Friday, November 23, 1934. THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Page Fiv* Thistle Club Promotes Golf and Sociability Holds Monthly Tournaments and Bridge Parties at S. P. Country Club One of the interesting features of social life In Southern Pines is the Thistle Club, organized on Decem ber 10th, 1925. It is a woman’s club restricted to 100 active members and Article 1 of its constitution states that its object be to promote good fellowship and encourage better golf. Luncheon meetings for business are held once a month at the Country Club and are followed by a golf tour nament for the golf members and cards for the social members. Dur ing the season dancing parties are on the program and picnics for the husbands, and their guest affairs, and one of the happiest events Is the three-day Woman’s Mid-South Golf tournament when the Thistle Club members are very busy hostesses. The list of officers for this season are as follow: Mrs. C. P. Everest, president; Mrs. H. ■!.. Gould, vice-president: Mrs. Cari Thompson, secretary; Mrs. J. S. Milliken, corresponding secretary and Mrs. H. E. Thrower, treasurer. Cl’RB M.VRKET WEfiKLV Women of the Sandhills commun ity operate a curb market on Satur day of each week in the Lewis Build ing in Southern Pines, where fresh vegetables and fruit, eggs, chickens, preserves and pastry, made by needy farm women, are available at reason able prices. But Handful of Survivors of ^‘Vineland,” Now Southern Pines (Continued From Page 2) "Hedgerow,” now the home of Struthers Burt. Serving the town as a commissioner and the Congregation al Church in many capacities Mr. Stewart and his wife still live in their home on Broad street, this being the longest continuing residence in one house for any family now living in Southern Pines. Introduced the Uewberry H. P. Bilyeu, who first experiment ed with peaches, iater, about 1892, developed a highly successful vine yard on a part of the pre.sent South ern Pines Country Club, became fa mous by introducing the wondertui Liucretia Dewberry. He now resides in Greensboro, and with Mrs. Bilyeu visits Southern Pines where a daughter, now Mrs. D. Wade Stevick resides. Mr. Stevick came with his parents in 1899 and can be listed among our younger pioneers. Dr. William P. Swett, whose sud den death during the height of the conflagration of April, 1921, shocked the community came from Connecti cut in March, 1892, returning the fol lowing year upon completion of his house, now the municipal building in the city park. For years the oldest resident physician of the town Dr. Swett found time for many things beside his profession and was one of the prime movers in the beginnings of the Country Club. His daughter Kath erine, now Mrs. Hugh Betterley, and son James reside in Southern Pines m NEW HOUSE FOR SALE Good locality, high ground, beautiful outlook, hot water, oil heat, fire place, electric range, automatic refrigerator, water heater. Rooms and baths for employees. Everything up to date. Will see at great .sacrifice. Appointment by letter. If no auto will call for you. ANDREW I. SHERMAN SOUTHERN PINES Motor Service Company Authorized Franklin, Chrysler and Plymouth S.\LES AND SERVICE GENERAL REPAIRING I GAS and OIL EXIDE BATTERIES Telephone 7791 East Broad and Vermont Avenue Southern Pines Order Your ... \ Thanksgiving Turkey No'w! Other Specials Young Native Chickens, home dressed. Premier, White Rose and Beechnut Brand Products. Phone your orders and take advantage of our delivery service. VERMONT MARKET East Broad St. Telephone 6911 Southern Pines tuttttttuutiittittitmtuttutuumuiuitiimmttttnumtmummmmmtttimmttttt while another daughter, Doris, is be coming an etcher of note. Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Chandler came from Muskegon, Mich., in 1894, and within a very short time after their arrival Mr. Chandler built a fac tory for the manufacture of peach crates and grape boxes on the cor ner of Wisconsin avenue and Ben nett street, and from the power de veloped in this mill started the town’s first electric light system. This ex panded to and beyond the county lines following his purchase of water pow er sites on Little River. Mrs. Chand ler’s love of flowers ha.s grown be yond a floral display in the garden to cultivation in extensive green houses. Ralph L. Chandler, a for mer town commissioner and for many years secretary of the School Board, was a small boy when his parents came from Michigan, but a daughter, Bessie, now Mrs. L. T. Clarke was born here. Starts “News Depot” C. L. Hayes of Princeton, Ind., vis ited Southern Pines in 1895, return ed the following year with a bride, and established the "News Depot,” now one of the known book stores in the state, largely owing to the owner’s knowledge of his wares. An ex-member of the City Council and School Board, Mr. Hayes has al ways taken a keen interest in town affairs and in the Coimtry Club, of which he was a charter member. Mrs. C. L. Hayes, with her establishment started in 1902, is widely known throughout the Sandhills for her wo men's shop. One son, Robert N., re sides in town. In 1894 Lawrence E. and Alfred C. Grover came with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Grover. Mr. Gro ver built the fine house on the cor ner of West Broad street and New York avenue, become interested in saw milling and the first telephone company, and was Mayor in 1897. Lawrence and Alfred went to Boston about 1904, and returned in 1910 when they built a home on Ridge street and started an extensive peach orchard on the "Grover road." Law rence has been long in the postoffice, and Alfred with the Country Club. I James Patch came in the fall of i 1896, found Southern Pines to be a I town with a future, and induced his brothei-, C. T. Patch, to investigate with the result that for a few years a new firm did business as C. T. Patch & Bro. "Jim” went off to Mex ico busy with mining ventures, then I returned and was for years with C. ! S. Patch in the Tog Shop. He still lives in town. I Dean of Ixx'ul .Merohants I C. T. Patch, following representa tions made by his brother, came in I January, 1897, and bought out the I firm of Tarbell & Taplin, and has I long been known as the dean of our I merchants. As town commissioner, j school commissioner, sinking fund 1 commissioner, Mr. Patch has served the community in many ways, and now as he walks down to the bank, of which he is a director, will pause and tell you of the days of long ago when all banking business was trans acted in Raleigh. Charles S. Patch, young enough in years, just comes under the wire as he was born in 1900. He is the town’s youngest com missioner. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Reynolds came from Vermont in 1898, though Mr. Reynolds is a native of Alabama. They purchased a lot on New Hamp shire avenue and erected a modest cottage, then in 1899-1900 ran the Prospect House, one of the town’s best hotels, and in the following year added to their cottage and began the staiL of Ihe present wide spreading and well known Jefferson Inn. The late John N. Powell came to Southern Pines in 1896 and before many years had elapsed his pleasing personality made him a leading fac tor in the growing town. Vitally in terested in every civic organization and laboring uncea.slngly for every improvement, making friends of every visitor, and doing all in his power to make them welcome in the grow ing resort many evidences of his part in the founding remain. In many of these efforts he had the helpful aid of Mrs. Powell, who now resides with her daughter, Mrs. Thomas L Black. Black. Now living in the house on East Broad street built in 1900 by Emer son Hayes, of Connecticut, aie three sisters, Mrs. Emerson Hayes, Mrs. E. P. Catlin, and Miss Helen Calhoun. Mrs. Hayes was one of the founders and former president of the Civic Club, trustee of the library in its for mative years, and a worker for the welfare of the town. Miss Helen Cal houn opened a private school in the winter of 1895-6, and became an as sistant principal of the new public school in 1897, continuing with that institution until 1905. Mrs. E. P. Gatlin’s husband built on the site of the present Ck>loziial Inn in 1898. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Beck came from Coudersport, Pa., in 1896, and within a few years he became one of the organizers of the Citizens Bank, and Mayor of Southern Pines. His widow, Mrs. Florence Beck, resides in town as does her daughter, now Mrs. Thomas A. Kelly. W. J. Young and wife came from Franconia, N. H„ January 8, 1899, and joined his uncle on the old Pin- ey Woods dairy farm for two years and then located on the road run ning\vard from Southern Pines, and has been there .so long that the road, officially Road, is much better known as "Young’s ■ Road.” Mr.s. Azuba Young who came with the family of John Wilson in 1886 now lives with Mr. and Mrs. Young. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hardy Tilghman came from Pittsburgh in 1897, and he like many of our pioneers became interested in peach and grape cul ture, his old orchard site still bear ing the name of Tilghman’s Hill. His widow and one son, John, reside in town, Mrs. Tilghman holding the of fice of town tax collector. Town’s First PIunilM>r R. W. Brown, the town’s first plumber and water system expert, came from Delta, Pa. in 1898, and his cheery greeting, "a fine day,” is familiar to all. Walter Blue, always identified with our fire department, was one of our younger pioneers, having come here as a boy of twelve with his parents in 1896. His father, D. A. Blue, lived on the present Burgess site, and was a town commissioners. B. W. Leavitt, long the head of our local telephone system, was a small boy when his parents came into the Sandhills in 188S, but "Bernie” left the Leavitt settlement, now Ashley Heights, for Southern Pines in 1890, and forsook us ju!?t a few years ago for Vermont. And Mrs. I. L. Hamlin, a daughter of S. S. Thomas, first hardware merchant here, has recent ly moved to Washington. A few of the survivors of the pioneering days visit us more or less frequently, among them Harry Parker who > anie in 1884, A. J. Teft in 1885, Horace Wakeman, Jr.. a merchant of 1898- 1900. George St. John of the famous Piney Woods Inn, and H. O. Parker, city clerk from 1899 to 1904, are reg ular season visitors. Grapefruit at Shell Station, 30 cents a dozen. HOTELS AND INNS ENJOVING L’NUSU.AL EARLY l*.\TKONA«E (Continuf’d from page 1) avenue, already open, has numerous guests, as has The Woodworth. Of the year ’round hotels the Park View and the Belvedere are en joying their usual seasonal increase in patronage ,and the numerous apart- I ment hotels, such as The Beverly, are i well filled, with bright prospects for a record winter. OUR OWN TRUCK has arrived from Florida with a load of choice oran ges and grapefruit. This fruit is tree ripe, uncolored. Fancy Naval Seedless Oranges, 35 cents a peck. Fine Fancy Oranges, 35 cents a peck. Grapefruit, 30 cents. At Jbe Powell’s Shell Service Station, Southern Pines. FINE THANKSGIVING DINNER at Highland Lodge, 1 to 2\'M o’clock. F-ALLON-Florist CUT FLOWERS POTTED PLANTS FUNERAL DESIGNS Adjoining Bank Southern Pines Telephone 5722 \l 1 104 S. Pcnnett St. FUNERAL SPRAYS and DESIGNS Flowers for Every Occasion Chandler Greenhouses Mrs. I. F. Chandler Florist SOUTHERN PINES Telephone 61.'St ttsittiUKitiiiizttuztamttittmtuttttttitmtixn mtxtmstitmuntuxntmuxtx n ixxxmxiutiitxttxtiitzuxtixmuititxtisiutxttixi Fresh cut flowers sold every Sat urday at the Curb Market in South ern Pines. BILLIARDS AND BOWLING Perfect cushions, cues and balls. You’ll really enjoy your billiards here. That’s why the most skillful play ers in the Sandhills prefer the THE RECREATION GEORGE R. STRAKA, Manager Broad Street Southern Pines :: XX ♦« XX II ttxxxxxxxxtttxxt - - * *«4 xxxixxxxxxxxtxxxntxxxxxxxxzxxxxxtxxxxxxnxxxxixxxxxxxttttx:^^ SOUTHERN PINES The Cost Is Low TO ESCAPE THE RIGORS OF WINTER For a Home House or Apartment IN THE SUNNY SOUTHLAND SEE Paul I. Barnum INSURANCE FOR EVERY PURPOSE SALES RENTALS