Friday, November 16, lfiS4> THE PILOT, Simthern Pines and Aberdeen. North Carolina Page Tbrw* New Relief Projects Approved for Moore Ten Started in County in Septem ber Increases Total Work John Here to 21 New relief projects started under the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration during the month of September numbered 541, while work was continued on 816 projects which had not been completed up to Sep tember 1; 120 projects started under the former CWA were completed from April 1 to September 1, and HI projects started under the CVV'A were completed under the RRA during the month of September. These figures are contained in a report made by the office of Mrs. Thomas O’Berry, State ERA director, which also show that 742.328 man hours were used in incompleted pro jects in operation during September. Asheville led in number of new ERA projects approved in Septem ber with 19, Other units leading in new EFIA projects approved in Sep tember are Cabarrus county 16, Rob eson 14, Richmond, Union and Vance 13, Anson, Cumberland and Perqui mans 12, Halifax, Surry and Raleigh 11, and Chatham, Clay, Franklin and Moore 10 each. Ten State projects are included in this classification. Iredell, with four, led in number of projects started under CWA and finished during September under the ERA. Of the pri)jects started by the CWA and completed under ERA from April 1 to September 1, Carteret led with eight and Cleveland was second with six. Asheville also led, with 28, in the number of incompleted projects on which work was carried on during j Sfeptember. Three counties were sec- I ond in this classification with 22 pro jects each, Henderson, Iredell dnd I Lee. 1 The summary of vhe various class- |ifications of relief projects shows that Moore county had the following; num- I ber of new ERA projects approved in I September, 10; number of incom- pleted projects on which work was I carried on in September. 11, using 7,825 man hours; projects started un- , der CWA and completed under ERA during September, none; and CW'A projects completed from April 1 to September 1, four. The Week in Vass “A home ftill of books is the tae.<it place to be, no matter how old you are nir.ety. or three.” LAIUiP: C’()N‘;KE(i.\TJO\ AT •VK.MISTKE II.VV SKKVi: K Large numbers of Legionnaires ot Sandhills Post and ex-scrvice men, as well as members of the local auxil- I iary, marched in a body from the I ■ Carolina Theatre in Pinehurst to the ' ; Village Chapel for the Ainiistice Day i i service conducted by the Rev. Ur. T.' 'a. Cheatham and the Uev. A. J. Mc- i Keyway last Sunday morning. The congregation of the Pinehurst Com- nuinity Church ai.sO uniieu with the ‘ Village Chapel congregation for the service. KKAI. ESTATE TKAXSFEKS ' Maggie McLauchlin to Ernest Goins ‘ and wife, property in Sandhills town- 1 .shjp. , E. A. Morgan and wife to Airs. , Lillie O. Morgan, property in Kensa- Icni township, i L. E. Smith and wife to John Fos- tpi- ani Lola Foster, pr ;perty in Min- Springs township , Mary F'ldridge to Albert L. Allen, propeity in Sandhill.s townsn;p. 1 Biuce H. Lewis and '.vifc to Central Investment Corporation, property in I P' uthern Pines. H. W. Masten and wile to J. H, SuttenfieUl and wife, property in Moojo countv. The kitchen filled with savory holiday fragrance—the house wife free from the annoyance of working with unwiekiy old- fashioned utensils, whtn equip ped with modern aluminum and enamel ware like these. Aberdeen Hardware, Co. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hunter of San ford and Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Green of Wadeville visited Mrs. W. D. Mc- Craney Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Muse of Ham let were gtiests of Mi. diid Mrs. An drew Muse Hemphill Friday evening. Miss Mag Stewart of Lobelia spent a day of last week with Mrs. U. C. McGill. Robei t La.ibscher left last week! for Stroudsburg, Pa., where he will spend .some time v/ith his aunt. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Vv’allace of Car thage spent Sunday aftei’noon with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tyson.. Mrs. D. A. Smith, Miss Agnes Smith and VV, D. Smith were Fayette ville visitors on Wednesday. Mrs. Smith's brother-in-law, David M. Pearsall of Dunn, continues critically ill in a Fayetteville hospital. Charles Gschwind and son Howard were visitors l,o Jonesboro Satur day. Relmond MeCraney and Berniee Graham, students at State College, Raleigh, were at home for the week end. Meredith Snautfcur was Itel- mond’s guest. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Keith and small .son. Junior, Mrs. Genettie Thomas and Miss El.sie Mae Gschwind of Raeford visited Mrs. Jane Keith Sunday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Williford of near Carthage visited Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Parker Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Livingstone and little daughter of Hotel Channella spent Sunday in Sanford attending the golden wedding celebration ot Mr. Livingstone’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter, Wooiliiitry Livingstone. Mrs. Loula Muse, Mrs. Jewell Hem phill and Miss June Hemphill ot j Cameron and Mrs. Foushee of Tram- I way were callor.s at the McCriiney I home Wedne.sday evening, j Mrs. Carlton Matthew;; and daught- I er.s. Misses Addie, Same and Mary Katv. of Lemon Springs visited Mr. and Atrs. T. Frank Cameron and Aliss I Jennie Cameron Sunday afternoon, i Henry Borst, Jr., came home from Campbell College at Buie's Creek for a week-end visit with home folks. Ml', and Mrs. H. C. Callahan and children, Louise, Edison and Mack spent Sunday at B^lizabethtown. Dr. John D. Muse of Henderson visi^?d Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Muse Hemphill at the McCraney home Wednesday evening. Mrs. D. C. McGill has recovered from her recent illness and was able to attend church Sunday. Mr. McGill came home from Halifax for a week end visit. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Moore and chil dren of McFarlan were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Gaddy. Mr. and Mrs. John Bell, R. A. W'arren, Miss Marjorie Coffey, Mrs. Southern Pines visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold McNeill and Miss McNeill of Monroe Chappell Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Mott, Mrs. Ray, Mrs. Lovett and little Betty Jo Lovett of Fort Bragg called on Miss Nettie Gsrh- wind Thursday morning. The Vass Woman’.s Club held a de lightful nieotins' on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. C. L. Tyson with Mr.s. Ty.son, Mr.s. A. M. Cameron, Mrs. R. G. Rosser and Mrs. Ben H. Wood as hostesses. A card from Mr.'^. Charles R. Whitaker of Lenoir, congratulating the club on its re cent health program about which Mrs. Whitaker had read in The Pilot, was read along with other communica- tioii.s, Mrs. Lawrence, welfare chair-j, announced that Mrs. H, A. Borst | would serve as Red Cross Roll Call i chairman and the Mrs. R. L. Oldham i had consented to supervise the Christ-1 n;arj Seal sale. i Mrs. VV. B. Graham of the Garden ABERDEEN depaitment had charge of the pro- j gram was suggestive of the Thanks-! giving season. Fieadings were given j Ijy Mrs. Graham, Mrs. A. M. Camer-1 on and Mrs. G. W. Griffin. 1 Recognition v.’as given the Public { Welfare Department for having made the highest record of any department for the past three months, the score being based on attendance and work ! accomplished. On this committee are j Mrs. Lawrence, Mrs. Oldham, Mrs. A, i M. C%'imeron. Mrs. Borst and Mrs. Ber-! tie L. Matthews. The American Home j department of which Mrs. G. W. ^ Brooks is chairman had the highest I average attendance for the quarter, j ninety-two and two-thirds percent. A delightful social hour was enliv-1 ened by flower and tree contests, and hy the drawing of Thanksgiving tur keys. Miss Marie Tyson, the judge in the drawing contest, declared Mrs. j Borst’s bird to be the winner. 1 Friends in Vass have received in- I \Mtation.s to the wedding of Hllvey Thomas, a former Va.'-’s boy who has I rei^ided in Raleigh for a number of years, and Miss Martha Tillery of Raleigh, which is to be solemnized at six o’clock this Saturday evening in the Church of the Good Shepherd in Raleigli. Mr. Thomas has many rela tives in the Sandhills. A number of conversions resulte'l from the Spiritual Home Coming held last week at Union Presbyterian Chui'ch, and the .services proved a ble.ssing to many. It was deeply re gretted that illness prevented the at tendance of the Rev. M. D. McNeill of Camei’on, who was scheduled for a part on the program, Jim Evans is in the Lee County Hospital suffering with a badly brok en knee cap and other less serious in juries which he sustained one night last week when the car in which he was riding with Purvis Thomas, local young man, crashed into a parked car in Sanford, Lights from an ap proaching car are said to have blind ed Thomas, the driver. Thomas suf fered a broken arm and was in the hospital for a few day.s, but has since returned home. Lee and sons, Lawrence and Donald of Greensboro spent the week-end with Mrs. Charles Barringer, Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Walters of Burlington were guests of last week of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dupi-ee. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lynch of Sanford were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Yow Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter' Johnson of New York announce the birth of ai daughter', Joyce F^loine. Mrs. Johnson' was formerly Miss Newell Shields. ' Mrs. Dan Carter was hostess to her- bridge club on Friday afternoon. Contract was played at three tables and Mrs. F. H. Underwood had high est score among the club member.^. M rs. E. H. Morton among the guests. Mrs. Wilburn .Shield.s entertained a mmiber of her friends at bridge on Friday evening. Mrs. U. L. .Spence W()n high score prize and Miss Kath- r.vne .Sliields was given consolation. The Carthage Book Reviewers met with Mrs. W. H. Currie on 'luosday evening. The club program tor the year is based on Shakespeare. A Shakespear'ian contest was en joyed by the club. TtiC HCMC §CH€CL Kindergarten First and S<*«'on<l (irud<“« Apply to MISS LAUtA M. .lEMiS rhone 7973 McKlenite Rate's Chr Ark isoiilhrrit Ptiirs, N. C. >lrs. Millicent A. Hayes, Principal \ COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Kindergarten through the 8th year .V.USIC—ART—LANGUAGES Tiitiiririg Arranged for Older Groups Limited Accommodations for Boarders “After' all there is nothing like A Good Book!" DRS. NEAL & GRIFFITH Veterinarians Office at Jvjiee Track, IMnehurst. Also at Swiiiiierton Stal»les, Southern I’ines, daily TUTORING Fren<-h for adults or juniors Chief high school siibje<'t,s Isabel Graves, I’h. D. Telephone 7975 7 So. Ashe St. SPECIAL RATES UP TO CHRISTMAS E. V. PERKINSON General Contractor Southern Pines, N. C. Tel. 5033 A, L. ADAMS PALNTER — DECORATOR PAPER HANGER WALL PAPERS Phone 6922 I Will be Id his office over the I Poat Office, Sanford, N. C., every I Wednesday, from 10:00 a. m. to 3:00 p. m. Don’t fail to Bee him 11 your eyes are weak. cm: The Week in Aberdeen :»nn»n:m:m:tKus t. Watch Where the Crowds Go! Hundretl.s of People Daily Shop at Mehins for Real Values in Good Fall and Winter Merc' We do not carry a cheap, shoddy !ine. We give you full value for every dollar .spent with us. Give us a chance to Satisfy you. MELVIN BROTHERS Aberdeen N. C. 1 DON’T LET YOURSELF GET KICKED AROUND X i Leave them flat-footed by a simple twist of the wrist with ice- cold Coca-Cola. It will help you stifF-aim trouble. • ONE OF THE NEW COOL* ERS for Coca-Col*. Just ont Hiof« rtAton why ic*-cold Coc«« Cola it tht best served drink In the world —365 deyt • year. ICE-COLD COCA-COLA IS EVERY PLACE ELSE- IT OUGHT TO BE IN YOUR FAMILY REFRIGERATOR / COrO-COLA BOTTLING CO., .■\lM*rdeen, N. C. MODERNIZE YOUR Heating Plant and Pluiisbing System Estimates Gladly Given FRIGIDAIRE OIL BURNERS IRON FIREMAN (Automatic Coal Burner) ESSOHEAT FUEL OIL L V. O’CALLAGHAN Telephone ^341 Southern Pines, N. C. T. B. Miller of Apex has been trans ferred to Aberdeen to take C. B. Benton's position a.s freight clerk in the Seaboard office here. Mr. Ben- tan was transferred to Monroe. The Rev. and Mrs. E. L. Barber attended the marriage of Mr. Bar ber’s brother, the Rev. Fred Bar ber, at Ramseur last Monday. Inez Singleton of Miami, Florida is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Sharpe. Mr. Arnette, who has succeeded Douglas David in his work as insur ance agent for thi.s district, has mo\'. ed his family from Lumberton r’.’id has taken the Wimberley Bowman residence. Mr. David has been trans- feri'ed to the Henderson district. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hurley spent week in Hope Mills and Fay etteville visiting their sons. Will Hur ley and Ed Hurley. Sam Swearingen, civil engineer with the State Highw'ay Department at Warrenton. is spending this week I visiting his family here. Mrs. H. H Bowman is spending the week in Atlanta, Ga., visiting her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Rhyne of Asheville are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L Rhyne. Miss Dolly Youngblood, who has been a recent guest of her sister, Mrs. j Gordon Keith, returned to her home ; in Columbia, S. C. Monday. She was accompanied by Mrs. Keith, Mrs. Robert Gwyn and A. A. McKeithen, ■who visited relatives there. Miss Margaret Pleasants, who is a teacher in Oakdale School near Charlotte, spent the week-end at home with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alton McLean spent a few days this week in Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. Silk of Brooklyn, N. Y., are spending the month of Nov ember visiting Mrs. R. G. Farrell. Mrs. Mack Fairley and son, Mack, Jr., of Columbia, S. C., and Miss Grace Bradshaw of Charlotte were ! guests of Mrs. H. H. Bradshaw Sun- j day. j ! Mrs. Margaret Nooe of Pittsboro I was the week-end guest of her sis- ! ter, Mrs. A. K. Pennington. Misses Anna Capps, Louise and Elizabeth Caviness. Katharyn Char- i les, Ruth and Peggy Taylor, Jean and I i Joan Morgan and Marian Hite are, i just a few of the younger set who | j have been ill with chicken pox in the 1 I recent epidemic. | ' Mrs. S. E. Sloan visited her son, i j Leonard, at the Camp Bragg hospi- j i tal last week, where he is under- i going treatment. j Mrs.' Henrietta Courtway of New j York City visited friends in Aber- deen last week-end. I Misses Lena Stewart, Marjorie ! Cliff and Betsy Jean Johnson, stu- i dents at Flora Macdonald College, vis- I ited home folks last week-end. I Fred VV^eaver of the University of IN. C. and Leland McKeithen and Bill Bowman of Duke University spent ' a few days with relatives last wiiek. The elders of the Presbyterian Church w’ere dinner giiests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Talbot Johnson Tuesday evening. I The husbands of the members of the I Night Bridge Club entertained their j wives and a few additional guests at a bridge party and chicken stew at the Community House Monday even ing. Mrs. H. Edge won high score for the women and Jack Smith high for the men. Mrs. H. \V. Doub was hostess to the Home and Garden Club last Fri day afternoon at her home here. During the program hour, Mrs. E. I L. Pleasants read a paper on “Flow er Bulbs for Indoor Bloom;” Mrs. Forrest Lockey a paper on "Men of Flowers;” Mrs. Robert Gwyn a poem on "Autumn in the Sandhills,” fol lowed by a piano .solo, "To Autumn,” by Rebecca Doub. Mrs. W. T. Rainey of F'ayetteville, district chairman of the Coastal Plains Garden Club, made an interesting talk on club work. Mrs. Joseph Huskc of Fayetteville, president of the Garden Club in that city, was a guest at the meet ing. CARTHAGE AIR HOSTESS. ' When Tm off duty, my first move is to light a C.Tinel,” says Miss Marian McMichael who travels with the American Airlines. "A Camel relieves any feeling ot tiredness — aod how eood it tastes!” FAMOUS SPORTSMAN-WRITER. Rex Pe.ncb says: "When I lijjht a Camel, it quickly gives me a sense of well-being and renewed energy. As a steady smoker I have also learned that Camels do not interfere wi;h healthy nerves." S. G. Bates and C. V. Meredith .spent the week-end in Tabor. Miss Betty Jones, a member of the Carthage High School faculty, has resigned her work in Carthage and has accepted a position teaching in Augusta, Ga., her home. Misses Margaret McLeod, Emmie Horton, Mattie Kale Shaw. Janie Mc Leod and Miss May Stewart attend ed the State Teachers’ meeting in Raleigh Friday. Mrs. John Beasley aaJ baby son spent a few days ia Monioe last week. Mrs. F. W. Underwood spent a tew days in Glendon last "week with rel atives. J. A. Davis was called to his home Friday because of the serious illness of his sister. Miss Margaret Clegg of Charlotte is spending some time in Carthage with her aunt. Miss Marie Clegg. Misses Margaret and Clara Will- cox spent the week-end at home. They are students at Flora Macdon ald College. Mr. and Mrs. T. McNeill of Red Springs and Mrs. Sinclair of Ben- nettsville spent Sunday in Carth age with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Mor ton. Claude Kennedy of Durham spent the week-end here with his family. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Clegg, Miss Margaret Clegg and Newton Clegg spent Wednesday in Durham. Mrs. Myron Stewart, Miss Mary Gilbert Cole and Miss Seagraves shopped in Greensboro Friday. Misses Dorothy Cole and Rozelle Williamson spent Saturday in Greens boro. Mrs. J. P. Scott and Mrs. R. O. FURNACE OILS GET THE PROPER WEIGHT FOR YOUR BURNER PROMPT DELIVERY PAGE & SHAMBURGER Distributors Gull Refining Co. Telephone 26 Aberdeen, N. C.

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