances thus made and recorded are excluded from this description to the same extent as if tiiey w'ere set forth herein by metes and bounds or lot nuralDers. The above property will be sold subject to any existing prior mort gages as referred to in said deed of trust. This 2nd day of August, 1934. BANK OF PINEHURST, Trustee, By Johnson & Johnson, Attorneys. AlO-31. Court of Moore County, in the above entitled action, I will, on Monday, the third day of September, 1934, at tw'elve o'clock, noon, at the court house door of said county, sell to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution, all the right, title and in terest which the said L. L. Johnson, the defendant, ha.s in the following described real estate: One-fifth undivided interest in and to a certain tract of land near the Town of Aberdeen, adjoining the lands of John Maultsby and others, and bounded and described as follows: Farm Plot H, as show n on map en titled: “Map of the Estate of Neill A. Blue, deceased, Aberdeen^ Moore County, North Carolina, made by j Francis Deaton, C. E„ Surveyed Feb ruary 1922,” which map is duly filed for record in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Moore County, which is hereby referred to and by this ref erence made a part herof for loca tion and dscription; said land being described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at a stake in the western edge of the Pee Dee Road at a point about 400 feet northward from the old Neill A. Blue home place, the same being the southeast corner of farm plot 1, now owned by Rev. Fred Stimson; runs thence along the center of a farm lot N. 75 deg. VV. 700 feet to a stake in the bend of said road; continuing thence N. 78 W. 2135 feet to a stake in the channel of Kay’s Mill Creek; runs thence with the channel of said creek in a southwes terly direction about 1400 feet* to a stake in said channel, near the Sea board Air Line Railway, John Blue’s corner; runs thence as his line S. 78 deg. 15 min. E. 860 feet to a stake; runs thence as his other line S. 54 deg. E. crossing Church Spring Branch 451 feet to a stake, the same being the extreme westerly corner of lot G, as shown on said map now' the property of John Maultsby; runs thence as the li le of it N. 69 deg. E. 750 feet to a stake in the edge of a i ditch; some times known as Thunder ! Ditch; runs thence S. 44 deg. E. 962 feet to a stake in the line of the old Bethesda Cemetery; runs thence as a line of the Cemetery lot N. 37 deg. E. 50 feet to a stake, the northerly corner of said Cemetery lot; runs thence as the line of said Cemetery lot S. 33 deg. 15 min. E. 370 feet to a stake in the edge of the old Pee Dee Road; I'uns thence with the wes- i terly edge of said Pee Dee Road the following calls: North 50 deg. 45 min, E. .540 feet to a stake; thence N. 45 deg. E. 183 feet to a stake; thence N. 27 E. 714 feet to the be ginning. C. J. MCDONALD, Sheriff of Moore County. This 21 day of July, 1934. AlO-31 AD.MIXISTRATKI.V NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Charles M. Ritter, de ceased, late of the County of Moore and State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of .said Charles M. Ritter to present same to the under signed within twelve months from the date hereof, otherwise this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. Any per son indebted to the estate of Charles M. Ritter will please pay the un dersigned at once. This August 2, 1934, map: OLIVER. .-Vdministratrix of the Estate of Char les M. Ritter, decea.sed, Sanford, N. C. J. C. Pittman. Attorney. Sanfoid, N. C. A10-S14 E\E( I TKI.\ NOTU E Having qualified as executrix of the estate of Elva Pai’ker, deceased, late of Moore County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all per.sons hav ing claims against the estate of said dfceased to exhibit them to the un- dersijnc 1 at the office of P. P. Pel- ton, K.-q., Soi:*hem ^ines, North Carolina, on or befoie :he 27th day of J',i!y 193.J, or tliis mtice w'ill be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 27th day of July 1934. DAHLIA PARKER SELDEN, Executrix Estate of Elva Parker, Deceased. P. P. Pelton, Attorney J27-A31. •XDMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of J. D. Parker, deceaa- ed, late of Moore County, North Car olina, this is to notify all persona having claims against the estate of I said deceased to exhibit them to the I undersigned at the office of P. P. Pei- [ ton, Esq., Southern Pines, North ‘ Carolina, on or before the 27th day of July 1935, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 27th day of July 1934. DAHLIA PARKER SELDEN, Administratrix Estate of J. D. Parker, deceased. P. P. Pelton, Attorney J27-A31. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, MOORE COUNTY. IN' THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALl H. A. Page, Jr., vs. L. L. Johnson By virtue of an execution directed to the undersig^ned from the Superior Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Elmer L. Brown, deceased, i late of Niagara County, New York, ■ this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to e?rtiibit them to the undersigned process agent at her of fice in the Hart Building, Southern Pines, N. C., on or before the 3rd day of August, 1935, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 31st day of July, 1934. NELLIE E. BROWN, Executor of the Estate of Elmer L. Brown, de ceased. EVELYN THOMAS, Process Agent. Southern Pines. North Carolina.

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