B THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, November 23, 1934. Nature and New Deal Combine to Provide Park for the Sandhills Townes Governing: Body PINEHURST Vast Area Opened Up Along Fort Bragg Boundary East of Southern Pines By Hel<‘n K. Butler In these days when the mountains are talking about parks and the gov- j ernment is spending money to pro-1 vide work and to make parks from North to South and from East to West natural conditions and a type of development that is somewhat au-, tomatic is making here under our; noses one of the most interesting and picturesque and attractive big' parks on the face of the globe. The i thing started with John T. Patrick' and James Tufts and has been grow- ^ ing ever since, the location of Fort' Bragg giving it one of its most im portant impetuses. When Fort Bragg set aside VZ2,- 000 acres of land between Southern ! Pines and Fayetteville for a military reservation it also set aside a certain ' marginal boundary automatically that Nature long ago devised as a natural park area, and with the re-1 moval of habitations inside the mili-1 tary territory the peculiar growth of the villages of Southern Pines, Aber deen and Pinehurst introduced a fea- Clothing’ Needed Many Children in Section Without Warm Garments For the Winter In some 50 American families in the neighborhood of Southern Pines boys and girls are without underwear and sufficient foot wear, as well as outer garments. A local missionary society is work ing to i-elieve this pressing need and asks for contributions of clothing, whether partly worn or new, or of money for the pur chase of the essential garments. Contributions, which will be thoughtfully placed,* may be tak en to Mrs. H. S. Knowles of Ridge street, Mrs. Roy G. Swindell on S. E. Broad street and Indiana avenue, or Mrs. Robert Leathan, 39 North May street. ENGAGEMENT OF MISS LILUAN ROSS ANNOUNCED Miss Ada Reeves Oglesby enter tained for Miss Katherine Cole, bride- elect of the week, at luncheon on Wednesday at the Berkshire Hotel. Guests were Miss Katherine Cole, Mrs. Frank McCaskill, Mrs. Roy Kel- j ly, Miss Hope Spivey and Mrs. A. ' J. McKelway. Thursday evening at hi.s home here i John Oglesby entertained |i large party for dinner and later in the ! evening at a dance in the Little cjub- j house. Guests included the Misses ] Edla Best, Evelyn Gilliam, Dorothy! Cross, Frances Cox, Mary McGinnis, Gertrude Kelly, Neva Carter, Verdun Shaw, Ada Reeves Oglesby, Natalie W’heeler and Miss Hope Spivey of Chicago. Messrs Bob Shaw, Bob Bar rett, Travis W'icker, Charlie Spen- ; cer. Bill Gouger, Lewis Johnson, Ver-: land Smith, Norman Calcutt and i Nick Oglesby. Quale Mr. and Mrs. Dpnald J. Ross of Pinehurst and Little Compton, R. I., have announced the engagement of their daughter, Lillian, to Mr. Rich ard Pippitt, of Port Jervis, N. Y., the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pippitt of that city. Mr. Pippitt is a graduate of Ham ilton Colleger class of '32, the same year that Miss Ross was graduated from Mount Holyoke College. Mr. Pippitt was a member of Delta Kap- I pa Epsilon fraternity at Hamilton, j He now is attending Harvard Medl- i cal School, where he belongs to the , Lancet Club. No date has been set for the wed ding. E\G.\GEMENT ANNOUNCED Mrs. A. M. Oglesby of Pinehurst announces the engagement and ap proaching marriage of her daughter, , all season, and with a good neigh- j borhood with fine homes, attractive 1 villages and all the comforts of life j in sight. j Here winter sports and occupations Elk have been guests for a week of Mrs. Quale’s mother, Mrs. Eva Dun lop and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dunlop. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Graves of Flor- Left to right, standing: Mayor O. G. Stutz, Commissioners ^nce, s. c., were also guests in the George \V. Case, Alfred Yeomans and Frank Welch. Below, Com- ouniop home for the week-end. missioners Charles S. Patch and L. V. O Callaghan, and City Among those attending the Duke- Clerk Howard S. Burns. Mr. and Mrs, James Quale aha their son Donald Quale of Banner Norman B. Caulcutt, also of Pinehurst. The wedding will t,.\ke place in the early winter. •‘FI.APPER GE.VNDMOTHER” AT HEMP GRADED SCHOOL. ture that is not to be found else-1 «f^er all the time; all the convenien- , ^vhere, the inclination of the com-1 of community developed life are munity to develop natural resources 1 available. Flying field, railroads. | for the furtherance of outdoor sports | highways, yet in the midst of all these ! and recreation. Golf started the out- i '"odern features is the big forest of ^ door sports idea. Old Capt. A. M. i ^ort Bragg with its outlying fringe Clarke had been brought up in a wilderness of three or four miles section of Pennsylvania where folks; automatic park land that has de liked to ride horseback and to have veloped a park without suspecting it The Week in Aberdeen a little brush with each other on a ' and without intention and with little suitable stretch of country road, and , li^^elihood of that park doing anything he encouraged saddle horses here. | ^ut growing into more of a park even The clay roads stimulated the sport. | ‘hough more of it should be settled, and it was found that this is a coun-1 fo*' the settler becomes a part of the try suited to horses. The old Scotch ' P^rk existence. liking for a fox chase was broaden- , It is worth while one of these days ^d in to the English sport of riding , to take a little journey out through after hounds instead of going on toot this big self-created park. Pinehurst and we have become a fox hunting, and Southern Pines, which are a part territory with con.siderable of a rep- ] of this big park are well known. But utation and with increasing interest, the journey may begin at either of in the hunt. , these places. It can lead out the road Game is Abundant j by Route One to the Swett orchard on With the vast acreage of Fort; top of the hill above Manly and Bragg, a wild territory in which the: thence out the Sweetheart lake road fox finds shelter, no place on earth ; until the Patterson home is reached, has more to offer the hunt club than | There a new fire lane turns down here in the Sandhills, and along with | toward the H( aly place or to the for- that deer are multiplying and other ■ mer Daniels farm, now the Snugg wild creatures, until it is doubtful, farm, and from either of these points if any other place in North Carolina the road will lead into the new lane is a more abundant reservoir of wild along the county lines which can be creatures accessible to the lover of, followed southwest with the county wild life than southeastern Moore line to the Saunders farm at Ash- county. It is a curious anomaly. In i ley Heights, the boundary of the niilita;y terri-1 Vantage Points tory these wild animals multiply at 1 The road along the county line swift gait, but hunters are not al-! goes down one hill and up another, lowed within the army boundaries, ] giving access to the hill tops be- and only the overflow that comes j tween the creeks, and amazing pic- j outside the army reservation are sub-; tures of the country from the hill ject to the hunter's guns. In conse- [ tops. At each summit it is worth j quence the animal life is steadily mul-1 while to get out of the car and drift' tiplying, and deer have been seen 1 about and observe the scenery and almost within the territorial limits' the distant pictures. When the Rae.- of Southern Pines, while squirrels,! ford road is reached at the Saunders | rabbits, quail, and occasional wild home a short run westward brings turkeys are almost as plentiful and j the traveler to a cross road leading friendly. j in to the summit on which Capt. The opening of the fire lane along j Reine has developed his farm on that' the boundary of the camp has made magnificient view point of Mt. Heli- an excellent road from the Saun- con, one of the vantage spots of the ders home on Ashley Heights along park area. ThrougTi the woods road the camp line about a dozen miles the route may be pursued, some of “The Flapper Grandmother,” a Carolina game at Chapel Hill Sat-1 ^j^^ee acts, will be urday were W. P. Morton and K. S. ■ gchool jWebb. Auditorium this Friday and Satur- I Miss Dorothy Ehrhardt, member of ^ay nights under the auspices of the I the Junior cla.ss at Queens-Chicofa p -p A., of the Graded School. The Mrs. Lizzie Thomas, who has been that 1822 hot lunches had been sold | college, Charlotte spent the past composed of local talent, visiting her son in Clover, S. C„ re- since the lunch room opened. Mrs. W. ' week-end at her home here. including a chorus introducing fif. turned home last week. T. Huntley reported a $.5.00 donation i ^rg Thomas Burton of Nashville, teen novelty songs and dance in at- Miss Frances Wimberly is visiting , from Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bryant to | xenn., is making an extended visit in tractive costumes, her sister, Mrs. Joseph Chandler, in be used a.s the association sees fit. | the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ivey The title role is being played by Greensboro this week. It was voted that the association ask ' sally. , Mrs. C. M. Ingram, who as an old A. A. McKeithen. who went to Co- ‘he town to place a traffic cop at ^ Bertha Freeman attended the lady sixty years "young” goes to lumbia, S. C„ to visit his son, Dan the intersection of Poplar street and , game at Chapel Hill Saturday and paris to retain her youth and for- I. McKeithen, is recovering from an olfpit avenue during the hours that ; ^as a guest for the week-end of tune Playing opposite Mrs. Ingram the grammar grade children are go- | friends in Raleigh. , ' ig Edgar Alexander as Dr. Joy, the ing back and forth to school. Mrs. 1 jg ^.^1, Jones Macon was elected grade moth-1 xo PROVIDE Grandma. er for the eighth grade to succeed i (hkistm.XS .\T S.AX.ATORIL'M The remaining members of the cast include Mr, Hicks as Andrew Splg- emergency appendiciti.s operation in a hospital in that ctiy. Miss Frances Pleasants, who teaches at Sedgefield, spent the past week-end in Aberdeen visiting her parents. Mrs. Inza Tillman of Putnam is visiting—her aunts, Mrs. J. B. Fa gan and Miss Mary Johnson. Friends of Mrs. David Knight, Sr., paralytic stroke last Saturday. The Rov. and Mrs. Fred Barber of near Morganton, spent n, few days last week as guests of the Rev. and Mr.“ E. L. Barber. in length on the Moore-Hoke county line, and in all that distance the coun try is almost wholly woods lands. A few small openings, and one or two rather large ones are all that break the continued stretch of forest and the forest attributes. The country traversed is the hill section of the Rockfish and James creek valleys, with ridge and valley succeeding each other, and including the dividing ranges between the Cape Fear and the Yadkin valleys. One part of Pinehurst and one part of Southern Pines drain into the Yadkin river, while another part of Pinehurst and another part of Southern Pines drain into the Cape Fear. The summit of the ridge between these water sheds continues on down through Southern Pines past the Stinitorium, and the three points of the Sanitorium, Pine- burst and Southern Pines are the lof ty summits of this section, approx- nnating 600 feet al“ ve the ,e;i. New Sandhills Park Over the United States parks Ikave been set aside for the enjoy ment of the people, but the most of them are in mountain countries, ser viceable only in summer time. But the trails good, some of them noth ing to boast of but most all of them passible with a little swearing at times, and the trip is most enjoyable. The roads are many enough to af ford several outings on the ridges and no time is more attractive there than now. A good road is out Con necticut avenue, past the Boyd or chard, past Hoyt Shaw’s, turning just beyond Shaw’s to right or left on the newly made fire road, that to the right going down through the park to the Raeford road, through a hilly picture.sque region, good roads all the way, while the road to the left from Shaw’s goes out through the forest to the Little River countiy, picturesque at every turn. • It is a fine park, and bound to be one of the interesting features of Sandhills development, for all the territory is in hands that are inter ested in helping the park to devel op itself as it has been doing since the government laid the permanent foundation of it by creating Fort Bragg, a basis that other parks are lacking, and which Is the solidest foundation possible, for Fort Bragg is a permanent wilderness, and foun- liere in the Sandhills is developing a! dation for the wild character that park that is interesting at all sea- will always predominate out that sons, and especially in winter when j way, Mrs. J. F. Deaton. Garden Club | ^ benefit bridge party will be held gins who believes in nothing modern; The Home and Garden Club met | the IJurses Home at the State Mrs. J. F. Davie as Mat, his wife; Lo- at the home of Mrs. Robert Gwvn Sanatorium on Tuesday, December retta Purvis as Lena; the wildchild; last Saturday afternoon. Mrs. W. T. * at 8:00 p. m., to provide Christmas Mrs. C. M. Loy as Belindy, the old Huntley made a talk on “Old Age ' J"y for 47 children of the Children’s fashioned girl; Carson Maness as regret to learn that she suffered a pejjgjgjjs and Unemployment Insur- Division; 108 patients, including 16 Dick Tate, the motor cop; “Doc” Al- ance” and asked the Garden Club i children of the Negro Division, and len as Jimmy Swift, the auto sales, to .sponsor this movement. Mrs. A.! 37 men at the Prison Division. Res- man; Mr. Patterson as Bobby Smith, L. Burney read a paper on “Interest- i ervations for tables can be made to the bashful boy; C. S. Swindell as ing House Plants” and Mrs. Malcolm Mrs. P. P. McCain at the Sanator- Count Spekum, rich, an Elglishman; Pleasants a poem on “A November j ium, or at the Sandhills Drug Co., C. M. Ingram as Ra.stus, the ne- Mrs. Queen of Fort Valley, Ga., is Prayer.” A delightful social hour ; Southern L^nea. Twenty-five cents gro servant; Wiley Nance as Lilly visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jack Tay- followed the meeting. ' each will be the charge. White, lor. Mrs. Belle Pleasants and Mrs. C. C. Bethune spent last Friday in Ral eigh visiting relatives. John Maurer of Florence, S. C., spent the last week-end in town as the guest of his sister. Miss Edna Maurer. Nat Weaver is confined to his home this week suffering from an in- i j jury to his hip. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Gunter and children spent last Sunday in Colum bia, S. C. I C. C. Bethune is recovering from J* a slight stroke, when he fell and sustained a badly sprained ankle, on j last Sunday. i The Rev. W. C. Ball is attending the Methodist Conference at Wash ington, N. C., this week. i Mrs. Belle Pleasants, Mrs. W. D. j Caviness, Mrs. Ella Juat and Mai-1 colm Pleasants attended the funeral ‘ for Captain John W. Blue in Raleigh Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor announce the birth of a son, Jack Taylor, Jr., Thursday, November 15th. Book Clab Mrs. E. L. Barber was hostess to the Thursday Afternoon Book Club at the Community House. The sub ject of study was “Science aud In ventions,” and Mrs. W. E. Freeman read a paper on “Improved Trans portations” followed by another pa per by Mrs. Forrest Lockey on "New Types of Houses.” The out-of-town guests at the meeting were Mrs. Fred Barber of Morganton, and Mrs. McKelway and Mrs. I. C Sledge of Pinehurst. P. T. A. Meeting The Aberdeen-Pineblufi P. T. A. held its November meeting in the auditorium of the grammar school Wednesday afternoon. The treasurer reported a balance of $32.19 in the bank at present and Mrs. Doub, chairmtui of the grade mothers reported $31.45 cleared from the Hallowe’en party, which will be used in Welfare Work in our Schools. Miss Vanessa McLean, reporting for the Hot Lunch Committee, stated other parks are closed by inaccessi bility or cold weather, and when if We had a real adventure looking) over this new park. After our first j ever a park is wanted it should be trip down one of the county line then. The Sandhills park is a play ground when the other parks are un available. It is a playground in sum mer when other parks are play grounds. It is always accessible, al ways attractive, always green in Its pine covered foliage, ^^Iways alive with wild creatures, always in easy touch of* traffic with good roads at park roads and we found ourselves at home as the sun was going down we | concluded that we were only half through with our explorations. So another fine afternoon saw the family i out on the left hand turn. Nancy, the | Sealyham dog is a great explorer. On top of the ridges she sniffed deer tracks and found a wild turkey had been along recently. A stop for her to get a drink at Rockfish, and fre quent other stops made a ride dif. ferent from some of those high speed flashes where when some one calls your attention to an object you turn around and glance out the back window and find you are a mile and a half from where you were told to look. Ease along and enjoy the roads and things you see. “ICH DIEN” (We Serve) The motto of the Prince of Wales, has made Britain the world’s foremost Kingdom, and the oldest continuous modern government of the woi’ld. Pinehurst Warehouses Pinehurst, N. C. Established to serve the people, have continued and grown rapid ly because “WE SERVE.” This has always been our philosophy: A Pretty Good Egg- IS NOT A GOOD EGG There Is The Story of The Pinehurst Warehouses The policy of this institution from its beginning has been to serve—to act as a careful and dependable buyer for the peo ple. When stocks or merchandise are chos en for the Warehouses it is not with the idea of whether these things can be sold or not, but whether it is what the people w'ill w'ant—whether horse will thrive on the Pinehurst Feeds, whether the house roofed with Pinehurst roofing will protect against the weather, whether the paint you procure here will be lasting and sat isfactory, whether the tools and equip ment we buy for you are what you can be certain will give you results. Our business is not to sell goods to you, but to buy for you, to use our ac quaintance with markets and materials to procure for you the best that can be had for the money. Stuff well bought sells it self. The Pinehurst Warehouses want to be your buyer. If we cannot serve you with satisfaction we do not argue the question—We serve or quit. The Pinehurst Warehouses, Inc. PINEHURST, N. C. N. B.—We are no quitters. “Ich Dien.” . *

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