Page Six THE PILOT. Southern I^nes and Aberdeen, North Caroliui Friday, November 16, 1934, LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE Having qualified this day as Ad ministratrix of the estate of Thomas S. Burgess, deceased, late of Moore County, North Carolina, this is to not ify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, to pre sent them duly verified to the un dersigned in Southern Pines, N. C., on or before the 9th day of November, 1934, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will make im mediate payment to the undersigned. This November 9th. 1934. MRS. MOLLIE BURGESS, Administratrix. M. G. Boyette, Atty. N16-D21 VNITED STATES DISTRICT C’OURT MIDDLE DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA IN B.ANKRl PTCV In the Matter of Reid Allison Page, Bankrupt. OF SAID TO THE CREDITORS BANKRUPT; TAKE NOTICE, That a petition has been filed in said Court by Reid Allison Page of the County of Moore LEGAL NOTICES scribed as follows; BEGINNING at a state, three pine pts., north of the field a corner of N. A. Blue’s land, and runs thence S. 34 W. 27 chains and 40 links to M. D. Bethune’s line, a stake, black gum, oak and pine pts.; thence as Bethune's line south 63 deg. E. 25.40 chains to a stake by a dead pine, black jack pts., near a road; thence S. 88 E. 15 chains to a stake, black LEGAL NOTICES holders, creditors, dealers and other persons interested in the affairs of said corporation are ijiven notice that Harvey B. Jones, Esquire, Sanford. North Carolina, has been appointed the permanent receiver of the aftairs? of said corporation and that said stockholder, creditors, dealers and other persons interested in the af fairs of said corporation are required to intervene in this action and be come parties thereto for themselves LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES jack pts.; thence N. 84 E. 9.40 chains to a stake and pine pts., a corner of or for others in like interest and as- M. M. Blue’s 529 acres; thence N. 45 sert their rights and claims on or E. 2.90 chains to a stake and black i before the 15th day of December in said district, who has been duly i jack pts.; thence N. 22 E. 5 chains to 1 1934. or thereafter be forever barred adjudged a bankrupt under the Act. a stake and black jack pts., thence' from so doing; and notice is further of Congress of July 1, 1898, for a dis-! n, 32 e. 5.15 chains to a stake; j given to all creditors of said corpor- charge from all debts provable against his estate undpr said Act, and that the 30th day of November, 1934, ten o’clock A. M. is assigned NOTU'E OF FOUECI.OSI RE S.XLE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV’EN that . k u under and by virtue of the terms of [or a hearmg ot the same before H a deed of trust made by B. B, Saun-j I-•, fe^ll, Jr , as Special Master ot ders and wife. Ora E. Saunders, to,Saul District at his office in Carthage the undersigned Trustee, of date Fob- N. C„ thence N. 76 E. 5.40 chains to a ation and claimants against .said cor- stake on cast side of a road; thence poration and persons interested in the N. 12 W. 17.50 chains to a stake on 1 affair.s thereof that they are required west side of said rond-pines pts.; 1 to pre.sent and prove their said claims thence N. 10 F2. one chain to a stake. | ajfainst said corporation to the per- 1 pine pt. on east side of ro-id; thence : Iiiiiiiciit receiver aforesaid named in N. 3.35 chains to a .stake, pine and ' the luan-ier provided by law, on or Being Lot No. 1, in Block L & 11, as shown on a map entitled “A Map of the Town of Southern Pines, N. C,” and recorded in the office ot the Register of Doods of Moore Coun ty- Dated this 6th day of November 1934. > J. VANCE ROWE. Commissioner. N9-30. NOTICE OF S.ALE OF L.\ND BY COMMISSIONER Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of the Interlocutory Order of Foreclosure made and entered by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County on the 27th day of August, cember 7th, 1934 at 12 o’clock noon, at the Court door in Carth age, Moore County, North Carolina, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the following describ ed lots of land: Being Lots Nos. 8, 10, 12, 14, and 24 as shown on a map entitled "A Map of Knollwood B-7, dated March 15, 1926." Dated this 6th day of November, 1934, J. VANCE ROWE, Commissioner. N9-30. when and where you may at- black jack pointers; thence west 39 before the 15th day of December, trus^ is'of record in the office of the prayer of said petition should 'one hundred and fifty one avres, nior 19, 1925, which said deed ol j chains to the begiiming, containing 1931, or they shall forever thereafter Register of .Deeds of Moore County, North Carolina, in Book 44 at Page 504, the conditions whereof having been broken and liie power of sale therein contained having become op erative and the undersigned trustee having reque.sted to foreclose t<aid deed of trust for the purpose of satis fying the indebtedness thereby secur ed, the .said undersigned trustee will not be granted. | or This the 29th day of October, 1934. | SEVENTH TRACi': That piece. parcel or lot of land lying, being and situate in the Town > f Aberdeen, 026. H. F. SEAWELL, JR., United States Special Master. N15. I'j fro>'i participation in tiie vliotv i’oation of the assets of said cor- porntiou. This notice is hereby given pur- .^v.ant to the terms of an order named XOTK'E OF LAND SALE Under and by virtue ot the power Aberdeen, N of sale contained in a certain deed ot I Aberdeen I Sandhills Township, Moore County, in th; above entitled caiiso oy his 1 North Carolina, and being described K^ncr J. H. Clements. Judge of the I as follows: , ^ouperior Court, of date October 13, Lying and being in the Town ot; 1934. NOTIC E OF S.ALE OF L.VND BV COMMISSIONER Notice is hereby given that by vir- 1934 in the matter of the Town of tue of the Interlocutory Order of Fore- Southern Pines, Plaintiff, vs. Wal- 1 closure made and entered Iby the ter McMillan and wife, Laura McMil- Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore Ian, Defendants, same being record- ' County on the 27th day of August ed in Land Tax Sales Judgment 1934 in the matter of the Town of Docket No, 7, at page 68, in the of- I Southern Pines, Plaintiff vs. J. M. fice of the Clerk of the Superior Gould and wife, .... Gould, Court of Moore County, the under- | Defendants, same being recorded in .signed Commissioner, w'ill on Fri- land Tax Sales Judgment Docket No. day, December 7th, 1934, at 12 j, at page 71 in the office of the , in Carthage, Moore County, North clerk of the Superior Court of Moore o'clock noon, at the Court House door County, the undersigned Commission- Carolina, sell at public outcry to the er, will on Friday, December 7th, highest bidder for cash, the follow- 1934 at 12 o’clock noon, at the Court C., on the south side j & Rockfish Railroad: offer for sale, at public outcry, to;at a stake 80 feet south the highest bidder for cash, before the, Jones, W . A. xMcKwthen, j t^om center of the track of said rail- Court House door of Moore County, | ^I^Keithen and Mary McKeith- begins in the edge ot the North Carolina, at Carthage, North' undersigned Trustee, May; Bethune's Carolina, at twelve o'clock Noon, on 13. 1928, recorded in Book 49, page the 14th dav of December. 1934. the '^'04. Moore County Registry, and pur- following described real estate, to- on application wit; First Tract; Fourteen building lots, located in the Town of Aberdeen, Moore County, North Carolina, and de.signated as building lots Nos. 21, 22. 23. 21. 25, 26. 27. 28, 29, 30, 31. 32, 33, and 34, designated on map en titled “Map of Hillcrest Heights, Aberdeen, N. C.," made by Francis Deaton, C. E.. on Nov. 15, 1924, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County, North Carolina in Book 76 at Page 600; lots 21 to 32 inclu5ive being known as the Saunders-Allred lots and lots 33 and 34 being known as the Green lots, as described in a deed from H. S. Green and wife to B. B. Saunders. Second Tract: Eight building lots in the Town of Aberdeen, Moore County. North Carolina, designated as lots Nos. 16, 17, 24, 25. 26 and 27. fronting on Poplar Street, and Lots Nos. 76 and 77, fronting on Wolfpit Street, in the Town of Aberdeen; said lots being shown /on a map made by Francis Peaton, C. E., en titled “A Map of Park Place, Aber deen, N. C.,” recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County, in Book 82 at Page 600. This 12th day of November, 1934. J. Talbot Johnson, Trustee. Per Johnson & Johnson, Attorneys. N16—D7 STATE OF NORTH CAROLIN.\, COUNTY OF MOORE. IV THE SUPERIOR COURT Pinehurst, Incorporated, Plaintiff, vs. Gould Shaw, Defendant, NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT The defendant in the above entitled action will take notice that on the 26th day of October, 1934. a sum mons in said action was issued for tne plaintiff, Pinehurst, Incorporated, against the defendant, Gould Shaw, by John Willcox, Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County, North Caro lina. the plaintiff claiming the sum of $277.30 due it for goods, wares and merchandise sold and delivered and service rendered and performed, which summons is returnable to the Superior Court of Moore County w’ith- in thirty days from the date of ser vice. The defendant will also take no- • tice that a warrant of attachment W'ill issue by said John Willcox, Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County, against the property of the defendant, which warrant is return able at the same time and place nam ed for the return ot the summons, when and where the defendant is required to answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff or the re lief reque.sted will be granted. This 8th day of November, 1934. JOHN W’lLLCOX. Clerk of Superior Court. N16—D7 north-east corner of her home tract; runs thence witli her line S. 12 W. 254 feet to a stake near the S. E. corner of J. A. McKeithen's new barn; thence as his line of the Alex -JOHN WILLCOX, Clerk Superior Court M.)ore Co. NOKTII CAROLINA^ MOOUE t OUNTY. L\ THE SUPERIOR COURT Bank of Pinehurst, Trustee and In dividually, Geoige Watts Hill, Ed ward J. Barber and Oakley Wood, ;! Executors of the Trustees under tiie last will and testament of James of the holder of the bond thereby se cured, I will sell at public auction to the last and highest bidder for cash at the Court House door of Moore County, N. C., at twelve o'clock noon, Wednesday. November 28th, 1934 ^ those certain tracts ot land lymg and feet to the railroad right of way; being m handbills and McNeills| beginning. Townships, Moore County >iorth kiqhTH TRACT: All the right, Carolma. and more panicularly de-^ interest, the same being an, , r'’®' • Undivided onc-third interest, belong-1 FIKSr TRACT; That certain P>ece,, ^ grantors in and to that i Cruikshank and Company, parcel or lot o land lying and being . Defendants. situa e m Samihills Township Moore and situated in the Town Countv. North Carolina, and being a- •„ ! BEGINNING at a stake on the • the defendant Mid-Pines north edge of the Aberdeen-Raeford j Incorporated: Hard Road, on the dividing line be-1 1 Raihvav Track 58 Notice, that on the oth day of tween C. N. Blue's Alaultsby tract | iTarland ' • 1^34, the unde.-.^igneci L. 1 £ N thence N. 58^i'- hne N. 19 E. 300 tt. to C. N. Blue s, ^35 feet to a stake, black gum i Incorporated, under the , pointers: thence N. 36 E. 200 feet! to a stake juniper pointers; thence S. public auction, to the highest b»d- 74 V. 4nn th» aniH. m accordance with the terms Campbell lots S. 84 1-2 E. 155 feet 1 Barber, deceased, and such other to the corner of the lot deeded find peisons interested in heirs of Hugh McPherson; thence as! Mid-Pines Country; Club, Incorporated, as may come ui; and make themselves parties to this action and contribute to the expenses thereof. Plaintiffs. I vs. 1 lub. In Company, s. NOTU E I To p.ll creditors and persons inter- 1 ffairs of; Countiy ing described parcel of land: A certain lot of land in McNeills Township, Moore County, North Car olina, and beginning at a stake, Lydia Shaw’s corner in a line of James Be- thea.s, and running thence S. 34 1-2 W. 100 feet to a stake; thence N, 61 W. 125 feet to a stake; thence N. 34 1-2 E. 100 feet to a stake; thence S. 61 E. 125 feet to the beginning. Also a lot in Jimtown, the same lot deeded to Wn. Mclver by Alex Evans and being the same lot conveyed to Ja.s. W. Bethea from Evander Mclver by deed dated May 5th, 1905 and re corded in the Moore County Registry in Book 92, at page 109. L>ated this 6th day of November, 1934. J. V'ANCE ROWE, Commissioner. N9-30. NOTICE OF SALE OK I..\Nn BV COM.MISSIONEK House door in Carthage, Moore County, North Carolina, sell at pub lic outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lands: Being Lots Nos. 23 and 24 in Block J & 7, as shown on a map entitled "A Map of the Town of Southern Pines, N. C.” and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County, Dated this 6th day of November 1934. J. VANCE ROWE, Commissioner. N9-30. This October 22nd, 1934. HARDIN GUNTER, N2-23 Trustee. EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE Having qualified this day as i-Jxe- cutrix of the estate of William F. Junge, deceased, late of Moore Coun ty, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them, duly verified, to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of November. 1935, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said es tate will please make immediate pay ment to me. This 9th day of November, 1934. KATHERINE J. RIGGAN, Executrix, Southern Pines, N. C. N9-U14. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has qualified as Adminis. trator of the Estate of Lenora Mc Farland Weldon. Any and all per sons having claims or demands against the said estate are hereby notified to present them to the' un dersigned at Aberdeen, N. C„ within twelve months from the date hereof, duly attested. All persons Indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment to me. J. E. WELDON, By Johnson & Johnson, Attys. Aberdeen, N. C., November 9, 1934 N9—D14 and J. A. McKeithen’s corner; thence m S. 86 W. 33 ft. to another of their | corners; thence N. 87 3-4 W. 402 ft. to a stake on the south edge of said Hard Road; thence S. 75 1-2 E. 966 feet to the beginning, containing 2 1-5 acres. Surveyed September 1911. SECOND TRACT: That certain piece, parcel or lot of land lying, be ing and situate in Sandhills Town ship, Moore County, North Carolina, on the north aid e of Aberdeen & Rockfish Railroad, and on the north side of the North Carolina State Highway No, 70, leading from Aber deen to Raeford, about one mile east from the Town of Aberdeen, and be ing described by metes and bounds as follows r BEGINNING at a stake said Mc Keithen’s corner in the old Church Road; thence with McKeithen & Blue’s dividing line S. 60 3-4 E., 1000 feet to a stake on the north side of the Aberdeen-Raeford nard W. 700 feet to a stake; thence N. 78 W. 700 feet to a stake; thence N. 77 1-4 W'. 365 feet to a slake on the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT MIDDLE DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA IX BANKRUPTCY: 74 E. 400 feet to the said, railway I , j track; thence as it S. 30 W. to the' said decree, and at sail .sale Home] beginning, containing 2 1-10 Company ot Dur- more or less, exclusive of 50 ft. I ham became the highest otdder and claimed as railway right of way, and I ' which is excepted from this convey- ^ f non nof tate, $10,000.00 for the personal prop erty and $10,000.00 for the sprinkler system in said Mid-Pines I’ountry Club, and the undersigned receiver will make application to his Honor, John H. Clement, Judge of the Su perior Court presiding in th-2 'Ihir- teenth Judicial District, or to such other judgres as may be holding; the j courts of Stanly County at th3 time of said motion, at hig ch.irnbers in the court house in the town of .M- the 19th day of November, 19o4. at bemarle, Stanly County, on Monday, two o’clock P. M., or at such tinif thereafter as the Juu'ge may at the time aforesaid fix for the hearmg ot said appKcation, for the confirmation of the report of said sales which has heretofore been made and filed by north edge of said road; thence N. | ^o THE CREDITORS OF SAID ^ undersigned receiver before the 35 3-4 E. 381 feet to the beginning,' *1- NOTICE OF HE.ARING OF DISCHARGE PETITION: In the Matter of Helen Latting Dudgeon, Bankrupt been filed in said Court by Helen Lat ting Dudgeon of the County of Moore in said district, who has been duly of Congress of July 1, 1898, for a dis charge from all debts provable against her estate under said Act, and that the 17th day of November, 1934, ten o’clock A. M., at the office of U. S, H. F. SEAWELL, JR., containing 3.15 acres, more or less. THIRD TRACT: Also that certain piece, parcel or lot of land lying, being and situated in the Town ot Aberdeen, Moore County, North Car olina. and being described as fol low's : BEGINNING at a stake in the north edge of Bethesda Street in Aberdeen, N. C., running thence N. 12 degrees E. 268 feet to a stake; thence N. 78 W. 400 feet to a stake in the edge of New Street; thence S. 12 degrees W. 268 feet to a stake in the edge of Bethesda Street, near the colored Presbyterian Church; thence S. 78 E, to the beginning, containing 2 4-10 acres, more or less. Also that lot of land adjoining the above tract, beginning at the first corner of said above tract, and runs 1 thence S. 75 1-2 E. with Bethe.sda j Street 346 feet; thence N, 5 1-2 E. j 273 feet; thence north 84 west 281; feet; thence N. 12 1-2 E. 40 feet; i thence N. 78 West 34 feet: thence I to the beginning, containing 1 9-10' acres. FOURTH TRACT; That certain piece, parcel or lot of land situate in McNeill’s Township, Moore County, North Carolina, and being described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake on the south .side of the old Pee Dee Road in Gardner’s and Graham's line, and Banks of the State of North Carolina running with said line S. 54 E. 596 Ex. Rel. Page Trust Company, and S. feet to Gardner’s and Graham’s andjJ- Hinsdale, Liquidating Agent ot McKeithen’s corner in Moore-Hoke 1 Page Trust Company, and all such County line; thence with County line | other creditors and stockholders and BANKRUPT: I Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore TAKE NOTICE, That a petition has I County, and for a decree airecting deed or other proper writing to oe executed by the receiver of said property upon payment of the pur. NOTK'E OF SALE I NDER EXECUTION NORTH CAKOLINA, MOOKE COUNTY. IN THE Sl’I'EUIOR COURT Annie Pearl McLean V.<;. M. E. McLean By virtue of an execution directed Notice is hereby given that by vir- to the undersigned Sheriff of Moore tue of the Interlocutory Order of County from the Superior Court of Foreclosure made and entered by the Moore County in the above entitled Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore ' action, I will on Monday, the 3rd day County on the 27th day of August' of December, 1934, at 12 o’clock 1934 in the matter of the Town of ; noon at the Court House door in said Southern Pines, Plaintiff vs. James | County, sell to the highest bidder, McNeill and wife, McNeill, Do- for cash to satisfy said execution, fendants, same being recorded in ^ all right, title, and interest which the Land Tax Sales Judgment Docket No. defendant had in the following de- 1, at page 75, in the office of the ; scribed real estate at the time of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore, rendition of said judgment said real County, the undersigned Commission-1 estate located in McNeill Township, er, will, on Friday, December 7th,; Moore County, North Carolina: 1934 at 12 o’clock noon at tht^ Court j Beginning at the south corner of House door in Carthage, Moore Coun- Block K and 14 as shown on a map ty. North Carolina, isell at public j entitled, "A Map of Southern Pines, outcry to the highest bidder for cash, Moore County, North Carolina,” said the following described lots of land: map being duly filed in the Office of Being Lots Nos. 11 and 12. and .il-| the Register of Deeds for Moore ley in Block L & 15, as shown on a County, and running thence, along the map entitled “A Map of the Town northerly edge of Pennsylvania Ave- of Southern Pines, N. C.," and record- j nue North 36-45 W'est 188 feet to a ed in the office of the Regiaier of. corner; thence, North 53-15 East 150 Deeds of Moore County. j feet to a corner; thence. North 36- Dated this 6th day of November, | 45 West 50 feet to a corner in Mary 1934. Tyson’s line; thence, along Mary Ty- J. VANCE ROWE, Commissioner, .son’s line North 53-15 East 50 feet N9-30. to her other corner; thence. South —36-45 East 88 feet to Robert Evans’ NOTICE OF SALE OF ^ corner; thence. South 8-15 West 5.65 . . 0>pil?>siONtit Robert Evans’ corner; thence, Notice is hereby given that by vir- gouth 36-45 East 146 Uie of the Interlocutory of westerly edge of Hardin Foreclosure made and entered by the st^set; thence, along Hardin Street Clork of the Supenor Court of Moore, 53.^5 of beginning, except, however, from the 1934 in tl^ mat^r of the Town ot above description all that land con- Southern Pines Plaintiff vs. Frank Gained in a certain deed from C. J. Waddell and "'ife Julia Wadde.l De- McDonald, Sheriff, to Evelyn Thomas fendants, same being recorded in recorded in Book 113, Page 134, of Land Tax Sales Judgment Docket No. ^he Public Registry for Moore Coun- 1. at page <3, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of adjudged a bankrupt under the Act | price and for a decree making distribution of the proceeds arising fro mthe sale of said propertied. This 6th day of November. 1934. MID-PINES COUNTRY CLUB, L. L. BIDDLE, II., Receiver. This 3rd day of November. 1934. C. J. MCDONALD, Sheriff of Moore County. Referee, Carthage, is assigned for ^ COUNTRY CLUB, INC. 1 a hearing of the same before H. F. ' j Seawell, Jr., as Special Master of Said District, w'hen and where you may attend and show cause, if any NOTICK OF S.iLE OF LAND BV COMMISSIONER 1, ' Notice is hereby given that by vir- P"',tue of the Intedocutory Order of 'TM.s !ho i 7fh 1 K 10Q, I Foreclosure made and entered bv the This the 17th day of October, 19o4. ^ of the Supeiior Court of Moore C'^unty on the first day of October NOTICE OF SIMMONS AND C OMPLAINT .\NI) TO l*RO\ E CI^MMS NORTH C.VROLINA, MOORE COUNTY. IN THF: Sl'PERIOR COURT I S. 42 W. 2270 feet to McKeithen’s corner in Gardner’s line; thence N. 54 W. about 208 feet to the clayed road; thence with said road N. 26 E. 700 feet; thence continuing with said clayed road, and now here the old Pee Dee N. 45 E. 1190 feet to the beginning, containing about 13 acres, more or less. FIFTH TRACT: That certain piece, parcel or lot of land lying and be ing in Sandhills Township, Moore County, North Carolina, and being described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake and pine pointers, J. A. McKeithen's corner, by the road leading by point hill, run ning thence south 87 east 8.90 chains to a stake and hickory pointers; thence south 35 west 12 chains; thence as J. A. McKeithen's line to the beginning. SIXTH TRACT; That certain piece, parcel or lot of land lying, being and Master. I 103. in the matter of the Town of " I Southern Pines, Plaintiff vs. C. M. ~ '! G.'.Tdnion and wife Giailmon, j Defendants, .'•ame bein^ recorded in I Land Tax Sales Judgment Docket I No. 1, at page 74, ;n the office of I the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County, the undersigned Com missioner, will on Friday, December 7, 1934 at 12 o'clock noon at the Court House door in CJarthage, Moote County, North Carolina, sell at pub lic outcry to the highest bidder for I cash, the following described lot of j Gurney P. Hood, Commissioner ot i ^^.nd: Being Lot No, 12, in Block R & 10,1 as shown on a map entit!e<l “A Map | of the Town of Southern Pines, N. | C„” and recorded in the office of 1 the Register of Deed.^ of Moore | County. Dated thLs 6th day of November I 1934. J. VANCE ROWE, Commissioner. N9-30. Moore County, the undersigned Com missioner will, on Fridayj December, 7th, 1934, at 12 o’clock noon, at the Court House door in Carthage, Moore I * County, North Carolina, sell at pub-1 • NOTICE OF S.VLE lie outcry to the highest bidder for; Notice is hereby given that under cash, the following lot of land: j and by virtue of the powers of sale Being Lot No. 5 and alley in Blocks | contained by Lonnie Adkins and Rosa M & 11, as .shown on a map entitled! Adkins, his wife to undersigned, "A Map of the Town of Southern | which mortgage is recorded in the Pines, N. C„” and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of office of the Register of Deeds of; Moore County in 55, Moore County. j page 49, the debt securcd by said Dated this 6th day of November, mortgage deed being past due and 1934, 1 unp.iid .lUd the powers of sale there J. VANCK ROWE, Commissioner. havi'ig become operative, the un dersigned will offer for sale in front of the Courthouse door at Carthage, N. C., at noon on Saturday, Decem ber 1st, 1934, the following real es tate lying and being in Moore Coun- N9-30. NOTICE OF S.VLE OF LAND BY COMMISSIONER Notice is hereby given that by vir- , , , .. . ^ tue of the Interlocutory Order of: State aforesaid, m McNeills Town- Foreciosiire made and entered by the NOTICE persons interested in the affairs ot High Falls Manufacturing Company as may make themselves po,rt:cs to this action and contribute to the ex penses thereof. Plaintiffs, vs. High Falls Manufacturing Company, Defendant. All stockholders, creditors and deal ers of High Falls Manufacturing Company and any and all others in terested in the affairs of said High Falls Manufacturing Company will take notice that an action as above entitled has been brought in the Su perior Court of Moore County, North Carolina, for the purpose of winding up the affairs of said High Fall.s Manufacturing Company and disolv ing the same as a corporation and for the purpose of liquidating its assets and distributing the same among the creditors, stockholders and persons .interested therein, as provided by law, situate in Sandhills Township, Moore j and for the appointment of a receiv- Connty, North Carolina, and being de- er to that end, and all such stock- NOTICE OF SALE OF L.\ND BY COMMISSIONER Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of the Interlocutory Order of Foreclosure made and entered by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County on the 27th day of Au gust 1934 in the matter of the Town of Southern Pines, Plaintiff, vs. Rosa Atkins and husband, Atkins, defendants, same being recorded in Land Tax Sales Judgment Docket No. 7, at page 72, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County, the undersigned Com missioner, will on Friday, December 7th, 1934, at 12 o’clock noon, at the Court House door in Carthage, Moore County, North Carolina, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lot of land; Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County on the 27th day of Au gust 1934 in the matter of the»Town of Southern Pines, Plaintiff, vs. Mrs. Mary J. Healy, Defendant, same be ing recorded in Land Tax Sales Judg- ment Docket No. 1, at page 74, in the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Moore County, the undersigned Commissioner, will on Friday, December 7th, 1934 at 12 o’clock noon at the Court House door in Carthage, Moore County, North Carolina, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the follow ing described lot of land: Being Lot No. 21, in Black 1 & 4, as shown on a map entitled "A Map of the Town of Southern Pines, N. C.,” and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore Coun ty- Dated this 6th day of November, J. VANCE ROWE, Commissioner. N9-30. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND BY COMMISSIONER Notice is hereby given that b> vir tue of the Interlocutory Order of Foreclosure made and entered by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County on the 27th day of August, 1934 in the matter of the Town of Southern Pines, Plaintiff, vs. J. V. Healy, Defendant, same being record ed in Land Tax Sales Judgment Docket No. 1, at page 69, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County, the undersigned Commissioner, will on Friday, De- shiy, and described and defined as follow's, to-wit: That part of Building Lot No. One in the town of Southern Pines de scribed and bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at the intersectton of the old Jimtow'n line and New York Ave nue and runs thence with New York Avenue about 80 feet to C. H. Stubbs corner; thesce at a right angle and with C. H. Stubbs line, about 150 feet to a corner of Ben Powell’s land; thence with the line of Ben Powell’s land and practically p»<rallel with New York Avenue to the old Jim town line; thence with that line to the point of beginning. This October 31st, 1934. M. S. CALLAHAN, ^ T. R. GOINS, Mortgagees. P. P. Pelton, Attorney N9-30. ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE Having qualified this day as Ad ministratrix of the estate of Jonoh F. Deaton, deceased, late of Moore County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them, duly certified, to the und,ersigned, on or before October 29th, 1935, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to me. Dated this 29th day of Oc tober, 1934. —GERTRUDE L. DEATON, Administratrix of the estate of Jonah F. Deaton, Deceased. ^9—D14.

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