Page Four THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, August 31, 1934. Family Rows Held Spotlight in Recorder’s Court This Week Road Sentences and Fines Hand ed Out Generously by the Judge A sick baby, castor oil, and a kero- eene lamp figured in a case which sent Paul Malloy, young colored man of Aberdeen, to the roads for 30 days. The only child of Paul and his , wife wa.s not vv'ell, so the wife asked Relief Office Notes More Cattle Coming—No lo cation Yet for Mattress Factory Firemen Active Aftef Long Rest Two Fires, One Saturday and One Sunday, Break Record of Four Months Notice has been received that 100 head of cattle have been consigned from the West to P. L. Gardner of Lakeview. It will probably be around, just before 12 o’clock Saturday night ■ Following the lapse of full four months the Southern Pines Fire Com pany went into quick action following two alarms, one !?y a hurried motor ist and the next by a flurried inhab itant of West Southern Pines look ing for the fire house and firemen SOUTHERN PINES Baptist Church Corner Conn, Ave. and Page St. The Rev. A. J. McKelway of Pine- hurst will occupy the pulpit during the month of September. Services at 10 o’clock. Sunday School to follow at 11 o’clock. the driver of a car passing over the him to get some castor oil for the | days before the cattle reach here young hopeful. Paul was somewhat: as they will have to spend some time j highway bridge discovered >» bright blaze enveloping the small frame 1‘INEHURST Community Church The Rev. A. J. McKelway, pastor. structure east of the bridge, and just off the Morganton road, and brought the alarm to the fire house. Respond- reluctant and had something to say at the testing pen at Monroe where that was not to the wife’s liking, so' the tuberculin test is given all cat- she told him to shut up and added em- j tie consigned to this territory, phasis to the command by hurling a The relief administration is to fence lamp at him. Paul picked up the two and one half miles of pasture I jng firemen found the house, owned broken lamp and held it against her for Mr. Gardner, the State office j jointly by Betterly and Chandler, and face, cutting her. The asasult with | furnishing the wire, post and labor, occupied by the family of Colin Cad- a deadly weapon charge resulted. | and in return it will have the use of i (jell, an employee of Chandler’s ice Harvey Wright, white, of Aberdeen, I the pasture for a period of three, pjant, well ablaze, and sparks fly- was found guilty of assaulting his years. wife and given 60 days on the roads, | Eighty cars of cattle came' into suspended upon payment of the costs Monroe one day last week to be test- and on condition that he remain of ed. good behavior and not abuse his wife j for two years. The trouble arose on ^ Three Moore county teachers are j and content^!, uninsured are .\BEKDEEN Bt'thenda Presbyterian ('hurch During the absence of the Rev. E. L. Barber, the Men-of-the-Church will conduct the services Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. ing before the wind to other frame structures adjoining the lumber yard§. Well directed streams from | the chemical apparatus soon drown ed out the flames though the house badly Sunday while the two were sitting at ■ to go to Chapel Hill to take a week’s damaged, the dining table. They began throw- course in preparation for teaching Strolling up the quiet street just' ing bread at each other it is said, then ' adult classes and nursery schools. | before 10 o’clock Sunday morning the husband crowned the wife about They are Miss Alice Parker of Man-^ The Pilot man found a flurried negro three times with his fist, loaded his ley, Miss Sarah Blue of Carthage the middle of the fairway wanting ■ gyn and threatened her if she should' Route 3 and Mrs. S. F. Cole of Car- firemen "for a fire in the twin report his actions to the officer^. . thage. While in Chapel Hill, their ex- ■ houses.” He got them in a hurry, two Colon Caddell, white of Southern | perises will be paid by th? State and joud blasts of the whistle set off byi Pines, was found not guilty on a while teaching this winter they will Frank Viall acting engineer in the ’ charge of assaulting a female, and be paid from the Raleigh office. fined $10 and the costs on a charge r - . _ . — of assaulting a child, Fred Hall, Jr.l Mrs. Kelly, county canning super- Page Memorial, M. EL Walter C. Ball, Minister First Sunday—Preacnmg 7:45 p. w m. Second Sunday—Preaching 11 a. m. Third Sunday—Preaching 7:45 p. m. Fourth Sunday—Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 10:00 o’clock. SOI THERN PINES FINANCES FIRNISH GOOD STOKV equipment, the general ippearance of the town, which puts the place m the interesting list with some of the handsome New England or Middle states country towns, or with those of Old England and the continent of Eu rope, and the people of the commun ity are justified in their appreciation of the town. This summer sees the extension of public facilities in the new water mains and tank, along with continued street and other work that is all the time to the decided improvement of appearance and municipal equipment. More or less criticism is always the lot of the men who carry on the ad ministration of any town, county, state or nation, but in the case of Southern Pines it takes a rather dis gruntled individual who can not see in the reports of the administration : some satisfaction in the results of I the expenditure of public money and ' in the way things are handled and ac counts made to cover the situation, and to keep the town in high credit status and with results to show on the balance sheet as well as on the ground. COI.. HAWES REFEREES POLO AT WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS PINEBLUFF Clyde Simpson of Mt. Gilead spent Tuesday at Mrs. Farrell’s. M. D. Taft and family moved to Wadesboro Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Suttenfield drove Elizabeth Hampton to High Point Wednesday where she will spend a week visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Carroll of Monroe spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Suttenfield. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lampley and Julia and Jack Lampley spent Sunday in Durham visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Foushee and Bill Lampley. William Roark, Jr., and J. Addes spent the week-end visiting Mr. Wil liam Roark,,Sr. Mrs. Mary A. McFarlan of Bos ton, Mass., arrived in town Sunday. FLORIDA MINISTER DIES IN MOORE CO. HOSPITAL absence of Dunn, bringing many fire men all clad in Sunday ducks aad twin houses'* linens to hurry to the A nolle pros with leave was taken in visor, reports that an average of 55 located on the “old Pinehuri^t road” a case against Mrs. Caddell and Mrs. women has been employed w'eekly in west of Leak street where the house occupied by M. Joe was found with a fire slowly creeping along the roof shingles, and surrounded by all the inhabitants of this corner of West Hall, charged with engaging in an the three canneries at Hemp, Jackson affray. I Springs and Vass during the sum- It is said that the children of the mer. Caddells and Halls had been fighting | and Mrs. Caddell sent for her hus- No location in the county has yet' Southern Pines. Almost as old as the band. According to the evidence, as been approved for a mattress fac- founding of Southern Pines, the struc- Caddell approached, the Hall boy tory. Miss Head states. Any town in ture received but little damage, but threw an object at some dogs that the county that will provide a suit-' a few hundred Sunday morning were fighting and Caddell, thinking j able building will be approved for a church goers now know the location the child was throwing at him, admin- j mattress factory provided the case of the “twin houses,” istered a slap that knocked the ht-|load. or number of people on rehef, tie fellow down. The mother then, in the town will justify it. There is Portable and Standard Typewriters, came upon the scene and Caddell’s no limit to the number that may $22.50 and up at Hayes.’ wife joined in the melee and a gen-! be operated if conditions warrant eral hair-pulling ensued. ; their establishment. The building; Hygrade notebook covers and fill- Warner Bruton, colored, who es- must be approved by an inspector, ers, 10c at Hayes.’ caped from the State Highway chain from Raleigh. gang, was given sixty days to begin' at the expiration of the former term.' Due to the shortage of cattle feed Bilmore Johnson and Carson John- in the State the State office has re- son, colored, charged with public quested each county to conserve the drunkenness and Carson with possess- • feed within its bound to meet the '' ing and transporting, were given 30 needs of the drought cattle brought days each to be suspended upon the in. If a.county should have more feed ! payment of fines of $25 each and one-' than needed, the surplus would be half the costs each. Bilmore pleaded bought for use in other counties, guilty to a charge of possessing li-; Any farmer having a surplus of quor for sale and was given a six cattle feed which he desires to sell month?’ road sentence. i should communicate with the county Colon Siler, Jack Siler and Ernest relief office which is in line to pur- Ledwell, colored, charged with pub-! chase it. (Continiied from page I) ers who are always favorably inclin ed toward the securities Issued by i Southern Pines and the t'avorablS rate of interest that Is obtained. This story is further of interest when the figures are studied yeai' by year, as the amon.t of taxes levied each succeeding year beginning with ' 1930 has shown a downward tenden- 1 cy, and at the .same time the public i work has made of Southern Pines a : more highly attractive village each | year. The excellent basis on which all; the public affairs are planned and | the service given the people is a mat- ’ ter for profound satisfaction. It is doubtful if any other town of even much greater size in this state can show more to justify the public out- j lay of money than Southern Pines. | Taking the whole swing of the cir- ] cle, schools, streets, wate r system, j sewers, fire-fighting organization and | Col. and Mrs. George P. Hawes of Pinehurst spent last w’eek at White Sulphur Springs, where Col. Hawes acted as referee at a polo game be tween Green Briar and the Army. They were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Gould Shaw while there. The Rev. Thomas Newton Owen, of Clearwater, Florida, who occupied one of the Bumap Apartments in South ern Pines for several months, died in j the Moore County Hospital Friday I night. Funeral services were held in i the Church of Wide Fellowship at 4 I o’clock Sunday afternoon, the Rev. j W. C. Ball, of Aberdeen officiating. In terment in Mt. Hope Cemetery fol- ' lowed. Born in Utica, N. Y., Novem ber 24, 1866, the deceased clergyman is survived by a widow Eva Holmes Owen, a sister of Miss Alice May Holmes, of Southern Pines. Iron Fireman has made coal the finest and cheapest automatic fuel. Thousands of!ut;o.'is in homes and heating or nawcr boilers up to 250 h.p. / ' ' ’■ free survey of your hcatM? j r ' :.t. L. V. O’CALLAGHAN Distributor for the Sandhills Telephone 5341 Southern Pines ABERDEEN PLANS FOR OPENING OF WAREHOUSES lie drunkenness and disturbing reli-| gious worship, were given 30 days . each, suspended upon payment of one-1 third the costs each and condition that' they behave for twelve months. j (Continued from page 1) Charles Jordan, white of Columbia, and very probably even shorter, which was charged with driving while in-' R’ill tend to keep tobacco steadily ris- toxicated. He w’as on a produce truck.! ing in price as in 1919. And remem- Jordan was given 30 day.s on the. ber that the Middle Belt has a good V } toads, suspended upon payment of a; smoking crop from bottom to top. fine of $50 and the costs, and his driv- j All domestic and independent com er’s license was revoked for 90 daysi | panies will be represented, and Aber- Thomas I. Hayes, colored, was giv-' deen will have the same set of buy- on 60 days for trespassing on the I ers as at opening last year, with the lands of J. H. Suttenfield of Pine-1 exception of the Export Leaf Tobac- bluff and stealing peaches. He gave | co Company, who will be represented notice of appeal and bond was fixed by John Graham Webb of Oxford, v/l/ ✓ view • • • How precious is vour hnb/s healthf , CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Tcconitncn easy IRONERS at $200. ANNA MAY ELLIS BRIDE OF BENJAMIN HIGGS LEWIS I who has been buying for that com-1 pany many years. At the request of the United States Department of Agriculture, the to- ■ bacco companies have agreed to place Of interest to Sandhills friends was on all the small markets the same the marriage of Miss Anna May El-1 grades that their buyers will have on lis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Char-1 the larger markets, when these grades les Jewell Ellis, of Portsmouth, Va., j show up on the small markets. For and Benjamin Higgs Lewis, son of 1 this reason, Mr. Saunders says there Mrs. J. Frank Burks and the late Frank Ashby Lewis, of Manassas, Va., which took place last Saturday afternoon in Portsmouth at the Park View Methodist Church. The Rev. S. J. Battin, assisted by the Rev. J. Frank Burks, stepfather of the bride groom, officiated. Two of the bride’s attendants were her cousins, Miss Margaret Pleas ants of Raleigh and Miss Helen Clarke Capps of Aberdeen. The bride is well-known here, be ing a frequent visitor at the home of Miss Lillian Pleasants and Mrs. Eve lyn Capps of Aberdeen. Among out-of-town guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Herman E. Pleas ants of Raleigh, Mj;. and Mrs. John T. Ellis of High Point, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Capps and Miss Lillian Pleasants of Aberdeen. ON VACATION TRIP Miss Bess Stuart of the county sup erintendent’s office, Miss Flora Mc Donald home agent, and Miss "Mae Stuart of Carthage are spending two weeks in Boone, Blowing Rock and other places of interest in western North Carolina. will be no difference in the prices paid for the same grades on the lar ger markets, and that Aberdeen will have the same grades and prices as markets many times its size. And in addition, Aberdeen will be nearer, less congested, and stronger on our own types than buyers on larger mar kets where these tobaccos will not match with the tobaccos sold on for eign markets. The Aberdeen market opens Tues day, September 11th, and the whole town invites the farmers of this .sec tion to sell their tobacco at Aberdeen and to bring their families with them. They assure the growers and their families of a hearty and cordial wel come, and promise that everything possible will be done to make their* stay in Aberdeen profitable, comforta ble and pleasantly rememberea. C.AFETERIA SUPPF>K SEPT. 6TH The ladies of the Baptist church will serve a cafeteria supper in the Municipal Park, Thursday evening, September 6, beginning at 6 o’clock. The public is cordially invited. A complete supper can be had for a very small price. I'p-' as the nejrt means of putting electricity to work for you in your home. With an original investment of only a few dollars and at an operating cost of less than 2 cents an hour. Easy Wash*rs and Ironers do all these things lor you: 1. Save the money now paid outside. 2. Save time and labor. 3. Save needless wear on clothes. 4. Save extra investment in clothes. Each garment is washed oftener, worn more frequently while still in style. 5. Save anxiety from clothes washed with those of other people. 6. Save fear of clothes washed under ur^sanitary con ditions. 7. Save losses from children's outgrown clothes. 8. Save losses of treasured articles. 9. Save iron’nj time and labor. 10. Save periodic extra expense of cleaning blankets,; woolens, silks, pillov/s, etc. Step in our office to see these newest electrical develops' ments, or phone in for a free demonstration m your own home. / / lEASY • 1 i l! ( 1 New Spiralator Easy Wuslur has many admiUages,

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