Friday, Aguust 10, 1934. THE PILOT. Southern Pines and Aberdeen. North Carolina Page Sevea West End Increases Lead in League Race Defeats Southern Pines While Aberdeen is LosingiWild Game to Vass SANDHILLS LEAGUE STANDING Club Won Lost Pet. West End 11 3 .785 Aberdeen 8 5 .615 Vass 5 8 .385 So. Pines 3 11 .215 SohtHlule Friday, August 10, Aberdeen at West End; Vass at Southern Pines (this game was scheduled for Sat. urday, but was moved up one day by mutual agreement of the managers); Wednesday, August 15, West End at Aberdeen. Due to the death of Charles E. Plea.sants in Aberdeen, the scheduled baseball game between Southern Pines and Aberdeen on Wednesday after noon was postponed. No definite play off date has been set. Last Saturday afternoon the West End outfit racked up its third straight win over Southern Pines by n 6-3 count as Coy Thomas, after a shaky start, again proved invincible. In the first frame Southern Pines punched out three hits for as many runs. W’ebster’s trible was the declin ing blow in the rally. But in the fifth the home boys jumped on West, new Southern Pines hurler, for four runs and added another in the sixth. Mil lar hurled the last three frames. The locals made nine hits off the league's star hurler, a total of more than they have made in three pre vious games against him, but could not score after the opening chukker. Coy’s strikeout ball was working and claimed fourteen victims. West End made only eight hits, but wfldness on the part of both local hurlers' gave them aid. Last Friday afternoon Vass pulled a surprise by swamping the second- place Aberdeen team 15 to 4. Both teams were minus several of their regulars and had to fill in with school boys. But Howard Callahan was one of the Vass players and their ace right-hander pitched nice ball in spite of wobbly support to coast in to victory. Aberdeen did not have a regular hurler with them. Caldwell was the losing pitcher. The Sandhills League gam§ schedul ed for Saturday brings Southern Pines and Vass together on the South ern Pines field. This contest has how ever, been moved up to today, Friday, and will take place on the local field at 3:45. This was done in order that both teams might present as nearly as possible their full strength, as it is difficult for either managers to get a team together on Saturday. The Week in Aberdeen Mrs. Floyd Gunter of Atlanta, Ga., visited relatives here >ast week. Miss Lf'i’iEfl Blup i? leaving this week for i trip to Myrtle Beach. Miss Pearl McMillan is spending some time in the New England states and in Canada. Dr. E. M. Medlin is attending the American Dental Association meet- nig in St. Paud, Minn. Mrs. Medlin Is visiting her sister in Washington. D. C. Mrs. Nellie Lewis of CarthagG is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Har- rington while recuperaV’nef from a recent operaHon at thj Moure County Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Walktr Knight ot Newark, N. J., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Knight, Sr., a coupJe of days last week. Mrs. Youngblood of Columbia, S. C., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Gor don Keith. Miss Jane Holcombe returned to her home in Fayetteville this week after visiting her cousin^ Lawrence Johnson, who went home with her for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Chandler of Greensboro stopped over in town last week for several days after spending their honeymoon in Charleston, S. C., and visited Mrs. Chandler’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wimberiy. Little Bobby Jones of Henderson is visiting his stepmother, Mrs. Ros ser Jones. Miss Sarah Belle Heilig is spending her vacation with her parents ^t Norwood. Misses Miriam and Betsy Jean John son and Clifton Blue have returned from a three weeks visit with friends and relatives in Arkansas and Louis iana. Miss Nellie Ward of Clarkton spent a few days in town last week visit ing relatives. Miss Nancy Beddingfield of Raleigh spent the week-end visiting Miss Sar ah ■ Weaver. Miss Emily Windham and brother, Robert Windham of Farmville were guests of their cousin. Miss Hazel Windham last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Thomas had as their recent guests their brother, William Cook and his family, of Brit ton, Texas, and their sister, Mrs. Ina Maze of Colemas, Texas. Dwight Scotten of the Bank of Pinehurst relieved Francis Pleasants I here this week due to the illness and ! death of Mr. Pleasants’ father. I Mrs. S. H. Jackson and little i daughter, Sammie Jean of Raleigh were recent guests of Mrs. Lizzie Thomas and Mrs. M. M. Creel. Miss Mary Harrington has accept ed a secretarial position in W'inston- Salem. Melvin Thomas of Fayetteville was a Sunday visitor of his sister, Mrs. Sarah Thomas. Mrs. John Ellis of High Point spent the day last Tuesday visiting her sis ters, Mrs. E. P. Capps and Miss Lil lian Pleasants. She was accompanied by Miss Helen Clarke Capps, who has been her guest for some time. Miss Bessie Gunter entertained her bridge club on last Thursday after noon at her home here. High score prize was awarded to Mrs. George Martin. Guests present besides club members were Mrs. Floyd Gunter of Atlanta and Mrs. Neill McKeithen. The Rev. Cleurarie McQueen of Newark, Ohio, who is a guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bryant, will preach at the Baptist church next Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Release Federal Funds Throughout Section ASK ST.ATE TO REBUILD BURNED BRIDGE ON RT. 241 The Laurinburg Rotary Ciub has asked the State Highway Commission to hurry the re-building of the Lumber River bridge on highway 241, or U. S. 411, between Laurinburg and Aber deen. This bridge, a concrete super structure on wooden piles, was de stroyed some time ago by fire which raged in the river lowlands, and a temporary bridge was built to carry traffic. Continued delay in re-building the river bridge will discourage tourist travel on this road and, it is said, has already stopped a large part of the heavy traffic because of fear that the temporary bridge may not be truck worthy. Until the bridge is rebuilt and put in first class condition it will be indicated on road maps as a tem porary structure, or as a “bridge un der construction,” which will be suf ficient to scare the tourist and the traveler from other states, the Ro- tarians maintain. NIAGARA B. C. Morgan and Lewis Seward spent the week-end in Chapel Hill. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Williamson and children of Ruffin, S. C., are spending a few days with Mrs. D. P. Kelly. A. A. Couch, Mr. and Mr.'s. J. B. Christian and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bellamy of Durham were pleasant visitors in Niagara on Sunday. Mrs. Shelly Ridge and children, Joe, Julia Margaret, David and Wil lard of Manning, S. C., were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Morgan. Mary Olive Morgan is away on an extended visit with relatives in Man ning and Summerton, S. C. Vass Woman Startled $20,824 For Moore by Intruder in Room County Tobacco Men ■ 1 Burfflary Charge Faces Negro Rental and Benefit Payments to Who Awakened Her by Grabbing Aniile In Recorders Court on Monday probable cause of guilt was found in the case of Robert Scott, colored, who was charged with first degree burglary in connection with the en tering of the home of Misses Lydia and Annie McRae, sisters of past mid dle age residing near Vass, and he was bound to Superior Court without bail. Witnesses were recog^iized to appear at the August 13th term ot court. Between one and two o’clock Sat urday morning. Miss Lydia, the old er of the sisters, was awakened by someone catching hold of her ankle. She at first thought that it was her sister arranging the bed covers, but she felt the hand a second and a third time, and discovered that a man was in the room. Miss Lydia spoke to her sister and raised up in bed and the intruder got out of the room through a window. Several minutes later the frightened woman peeped through the window and saw the man disappear around a corner. They were afraid to cry out, so remained in the house until daybreak without notify ing a brother-in-law who lives near them. It was found that the intruder had gained entrance by placing a nail keg on a w’fteelbarrow and climbing through an open window at the foot of the bed where the women were sleeping. Tracks around the house corres ponded with those of Scott, a farm hand who has been in this commun ity for several months, and he was arrested Saturday. In court he testi fied tha,t he had been drinking and that after he had entered the room he saw that he was in the wrong place and got out. The sum of $20,824 is coming into Moore county from the total of $5,- 014,608 rental and benefit payments I to tobacco farmers of North Carolina , under the 1934 tobacco curtailment ^ program up to July 1st, according to i announcement by the Agricultural ! Adjustment Administrator j North Carolina will share even i more heavily in the payments from ' now on, because the payments an- , nounced this week included the bonus ‘ on the 1932 crop which as shared in only by those growers who sold their I crop beiore the rise in prices during : the 1933 season. ! Other counties in this section will I benefit as follows: Cumberland, $34,- 680; Harnett, $120,977; Hoke, $21,- 940; Lee, $36,040, Montgobery, $4,- 240, and Scotland, $4,890. .UMOIt O. U. .\. M. TO HAVE FATIIEK AND SON NIGHT The Aberdeen Council, Jr. O. U. A. M, is staging a father and son night next Tuesday at 8 o’clock. Members of the council are a.sked to bring their boys, six years of age and older, to the meeting hall at 8 p. m. Short preliminaries will be conducted after which the boys and their fath ers will indulge in a watermelon cut- j ting. Juniors without boys of their own are invited to bring some boy of theii' acquaintance. ' All For $3.00 ['ombination License for Hunt ing and Fishing Available at $1.20 Saving Game Warden Alex Fields is ready with the new fishing and hunting licenses. He informes The Pilot that sportsmen can obtain a combination license for both hunt ing and fishing for $3.00, thereby saving a $1.20. AT DE.VTAL (’ONVENTION Dr. E. M. Medlin of Aberdeen left early this week for St. Paul, Minn., to attend the annual meeting of the American Dental Association, in con vention there. He expects to return to his office on AIjnday. AT CAKOLIN.A BEACH Clerk of Court John Willcox and his family and Sheriff C. J. McDon ald and family are spending this week at Carolina Beach. % K EXTRA VALUES then Look at die reasons abow and Bn come in and let us explain them more 169 fully and you wMl icaJrae that the wMe thtnt; to do is to get your Kehrioator now. Think of getting such extra festuies as the Thrift Tray and the Etairy Basket—featuics introduced on the DeLuxe KeKioaear—now on die lower priced roodeb at no extra cost. And these are only two of the features of these beautiful models that are within the reach of most families. Take advantage of this opportunity. Get your Kelvinator nou>—and enjoy the extra values at no extra cost. Low down payment and terms to suit your requirements. flg Carolina Power & Light Company HOBO .VKI.ESTED AT VASS WAS WANTED IN UNION, S. C. Come see the tire that’s the talk of America! Announced in April, it’s going stronger than ever in August—this sensational new “G-3” Goodyear All- Weather. The word’s out—spread by “G-3” users— that it’s even better than we advertise. They say “43% more non-skid mileage” is too modest. They say its greater Center Traction grips so much better—stops cars so much quicker—there’s no comparison with other tires. All of which is sweet music—and makes our sales zoom! Take a few minutes—come see what it’s all about. You’ll be well repaid! ,_n.OCKS The fingerprint department of the ! Sheriff’s office has received through I the Bureau of linvestigation some I follow-up information on Dewey D. Collins, white hobo who was caught in Vass during a recent round-up of S. A. L. trespassers by Moore county officers. Collins was arrested in Vass on July 14 and let off upon paymient of a fine of $5 and the costs. Ten days later he was arrested in Spartanburg, S. C. on a charge of larceny of clothes and w'as released to Union, S. C., the report shows. J. A. KEITH IMPKOVIXG LEXJION Al XILIAKV MEETING Sandhill Unit No. 134 American Legion Auxiliary, will hold a meet ing Monday August 13th at 8:00 p. m. at the Community House in Pine hurst. A special invitation is extend ed to the Carthage unit to join this meeting. The entertainment commit tee promises an interesting program. J. A. Keith, who suffered a stroke | of paralysis about two weeks ago, continues to show gradual improve ment. Callers at his home in Vasp during the past few days included Arch McKeithen, D. A. McLauchlin and Gordon Keith of Aberdeen, the Rer. M. D, McNeill of Cameron and Mrs. Walter Cole and children of Lakeview. When You "G-3^' Your Wheels *1 1 > instroadHai tot Pinehurst Garage Company Pinehurst, N. C. Look What You Get No Extra Cost! Flatter, wider All- Weather Tread, More Center Trac tion (16% more non skid blocks)^ Heavier Tougher Tread. Supertwist Cord Body and 43% ' More Miles of REAL Non-Skid.