Friday, August 31, 1934. THE PILOT. Southern Pines and Aberdefcn, North Carolina Page Sevea “ * - :::::::::::::: Get the Newest at Melvin’s New Case Fruit of the Loom Prints, All New Fall Patterns. As Good As There Is In Prints, at, yd,, 20c ^Other Good Prints at I4c_15c and 18c GET THE CHir.DREN’S SCHOOL DRESSES NOW. MELVIN BROTHERS Aberdeen N. C. The Week in Southern Pines WHAT A NIGHT. THE ICEMANS ^ ball DIDN'T BREAK UP TILL 3 A.M. -THIS 20 POUNDS FEELS , 1.UKE A TON, ■' Ml?. HOULIHAN. LOOKf KS LIk-E that ball last night WORE you COT. this ought TO SET „ YOU UR x__-/ „ I MISS O GALLAGHEI?” ■ VCXJ'RE THE OXX •vyHO KNOWS i\WWAT IT TAKES ■»WHAT A change ' WHAT A CHANGE '•* I JUST WASN'T/^ ^ wi^T A change J MVSELF UNTIL /pA'^ 1 DWAHK. THAT ICE -001,0 COCA-COlA BE YOURSELF BOUNCE BACK TO NORMAL Order by the case (24 bottles) from your dealer.... Keep it cold and ready lo serve in your refrigerotor. Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Aberdeen, N. C. SB-150.33 The Rev. Fred Stimson is away on a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Welch have returned from New York where they .spent several weeks. Mrs. John S, Ruggies has gone to Wilmington because of the illness of her father, John W. Plumner. Fred Dickin.son of Rockingham was a visitor of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Over ton this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Cour.sey spent the week-end at Mrs. Silver’s home on Bennett street. Wallace is spending his vaca tion with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, George W. Case. Mrs. E. A. Tracey arrived in South ern Pines Tuesday from Wyalusing, Pa. •• . ^ , Mrs. C. L. Worsham and children and Mrs. Oswald Conrad have return ed from Petersburg, Va., where they have been visiting relatives. Miss Mary Montgomery and Miss Pauline Miller were week-end visitors in Southern Pines. Miss Catherine Pierson returned Saturday from California where she has been visiting he/ parents. Mrs. E. J. Woodward and Mary Jane have been visiting in Freemont. Raiford Terry has returned to Con cord after two weeks’ visit with his daughter, Mr.s. T. J. Overton. Mrs. Park Fisher is now in Wood- foid. Va. She will return to South ern Pine.s the latter part of SepLem- ber. Mis. Julia C. Hooker and daughters of Charlotte were week-end visitors in town. Miss Lillian Roberts returned I Thursday after spending ten days at; Ocean View. i F^isher and Robert Cameron spent Sunday in Greensboro. Miss Anna Cameron who has been visiting friends in High Point has re turned home. Jim Silver is visiting his mother on Bennett street. Mrs. William Huntley has return ed to her home in Greensboro. j Mrs. James W. Dickie has gone to j Woodland, and David Henry who has been visiting his grandparents will return with her. Mrs. D. D. Wicker and children are visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Camer on. Miss Helen Hartgrove has been in Hamlet for the past week visiting her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Trousdell have arrived in Southern Pines. Mns. D. G. Stutz entertained at bridge Tuesday afternoon. High scores were won by Mrs. John Ho- warth and Miss Lenora Riggan. Oth er guests were Mrs. Earle Merrill, , Mr.s. Garland Pierce, the Misses El sie Chandler, Katherine Wiley and Wally Flaschlander. George Pottle of Jefferson High lands, N. H., will arrive next w'eek to start .school. Ruth Lane Howard of Chapel Hill and Hal Hammer Walker of Asheboro were week-end guests of Miss Edith Poate at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Poate. Mrs. T. N. Owen is staying at The Piedmont this week. She will return to Clearwater, Fla. early next week. Florence and Gussie Rad- wellj who have been occupying the Olmsted house on Weymouth Heights for the summei', are at The Piedmont now. A Great Satisfaction To know that we never fail to show up if you send your family wash to us. You are sure to have it returned Fresh, Sanitary, Clean and ON TIME Laundry ' does it b&t THE FAMILY LAUNDRY, INC. Telephone 6101 Southern I*ines % 'X :: I LEGAL NOTICES “AN OKI>IN.\XC'E .VLTHOKIZING THE ISSl'.\NCE OF $23,(MM) IX BONDS OF THE TOWN OF SOI THKKN PINES, NOKTH t \K- OLINA, FOR THE F:NL.\1UJE- MENT AND EXTENSION OF THE rOUN SEWEKA«E SYSTEM.’ BE IT ORDAINED, by tho Board Deny That East Dominates State Marland Woolnough has arrived, , from Toronto, Canada. j C'lIK.MIC.AL C'RKW BRINGS Mrs. W. L. Baker anU Miss Edna ' HOME SOME MONEY Shaw were visitors in Laurinburg i The competing crews of the South- Saturday. j ern Pines Fire Company entering the Reece Harrington of West Virginia i events during the meet at Charlotte Claim Made That Figures Show' Preponderance of Westerners Appointed by Governor of Commissioners of the Town of Southern Pine.s, as follows: ' Pursuant to the Municipal Finance Act 1921, of North Carolina, as amended, negotiable bonds of the Town of Southern Pines. North Car olina, are hereby authorized to be is sued in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $23,000, for the pur pose hereinafter described. The proceeds of said bonds shall be applied solely to the enlargement and extension of the sew'erage system of the Town of Southern Pines hereto-, fore established and maintained by j said Town by constructing filter beds ; for the Town’s sewerage disposal plant. j “AN OKDIN.VNCE Al'THORIZING THE ISSl’.XNCE OF !j;i!).000 IN , BONDS OF THE TOWN OF ; SOI THERN PINES, NORTH CAR OLINA, FOR THE ENLAIKiE- MENT AM> EXTENSION OF THE TOWN VV.VTER SYSTEM.’ BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Southern Pines, as follows: ] Pursuant to the Municipal Finance ' Act 1921, of North Carolina, as amended, negotiable bonds of the! Town of Southern Pines, North Car-' olina, are hereby authorized to be is-; sued in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $19,000, for a | purpose hereinafter described. j The proceeds of said bonds shall be applied solely to the enlargement | and extension of the water system of j the Town of Southern Pines hereto fore established and maintained by, said Town by constructing or recon-; structing water mains and installing a new steel storage tank. | A tax, sufficient to pay the princi-; pal of and interest on said sewer and water bonds, shall be annually levied and collected. A statement of the debt of the Tovm of Southern Pines has been fil-1 ed with the Town Clerk, pursuant to j the requirements of said The Muni-1 ripal Finance Act 1921, as amended, and is open to public inspection. | All expenses to be defrayed by means of the bonds hereby authoriz- ‘ ed are necessary expenses of the | Town of Southern Pines within the ] meaning of Section 7 of Article VII of | the Constitution of North Carolina. i These ordinances shall takf* effect! thirty days after their first publica- j tion, unless in the meantime a peti-1 tion for their submission to the vot ers is filed under said The Municipal, Finance Act, 1921, as amended, and in such event they shall take effect when approved by the voters of the Town of Southern Pines at an election as provided in said Act. T*e foregoing ordinances were pass ed on the 29th day of August. 1934, and w^ere first published on the 1st day of August, 1934. Any elections or proceedings ques tioning the validity of said ordinances must be commenced within thirty days after their first publication. H. F. BURNS, A31, S21 Town Clerk. Recent articles relating to the so- called political dominance ol the east ern part of the State, as indicated by the refusal of the General Assembly in the last two sessions to rearrange the senatorial' districts and reappor tion the House members, and that one constitutional officer is in the west and six in the east, are said to have caused criticism of Governor Ehring- haus, an easterner. This criticism of Governor Ehring- haus is not justified by the facts, when a check of the appointments he has made in about 20 months is made. Exclusive of the strictly local ap pointments, such as lecorders, solici tors, auditors, tax boards, mayors and children, required to be made by the Governor, it is seen that Governor Ehringhaus has made 295 appoint ments, 164 westerners and 131 are easterners. Of these 84 are directors or trustees of institutions and, al though most institutions are in the east, 44 are westerners and 40 east erners. Of the total of actually State wide appointments, exclusive of the in stitutions, there are 211, of which 120 are westerners and 91 easterners. In appointments of salaried offi cers, however, the east has the bulge, as 11 full- salaried offices are filled by easterners and five by westerners, while in part-t’;ne c'.fices, six are held by easterners and five by west erners. The latter are officers of the two State-owned railroads and asso ciate utilities commissioners. The east and west here are those sections usually considered as such, the east extending to and including the counties of Granville, Wake, Har nett, Hoke and Scotland. On a pop ulation basis, the appointments would be close to a 50-50 division for east and west. will stop here a few days with Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Marks on his w’ay to Tampa, Florida. Mrs. Jessie Rogers, Mrs. Nettie Ay ers and Mrs. Irene Miller motored to Greensboro Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Omer Williams have returned from Delat, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Jackson are enjoying a cruise to Nova Scotia. Tyler Terry Overton has returned! - - after a two weeks’ visit to Chicago, | New all A’-'.ve R. C. going with his aunt, Mrs. B. S. Jes- dies at Hayes. sup. Mrs. Eugene Schafer will arrive | this week to visit her mother, Mrs. j Verdie Wiley. Mr. and Mrs. Schafer ’ are returning from the Worlds Fair. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Atkinson were , week-end visitors in Fork, S. C. i Mrs. R. V. Carstens will spend some time in Coudersport, Pa. ’ Mrs. E. H. Bourgault will arrive this week. i Frank Webster has returned after ; attending the summer session at Co- | lumbia University. | Mrs. Lillie Bassart, Mrs. Rose Me- | Naughton and Mrs. Howard Rogers | of Mt. Pleasant, Penn., were week- ^ end guests of Mrs. Elizabeth Hewitt, j Junior Blue, Robert Dorn, Hunt ' of the 47*h Annual Norlli Carohna State Firemen’s Convention mad>3 a good record in competition wth the highly drilled teams of the larger fire departments. The water team made a good run, but it remained for the j j crew entering the chemical race Cashion, Michael and Johnson to i S bring home a prize, $50.00 received for 3rd place and an 8 second r\m. A. Victor Ra- Everything (or the School We believe we have the larg'est and best line of school books and school supplies in Moore County. COME AND SEE US No advance in pi’ices from last year. The best of everything in our line at very moderate prices. Hayes’ SANDHILLS BOOK SHOP Southern Pines Brief Cases, $1.75 and up at Hayes.’ Just Phone Ml WORK ON t’.APITOL S(il ARE .VBOUT TO BE COMPLETED Finishing touches are about to be put, finally, on improvements on Capitol Square, done by CWA and ERA workers, after several delays. Only a little leveling and sodding re mains, closing the mouth .^f a heat tunnel at the building and at the cen tral heating plant, and removing the remaining debris. Pebble-concrete walks, red brick driveway, memorial wall, Vance plaza and other im provements add much to the beauty. The Vance plaza contains two spray ing fountains over huge stone bowls. It is the beauty spot. The work was started six years ago by Governor A. W. McLean, held up because of the depression, and now about finished. Big Free Automobile and Moving Picture Show On South Street Aberdeen, N. C. Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 3 and 4, Afternoons and Nights Come and See What the New 1934 FORD V-8’s Are Made of. Quality Finishing at reasot able cost is the motto of the Sandhills Photo Shop, Aberdeen. Try them. Ouf iob st>op is as near to you as your telephone. Phone us to call and we will be right on the job to get the job /cu have for u» We Print 1 PACKET HEADS j I LETTERHEADS INVITATIONS STATEMENTS BILL HEADS 1 ENVELOPES, RECEIPTS DODGERS FOLDERS b'lAN KS CARDS TAGS SEE—the cut-away Chassis, showing all moving parts of Motor and Cha.ssis. A mechanical demonstration of free action for all four wheels—exclusive Ford feature, ALSO—Thrilling Motion Pictures of The Elgin Road Race—in which the first 7 cars to finish were FRD V-8’s. The Gilmore Trophy Race in California, in which the fii’st 10 cars to finish were Ford V-8’s. and cartoon, “Rhapsody in Steel.” AND LAST—(But not the least)—“These Thirty Years” — a dramatic film, with plenty of love interest, showing tUe develop ment of transportation from the early days up to now. Don’t fail to come and see this big FREE entertainment and get a Free Demonstration ride in a new 1934 FORD V-8. H. A. Page, Jr., Motor Company local AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER—PHONE 11 — SALES-SERVICE ABERDEEN, N. C. ' >

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