Friday, December 14, 1934. THE PILOT, Southern Fines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Page Ftv« Construction Shows Increase in South Baltimore, Dec. 4.—(yp)—A tremen dous increase in construction activ ity in the sixteen southern states, with contract awards for this year al ready higher than totals recorded in 1933 and 1932, was reported today by the Manufacturers Record. For the first eleven months of 1934 the total of contracts let in the southern states reached $477,782,000. This figure, the Record says, is 25 percent greater than the total awards of $380,511,000 for the entire twelve months of 1933 and surpa.sses the 19^2 total of $428,337,000 by 11 per cent. The figures for this year were boosted by a spurt which pushed the November total to the highest point for any month since November of last year. Construction awards for November, 1934, amounted to $55,- 625,000- greater than any month since November, 1933, in the which the awards amounted to $75j578,- 000. The November figure outdistanced the previous record high for this year—$48,870,000 and was 44 per cent greater than the previous month's total, $38,472,000. Highway construction throughout the South held first position among the awards, with industrial and en gineering projects ranking second. P'or the first eleven months of this year the road, paving and bridge awards totaled $178,467,000. During the last month road and bridge awards aggregated $16,385,000. com pared with $12,365,000 in October. The Week in Southern Pines tl]at arc sure tn please m Kodaks $2.25 to $34.50 Fountain Pens and Pcncils, , 98c to $10.00 Watches, 98c to $5.00 Smoking Tobacco, pounds 49c and 89c Cigars, box $1.25 to $5.00 Whitmans and Martha Wasiihigton Candy 25c to $7.50 Special Gift Box of C(<ld Cream Loap 49c Fitted Cases, Toilet Sets A complete assortment of Yardleys Sets, Powder and Perfume Cotys Face Powder and Perfume, attractive box, only 98c Springtime in Paris Sets—Very Attractive BROAD STREET PHARMACY Phone 5411 Mr. and Mr.s. Thomas Hazard ot New York, who have been guests at the Woodworth for the past two weeks, have taken the Gould apart ment on Connectlcu: avenue for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. George Van Keuren will arrive next week from Engle- w’ood, N. J., to spend the winter at their home in Knollwood. Mrs. William C. Mudgett, Mrs. Carl Thompson and Mrs. William Fuller, III, spent Tuesday in B’ayette- ville. Mrs. Howard McNeill, Mrs. Harold McNeill and Le.ssie McNeill went to Raleigh W'ednesday. Mr. and Mrs;. I<'. F. Finch of At lantic City are guests at the Wood worth this week. Mrs. Walter E. Blue was hostes.^ to ths Ameiican Legion Auxiliary Monday night at her home on Ashe street. Colonel and Mrs. R. C. Carey have arrived from New Hamp.'^hire to oc cupy their home on Weymouth Heights for the Winter. Mr. and Mrs. Strickland* of Bailey and Mrs. Rowland of Fuquay Springs re guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Dorn last Thursday. Mrs. Strickland is a sister of Mrs. Dorn. Mrs. Cora B. Swann of North Tona- wanda, N. Y.. who has been a guest THE PIG RACE SEASON IS ON! Prof. Frederick Stanley Smith. The gifts will later be distributed to the needy of the town and community. , The grammar grades will assemble at i 10:00 o’clock and the high school at I 11:15. The public is cordially invit ed. The boy.s’ and ' girls’ basketball teams have been progressing rapid ly thus far this season. Both teams scrimmaged with the Finehurst school last Wednesday. The first game oi the season w’ill be with Cameron at the high school auditorium. Mr. Mintz, a magacian and illusion ist, gave a very splendid show in the high school auditorium last Thursday morning. The Senior class sponsored the show. The proceeds will be used by the Seniors for a nest egg on the class gift. Sandhills Riders Put on Good Exhibitior (Jymkhana in Southern Pines Draws Good Crowd Deirpite Cold A good sized crowd considering the c'ld weather turned out last F'’ri(lay for the first of the se ries of equestrian gymkhanas held at the Highland Lodge for the past I a.s the opening event in the new several years, is expected next week | Southern Pines Horse Show Ring, to spend ^e winter. I witnessed a thrilling exhibition Roger Baldwm left recently to I , , i. - , spend a few months in Florida Mr.! ‘’"••'^emanship by some ot the most Baldwin has been at the Highland ! ^kilied riders in the Sandhills. They’re oft! And the first 'pig race' of the season at Pinehurst. N. C., is underway. The speedy grunters and their fair “jockeys” do not appear in complete accord, however, on the purpose of the sprint. Although she had some trouble getting her pig out of the stall. Miss Anna Marie Baldauf of New York city won the race—by a sque?l For It was that close! (Associated Press Photo) Lodge for several weeks, and is plan, ning to return there later in the spiing. Mrs. R. V\'. Tate and Mrs. Knox Matthews were visitors in Fayette ville Wednesday. Mrs. L. M. Ui’.niels motored to Gxeensboro last I*’riday for the day. Mr. and M»’.'!. R. P. Morvison have arrived to open their home in Knoll wood for the season. Mrs. llichard P. Umviiison and Mrs. Two cowboys turned up in response to the urgent call sent out by the ; committee for someone to lasso an j unruly goat, and the trick was ac complished just as that animal was about to plunge into the crowd, G. S. Redmon of Sheridan, Wyoming, who is spending some time in Pine hurst, landing the noose around the animal’s head. Both he and Uave Richard Tufts returned Monday night c::arnahan fiom a ranch in Montana ti'oni a trip to New York. . (jjii some fancy riding during the Mrs. Carl Thompson was hostess ofternmn to the Sewing Club Monday after- . noon at her home on Broad street. Three young ladies were among Mrs, Harri.s Cashion returned home *^he entrants in various events, the Sunday from a visit with her mother Misses Klennore Moore, Dorothy Put in Hoffman. Nancy Wrenn, and Miss Donald Whistler of Chai'levoix, Mich., has arrived in town to resume his position at the Highland Pines Iim. Miss Claudia Lea Phelp.s of Aiken, S. C., is the house guest ot Miss Harriet Ogdon in Knollwood. Mrs. Fred C. Page entertained at dinner and a theatre party on Mon day night. Nelson C. Hyde, Jr., entertained a Moore won the musical stalls a!id Wrenn captained the winning potato lace team. Both these con tests had large nimibers of entries and were bitterly fought. The yoimg- est entrant, riding a pony, starred in the potato race, Dick DuRant ! sneaking more potatoes in the box ' for his team than any of the FOR CHI 1^1 STM AS Telephone 6933 Southern Pines, N. C. ^^w friends at The Paddock Tuesday j pro^.^.up.s. it was his fine work afternoon, celebratmg his third birth-i ... IHEigHlsiriLd L^odge A Quiet Home-Like Family Hotel Pleasantly Located on Vermont Avenue Near the Pines SEASON OCTOBER 1ST TO JUNE 1ST Nicely furnished comfortable apartments for rent MRS. W. N. GREARSON Give Potted Plants This Year Potted Phints continue to say “Merry Christmas” long after the other sym bols of Christmas .are gone. Let your greeting stay to prolong your message of Christmas cheer. We will deliver any order without additional charge. The selection of potted plants includes poinsettras, cyclamens, geraniums and tulips, priced at CHANDLER’S GREENHOUSES For Flowers Grown by a Woman Telephone 6154 South Bennett St. which won for Miss Wrenn’s team. James G. K. Lawrence of New ■ Leland Daniels proved himself a Y'ork has arrived for an indefinite ; fearless youngster in riding the goat, stay and is enjoying the quail shoot-, but the goat wasn’t up to much ' i 1 n. cu *• TVT 17 I I weight and this event w’as discon- Charles G. Shaw ot New York is ^ ^ a visitor in town for several days. smaller boys. V. Mrs. Langdon K. Thorne and Mrs. | (Jack) Johnson of The Paddock Lawrence B. Smith of Millbrook will also put on a demonstration of brav- ' arrive around Christmas to spend | ery when he laid across a board V, I i f II ‘^ver which VV. O. Moss jumped his ■ William W. Nichols is visiting Jul-I j i « ian T. Bishop at his home in Knoll-1 ‘^^are. Lady Durham. wood. I The next g-ymkhana in Southern Wilbur Dosher, Sr., and son ot' Pines will be held at the show ring i Wilmington were visitors in town j next Friday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. K '^e«-e as follows: I L. V. O Callaghan attended the! . semi-annual meeting of the North j Musical Stalls, Eleanore;' Carolina Association of Master Moore, 1st; Corbett Alexander, 2nd. I Plumbers, held in the King Cotton | Open Jumping, Jack John.son, 1st; Hotel ni Greensboro this week. 1 xodd Nederfield, 2nd. i Ralph Chandler, Jr., will arrive! „ • t • \ . Saturday from David.son College tol Johnson and Neder-■ attend the wedding of his sister, | f*cld, 1st; Geoffrey Laing and Dave I Miss Elsie Chandler and Richard K. | Carnohan, 2nd. Tarlton of Aberdeen on Saturday. i Tilting, Corbett Alexander 1st- ' Mrs, T. T. Overton returned to her ^odd Nederfield, 2nd. home here Monday from Concord d „ where .she was called upon the death 1 ' Riding:, Leland Daniels, 1st. ^ of her fathex". | Roping the Goat, Cowboy G. S. Miss Catherine Pierson and Mrs. Redmond, Sheridan, Wyoming. Robert Huyes are in New York for a! Novice Jumping, Kenneth Clark, rr< Montreal, Canada, 1st; J. Fred Stim- The Women s Auxiliary of the Em-1 manuel Episcopal Church will meet | at the home of Mrs. McCord on In-' Handy Hunters, W. O. Moss, 1st; diana avenue next Tuesday afternoon Geoffrey Laing and Jack John.son, at thiee o’clock. At that time a tied for 2nd Christmas box will be made up tor | captained by the orphanag:e. i . Miss Sarah Tillman, Miss Mary, Nancy Wrenn, 1st; Moores Pines Crawford and Miss Tony Rich-1 team, 2nd. ardson of Wadesboro were guests of | Miss Mary Judd Welch Sunday. I Miss F’rances Schwartz, Miss Kath- ] erine Wiley and Mrs. Garland Pierce ■ were joint hostesses last Saturday ROBES, PAJAMAS, SLIPPERS, SHIRTS, TIES. HOSIERY, JEWELRY, MUFFLERS, A FEW .suggestions to help you decide, and we’ll offer many more when you come in the store! HANDKERCHIEFS GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, BELTS, GARTERS, SWEATERS, LEATHER JACKETS The Tog Shop Broad St. and N'. H. Ave., Southern Pines Bl’ILDIXG & LO V.V ASS’XS. E.STABLISH r l.NK UKC'OliU The home mortgage loan, after the evening at Miss Schwartz's home on | severe test of the depression, has II ri^iNTiNe LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES BUSINESS CARDS PROGRAMS VISITING CARDS STATIONERY INVITATIONS BILL HEADS In fact any item usually obtainable at first class print ing establishments TtiEPILCT.iNC. May street at three tables of bridge and a shower honoring Miss Elsie Chandler, bride-elect. Their guestif were Miss Chandler, Miss Helen Blair, Miss Dorothy Pottle, Miss Sarah Weaver, Miss Emily Richardson, Miss Doris Eddy, Mrs, Earl Merrill, Mrs. Clarence Edson, Mrs. Dwight Hoskins, Mrs. William Fuller, III, Mrs. John Howarth and Mrs. John Ruggles. High score winners were ! Miss Chandler and Miss Sarah Wea- 1 ver. I Mrs. Frank Pottle, Mrs. E. C. Eddy, I Miss Dorothy Pottle and Mrs, Earle I Merrill entertained at seven tables of bridge at the Hollywood on Tuesday I evening in honor of Miss Chandler. I Winners of high scores were Mrs. Clarence Edson, Miss Frances Schwartz, Miss Katharine Wiley, Mrs. M. H. Turner, Mrs. Irene Miller, Mrs. A. E. Stevens and Mrs. Walter I Spaeth. Miss Chandler was presented with a fhina dinner service. Phone 7271 Southern Pines School Notes This morning, Friday, the pupils of the High School will hold their an nual Christmas program. This year’s promises to surpass the preceding ones in originality and interest. Each of the pupils will bring a gift—it maybe an apple or it may be a tur key—but each and all will be laid around the huge Christmas tree in the middle of the auditorium. Carols will be sung under the direction of proven to be a superlatively safe in vestment, declares Paul J. Kiker, Wadesboro, president of the North Carolina Building and Loan League. He points out that building anrt loan j associations in this state, which ii. j vest almost exclusively in home mor*.-1 gages, have established a record for safety even better than the national average. While several small associa tions in the starj have gone into voluntary liquidation during the lean years of the depression, most of these will pay their shareholders without any appreciable losses, he says. CLE ST.\U TO I’L.\Y HERE An Attractive Showing I I CHRISTMAS GIl'TS FOR THE FAMILY \l NUNNALLY’S FINE CANDIES IN GIFT BOXES H PERFr.ME SETS SHAVING SETS • « n MANICURE SETS II SEUVICE AND DEPENDABIIJTV SANDHILL DRUG COMPANY |1 Telephone 6663 Southern IMnes Southern Pines billiard fans will be afforded a treat Monday night at the Straka billiard parlors when Charles Seaback, Canadian pocket billiard champion, will appear in an exhibi tion game. Seaback will meet one of the best local players in a 125-point match. Fancy shots and a lecture on how to play will be given after the game. Seaback is the fiist of seven famous cue stars that will appear here this winter. Barney Welsh, national public | parks champion and Duke tennis captain, outplayed Ted Collins, Duke freshman, 6-2, 6-1, 6-0, to win Pine- hurst’s first fall tennis^ champion ship Sunday afternoon. Better Heats for Less Quality at its Best Young Native Chickens, Home Dressed ?resh Fruits and Vegetabes Premier, W'hite Rose and Beechnut Brand Products. Phone your orders and take advantage of our delivery service. Telephone 6911 VERMONT MARKET East Broad Street Southern Pines Advertise in The Pilot for Results.

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