■US.':. MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY THE JL JHi wBL JHni^r VOL. 15, -NO. 39 fARTHAOE &ACUC ^PRIN< \JWI LAK EVIEW MAH1.6Y SOUTHERN PinCd PIL A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding of the Sandhill Territory Southern I’ines and Aberdeen, North C'arohna, Friday, Any list, 24, 19.31. FIRST IN NEWS, CIRCULATION & ADVERTISING Carolina FIVE CENTS Pilot Man Was on Job During Early Days of Oil Discovery First Well Was BrouKht in at Titusville, Pa., 75 Years Arc Today The Pilot has an invitation to join No Field Day Lack of Interest Given As Reason for Dropping Plans for Event the oil men of Titusville, Pennsyl vania, this week in the anniversary of the discovery of oil in that com- ^ Baseball Field Day, schediiled numity back in 1859. Possibly that ^abor Day, will not be held this is because a number of oil men are I year >«ays League President C. W. winter residents of this community, j pij.qy0t Apparent lack of interest one of them John L. McKinney, being throughout the countv is the reason, one of the pioneers of the petroleum | jg ^ fact that the interest in industry, for he came to Titusville; baseball throughout JHoore County from the neighboring country when j waned. Attendance Pt the games yet a young chap. and was in on , smaller than in pre- DR. J. S. BROWN DEATH CLAIMS J. D. CHAPMAN OF GREENWICH Had Been Prominent Winter Veteran Golfer and Stock Brok- Resident of Pinehurst for er Succumbs After A Many Years the gro'md floor along about 1861, or a couple of years after the first well was drilled. He was a pioneer in the big work that was done, be ing one of the founders of the Stand ard Oil company and of the Nation al Transit, and of the other big Standard enterprises, which consti tuted the biggest factor in the oil well world for the entire history of the industry'. So far as The Pilot is aware McKinney and John D. Rocke feller are the only two survivors of the original crowd. Pilot Had Man There The Pilot, of course, as is most al ways the ca.se, had a man on the ground at Titusville as early a.‘> 1869 when things were still primitive and crude in the oil field, when oil was hauled in barrels through the streets of the budding town instead of in pipe lines and tank cars, and when Andrew Carnegie was making some money in the Rouseville and Petro leum Centre section to put him on his feet later as the biggest iron and steel man in the world, for it was in oil that Carnegie started. And what a period of American in dustrial life and development it was. Today this country produces two and a half million barrels of oil daily. It is the foundation of our industry, for it drives more machinery than all the electrical power can think about and with its side produce of natural gas it has been a big com- vious seasons. Probably a good bit of this fault may be traced to Southern Pines, the best baseball town in the county, which has had only a tail-end team to watch all season. The poor record and noticeable sloppy playing in many games, of the local club is a big rea.son why the Sandhills League has not prospered this year. The play-off series between Aber deen and West End has not yet been arranged and it is possible that no se ries will be staged. Aberdeen finish, ed the season a poor second to the leaders and they have not yet clinch ed the runner-up berth. Should Aber deen lose its two remaining games and Vass win in their one. the two clubs would be tied for second place, both standing at the .500 mark. DEPOSITORS OF BANK OF VASS HOLD MEETING Adopt Plan for Speedy Wind-Up of Affairs of Defunct Institution TO APPRAISE ASSETS At the call of S. J. Hinsdale, liqui dating agent, a meeting of the depos- petitor of coal and water power from ■ i ^ ^ , itors of the defunct Bank of Vass was the day the first well was drilled. Oil makes gold look like a poor rela-!‘""''‘ Vass-Lakeview auditor- tion. This country produces about | Saturday morning to discuss the $75,000,000 worth of oil a month, and mstitution. $4,000,000 worth of gold. That is how' ^ committee was elected to ap- gold compares with a real golconda. P^'aise the remaining assets of the The Pilot man has followed both oil "'hich closed its doors in Sep- and gold over much of the coun-' tember 1931 and has since paid only try, and been in many of the big' dividend of five per cent. The camps where both have had their committee is composed of C. J. Tem- fling, including the Comstock over a T. F. Cameron. W. C. Smith, \V. half a century ago. but nothing com-1 McCraney and Mrs. D. J. Blue. The pares with oil. Gold lasts a few Kec. C. A. Lawrence and W. M. Mc- year.s. Oil towns last and grow and Lcod were named as alternates, become big and important industrial' Under a plan adopted by the depos- citie.s. And the life of those places ■ itors this committee will apprai.se all in their growing period was never ■ the notes, securities and other as- excelled. When Capt. Lucas and Jim' sets of the bank and after being duly Guffrey and John Galey drilled the! advertised, these assets will be plac- first well on Spindle Top Hill Beau-1 ed on sale. The purpose of the whole mont, Texas, was a lumber town of ^ is to lower the cost of liquida- about two thousand people and The! t‘on in an effort to let the depositors Pilot man. Today it is an oil and | realize every dollar possible from industrial center of 80,000 people,! institution. bigger than any gold town on earth,! Present to lead the discussions were and Port Arthur, an oil town that Andre v Mellon mixed up in his oil ventures is one of the big export and industrial cities of the United States. Mellon, who built the big aluminum Mr. Hinsdale, J. A. Dennis, assist ant liquidating agent, and Smith Med- lin. The purchasing power of the de positors dollar will be in proportion to plant over at Badin in the adjoining the value put upon the securities by county, is another pioneer oil man, and a great factor in American devel opment. Give Him a Welcome So when you see a Pennsylvania oil man unpacking his traps and get ting off of the train as fall comes along remember that he is of the the appraisal committee. For in stance, If the average of the total securities is only 50 per cent on the 'lollar, then the depositor’s dollar will only be worth 50 per cent of its for mer value. Under this plan if a per son gave as security for a $500.00 loan a tract of land which is now valued at only $250.00 then the de select crowd that has done as much | positor who had a deposit of $500.00 as any other group of men in the, in the bank when it closed may pur- world in putting this country and the whole world in high gear, for with out old Col. Drake’s pioneer well and what it brought to the top of the ground in Titusville the big round earth would still be running on water chase this land with his deposit cred it. Under the present system of the liquidation of the bank, a tremendous amount of the money which is being collected is going to delay the ex power and steam, and the automobile; penses of liquidation. According to would be one of the dreams that we' unofficial figures, but from a re- dream about but never visualize. The old Drake well down by the swimmnig hole in Titusville, is the place where world wide industry waked up and the oil man is the fellow who crank ed the car. When John L. McKinney and his younger fellows of the oil well craft come back to the Sand hills again this fall we ought to {Please turn to page S) liable source, a few months ago some twenty-(wo hundred dollars were in the hands of the liquidation agent for the depositors, but due to the dropping off of the recent collections, and the continuing liqui dating expenses, at present there is only some seventeen hundred dollars in the hands of the liquidating agents for the depositors. WAS DOG ENTHUSIAST Dr. James Spencer Brown, sur geon emeritus of Mountainside Hos- ; pital, Montclair, N. J., died at 2 a. I m., last Saturday of pneumonia with whif'h he was stricken while j on a vacation at his summer place at Mallett’s Bay, Vt., on Lake Cham- ' plain. He was seventy-one years old. I When Dr. Brown retired as sur- ; geon in chief of the Mountainside , Hospital on October 16, he was the eldest practicing physician in Mont clair. For nearly forty years he was a pioneer in surgery, traveling abroad , to study nevs" developments in the X- I ray, writing many articles for medi- I cal journals and performing rarely attempted operations. By standardiz ing the surgical work at Mountain side Hospital, he helped to win for j that institution a class A rating among the hospitals of the country. His portrait in oil now hangs on its walls. Specialist in Cancer and Goiter Dr. Brown was a specialist in can cer work and the treatment of goiters. He was the first Montclair physician to employ the X-ray in diagnostic work, and also the first surgeon in Montclair to perform an appendicitis operation. He was the first surgeon in New Jersey to perform a sym physiotomy successfully. Before his achievement, only twenty-eight oper- ^ ations of this nature had beeii per. j formed in the United States, j Symphysiotomy is the division of I the fibrocartilage of the symphoysis pubis (the junction of the public bones), in order to facilitate delivery by increasing the anteroposterior diameter of the pelvis, j Dr. Brown was born in Waterbury, ^ Conn., on March 23, 1863, the son of ! Augustus and Sophia DeGraff Brown. I He attended private schools in this j country and France, and received his I medical education at the College of I Physicians and Surgeons in Columbia 1 University, and at Heidelberg, Ger many. He was an interne at Guy’s , Hospital, London, then returned to America in 1885 to engage in gen- : oral practice. j In 1890 Dr. Brown became a mem- I ber of the original staff of Mountain- j .‘side Hospital, as attending surgeon. , Ten years later he became chief of the surgical division with the title of surgeon in chief, a position he retain ed for twenty-eight years. Served as >IaJor in World War In the World War Dr. Brown was commissioned as a major. He w'as chief of the surgical service of the 82nd Division and head of the medical department at the Atlanta canton ment. He was consulting surgeon at St. V'incent’s Hospital, Montclair; at the Essex County Tuberculosis Sanitar ium and at the Soho, Essex County, Contagious Hospital, Dr. Brown’s hobby was the rais ing of setters. For fifteen years he never missed attending the annual dog trials in the South. He was a member of the American and Pine- hurpt Field Trial Clubs, and had a winter home at Pinehurst. He w'as a fellow of the American College of Surgeon^ and a member of the Associated Physicians of Mont clair and vicinity. He was a member of the Montclair Golf Club. Surviving are his second wife, Mrs. Leonore Cowan Brown: two sons, T. Russell Brown, of Burlington, Vt., and James Spencer Brown, Jr., of Pasadena, Calif., and a daughter. Miss Dorothy H. Brown, of Montclair. His first wife, the former Helen D. Rus sell, died in 1899. Funeral services were held at 3 p. m. on Monday at the First Congrega tional Church of Montclair, Burial was in Rosedale Cemetery. Lons Illness SPENT WINTERS HERE REV. FR.^NK S. BLt E ILL Friends and relatives were griev ed to hear of the critical illness of the Rev. Frank S. Blue of Burling ton. Mr. Blue was carried to the hospital in Burlington suffering with a ruptured appendbc, last Friday. John Davol Chapman, special part- ner in the brokerage firm of Chis holm and Chapman, 52 Broadway, and a member of the New' York Stock Exchange, died at his residence. Round Island. Greenwich, Conn,, ear ly Monday morning after a long ill ness. He was sixty-one years old. Mr. Chapman had for many years been a member of the w’inter colony at Pinehurst and was active in the affairs of the resort. He was a mem ber of the Tin Whistles and his name appeared in nearly every news report of that society as he seldom missed participation in a tournament. A vetern golfer, Mr. Chapman had won several tournaments. At the age of fifty-seven, when most golfers re. tire from tournament play, he had won the twenty-second annual na tional seniors’ championship at Apa- wamis. Two years before, at Pine hurst, N. C., he had provided the most startling upset of the North and South amateur golf champion ship of 1929 by routing C. Ross Som erville, Canadian champion, with a card of seventy, two under par. With his son. Richard Chapman, he won the seventh annual Father.and Son tournament of the Pinehurst Coun try Club, in 1928, taking the title held by Sheppard and Eugene Ho mans, of Englewood, N, J. Aiientled Williams College Mr. Chapman w’as born in E ’pok- lyn, a son of the late Dr. Edwin Nes- bit Chapman and Marie Barton Da- vol Chapman, and a '1?scendant of families long prominent in Brooklyn Heights. He attended the Hill School, Pottstown, Pa,, and Williams College, Entering the brokerage field as a clerk in the Consolidated Stock Ex change, Mr, Chapman rose to mem bership in the exchange, and later founded the firm of Chisholm and Pouch, which became Chisholm and Chapman in 1907. Other members of the firm w'ere two brothers, Marvin A. Chapman and Harold W. Chap man and Edw'in N. Chapman Jr., and Erastus M. Cravath, Edward de Clif ford Chisholm and W'illiam C, Ivison. Another brother, Edwin Nesbit Chap man, who died in 1929, was also a partner in the firm. Mr. Chapman had been a member of the New York Stock Hlxchange since 1907. He was vice-president and director of the Putnam Trust Com. pany, of Greenwich; a director of the First National Bank of Law rence County, Newcastle, Pa., and a director of the Union Trust Company, also of Newcastle, .-\ctlve In Civic .Affairs Active in local affairs, Mr. Chap man recently had resigned as repre- sentative in the towTi meeting from the second district. He was a mem ber of the Round Hill Club, the Greenwich Country Club, the Indian Harbor Yacht Club and the Blind Brook Country Club, of Greenwich; the Union Club, the New York Yacht Club, and the Williams Club of New York, and the Sons of the Revolu. tion and the Mayflower Society. He owTied winter homes in Pinehurst, and at Del Monte Beach. Calif. Mrs. Chapman, the former Mary A. Foltz, is also a noted golfer, hav ing won the ninth annual Carolina tournament for women at Pinehurst in 1929. Surviving, besides Mrs. Chapman, are two sons, John Stew art Chapman, associated with the firm of Chisholm and Chapman, and Richard D. Chapman, the golfer. Funeral services were held at 11 a. m. Wednesday in Christ P’’otes- tant Church, Oreenwich, "with the Rev. Albert J. M. Wilson officiating. V.\N WIE WINS TOURNEY Markets to Open (Jrowers Optimistic As Time Nears for Opening of Tobacco .Mart Preparations are under way for the opening of the tobacco mar kets of the old belt on September 11. It is understood that the mar- cets at Aberdeen and Carthage will both have a full corps of buyers and are expecting an unusually good season. Growers are optimistic. The prices being received on the border markets have encouraged them, and they are expecting as good or even better prices for the quality of leaf produced in this section. SUNKEN GARDENS TO FEATURE NEW PINEHURST HOME Lansinp: B. Warner of Chicago Erecting Residence on Linden Road IS NEWCOMER HERE SOUTHERN PINES WINS ONE FROM NEW CHAMPIONS Vass Takes Game from Aber deen and Moves Step Near er Second Place Tie VASS LOSES TO WEST END Standing.4 of Clubs In Sandhills League Through Game» of Wed nesday August 22. Club Won Lost Pet. West End 13 4 .765 Aberdeen 7 ..563 Vass 8 9 .471 So. Pines 4 13 .212 Miss Virginia Van Wie, national woman’s golf champion, ha.s just won the women’s western golf derby at Chicago. She was ten strokes under Mrs. Opal S. Hill, who finished sec ond. Both are well known in local golfing circles and have often ap peared in tournaments here. Schedule for Coming Week Friday, August 24, Vass at Aber deen; Wednesday, August 29, Southern Pines at Aberdeen. Successive hits by Patterson, Wil son and Millar, with two down in the last of the ninth enabled Southern Pines to rack up a win over the new champions of the Sandhills League, W'est End, on Wednesday afternoon. The contest was a wild, free-hit- ting affair, the final score of which was 13 to 12. Southern Pines took j a first inning lead which West End * never quite surpas.sed, but managed | to tie on two occasions. j Seven runs in the first three in-1 nings netted the locals an apparently | safe lead as they drove Coy Thomas, ] the league’s ace moundsman, to cov er. But the visitors broke loose for four runs in the sixth and pulled up even with four more in the eighth. Southern Pines continued its at- tack on Thomas’ successor, Henson, to keep in the game. Millar was the starting pitcher for the locals, but retired to center field after the sixth-inning barrage. Gold en replaced him, but wildness made him ineffective and he gave way to Webster after one inning. One frame was enough for Webster, too, and Millar was recalled in the eighth. After the locals had counted once in their half of the eighth, W'est End came back in the ninth for a single tally to again knot the count. In the l(^als last half the first two batters wCTe quickly retired. Patter son, however, came through with his fifth hit of the day. Wilson drove one to deep left and third. Miller then popped a Texas Leaguer to right field to score Pat with the winning run. Five safe bingles in six trips net ted Patterson the batting leadership, and he also was the fielding star of the game. Southern Pines rapped Thomas and Henson for 18 safe hits, while the local hurlers held their opponents to 10. Better baserunning and the breaks gave West End ^fheir large number of tallies. The locals twice filled the bases only to see the following bat ters retired. Aberdeen dropped still further into second place on Tuesday as Howard Callahan pitched brilliant baseball to hold them to four hits while his Vass teammatSs rapped Herndon and Russell for nine bingles. The final score was 6 to 2. The g’ame was play ed on the Southern Pines field. Three tallies in the first frame put Vass off to a good start and they played heads-up baseball behind Cal lahan to maintain this margin throughout the game. Aberdeen (Please turn to page 8) •Juii Reinecke & Co.. have on their sche dule a large buildins; at Pinehurst, to cost about $30,000, for Lansing B. W'arner. of Chicago. It will oe locat, ed on the Linden road on a tract of two acres, bought from Buckingham and Pinehurst, Inc. The building will be of Colonial type, by Holleyman of Greensboro, a substantial addition to the fine homes of Pinehurst, but in simple style ail the way through. It will be of frame construction. The location is amid a fine growth of trees, which will be retained as far as they do not interfere with the building plans, and w'ill be handled in accordance with a landscaping plan that will permit of tennis courts and other developments that w'ill be in harmony w'ith that sort of coun try home. Mr. Warner is in the fruit canning business and carries on a large in surance relation to fruit in transit, which is one of the biggest things of its kind in the country. He owns and operates many big canneries. Last year he occupied the Chapin house in Pinehurst, having come here through the desire to be in the South while his son is at the University at Chapel Hill. - .. ^ He was so much pleased with hia last year in Pinehurst that he a.sked L. L. Biddle to find him a place for a permanent honie, which resultedl in the purchase of the newly ac quired property. A feature of the project is to be a sunken garden and some flower pools, utilizing the exca-’^ vation made by an old clay pu, aud as this project is in the hands of E. Morell it is easy to suspect that the job will be an interesting one. Run ning water in the pools and declivities that W’ill provide falls and irregular ities, with difference of levels be tween pools, utilizing in all nearly an acre of ground will give Mr. Morell a chance to display his skill, which he will do to advantage. The new house is to be ready for occupation early in the winter. Business Men Here Prepare for Season IMany Major and .Minor Improve ments Are Being ]\!ade in Southern Pines Skillfully applied paint brushes and lustily wielded hammers are busy in the business .section, advance heralds of the Autumn trek southward, and the homecoming of our summer ab sentees. The interior of Mrs. Hayes shop is undergoing a complete color trans formation while the rebuilt McBray- er building is all ready for the new tenants, the A&P, and the Sandhill Drug Company. The old telephone building, now Dr. Herr’s office, has a changed appearance much for the better, while inside the Patch store changes are being made to enlarge the dress department and extend the office quarters. The Baker store has a new' paint job, and changes in the grocery department, and the Tog Shop is now screened by an attrac tive lattice effect. LOCAL OFFICERS CATCH TWO NEGRO THIEVES Preparing for the coming winter Charlie Chambers and Leonard Har. rington. colored, broke into Buck’s place on the Aberdeen road last week, and abstracted a hefty load of bed ding, wearing apparel, and an iron bed. Good work by Chief Gargis of Southern Pines and Constable Jones landed the offenders in the county jail, from whence they go on the roads for twelve months. CLEANING UP FOR FALL The town’s street cleaning depart ment and a S. A. L. crew have been busy this week on the railroad right- of-way and the parkways alongside it. Already the toivn begins to wear its dressed up look.

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